769 research outputs found

    Competition between Antiferromagnetism and Superconductivity in High TcT_c Cuprates

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    Using variational cluster perturbation theory we study the competition between d-wave superconductivity (dSC) and antiferromagnetism (AF) in the the t-t'-t''-U Hubbard model. Large scale computer calculations reproduce the overall ground state phase diagram of the high-temperature superconductors as well as the one-particle excitation spectra for both hole- and electron-doping. We identify clear signatures of the Mott gap as well as of AF and of dSC that should be observable in photoemission experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    A Microsimulation Approach for Modelling the Future Human Capital of EU28 Member Countries

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    In knowledge-based economies, human capital is a major determinant of labor force participation and productivity and has received growing interest from researchers and policy makers alike. Recently, the Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital (WiC) performed macro-level projections by age, sex and education for all countries in the world. Projections of education in this model are computed based on past trends at the macro level by cohort and sex. This working paper uses data from five waves of the European Social Survey and ordered logistic regressions to estimate the impact of additional dimensions on educational attainment in EU28 countries. Variables included in the model are cohort year, sex, religion, language, immigration status and education of the mother. Cohort analysis allowed us to estimate educational trends net of individual characteristics. Analysis showed that the most important determinant of educational attainment was the education of the mother, but that other ethno-cultural factors such as religion and language spoken at home also played a role. Cohort trends net of individual characteristics varied significantly from country to country, with many countries having low or even null improvement in educational attainment for recent cohorts, most notably in Eastern Europe. The parameters derived from this analysis are used as inputs to a European microsimulation model including several dimensions beyond age, sex and education, many of which will be used to assess future immigrant integration in Europe. Preliminary results from the projections show that net and gross trends yield similar results in many countries where net trends are still dominant, but significant differences emerge in other countries in which net trends are low or null. The microsimulation model also allows for a better appreciation of dynamics in population sub-groups, for instance in rising concerns about potentially growing inequalities, notably for Muslims

    Implementing dynamics of immigration integration in labor force participation projection in EU28

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    Many developed countries have turned to immigration in order to mitigate the consequences of population aging, particularly the expected decline in the labor force population. Yet, few projection models take in consideration explicitly the differentials in labor force participation of population sub-groups. This paper describes the labor force participation module of CEPAM-Mic, which is a microsimulation model that projects several demographic, ethnocultural and socioeconomic dimensions of the EU28 member countries population. Then, the microsimulation model is used to project EU labor force population for the period 2015-2060 under different scenarios illustrating how implementing sex- and country-specific dynamics of immigrants’ integration may affect the future labor force in terms of size, rates and gender composition. We estimated the parameters of the labor force module using logistic regressions based on the EU-Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). In addition to age, sex and education, immigrant-related variables are also included, such as immigrant status, place of birth, age at immigration and duration of residence in the estimation of the probability of being active. Our results demonstrate the importance of taking into account differentials in labor force participation of population sub-groups when asserting the potential of immigration as a tool for managing population aging. In the European context, adding immigration differentials in labor force participation affects mainly downward the number of female immigrants in the labor force, while smaller differences are observed for male immigrants. An increase in immigration levels leads obviously to an increase in the total labor force size, but may also widen gender inequalities in labor force participation and has limited impact on the total labor force participation rate. Our findings suggest that relying on immigration as a tool to alleviate economic issues arising from population aging must imperatively be accompanied by strong and efficient measures to promote a full economic integration of immigrants

    On-sky observations with an achromatic hybrid phase knife coronagraph in the visible

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    CONTEXT: The four-quadrant phase mask stellar coronagraph, introduced by D. Rouan et al., is capable of achieving very high dynamical range imaging and was studied in the context of the direct detection of extra-solar planets. Achromatic four-quadrant phase mask is currently being developed for broadband IR applications. AIMS: We report on laboratory and on-sky tests of a prototype coronagraph in the visible. This prototype, the achromatic hybrid phase knife coronagraph, was derived from the four-quadrant phase mask principle. METHODS: The instrumental setup implementing the coronagraph itself was designed to record the pre- and post-coronagraphic images simultaneously so that an efficient real-time image selection procedure can be performed. We describe the coronagraph and the associated tools that enable robust and repeatable observations. We present an algorithm of image selection that has been tested against the real on-sky data of the binary star HD80081 (* 38 Lyn). RESULTS Although the observing conditions were poor, the efficiency of the proposed method is proven. From this experiment, we derive procedures that can apply to future focal instruments associating adaptive optics and coronagraphy, targeting high dynamic range imaging in astronomy, such as detecting extra-solar planets

    A framework for the prospective analysis of super-diversity coming from high levels of immigration

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    Background Pressures to keep immigration rates at relatively high levels are likely to persist in most developed countries. At the same time, immigrant cohorts are becoming more and more diverse, leading host societies to become increasingly heterogeneous across multiple dimensions. For scholars who study demographic or socio-economic behaviours, the need to account for ethnocultural “super-diversity” brings new challenges and complications. Objective The main objective of this paper is to present a framework for the prospective analysis of super-diversity in several high immigration countries. Methods We developed microsimulation models that simultaneously project several population-dimensions for Canada, the United States and countries of the European Union, with the aim of studying the consequences of alternate future population and migration trends. Results The paper presents the projected progression of three indicators of diversity for Canada, the USA and the EU28: percentage of foreign-born population, percentage of the population using a non-official language at home and percentage of non-Christians under the reference scenario. Results from alternative scenarios show the potential impact of modifying the composition of migrant cohorts. The paper also examines the projected changes in the labour force for each region by education level and language. Finally, the paper proposes a new longitudinal indicator that counts the number of years lived as active and inactive over the life course for foreign- and native-born cohorts. Contribution The microsimulation models provide much more informative results than more traditional cohort-component or multi-state models to study the future effects of ethnocultural super-diversity on high immigration countries

    Optimization of Apodized Pupil Lyot Coronagraph for ELTs

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    We study the optimization of the Apodized Pupil Lyot Coronagraph (APLC) in the context of exoplanet imaging with ground-based telescopes. The APLC combines an apodization in the pupil plane with a small Lyot mask in the focal plane of the instrument. It has been intensively studied in the literature from a theoretical point of view, and prototypes are currently being manufactured for several projects. This analysis is focused on the case of Extremely Large Telescopes, but is also relevant for other telescope designs. We define a criterion to optimize the APLC with respect to telescope characteristics like central obscuration, pupil shape, low order segment aberrations and reflectivity as function of the APLC apodizer function and mask diameter. Specifically, the method was applied to two possible designs of the future European-Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT). Optimum configurations of the APLC were derived for different telescope characteristics. We show that the optimum configuration is a stronger function of central obscuration size than of other telescope parameters. We also show that APLC performance is quite insensitive to the central obscuration ratio when the APLC is operated in its optimum configuration, and demonstrate that APLC optimization based on throughput alone is not appropriate.Comment: 9 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Morphology of the very inclined debris disk around HD 32297

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    Direct imaging of circumstellar disks at high angular resolution is mandatory to provide morphological information that bring constraints on their properties, in particular the spatial distribution of dust. New techniques combining observing strategy and data processing now allow very high contrast imaging with 8-m class ground-based telescopes (10^-4 to 10^-5 at ~1") and complement space telescopes while improving angular resolution at near infrared wavelengths. We carried out a program at the VLT with NACO to image known debris disks with higher angular resolution in the near IR than ever before in order to study morphological properties and ultimately to detect signpost of planets. The observing method makes use of advanced techniques: Adaptive Optics, Coronagraphy and Differential Imaging, a combination designed to directly image exoplanets with the upcoming generation of "planet finders" like GPI (Gemini Planet Imager) and SPHERE (Spectro-Polarimetric High contrast Exoplanet REsearch). Applied to extended objects like circumstellar disks, the method is still successful but produces significant biases in terms of photometry and morphology. We developed a new model-matching procedure to correct for these biases and hence to bring constraints on the morphology of debris disks. From our program, we present new images of the disk around the star HD 32297 obtained in the H (1.6mic) and Ks (2.2mic) bands with an unprecedented angular resolution (~65 mas). The images show an inclined thin disk detected at separations larger than 0.5-0.6". The modeling stage confirms a very high inclination (i=88{\deg}) and the presence of an inner cavity inside r_0~110AU. We also found that the spine (line of maximum intensity along the midplane) of the disk is curved and we attributed this feature to a large anisotropic scattering factor (g~0.5, valid for an non-edge on disk). Abridged ...Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Distinct mechanisms mediate X chromosome dosage compensation in Anopheles and Drosophila

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    Sex chromosomes induce potentially deleterious gene expression imbalances that are frequently corrected by dosage compensation (DC). Three distinct molecular strategies to achieve DC have been previously described in nematodes, fruit flies, and mammals. Is this a consequence of distinct genomes, functional or ecological constraints, or random initial commitment to an evolutionary trajectory? Here, we study DC in the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae. The Anopheles and Drosophila X chromosomes evolved independently but share a high degree of homology. We find that Anopheles achieves DC by a mechanism distinct from the Drosophila MSL complex–histone H4 lysine 16 acetylation pathway. CRISPR knockout of Anopheles msl-2 leads to embryonic lethality in both sexes. Transcriptome analyses indicate that this phenotype is not a consequence of defective X chromosome DC. By immunofluorescence and ChIP, H4K16ac does not preferentially enrich on the male X. Instead, the mosquito MSL pathway regulates conserved developmental genes. We conclude that a novel mechanism confers X chromosome up-regulation in Anopheles. Our findings highlight the pluralism of gene-dosage buffering mechanisms even under similar genomic and functional constraints

    TRIDENT: an infrared camera optimized for the detection of methanated substellar companions around nearby stars

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    A near-infrared (0.85-2.5 microns) camera in use at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope and at the 1.6m telescope of the Observatoire du Mont-Megantic is described. The camera is based on a Hawaii-1 1024x1024 HgCdTe array detector. Its main feature is to acquire three simultaneous images at three wavelengths (simultaneous differential imaging) across the methane absorption bandhead at 1.6 micron, enabling an accurate subtraction of the stellar point spread function (PSF) and the detection of faint close methanated companions. The instrument has no coronagraph and features a fast (1 MHz) data acquisition system without reset anomaly, yielding high observing efficiencies on bright stars. The performance of the instrument is described, and it is illustrated by CFHT images of the nearby star Ups And. TRIDENT can detect (3 sigma) a methanated companion with DeltaH=10 at 0.5 arcsec from the star in one hour of observing time. Non-common path aberrations between the three optical paths are the limiting factors preventing further PSF attenuation. Reference star subtraction and instrument rotation improve the detection limit by one order of magnitude.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, to appear in SPIE 486
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