14 research outputs found

    Acute petrified myocardium associated with meningococcal sepsis in childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematous: a fatal case

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    Acute petrified myocardium associated with septic shock, diagnosed by autopsy has rarely been described. A 15-year-old adolescent male was diagnosed with childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematosus. One year later, he was hospitalized with fever, myalgia, headache, arthritis, vomiting, dyspnea and was diagnosed with sepsis secondary to bronchopneumonia and meningitis. Blood culture identified Neisseria meningitidis serogroup Y. Despite antibiotics and intensive therapeutic measures, he died after 29 days of hospitalization. The autopsy revealed necrotic cardiomyocytes with dystrophic calcification and interstitial fibrosis

    Validity of Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) as a correlate of protection of meningococcal C conjugated vaccine in adolescents with HIV infection

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    The immunological response to meningococcal C conjugated vaccine can be evaluated by two different tests: the serum bactericidal antibody assay (SBA), which evaluates the qualitative bactericidal capacity of the antibodies, and the Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA), which quantifies the specific serogroup C meningococcal immunoglobulin-G. Incompatibilities between the results of both tests have been reported. Technically, ELISA is simpler, safer, and easier to reproduce when compared to the SBA; thus, an assessment of the validity of ELISA as a protective correlate compared to the SBA gold standard should be performed. This study tested the validity of ELISA for the evaluation of the protective response to the C meningococcal conjugate vaccine in adolescents with HIV compared with the gold standard SBA, to evaluate the reliability of ELISA to infer the protection of the individual.&nbsp;Blood samples of 92 individuals were analyzed (43 HIV+ and 49 HIV−). We observed a positive intraclass correlation coefficient between the ELISA and SBA responses for HIV+ after vaccination (ricc=0.97; 95% CI, 0.91 to 0.99), and for HIV− before vaccination (ricc=0.98; 95% CI, 0.95 to 0.99). In the HIV+ group, the sensitivity and specificity were both 100% for SBA, and 93.5% and 91.6%, respectively, for ELISA. The observed concordance between the tests suggests that in the HIV+ group the measures of antibodies by ELISA could be extrapolated to predict an individual’s protection, suggesting ELISA’s reliability. Until now, ELISA was unable substitute the gold standard SBA. Further studies are necessary to reproduce our findings.</p

    Factors associated with time free of oral candidiasis in children living with HIV/AIDS, São Paulo, Brazil

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    In clinical practice, recurrence of thrush is common in children living with HIV/AIDS. The aim of this study was to determine the factors associated with time spent free of oral candidiasis using survival analysis for recurrent events. A retrospective cohort study was carried out with 287 children treated between 1985 and 2009 at a reference center in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. The Prentice, Williams and Peterson model for recurrent events was used for the investigation of factors associated with the time free of oral candidiasis. The following factors were associated with the time patients were free of oral candidiasis: moderate immunodepression (HR = 2.5; p = 0.005), severe immunodepression (HR = 3.5; p < 0.001), anemia (HR = 3.3; p < 0.001), malnutrition (HR = 2.6; p = 0.004), hospitalization (HR = 2.2; p < 0.001), monotherapy (HR = 0.5; p = 0.006), dual therapy (HR = 0.3; p < 0.001) and triple therapy/highly active antiretroviral therapy (HR = 0.1; p < 0.001). The method analyzed in the present study proved useful for the investigation of recurrent events in patients living with HIV/AIDS

    Poor diet quality among Brazilian adolescents with HIV/AIDS

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    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to assess diet quality among adolescents with HIV/AIDS. METHOD: A cross-sectional study was conducted involving patients with HIV/AIDS treated in a referral hospital in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Eighty-eight adolescents (10-19 years of age) participated in the study. Information on disease history and use of medication were obtained from medical records. The participants responded to two 24-hour diet recalls. Diet quality was assessed by means of the Healthy Eating Index-2005 (HEI-2005) adapted to the Brazilian population. Pearson's correlation coefficients were calculated. Mean HEI-2005 scores were compared according to the independent variables using either the Student's t-test or the Mann-Whitney test. RESULTS: The mean HEI-2005 score was 51.90 (SE = 0.90). The components with the lowest means were whole grains and sodium. Components with highest means were total grains and oils. No correlations were found between the independent variables and HEI score. Adolescents living in foster homes had higher means for total fruit and lower means for meat and beans in comparison to adolescents living with their families. Girls had higher means for milk and lower means for calories from solid fats, alcoholic beverages, and added sugars in comparison to boys. CONCLUSIONS: Adolescents with HIV/AIDS exhibited a similar eating pattern to that of adolescents in the general population: high consumption of added sugar, saturated fat, and sodium, and insufficient ingestion of whole grains and fruits. Special attention should be paid to the diet of adolescents with HIV/AIDS, who are at greater risk of developing cardiovascular and other chronic diseases

    Validação e reprodutibilidade de uma escala de auto-eficácia para adesão ao tratamento anti-retroviral em pais ou cuidadores de crianças e adolescentes vivendo com HIV/AIDS Validity and reliability of a self-efficacy expectancy scale for adherence to antiretroviral therapy for parents and carers of children and adolescents with HIV/AIDS

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    OBJETIVO: Validar uma escala de auto-eficácia para adesão ao tratamento anti-retroviral em crianças e adolescentes com HIV/AIDS, levando em consideração a perspectiva dos pais/responsáveis, e avaliar a sua reprodutibilidade. MÉTODOS: O estudo foi realizado no Hospital-Dia do Centro de Referência e Treinamento em DST/AIDS de São Paulo. Foram entrevistados os pais/responsáveis de 54 crianças e adolescentes de 6 meses a 20 anos que passaram em consulta de rotina pelo serviço. Os dados de auto-eficácia foram levantados pela escala de auto-eficácia para seguir prescrição anti-retroviral (AE), que foi calculada de duas maneiras: análise fatorial e fórmula já definida. A consistência interna da escala foi verificada pelo coeficiente ade Cronbach. A validade foi avaliada pela comparação das médias dos escores entre grupos de pacientes aderentes e não aderentes ao tratamento anti-retroviral (teste de Mann-Whitney) e cálculo do coeficiente de correlação de Spearman entre os escores e parâmetros clínicos. A reprodutibilidade foi verificada por meio do teste de Wilcoxon, pelo coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (CCI) e pelo gráfico de Bland-Altman. RESULTADOS: A escala de AE apresentou boa consistência interna (a= 0,87) e boa reprodutibilidade (CCI = 0,69 e CCI = 0,75). Quanto à validade, a escala de AE conseguiu discriminar pacientes aderentes e não aderentes ao tratamento anti-retroviral (p = 0,002) e apresentou correlação significativa com a contagem de CD4 (r = 0,28; p = 0,04). CONCLUSÕES: A escala de AE pode ser utilizada para avaliar a adesão à terapia anti-retroviral em crianças e adolescentes com HIV/AIDS, levando em consideração a perspectiva dos pais/cuidadores.<br>OBJECTIVE: To validate and evaluate the reproducibility of a self-efficacy (SE) scale for adherence to antiretroviral therapy in children and adolescents with HIV/AIDS, taking into account the perspective of parents/guardians. METHODS: The study was carried out at the Hospital-Dia, Centro de Referência e Treinamento em DST/AIDS (CRT/SP), in São Paulo, Brazil. The parents/guardians of 54 children and adolescents aged 6 months to 20 years were interviewed during routine consultations at our service. Data on SE were collected using the Self-Efficacy for Following Anti-Retroviral Prescription Scale, and SE scores were calculated in two different ways: factor analysis and a predefined formula. The scale's internal consistency was verified using Cronbach's acoefficient. Validity was tested by comparing the mean scores of a group of patients who did adhere to antiretroviral treatment with those of a group that did not (Mann-Whitney test) and by calculating the Spearman correlation coefficient for agreement between scores and clinical parameters. Reproducibility was verified using the Wilcoxon test, intraclass correlation coefficients (r icc) and Bland-Altman plots. RESULTS: The SE scale demonstrated good internal consistency (a= 0.87) and good reproducibility (r icc = 0.69 and r icc = 0.75). In terms of validity, the SE scale was capable of differentiating adherent patients from those who did not adhere to their antiretroviral treatment (p = 0.002) and exhibited a significant correlation with CD4 counts (r = 0.28; p = 0.04). CONCLUSIONS: The SE scale can be used to assess adherence to antiretroviral therapy in children and adolescents with HIV/AIDS, taking into account the perspective of parents/carers

    Validity and reliability of a self-efficacy expectancy scale for adherence to antiretroviral therapy for parents and carers of children and adolescents with HIV/AIDS

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    OBJECTIVE: To validate and evaluate the reproducibility of a self-efficacy (SE) scale for adherence to antiretroviral therapy in children and adolescents with HIV/AIDS, taking into account the perspective of parents/guardians. METHODS: The study was carried out at the Hospital-Dia, Centro de Referência e Treinamento em DST/AIDS (CRT/SP), in São Paulo, Brazil. The parents/guardians of 54 children and adolescents aged 6 months to 20 years were interviewed during routine consultations at our service. Data on SE were collected using the Self-Efficacy for Following Anti-Retroviral Prescription Scale, and SE scores were calculated in two different ways: factor analysis and a predefined formula. The scale's internal consistency was verified using Cronbach's acoefficient. Validity was tested by comparing the mean scores of a group of patients who did adhere to antiretroviral treatment with those of a group that did not (Mann-Whitney test) and by calculating the Spearman correlation coefficient for agreement between scores and clinical parameters. Reproducibility was verified using the Wilcoxon test, intraclass correlation coefficients (r icc) and Bland-Altman plots. RESULTS: The SE scale demonstrated good internal consistency (a= 0.87) and good reproducibility (r icc = 0.69 and r icc = 0.75). In terms of validity, the SE scale was capable of differentiating adherent patients from those who did not adhere to their antiretroviral treatment (p = 0.002) and exhibited a significant correlation with CD4 counts (r = 0.28; p = 0.04). CONCLUSIONS: The SE scale can be used to assess adherence to antiretroviral therapy in children and adolescents with HIV/AIDS, taking into account the perspective of parents/carers.OBJETIVO: Validar uma escala de auto-eficácia para adesão ao tratamento anti-retroviral em crianças e adolescentes com HIV/AIDS, levando em consideração a perspectiva dos pais/responsáveis, e avaliar a sua reprodutibilidade. MÉTODOS: O estudo foi realizado no Hospital-Dia do Centro de Referência e Treinamento em DST/AIDS de São Paulo. Foram entrevistados os pais/responsáveis de 54 crianças e adolescentes de 6 meses a 20 anos que passaram em consulta de rotina pelo serviço. Os dados de auto-eficácia foram levantados pela escala de auto-eficácia para seguir prescrição anti-retroviral (AE), que foi calculada de duas maneiras: análise fatorial e fórmula já definida. A consistência interna da escala foi verificada pelo coeficiente ade Cronbach. A validade foi avaliada pela comparação das médias dos escores entre grupos de pacientes aderentes e não aderentes ao tratamento anti-retroviral (teste de Mann-Whitney) e cálculo do coeficiente de correlação de Spearman entre os escores e parâmetros clínicos. A reprodutibilidade foi verificada por meio do teste de Wilcoxon, pelo coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (CCI) e pelo gráfico de Bland-Altman. RESULTADOS: A escala de AE apresentou boa consistência interna (a= 0,87) e boa reprodutibilidade (CCI = 0,69 e CCI = 0,75). Quanto à validade, a escala de AE conseguiu discriminar pacientes aderentes e não aderentes ao tratamento anti-retroviral (p = 0,002) e apresentou correlação significativa com a contagem de CD4 (r = 0,28; p = 0,04). CONCLUSÕES: A escala de AE pode ser utilizada para avaliar a adesão à terapia anti-retroviral em crianças e adolescentes com HIV/AIDS, levando em consideração a perspectiva dos pais/cuidadores.414