24 research outputs found

    Analyse de la demande dans une destination touristique unique, Melilla

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    Melilla se encuentra en un enclave geográfico clave para diferentes culturas. Esta diversidad es precisamente uno de los grandes atractivos de este destino turístico singular. En este artículo presentamos los resultados de una investigación para conocer el perfil sociodemográfico de los turistas que visitan la ciudad, sus motivaciones y la valoración que realizan de diferentes variables. Las principales conclusiones nos permiten afirmar que las playas, el patrimonio histórico, la gastronomía y la diversidad cultural son los elementos clave para consolidar el turismo en este destino.Melilla is a key geographical location for different cultures. This diversity is precisely one of the great attractions of this unique destination. In this paper we present the results of an investigation to determine the demographic profile of tourists visiting the city, their motivations and assessment of different variables. The main findings allow us to say that the beaches, heritage, gastronomy, and cultural diversity are elements to strengthen tourism in the destination.Melilla se trouve dans une situation géographique clé pour différentes cultures. Cette diversité est précisément l’une des grandes attractions de cette destination touristique unique. Cet article présente les résultats d’une enquête afin de déterminer le profil démographique des touristes qui visitent la ville, leurs motivations et l’évaluation qu’ils font de différentes variables. Les principales conclusions nous permettent d’affirmer que les plages, le patrimoine historique, la gastronomie et la diversité culturelle sont éléments essentiels pour renforcer le tourisme dans cette destination

    Modelling the number of olive groves in Spanish municipalities

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    The univariate generalized Waring distribution (UGWD) is presented as a new model to describe the goodness of fit, applicable in the context of agriculture. In this paper, it was used to model the number of olive groves recorded in Spain in the 8,091 municipalities recorded in the 2009 Agricultural Census, according to which the production of oil olives accounted for 94% of total output, while that of table olives represented 6% (with an average of 44.84 and 4.06 holdings per Spanish municipality, respectively). UGWD is suitable for fitting this type of discrete data, with strong left-sided asymmetry. This novel use of UGWD can provide the foundation for future research in agriculture, with the advantage over other discrete distributions that enables the analyst to split the variance. After defining the distribution, we analysed various methods for fitting the parameters associated with it, namely estimation by maximum likelihood, estimation by the method of moments and a variant of the latter, estimation by the method of frequencies and moments. For oil olives, the chi-square goodness of fit test gives p-values of 0.9992, 0.9967 and 0.9977, respectively. However, a poor fit was obtained for the table olive distribution. Finally, the variance was split, following Irwin, into three components related to random factors, external factors and internal differences. For the distribution of the number of olive grove holdings, this splitting showed that random and external factors only account about 0.22% and 0.05%. Therefore, internal differences within municipalities play an important role in determining total variability

    Profile-based latent class distance association analyses for sparse tables:application to the attitude of European citizens towards sustainable tourism

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    Social and behavioural sciences often deal with the analysis of associations for cross-classified data. This paper focuses on the study of the patterns observed on European citizens regarding their attitude towards sustainable tourism, specifically their willingness to change travel and tourism habits to be more sustainable. The data collected the intention to comply with nine sustainable actions; answers to these questions generated individual profiles; moreover, European country belonging is reported. Therefore, unlike a variable-oriented approach, here we are interested in a person-oriented approach through profiles. Some traditional methods are limited in their performance when using profiles, for example, by sparseness of the contingency table. We removed many of these limitations by using a latent class distance association model, clustering the row profiles into classes and representing these together with the categories of the response variable in a low-dimensional space. We showed, furthermore, that an easy interpretation of associations between clusters’ centres and categories of a response variable can be incorporated in this framework in an intuitive way using unfolding. Results of the analyses outlined that citizens mostly committed to an environmentally friendly behavior live in Sweden and Romania; citizens less willing to change their habits towards a more sustainable behavior live in Belgium, Cyprus, France, Lithuania and the Netherlands. Citizens preparedness to change habits however depends also on their socio-demographic characteristics such as gender, age, occupation, type of community where living, household size, and the frequency of travelling before the Covid-19 pandemic.Universidad de Granada/CBU

    Travelling with pets. A perspective from the tourist demand

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    Las mascotas en general, y los perros en particular, se han convertido en una parte importante de las familias y de su planificación de las vacaciones. En esta investigación se presentan los resultados de una investigación realizada a propietarios de perros en España para conocer sus percepciones en relación con la posibilidad de viajar con sus mascotas. La principal aplicación práctica de esta investigación radica en presentar una serie de resultados que pueden ser útiles para que los destinos que pretendan atraer a esta tipología de turistas puedan definir sus lugares como “dog friendly”.Pets in general, and dogs in particular, have become an important part of families and their holiday planning. This research presents the results of a survey of dog owners in Spain to find out their perceptions of the possibility of travelling with their pets. The main practical application of this research lies in presenting a series of results that can be useful for destina-tions that aim to attract this type of tourist to define their places as “dog friendly

    Cultural influence on the expression of labour‑associated pain

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    Background: Every woman expresses pain differently during birth since it depends on a multitude of predictive factors. The medical care received, companionship during birth, cultural background and language barriers of the women in labour can influence on the expression of pain. This study aims to evaluate the expression of pain during birth and its associated factors in women treated in a Spanish border town. Methods: The study included 246 women in labour. The expression of pain during labour was evaluated using the validated ESVADOPA scale. A descriptive analysis and association study were performed between cultural identity and dimensions of the scale. Multiple linear regression models were performed to assess the association between cultural identity, origin, language barrier, and companionship during labour. Results: The women included in the study comprised 68.7% Berbers, 71.5% Muslims and 82.1% were accompanied during labour. An association between cultural identity and greater body expression of pain (p = 0.020; Cramer’s V = 0.163) in addition to its verbal expression was found during the latent phase of labour, (p = 0.028; Cramer’s V = 0.159). During the active phase of labour, cultural identity was associated with pain expression through greater body response, verbal expression, expression of the facial muscles, anxiety, inability to relax and vegetative symptoms. The different factors studied that had a predictive value were companionship (p = 0.027) during the latent phase of labour and Berber origin (p = 0.000), language barrier (p = 0.014) and companionship (p = 0.005) during the active phase of labour. The models designed predict pain expression in the latent phase by companionship and type of companionship (β = 1.483; 95%CI = 0.459–2.506, β = 0.238; 95%CI = 0.029–0. 448, respectively), and in the active phase by background, language barrier and companionship (β = 0.728; 95%CI = 0.258–1.198, β = 0.738; 95%CI = 0.150–1.326, β = 1.888; 95%CI = 0.984–2.791, respectively). Conclusion: Culture, origin, language barrier and companionship during labour influences the manner in which women in labour express their pain. An understanding of this may help midwives correctly interpret the signs of pain expression and be able to offer the appropriate assistance depending on a woman’s particular characteristics. There is a clear need for new models of maternity care that will take the cultural and language characteristics of women in labour into consideration

    Differences by country in academic production indexed in Scopus on intellectual property and innovation systems (2001-2021)

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    This paper aims to establish what are the differences by country in scientific production on intellectual property and innovation systems between 2001 and 2021? We use text mining, non-parametric statistics, and two specialized software (Bibliometrix and VosViewer) to indicate the differences in scientific production by country on innovation systems and intellectual property. We found that scientific production in the Asia Pacific and North American countries is, on average, higher than in Eastern Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, and Sub-Saharan Africa. These last three regions do not exhibit statistically significant differences among themselves. On the other hand, the countries of Western Europe exceed the production levels of the countries of Eastern Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa. We identified that the topics in the scientific production of the most productive countries were related to case studies, technology transfer, triple helix, regional innovation systems, governance, open innovation, competitiveness, and innovation policies

    Travelling with pets. A perspective from the tourist demand

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    Las mascotas en general, y los perros en particular, se han convertido en una parte importante de las familias y de su planificación de las vacaciones. En esta investigación se presentan los resultados de una investigación realizada a propietarios de perros en España para conocer sus percepciones en relación con la posibilidad de viajar con sus mascotas. La principal aplicación práctica de esta investigación radica en presentar una serie de resultados que pueden ser útiles para que los destinos que pretendan atraer a esta tipología de turistas puedan definir sus lugares como “dog friendly”.Pets in general, and dogs in particular, have become an important part of families and their holiday planning. This research presents the results of a survey of dog owners in Spain to find out their perceptions of the possibility of travelling with their pets. The main practical application of this research lies in presenting a series of results that can be useful for destinations that aim to attract this type of tourist to define their places as "dog friendly"

    Análisis de la demanda en un destino turístico singular, Melilla

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    Melilla is a key geographical location for different cultures. This diversity is precisely one of the great attractions of this unique destination. In this paper we present the results of an investigation to determine the demographic profile of tourists visiting the city, their motivations and assessment of different variables. The main findings allow us to say that the beaches, heritage, gastronomy, and cultural diversity are elements to strengthen tourism in the destination.Melilla se trouve dans une situation géographique clé pour différentes cultures. Cette diversité est précisément l’une des grandes attractions de cette destination touristique unique. Cet article présente les résultats d’une enquête afin de déterminer le profil démographique des touristes qui visitent la ville, leurs motivations et l’évaluation qu’ils font de différentes variables. Les principales conclusions nous permettent d’affirmer que les plages, le patrimoine historique, la gastronomie et la diversité culturelle sont éléments essentiels pour renforcer le tourisme dans cette destination.Melilla se encuentra en un enclave geográfico clave para diferentes culturas. Esta diversidad es precisamente uno de los grandes atractivos de este destino turístico singular. En este artículo presentamos los resultados de una investigación para conocer el perfil sociodemográfico de los turistas que visitan la ciudad, sus motivaciones y la valoración que realizan de diferentes variables. Las principales conclusiones nos permiten afirmar que las playas, el patrimonio histórico, la gastronomía y la diversidad cultural son los elementos clave para consolidar el turismo en este destino

    Métodos de generación de distribuciones. Aplicación a la distribución de Waring

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    La presente tesis se inscribe en una línea de investigación que está fundamentalmente al manejo de: - Funciones hipergeométricas generalizadas univariantes y multivariantes. - La utilización de polinomios zonales de argumento matricial. Empezamos esta memoria haciendo un completo recorrido por los resultados generales y teoremas de sumación sobre funciones hipergeométricas, centrándonos en aquellos que extienden a la función hipergeométrica de gauss. Posteriormente hacemos un exahustivo recorrido por todos los resultados de gran relevancia que se conocen sobre la distribución discreta univariante y multivariante de warning. La parte final de esta memoria la dedicamos a la distribución bivariante y multivariante de Waring y se logran los siguientes resultados: Se consigue generar la distribución bivariante y multivariante de Waring a partir del sistema de Pearson bivariante y multivariante respectivamente. Se obtiene la distribución normal bivariante y multivariante como límite de la distribución bivariante y multivariante de Waring respectivamenteUniversidad de Granada, Departamento de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. Leída el 17/06/0

    The Waring Distribution as a Low-Frequency Prediction Model: A Study of Organic Livestock Farms in Andalusia

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    Although the numbers are relatively small with respect to non-organic livestock, the importance of organic livestock farms lies in their sustainable coexistence with the natural environment and in the high-quality food products obtained. In this type of production, no artificial chemicals or genetically modified organisms are used, therefore there will be less impact on the environment and, in most cases, native breeds are employed. This paper describes a geostatistical study of organic livestock farms in Andalusia (southern Spain), conducted using information from the 2009 Agricultural Census, by classes of livestock. This region currently records the highest output in Spain for organic livestock farming. The number of farms was fitted according to the univariate generalizedWaring distribution, which is presented as a means of analyzing this type of discrete measurement, using agricultural or livestock data. The Waring distribution is used when the frequency of occurrence of a phenomenon is very low and allows one to divide the variance. The most important outcome of this study is the finding that livestock data variability is mainly due to external factors such as the proneness component of the variance.Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences (Melilla)Department of Statistics and Operational ResearchResearch Group "Survival Analysis and Probability Distributions"Office for Political Science and Research, through the project "Social-Labour Statistics and Demography" at the University of Granada (Spain