36 research outputs found

    Variation in Word Formation and Lexical Choice: A Stylistic Translation of “Asahan Dalam Angka 2015” Text

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    In case of recent global and social changes, academic fields under language and communication pay their interests in various forms of translation, for instance, official text. Translating official text very often meets a gap, that is, inappropriate meanings in the target text. Therefore, the aims of the study are to identify the stylistic approaches that contribute to the translation of the ST into the TT in terms of stylistic qualified translation and to identify the translation accepted by the native speakers of TT. Equivalence in meaning which is a central meaning-focused in the translation work has not been done well by the translator. The farther its equivalence is the farther the gap is. The gap, however, leads to a misunderstanding of the text. Misunderstanding of the text will either spoil the ideas or loosen the information of the source text. Word Formation Variation (WFV) 19 data (14.61 %), and Lexical Choice Variation (LCV) 28 data (21.53%)


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    Penilaian kinerja dosen oleh mahasiswa merupakan hal yang penting untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran di perguruan tinggi. Dengan menjadikan mahasiswa sebagai konsumen pembelajaran di kelas dan diberi kesempatan untuk mengekspresikan tingkat kepuasannya, maka tenaga pengajar dan lembaga pendidikan akan senantiasa berusaha mengevaluasi diri sekaligus meningkatkan kinerja demi peningkatan kualitas pendidikan di perguruan tinggi. Penelitian ini mengembangkan sistem penilaian kinerja dosen yang didasarkan pada penilaian mahasiswa dengan menggunakan sejumlah pertanyaan kunci untuk memotret kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap dosen. Sistem ini dapat mengumpulkan dan mengolah data dengan mudah, untuk kemudian disajikan dalam bentuk nilai kinerja dosen.Kata Kunci: kinerja, pengukuran kinerja, aplikasi komputer, dosen, mahasisw

    Inventarisasi Tanaman Mpts (Multy Purpose Tree Species) Di Daerah Tangkapan Air Danau Toba Provinsi Sumatera Utara

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    This research aims to determine the types of MPTS, silvicultural techniques, plant benefits, the role of plant MPTS and peoples perception if the plant MPTS used as plant rehabilitation. This research was conducted in Haranggaol Subdistric and Merek Subdistric at Province North Sumatera during four month from September until December. The objective of research is MPTS plant species be found in the catchment area Toba Lake. The data collection of secondary data, primary data, MPTS plant identification, literature reviews, interviews and direct observation in the field. The results research that be found 10 species of MPTS plant in the catchment area Toba Lake. MPTS is very beneficial for the people living in the Toba Lake catchment area both ecologically and economically. Peoples approved if the plant MPTS used as plant rehabilitation

    Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan Petugas Agen Brilink (PAB) Terhadap Loyalitas Agen Brilink

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of the service quality of BRILink Agent Officers (PAB) on the level of satisfaction, trust and loyalty of BRILink Agents in order to achieve the BRILink Agent transaction volume target. This study used a questionnaire with a five-point Likert scale. Questionnaires were submitted to 300 respondents, namely BRILink agents who were used as samples, which were located in West Jakarta, Banten and West Kalimantan. Respondent requirements are BRILink Agents who have been BRI Agents for a minimum of 6 months and the number of transactions is under 200 transactions per month. Questionnaires were distributed by BRI employees, namely the Resident Auditor Unit (RAU) in the local area. There were 274 questionnaires that were returned and were completely filled out. The data analysis technique uses the Structural Equation Model (SEM) method and uses Lisrel 8.72 software to analyze the casual relationship between service quality, satisfaction, trust and loyalty of BRILink agents, and to evaluate hypotheses regarding the relationship between model construction. The results of this study indicate that all Service Quality indicators have a significant effect on BRIink Agent Satisfaction, BRILink Agent Satisfaction has a significant effect on BRILink Agent Trust and Loyalty. What greatly affects the satisfaction, trust and loyalty of BRILink Agents is the frequency of PAB visits to BRILink Agents, PAB's ability to motivate BRILink Agents, and BRI must improve the quality of the system and network. Keywords: loyalty, service quality, satisfaction, trust, SE

    Kajian Kinerja Alat Tanam dan Varietas Unggul Baru Padi di Lahan Pasang Surut Sumatera Selatan

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    The Performance Assessment of Planting Tools and Rice Varieties in Tidal Land of South Sumatera. Tidal swamp land has a great potential to support increasing national rice production. However, its utilization is not optimal yet because the limitation of new rice varieties and limitation of manpower and time of farmers for planting activities, and therefore the seeds were broadcasted that need more seeds. The purposes of this study were to evaluate the technical, agronomical and economical performance of planting tools on new high yielding rice varieties in tidal land. The assessment was conducted at Sumber Mulyo Village, Muara Telang Sub district, Banyuasin Regency South Sumatera in 2010/2011 rainy season using randomized complete block design with two factor treatments and three replications. The first factor were rice varieties, namely Inpara 2, Inpara 3 and Inpari 4, whereas the second factor were planting tools or seeder namely IRRI drum seeder and legowo seeder. The results showed that the highest yield was obtained by Inpari 4 with legowo tool (8.75 t/ha) while the lowest was obtained by Inpara 2 with IRRI drum seeder (7.09 t/ha). The average yield by using IRRI drum seeder was 7.66 t/ha, while that of legowo tool was 8.28 t/ha. Net income obtained by legowo tool and IRRI drum seeder were higher than the direct seeding (farmers practices). The farm efficiency (R/C) of legowo tool, IRRI drum seeder and direct seeding were 3.33; 3.13 and 2.83 respectively

    Minimasi Stasiun Kerja Packing Line dengan Metode Branch And Bound (BB), RPW, Aco dan Comsoal (Studi Kasus pada Sebuah Perusahaan Food & Beverage di Jakarta)

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    AbstrakSebuah perusahaan manufaktur yang bergerak pada industri makanan di Indonesia masih  menggunakan mesin manual dalam proses packing. Proses ini membutuhkan lebih banyak tenaga kerja dan masih terdapat kondisi bottleneck. Perusahaan perlu meningkatkan efisiensi lini produksi, terutama pada packing line. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan jumlah dari stasiun kerja optimal dengan menggunakan metode terbaik, dan menentukan perencanaan yang optimal dari packing line. Kriteria evaluasi untuk metode terbaik adalah output dan proses, dan kriteria evaluasi untuk garis keseimbangan adalah garis efisiensi dan jumlah stasiun kerja. Empat pendekatan berbeda yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan analitis (Branch and Bound method), pendekatan heuristik (Rank Position Weight System method), pendekatan metaheuristic (Ant Colony Optimization method) dan pendekatan simulasi (metode COMSOAL). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa efisiensi jalur meningkat 12% dan jumlah stasiun kerja menurun menjadi 11 stasiun kerja. Perusahaan dapat mengurangi biaya tenaga kerja sebesar Rp 6.006.000 per bulan dengan perencanaan yang optimal.Kata kunci: Line Balancing, Efficiency Line, Branch and Bound, Rank Position Weight System method, Ant Colony Optimization, COMSOALAbstractA manufacturing company engaged in food industry in Indonesia is still using manual machines in the packing process. This process requires more manpower, and bottleneck still occurs. The company needs to increase the efficiency in production line, specifically the packing line. This study aims to determine the optimal number of work stations by applying the best method, and to determine the optimal planning for the packing line. The evaluation criteria for the best method were output and process, whereas the evaluation criteria for balance line were the efficiency line and the number of work stations. Four different approaches used in this study were analytical approach (Branch and Bound method), heuristic approach (Rank Position Weight System method), metaheuristic approach (Ant Colony Optimization method) and simulation approach (COMSOAL method). The results showed that the line efficiency increased to 12% and the number of work stations decreased to 11 units. The company can reduce labor costs up to IDR6.006.000 per month by applying the optimal planning. Keywords: Line Balancing, Efficiency Line, Branch and Bound, Rank Position Weight System, Ant Colony Optimization, COMSOA

    Analisis Volume Produksi Menggunakan Metode Theory of Constraint (Studi Kasus pada Produksi Kabel

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    Abstrak Seiring dengan terjadinya perubahan variasi permintaan pada setiap periode untuk produksi tertentu menyebabkan perusahaan harus memiliki rencana produksi yang berbeda setiap periode sesuai dengan kapasitas produksi. Untuk membantu dalam melakukan perancangan volume produksi yang optimal, diperlukan metode yang sesuai. Pada kasus ini, line-4 MV plant PT X memproduksi enam jenis kabel twisted dengan jumlah produksi dan profit yang berbeda-beda. Metode Theory of constraints (TOC) dapat mengidentifikasi masalah produksi, terutama dalam hal kendala kapasitas. Metode ini dilengkapi dengan Linear Programming dalam membantu merancang volume produksi optimal dengan profit maksimum. Dari hasil pengolahan data ditemukan kendala pada semua proses dan dari hasil perhitungan Linear Programming menggunakan software Win-QSB dapat diketahui volume produksi optimal, yakni NFA2X 2x16 sebanyak 52,7 km, NFA2X 4x16 sebanyak 0 km, NFA2X 4x25 sebanyak 10 km, NFA2X-T 3x70+50 sebanyak 140,5 km, AAAC-S 70mm sebanyak 16 km, dan AAAC-S 150mm sebanyak 14 km. Terdapat peningkatan keuntungan sebesar 1,9% dibandingkan dengan realisasi (existing). Analisis utilitas menyatakan bahwa tidak ada lagi kendala pada kapasitas sumber daya atau bernilai di atas 100%. Kata Kunci: Theory of Constraints, kapasitas, optimalisasi  Abstract Frequent demand changes in certain periods require companies to have different production plans according to the production capacity. To help designing optimal production volume, an appropriate method is necessary. In this case, the 4th-line MV plant of PT X produces six types of twisted cable having different amount of production and profit. The Theory of Constraints (TOC) method can identify production problems, especially in terms of capacity constraints. This method comes with Linear Programming to design optimal production volumes resulting in maximum profit. The data processing revealed constraints on the entire processes. The results from the calculation of Linear Programming using Win-QSB showed the optimal production volume as follows: NFA2X 2x16 as much as 52.7 km, NFA2X 4x16 as much as 0 km, NFA2X 4x25 as much as 10 km, NFA2X-T 3x70+50 as much as 140.5 km, AAAC-S 70mm as much as 16 km, and AAAC-S 150mm as much as 14 km. An increase in the profit rate was at 1, 9% compared to the realization (existing). The utility analysis suggested that there was no more constraint on the resources, or which value above 100%. Keywords: Theory of Constraints, capacity, optimizatio

    Optimasi Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows dengan Menggunakan Ant Colony Optimization

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    In recent years, minimization of logistics and transportation costs has become essential for manufacturing companies to increase profits. One thing is done to reduce logistics and transportation costs by optimizing the route of taking or transporting components from each supplier. Route optimization to minimize total transportation costs is a problem that often finds in Vehicle Routing Problems (VRP). Problem Capacitated Vehicle Routing with Time Windows (CVRPTW) is one variant of VRP that considers the vehicle capacity and the service period of each vehicle. CVRPTW is a Non-Polynomial Hard (NP-Hard) problem that requires an efficient and effective algorithm in solving problems that occur in this automotive company. This study uses the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm by testing using several parameters to solve the CVRPTW problem. The test results using the ACO algorithm obtained a faster route compared to the method applied by the company


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    The purpose of this research was to know the influence of utilizing video for activity and learning outcomes students. The research design was pretest-posttest not equivalent. Samples were students of class VIIJ and class VIIk at SMPN 21 Bandar Lampung that were 59 students by using purposive sampling technique. Quantitative data were obtained from learning outcomes that were analyzed by U-test. The result of U-test and t-test was t1-test (4,314 1,671) and t2-test (21,174 1,695). Value of U-test showed that value of pretest experiment value was p(0,270 0,157), value of posttest experiment was p (0,000 0,157), and value of experiment N-gain was p (0,000 0,157). Qualitative data was the result of students activity observation and questionaire of students response. Result of research indicated that students activity on experiment class was higher than control that was 12,46%. Most of students gave positive respond about the video. This research showed that utilization of video influence the activities and students learning outcomes.Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan video terhadap aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa. Desain penelitian ini adalah pretes-postes tak ekuivalen. Sampel penelitian adalah siswa kelas VIIJ dan kelas VIIK di SMPN 21 Bandar Lampung sebanyak 59 siswa dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Data kuantitatif diperoleh dari hasil belajar yang dianalisis menggunakan uji-t dan uji-U. Uji-t1 (4,314 1,671) dan untuk uji-t2 (21,174 1,695), Hasil uji-U diperoleh nilai pretes eksperimen p(0,270 0,157), nilai postes eksperimen p(0,000 0,157), dan nilai N-gain eksperimen p (0,000 0,157). Data kualitatif diperoleh dari pretes-postes berupa hasil observasi aktivitas dan angket tanggapan siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan aktivitas siswa pada kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi 12,46% dari kelas kontrol. Sebagian besar siswa memberikan tanggapan positif terhadap penggunaan video. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan videoberpengaruh terhadap aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa.Kata kunci: aktivitas, ciri-ciri makhluk hidup, hasil belaja

    Pemilihan Supplier dengan Pendekatan Metode Ahp-Topsis dan Ahp-Mpe: Studi Kasus pada Perusahaan Reparasi

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    Abstrak Pemilihan supplier menjadi hal yang penting bagi perusahaan. Hingga saat ini banyak perusahaan yang menentukan supplier berdasarkan intuisi, tidak disertai dengan kriteria evaluasi dan metode evaluasi yang rasional dan terukur. Akibatnya perusahaan sering tidak mendapatkan supplier terbaik. Faktor kekerabatan yang sering dijadikan pertimbangan dalam pemilihan supplier pada akhirnya dapat merugikan perusahaan. Penelitian ini mengusulkan penggunaan Metode AHP-TOPSIS dan Metode AHP-MPE untuk mengevaluasi supplier paper-bag di CV. Fresh Reborn merupakan sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang layanan reparasi berbagai produk personal, seperti tas, sepatu, dompet dan produk sejenisnya. Dengan meminta pendapat pimpinan perusahaan untuk evaluasi tiga supplier potensial ditemukan bahwa Metode AHP-TOPSIS dan AHP-MPE dapat digunakan untuk membuat peringkat ketiga supplier tersebut. Dari penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa kedua metode memberikan hasil pemeringkatan yang sama. Kata Kunci:pemilihan supplier, AHP, TOPSIS, Metode Perbandingan Eksponensial  Abstract Supplier selectionis so importantfor the company. Until nowsupplier selection for severalcompaniesbased onintuition, notusing criteria’sandmethods clearly, whichthat isrationalandmeasurable. Companyoftenfail togetthe bestsupplier. Social relationshipfactors are oftentaken considerationin supplier selection, which consequence a unfortunately for the company . This researchproposesthe use ofAHP-TOPSIS MethodandAHP-MPEMethod toevaluate thepaper-bag supplierinCV. FreshReborn, acompanyspecializing on repairservicesof variouspersonalproducts, such ashandbags, shoes andwallets. This research use opinion of management toevaluatethreepotential suppliers. AHP-TOPSIS andAHP-MPE successfully usedtomakerank of the threesupplier. The study foundboth methodsgivethe samerankingresult. Keywords: supplier selection, AHP, TOPSIS, exponential ratio method (MPE