31 research outputs found

    Post-mining potentials and redevelopment of former mining regions in Central Europe – Case studies from Germany and Slovenia

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    This article discusses the character of post-mining potentials and their role in regional development in a German and Slovenian mining region. The many possible uses often include renewable energies (biomass, geothermal energy), or tourism (museums). Discussing two case study regions, this article presents similarities and differences in approaches towards the utilisation of potentials, and compares factors that influence utilisation with reference to national framework conditions. The text argues that in the context of structural change and mine closures, the use of post-mining potentials, such as post-mining landscapes, infrastructures and traditions, can be a way to explore new development options for affected regions

    An assessment of the role of spatial planning legislation in the Slovenian spatial planning system

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    In Slovenia we got first modern Spatial Planning Act only in 2003. In 2007 the adoption of the newest Spatial Planning Act followed. With no evidence available, the prevailing understanding was that planning legislation caused the present diminishing state of Slovenian planning thus needed to be, and was changed. To overcome “the bad image” planning legislation has in the planning system and to fulfil the need for a comprehensive assessment, the method of regulatory impact assessment was developed and adapted to the specifics of the planning, and then performed in the case of Spatial Planning Act from 2007. More emphasis as usually in regulatory impact assessment was put on the social aspects. The role of Spatial Planning Act was addressed through its quality with the following hypothesis: If the Spatial Planning Act fulfils the criteria of good regulation than it discharges its functions in the planning system successfully. The selected criteria of good regulation were effectiveness and efficiency, comprehensibility, feasibility, transparency, legitimacy and sustainability. The input for the assessment came from different data sources: the municipal planners answered the written questionnaires; eleven interviews with the representatives of planning companies were performed. Additionally, comparative analysis was done for the acts and upgraded with the results of existing studies. The results show that planning legislation corresponds the criteria only partially. The least successful is act regarding the feasibility, effectiveness and efficiency which are not achieved. Estimation “partially achieved” was assigned to criteria of comprehensibility, legitimacy, transparency and openness and sustainability with the best estimation due to a wider use of spatial planning concept

    Added value from European Territorial Co-operation: the impact of demographic change in the Alps on the young

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    The article sets demographic change in the Alps in the framework of European Territorial Cooperation programs. A statistical overview of selected regions in five Alpine countries serves as a basis for further policy analysis. The latter was undertaken to reveal how transnational projects tackle youth issues, including the difficulties within the labour and real estate markets that appeared to be the most problematic factors influencing (out) migration of the youth. While there is only a minor recognition of the young in current policymaking on supranational, regional and local levels, the analysis showed that the added value of transnational programs for mountain regions and localities can be recognized in the development of multi-stakeholder environments, creating and transferring new solutions for the labour market as well as empowering youth participation in policy processes. However, the extent to which these solutions might contribute to overcoming the challenges of demographic change because of transnational programs is limited by various factors. Among these are the precise governance framework, administrative capacity, and population figures

    Slovenia as the Natural Park of Europe? Territorial Impact Assessment in the Case of Natura 2000

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    The implementation of Natura 2000 is causing difficulties in the EU’s Member States, including Slovenia. In addition to the positive environmental it also results in the negative economic, social, and governance-administrative effects. To prevent similar quandaries in adopting and implementing EU policies, the project ESPON EATIA developed a participatory process for the territorial impact assessment. Testing the Habitat Directive has shown that in addition to the positive effects regarding the conservation of biodiversity, the directive represents a major obstacle for the economy and the delivery of investments. At the same time it represents the potential of the area for tourism and opportunity for the development of new industries. The regulation contributes to a better quality of life, but also extends the spatial planning procedures and conflicts between investors and the local community. This approach has proven to be an appropriate medium for the exchange of experiences of various stakeholders who are involved in either the preparation or the implementation of the rules and as the proper tool for the global assessment of the effects of selected EU regulation

    The Slovenian planning system 30 years later

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    After gaining independence, countries such as Slovenia put alot of effort into adapting their legislations to new market conditions. While concentrating on legislation, they often dismissed several other factors which influence policy and decision making. Among them, aparticularly im-portant role is played by the Europeanisation of planning, and the turn towards ahigher flexibility of processes and land uses as opposed to the predetermination via zoning. While shedding light on these issues, this paper reflects on the incremental evolution of the Slovenian spatial planning system from the approval of the first Spatial Planning Act in 2003 towards aterritorial governance approach characterised by amix of regulatory processes and plans

    Ureditev degradiranih Trbovelj

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    Na začetku diplomskega dela sta predstavljeni dve degradirani urbani območji, planska celota sedem v jugovzhodnem delu Trbovelj in Speke, južni predel Liverpoola. Izhodišča za zasnovo modela in vsebine urbane prenove so primerjava najnovejše slovenske in britanske prostorske zakonodaje s poudarkom na izvedbenih dokumentih, analiza Ureditvenega načrta Nasipi oziroma Dodatnega planskega dokumenta za Edge Lane West in prikaz slovenskega in angleškega načina sodelovanja javnosti pri izdelavi dokumentov. Na pilotnem območju Žabjeka so bile ob pomoči vprašalnika pridobljene informacije o dejanskem stanju v prostoru, kakovosti bivalnega okolja, poznavanju sistema prostorskega planiranja in dojemanja, v krajši obliki tudi na manjšem vzorcu iz preostalih predelov Trbovelj. Mnenje so podali akterji urejanja prostora. Dodatno izhodišče je uspešen primer urbane prenove Speke Garstona. V sklepu so predlagane smernice za način in vsebino urbane prenove planske celote sedem s posebnim poudarkom na stanovanjski soseski Žabjek