21 research outputs found

    An Emergent Language of Paradox: Riffs on Steven M. Rosen’s Kleinian Signification of Being

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    First, I briefly recapitulate the main points of Rosen's article, namely, that the word "Being” does not adequately signify the paradoxical unification of subject and object and that the Klein bottle can serve as a more appropriate sign-vehicle than the word. I then propose to apply his insight more widely; however, in order to do that, it is first necessary to identify infra- and exostructures of language, including culture, category structure, logic, metaphor, semantics, syntax, concept, and sign vehicles, that preserve the status quo and keep subject and object disjunct. After analyzing those infra/exostructures, I engage a complementary process, coagulatio, in order to spark ideas for innovating ways in which more of those facets of language can embrace paradox

    Quando a publicidade imita a arte: o uso das artes visuais pela comunicação de moda como ferramenta de persuasão publicitária

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    A criação publicitária organiza-se seguindo padrões estéticos próprios, porém, oriundos de uma adaptação específica para formar um discurso, se apropria de referentes externos para a construção da linguagem publicitária. Por meio de uma análise interdisciplinar feita pela autora de elementos pertencentes ao campo das artes, moda e publicidade, este estudo objetiva fazer uma análise visual do emprego de elementos e referências das artes visuais por anúncios de comunicação de marcas de alta moda, como estratégia de persuasão publicitária. Para tal, tomou-se como objeto de estudo as fotos da campanha da marca de luxo Christian Dior para sua coleção feminina prêt-à-porter primavera-verão 2021. Fotografada por Elina Kechicheva, as imagens da campanha têm como inspiração a maestria de Caravaggio, um dos mais notáveis pintores do movimento Maneirista, e nelas, é possível observar um contexto de auratização da mercadoria, consequente do desenvolvimento dos sistemas de arte e moda através dos anos, da industrialização da cultura e a decorrente criação de significação em cima de produtos que vai além de sua funcionalidade, tudo isso facilitado pelo mercado de luxo, que constrói o ambiente perfeito para que tal processo ocorra. Também neste estudo, buscamos analisar a campanha estudada a classificando dentro da categorização das formas de apropriação das artes pela publicidade conforme Santaella (2005), e Esteves e Cardoso (2013).Advertising creation is organized according to its own aesthetic standards, however, arising from a specific adaptation to form a discourse, it appropriates external references for the construction of advertising language. Through an interdisciplinary analysis made by the author of elements belonging to the field of arts, fashion and advertising, this study aims to make a visual analysis of the use of elements and references of the visual arts by communication advertisements of high fashion brands, as a strategy of advertising persuasion. For this purpose, the photos of the campaign of the luxury brand Christian Dior for its women’s ready-to-wear Spring Summer 2021 collection were taken as an object of study. Photographed by Elina Kechicheva, the campaign images are inspired by the mastery of Caravaggio, one of the most notable painters of the Mannerist movement, and in them, it is possible to observe a context of auratization of the merchandise, consequent to the development of art and fashion systems through the years, of the industrialization of culture and the resulting creation of meaning on top of products that go beyond their functionality, all this facilitated by the luxury market, which builds the perfect environment for such a process to occur. Also in this study, we seek to analyze the campaign studied by classifying it within the categorization of forms of appropriation of the arts by advertising according to Santaella (2005), and Esteves and Cardoso (2013)

    Analysis of the divulging of operations with parts related in the companies of open capital of the sector of appliances

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    No ano de 2009 foi instituído o CPC (Comitê de Pronunciamentos Contábeis) para ajustar as normas de contabilidade Brasileira às Normas Internacionais. Uma dessas alterações foi o CPC 05 – Divulgação sobre partes relacionadas – a qual delimita padrões e exigências que devem ser apresentadas pelas empresas a respeito dessas operações. Dessa maneira, o presente estudo tem o objetivo de verificar se as companhias de capital aberto do setor de eletrodomésticos estão evidenciando de maneira adequada as suas transações com partes relacionadas no período entre 2010 a 2013. Para isso, esta classifica-se em: quantitativa, descritiva e documental, realizada através de um check list com os itens que são exigidos para divulgação, conforme pronunciamento que disciplina a matéria – CPC 05. Os resultados da pesquisa revelam que nenhuma das empresas atendeu na íntegra às exigências da norma, sendo que, dentre as companhias analisadas, a Whirpool foi a que teve maior aderência, com 83% de atendimento. Já a empresa que menos atendeu a norma foi a Springer com 3%. Além disso, observa-se, como principal conclusão, que ao passar dos anos as empresas apresentam um crescimento positivo de atendimento ao CPC 05. Este estudo contribuiu para evidenciar como as companhias estão divulgando suas informações sobre partes relacionadas além de contribuir com uma área de pesquisa pouco explorada academicamente.The CPC (Accounting Pronouncements Committee) was created in 2009 in order to define the Brazilian accounting practices in harmony with the International Financial Reporting Standards. One of thechanges promoted by that committee was the Pronouncement CPC 05 - Disclosure on related parties, which defines standards and requirements that must be complied with by Brazilian companies regarding these operations. Thus, this study aims to verify if the publicly traded companies in the appliance sector are disclosing their transactions with related parties properly, during the period between 2010 and 2013. In order to achieve its aims, this research isquantitative, descriptive and based on publicly available documents,and it has been performed through a structured check list with items of mandatory disclosure according to the CPC 05 .The results reveal that none of the companies met in full the requirements of the pronouncement. Among the analyzed companies, Whirlpool was the one that presented a higher level of compliance, with 83% coverage. The company with lower compliance was Springer, with less than 3%. Over the years the companies that were subject of this study presented a positive growth of compliance with CPC 05. This study provides a broad overview on how companies are disclosing their information on transactions with related parties, and also contributes to the academic literature in a field with few published results


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    Termo geral de uma progressão aritmética de k-ésima ordem

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    O presente artigo propõe um estudo acerca das sequências numéricas conhecidas como progressões aritméticas de ordem superior, na perspectiva de obter uma expressão algébrica que permita calcular o valor de qualquer termo de uma progressão de ordem k. Em um primeiro momento, demonstrar-se-á que o termo geral de uma progressão aritmética qualquer pode ser representado por uma função algébrica polinomial para, então, aplicar o conceito de integral indefinida de uma função, que é a principal ferramenta matemática utilizada neste artigo. Por fim, apresentar-se-á um algoritmo que foi desenvolvido no software MATLAB com o objetivo de gerar progressões aritméticas de k-ésima ordem utilizando a expressão algébrica obtida como resultado deste estudo

    Plano de marketing para a escola infantil Meus Baixinhos

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    O presente trabalho teve como principal objetivo a elaboração de um Plano de Marketing para a Escola de Educação Infantil Meus Baixinhos, de Porto Alegre, propondo medidas que possibilitem uma retomada do crescimento da instituição. Foi analisado o mercado externo da organização, buscando principalmente informações sobre concorrentes e clientes, além de uma avaliação criteriosa do ambiente interno. A partir disso, elaborou-se a matriz SWOT da empresa, apresentando seus pontos fortes e fracos, assim como as oportunidades e ameaças impostas pelo seu mercado. O estudo serviu de base para a proposição de objetivos de marketing, um mercado-alvo e um posicionamento a serem trabalhados, além de estratégias e planos de ação factíveis com a realidade da empresa e condizentes com os objetivos almejados

    Temporal expression of the transcription factor EGR-1 and the MAP kinases ERK-1/2 in murine models of viral myocarditis

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    Die virale Myokarditis ist eine potentiell lebensbedrohliche inflammatorische Erkrankung des Herzmuskelgewebes, welche häufig, auch in jungen Lebensjahren, in Zusammenhang mit dem plötzlichen Herztod steht und sich in eine inflammatorische dilatative Kardiomyopathie entwickeln kann. Ziel dieser Dissertation war es, die zeitliche Expression des Transkriptionsfaktors EGR-1, der bei verschiedenen myokardialen Schädigungen verstärkt exprimiert wird und der ERK 1/2 Kinasen in Mausstämmen mit akuter bzw. chronischer enteroviraler Myokarditis zu untersuchen. Methoden Es wurden Coxsackie-Virus B3 (CVB3) infizierte Mäuse der Stämme C57Bl/6, die nach akuter Myokarditis das Virus eliminieren (resistentes Mausmodell) und A.BY/SnJ, die eine chronische Myokarditis unter Viruspersistenz entwickeln (chronisches Mausmodell) untersucht. Die kardiale Proteinexpression von EGR-1 und ERK-2 wurde mittels Western Blot und die mRNA-Expression von EGR-1 wurde mittels RT-PCR, jeweils an den Tagen 4, 8, 12 und 28 nach Infektion untersucht und mit nichtinfizierten Kontrollen verglichen. Ergebnisse Für ERK-2 zeigte sich in beiden Mausmodellen ab Tag 8 ein statistisch signifikanter Anstieg der Proteinexpression (C57Bl/6 1,6-fach, A.BY/SnJ 2,6-fach). Im chronischen Mausmodell nahm die Proteinexpression im Vergleich zunächst deutlich stärker zu und blieb auch am 28. Tag signifikant erhöht, während die Expression im resistenten Mausmodell an Tag 28 wieder den Wert der nicht infizierten Kontrolltiere erreichte. Die EGR-1 mRNA-Expression zeigte an Tag 4 in beiden Mausmodellen eine signifikant erhöhte Expression (C57Bl/6 3,6-fach, A.BY/SnJ 4,3-fach), die ab Tag 8 in beiden Mausmodellen zurückging (etwa 1,7-fach erhöht), wobei im chronischen Mausmodell an Tag 28 Hinweise auf eine statistisch nicht signifikante Tendenz zur erhöhten Expression im Mittel bestanden. Auf Proteinebene zeigte sich lediglich im resistenten Mausmodell an Tag 4 eine signifikante, etwa 2-fach erhöhte Expression. Ab Tag 8 erreichte die Expression wieder die Werte der nicht infizierten Kontrolltiere. An Tag 28 zeigt das chronische Mausmodell, verglichen mit dem resistenten Mausmodell eine signifikant erhöhte Proteinexpression. Schlussfolgerung Die Proteinexpression von ERK-2 scheint mit dem histopathologischen Verlauf der Myokarditis assoziiert zu sein, da sie im resistenten Mausmodell mit dem Ausheilen der Myokarditis zurückgeht, sich jedoch im chronischen Mausmodell anhaltend erhöht zeigt. Das für EGR-1 gezeigte Expressionsverhalten deutet auf eine ambivalente Rolle bei der viralen Myokarditis.Introduction Viral myocarditis is a potential live threatening inflammatory disease of the myocardium which is even in the young frequently related to sudden cardiac death and could lead to an inflammatory dilated cardiomyopathy. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the expression of the transcription factor EGR-1, which is related to various myocardial damages and of the ERK 1/2 kinases in mice models with acute and chronic myocarditis. Methods Coxsackie-Virus B 3 (CVB3) infected mice of the species C57Bl/6 eliminate the virus after the acute inflammation ("acute mouse model"), mice of the species A.BY/SnJ develop a chronic myocarditis under persistence of the virus ("chronic mouse model"). The cardiac protein expression of EGR-1 and ERK-1/2 and the mRNA expression of EGR-1 was quantified by Western Blot and RT-PCR for the post infectious days 4, 8, 12 and 28 and compared to non- infected controls. Results In both "mouse models" the ERK-2 protein expression was significantly induced after day 8 (C57Bl/6 1,6-fold, A.BY/SnJ 2,6-fold). The protein expression in the "chronic mouse model" was much stronger induced and remained significantly higher until day 28, while the protein expression in the "acute mouse model" decreased and reached the non-infected level. The mRNA expression of EGR-1 was significantly induced in both "mouse models" after day 4 (C57Bl/6 3,6-fold, A.BY/SnJ 4,3,6-fold). In both "mouse models" there was a decrease of the mRNA expression (1,7-fold) on day 8. On day 28 the "chronic model" showed a non significant induced mean mRNA expression. In the "acute mouse model" there was a significant induced protein expression of EGR-1 on day 4 (2-fold), which decreased on day 8 to the level of non-infected mice. On day 28 the "chronic mouse model" showed a statistical significant higher induced protein expression of EGR-1 than the "acute mouse model". Conclusion The present study showed that the protein expression of ERK-2 seems to be associated to the histopathological changes in myocarditis. After recovery of the acute myocarditis, a decrease of the protein expression was seen, while a constantly induced protein expression was found in the chronic disease. This could be related to the histopathological changes in the activity of myocarditis. EGR-1 expression is suggestive of an ambivalent role in viral myocarditis

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