1,442 research outputs found

    O ambiente digital como terreno fértil para a construção da personagem jornalística

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    Pretende-se, neste artigo, problematizar a existência de personagens no jornalismo, à luz não só da adaptação de teorias da personagem ficcional, mas também das teorias construtivistas do jornalismo. Além disso, é nosso intuito demonstrar como o ambiente digital se constitui como um terreno fértil para a figuração, por dar ao jornalista um conjunto de ferramentas que lhe permitem escolher o meio mais adequado para transmitir cada pedaço de informação, o que pode facilitar a compreensão, por parte do leitor (latu sensu). Para trilhar possíveis caminhos para a personagem em ambiente digital, baseamo-nos nas oito caraterísticas desse ambiente que consideramos mais relevantes para a construção de narrativas: a hipertextualidade, a não-linearidade, a interatividade, a multimedialidade/multimodalidade, a convergência, o multiplataforma, a transmedialidade e a imersão

    The European Union’s permanent structured cooperation mechanism

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    The EU’S PERMANENT STRUCTURED COOP ERATION (PESCO) [Article 42(6) and 46 of the Treaty on European Union] is a mechanism that seeks to provide a formal (albeit flexible) institutional framework for willing EU Member States that meet certain military operational and capability criteria (identified in Protocol 10 of the TEU) to establish a closer cooperation in the field of security and defence through ad hoc projects. Scholars like Sven Biscop have been advocating a practical implementation of PESCO since the Lisbon Treaty was signed about a decade ago. The idea of a common European defence is not new: it was first proposed in the form of a European Defence Community which failed to come to fruition in 1952. Ever since, this idea has become somewhat of a taboo, not least because of the emergence of NATO and the European project’s association with the idea of ‘civilian power’. The European project’s 70-year-old lingering ambition culminated in the launch of PESCO (which was still deemed impossible at the time of the launch of the EU Global Strategy in 2016), as it was embraced by the Council through the adoption of an implementation roadmap in March 2018, in association with oth er structures and initiatives such as the European Defence Fund and the Europ

    Synthesis of catecholic amino acids and peptides or conjugates of catechols with amino acids and peptides

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Medicinal ChemistryOxidative stress is an imbalance between the amount of oxidants and antioxidants in favour of the oxidants. Thus, when there is excessive production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) or antioxidant defence mechanisms are diminished, oxidative stress occurs. In order to maintain normal cellular functioning any excess of ROS must be continuously inactivated through the use of antioxidants.1,2 Phenolic amino acids, such as tyrosine, exhibit a wide range of biological activities and have shown to be effective antioxidants in different in vitro antioxidant activities studies. Phenolic acids coupled with amino acids are involved in suppressing the adverse effects of oxidative stress and have a wide range of biological activities, such as antioxidant,3 anticancer4 and antimicrobial.5 In this work a strategy based on the Ugi reaction was developed for the synthesis of new phenolic amino acids. Hydroxybenzaldehyde derivatives were reacted with 4-methoxybenzylamine, cyclohexyl isocyanide and benzoic acid, phenolic acids or catecholic acids to give Ugi adducts that were treated with trifluoroacetic acid, yielding N-acyl (hydroxyphenyl)glycine amides in good yields. The use of N-benzyloxycarbonylglycine as acid component allowed the preparation of a 3,4-dihydroxyphenylglycyl dipeptide derivative. Radical-scavenging activity studies of the polyphenolic amino acid derivatives showed a sharp increase in activity with the increase in number of hydroxyl or catechol groups present. Several studies suggest that a cocktail of antioxidants, endowed with different mechanisms of action, results more effectively than a single antioxidant because of the synergistic effect of the molecules. To promote possible synergistic mechanisms and to better understand the mechanistic aspects, the use of modified and/or dualistic molecules is a valuable approach.6 Dehydroamino acids constitute an important class of non-proteinogenic amino acids with various biological activities, including antioxidant. N-phenolic and N-catecholic derivatives of dehydrophenylalanine were synthesized using a method which comprises coupling phenolic or catecholic acids and/or phenolic or catecholic amines.O stress oxidativo é um desequilíbrio entre a quantidade de oxidantes e antioxidantes em favor dos oxidantes. Assim, quando há uma produção excessiva de espécies reativas de oxigénio (ROS) ou os mecanismos de defesa antioxidante estão diminuídos, ocorre stress oxidativo. Para manter o funcionamento celular normal, qualquer excesso de ROS deve ser continuamente inativado através da utilização de antioxidantes.1,2 Aminoácidos fenólicos, como a tirosina, exibem uma ampla gama de atividades biológicas e mostraram-se antioxidantes eficazes em diferentes estudos de atividade antioxidante in vitro. Os ácidos fenólicos acoplados a aminoácidos estão envolvidos na supressão dos efeitos adversos do stresse oxidativo e possuem uma ampla gama de atividades biológicas, como antioxidante,3 anticancerígeno4 e antimicrobiano.5 Neste trabalho foi desenvolvida uma estratégia baseada na reação de Ugi para a síntese de novos aminoácidos fenólicos. Os derivados de hidroxibenzaldeido foram feitos reagir com 4-metoxibenzilamina, isocianeto de ciclohexilo e ácido benzóico, ácidos fenólicos ou ácidos catecólicos para dar origem a aductos Ugi que foram tratados com ácido trifluoroacético originando amidas N-acil hidroxifenilglicina com bons rendimentos. A utilização de N-benziloxicarbonilglicina como componente ácido permitiu a preparação de um derivado dipeptídico de 3,4-di-hidroxifenilglicil. Estudos de atividade de eliminação de radicais dos derivados de aminoácidos polifenólicos mostraram um aumento acentuado na atividade com o aumento do número de grupos hidroxilo ou catecol presentes. Vários estudos sugerem que, devido ao efeito sinérgico das moléculas, um cocktail de antioxidantes dotados de diferentes mecanismos de ação, resulta mais eficazmente do que um único antioxidante. Para promover possíveis mecanismos sinérgicos e compreender melhor os aspetos mecanísticos, o uso de moléculas modificadas e/ou dualísticas é uma abordagem valiosa.6 Desidroaminoácidos constituem uma classe importante de aminoácidos não proteinogénicos com várias atividades biológicas, incluindo antioxidante. Derivados N-fenólicos e N-catecólicos da desidrofenilalanina foram sintetizados usando um método que compreende o acoplamento de ácidos fenólicos ou catecólicos e/ou aminas fenólicas ou catecólicas

    Combined midline and coronal rhytidectomy technique in the treatment of pseudoptosis in five dogs

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    The present report emerges in the context of the curricular internship, part of the Integrated Master's Degree in Veterinary Medicine at the University of Évora, held at VetOeiras Veterinary Hospital, in Portugal, from 14th September 2020 until 12th February of 2021 and from 1st of April 2021 and 30th of July of the same year. The report is divided into two sections. In the first part, a descriptive quantitative analysis of the cases presented to the author throughout the internship is given. In the second part, a five-case report series is presented regarding the management of pseudoptosis due to reluctant skin in the dog using a novel rhytidectomy surgical technique; Resumo: Clínica e cirurgia de animais de companhia Técnica de ritidectomia mediana e coronal combinada no tratamento de pseudoptose devido a pele redundante no cão O presente relatório surge no contexto do estágio curricular, parte do Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária da Universidade de Évora, realizado no Hospital Veterinário VetOeiras, em Portugal, a partir de 14 de setembro 2020 até 12 de fevereiro de 2021 e de 1 de abril de 2021 e 30 de julho do mesmo ano. O relatório está dividido em duas seções. Na primeira parte, uma descrição da análise quantitativa dos casos apresentados ao autor ao longo do estágio é dado. Na segunda parte, é apresentada uma série de cinco casos sobre o maneio da pseudoptose por pele relutante no cão, usando a nova técnica cirúrgica de ritidectomia

    Corporate valuation: BNP Paribas case study

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    G30, O20There are several methods that can be used to do a precise and accurate valuation. In this project, it will be made the valuation of an international company, BNP Paribas. In order to evaluate BNP Paribas, the most recognized methods were chosen: the discounted cash flows, in firm’s optic, and the multiples. The period considered for the analysis took place between 2014 and 2020, thus requiring assumptions for future evolution of the company. The results obtained in this project points out towards the undervaluation of market price of the company. Two of the models used show a fair value per share higher than the current market value. Accordingly, there is a reasonable possibility that, in the short term, the bank's shares will appreciate. Taking into account all factors presented and data obtained, this project conclusion recommends and supports a decision of buying (or holding) shares of BNP Paribas.Existem diversos tipos de metodologias que podem ser utilizadas para realizar uma avaliação precisa e adequada. Neste projeto será feita a avaliação de uma empresa internacional, o BNP Paribas. Para avaliar o BNP Paribas foram escolhidos os métodos que tem mais reconhecimento entre os analistas: os fluxos de caixa descontados, na ótica da empresa, e os múltiplos. O período considerado para a análise decorre entre 2014 e 2020, requerendo assim previsões para o desempenho futuro da empresa. Os resultados obtidos ao longo deste trabalho apontam para uma subvalorização do preço de mercado da empresa. Dois dos modelos utilizados apontam um valor justo por ação superior ao valor de mercado. Querendo isto significar que existe uma elevada possibilidade de, a curto prazo, o valor das ações subir. Tendo em conta todos os fatores apresentados e os dados obtidos, o projeto recomenda e apoia a decisão de compra (ou participação) de ações do BNP Paribas

    Capacity requirement planning master data solution procurement at Qimonda Portugal SA

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    Estágio realizado na Qimonda Portugal S. A. e orientado pelo Eng.º Peter MaderaTese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Industrial e Gestão. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200

    Convidando amigos – a importância das redes sociais e de conhecimento na colaboração entre arquitectos e artistas Inviting friends - The importance of social and knowledge networks in the collaboration between architects and artists

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    This paper is focused on the introduction of the principles of modern movement in Lisbon in a period between 1945 and 1965. This process was accompanied, later, by the arrival of a trend in vogue in post-war world’s debates: the synthesis or integration of the arts. An important event was the Third IUA – International Union of Architects – Congress held in Lisbon in 1953, where the synthesis of the arts was debated. Here, the participants stressed the importance of the collaboration between architects and artists since the beginning of the creative process and emphasized that artists should always be chosen by the architect. The final resolutions of the congress concerning the synthesis of the arts seem to have had direct impact on the city hall’s art commissioning, but would also meet former reflections of artists and architects in Lisbon. In this particular context, this paper concentrates on a specific aspect, which seems to be a relevant matter in the production of “integrated art”: the personal relationships between architects and artists and the social and knowledge networks that connected them. Based on a series of oral testimonies of artists and architects, this paper seeks to enumerate some of the places and events, in Lisbon, where these relationships were established. In a context of ideological isolation and cultural stagnation, the assumption of the modern movement was almost always led by opponents to the dictatorial regime. Personal relationships, which we have referred, were thus reinforced by a feeling of political and aesthetic affinities. Artists and architects who believed in the social function of art and architecture and in the benefits of collaboration were, thus, a small elite. In this small group everybody knew each other and everybody frequented the same places. The School of Fine Arts, where many of the artists and architects were trained, the SNBA - National Society of Fine Arts, the most important association of artists, the EGAPS - General Exhibitions of Plastic Arts 1946-1956, a series of exhibitions with emphasis on the social purpose of art and architecture, and finally, the cafes, or coffee shops, collective spaces where all people could meet and share ideas. In spite of being omitted in archive documents, works of art in public buildings and spaces have invisible links to other dimensions of reality – such as personal relationships between artists and architects – that should not be neglected in a comprehensive understanding of the phenomena.This paper is focused on the introduction of the principles of modern movement in Lisbon in a period between 1945 and 1965. This process was accompanied, later, by the arrival of a trend in vogue in post-war world’s debates: the synthesis or integration of the arts. An important event was the Third IUA – International Union of Architects – Congress held in Lisbon in 1953, where the synthesis of the arts was debated. Here, the participants stressed the importance of the collaboration between architects and artists since the beginning of the creative process and emphasized that artists should always be chosen by the architect. The final resolutions of the congress concerning the synthesis of the arts seem to have had direct impact on the city hall’s art commissioning, but would also meet former reflections of artists and architects in Lisbon. In this particular context, this paper concentrates on a specific aspect, which seems to be a relevant matter in the production of “integrated art”: the personal relationships between architects and artists and the social and knowledge networks that connected them. Based on a series of oral testimonies of artists and architects, this paper seeks to enumerate some of the places and events, in Lisbon, where these relationships were established. In a context of ideological isolation and cultural stagnation, the assumption of the modern movement was almost always led by opponents to the dictatorial regime. Personal relationships, which we have referred, were thus reinforced by a feeling of political and aesthetic affinities. Artists and architects who believed in the social function of art and architecture and in the benefits of collaboration were, thus, a small elite. In this small group everybody knew each other and everybody frequented the same places. The School of Fine Arts, where many of the artists and architects were trained, the SNBA - National Society of Fine Arts, the most important association of artists, the EGAPS - General Exhibitions of Plastic Arts 1946-1956, a series of exhibitions with emphasis on the social purpose of art and architecture, and finally, the cafes, or coffee shops, collective spaces where all people could meet and share ideas. In spite of being omitted in archive documents, works of art in public buildings and spaces have invisible links to other dimensions of reality – such as personal relationships between artists and architects – that should not be neglected in a comprehensive understanding of the phenomena

    The latest public art commissions by “Estado Novo” (1965-1985)

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    O presente artigo oferece uma análise sobre o trajecto das últimas propostas de arte pública da ditadura portuguesa, planeadas, produzidas ou em execução entre 1965-1974. Expõemse, em primeiro lugar, a erosão dos sistemas de arte pública vigentes entre 1938 e 1960, mostrando as alterações produzidas ao nível da feitura e localização bem como a quebra de procedimentos que envolvem os organismos abrangidos, questionando qual o seu efeitona concretização das encomendas. Indaga-se igualmente sobre o impacto produzido, pela mudança de sistema político, no destino dos últimos trabalhos produzido pelo regime. Consideram- se as encomendas a cargo do MOP - Ministério da Obras Públicas e CML - Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, analisando um período demarcado entre o Marcelismo e a entrada do País na CEE. Monumentos em homenagem aos estadistas do regime, Salazar e Carmona, são retirados depois da revolução dos cravos. Após um interregno, e já em período de consolidação democrática, percebe-se que algumas encomendas destes promotores acabam por ser concluídas e implantadas em diversos espaços públicos do País.This paper addresses the creation and placement of the last public art orders produced by the Portuguese dictatorship. The impact produced by the political shift to democracy in many of the orders commissioned by the New State, specially the statues waiting to be placed in the early years of Democracy is the main subject of this paper. A progressive change of procedures and ways of deliver public art orders after the middle sixties is primarily discussed as it constitutes the first sign of the failure of the New State system of public art running between 1938 e 1960. It considers the activity of the Portuguese Ministry of Public Works (MOP) and Lisbon Municipality Council (CML), in the period encompassing 1965 to 1986, corresponding to the last years of dictatorship and the joining of Portugal to the EEC, in what concerns the placement of statues intended for public spaces. Monuments paying tribute to the main characters of the regime, Salazar and Carmona, have been removed after the Carnation Revolution. But a couple of years after democracy being established, some statues promoted by the New State find their way to public spaces of several Portuguese towns