53 research outputs found


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    No contexto em que empresas envolvidas em esquemas de corrupção estão tendo seus pedidos de recuperação judicial deferidos, com consideráveis chances de haver convolação em falência, o presente artigo se propõe a analisar como deve se dar a restituição do produto do ilícito no âmbito dos processos de recuperação judicial e de falência, a partir do esclarecimento dos principais aspectos e efeitos do confisco sobre o direito falimentar, adequando-se os institutos da Lei nº 11.101/2005, sem afetar a coerência interna de sua sistemática. A partir dessa análise, conclui-se que o perdimento do produto do ilícito, que decorra imediatamente de sentença ou de ato negocial que transacione essa sanção, por representar verdadeira transferência de propriedade em favor do Estado, repercute na exclusão desses valores do âmbito de gerenciamento do juízo universal, devendo ser prontamente restituídos, seja por meio do procedimento análogo àquele disposto nos artigos 85 a 93 da Lei nº 11.101/2005


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    Este artigo investiga as representações de homossexuais idosos, que figuram no cinema contemporâneo, através da análise de dois curtas-metragens, um ficcional, “Depois de tudo” (Rafael Saar, 2008), e outro um filme documentário, “Bailão” (Marcelo Caetano, 2009). Buscamos compreender de que forma esses personagens são construídos nas narrativas e o que essas representações cinematográficas implicam para a construção da democracia e no reconhecimento desses sujeitos. Para debatermos essas questões nos apoiamos principalmente nos pressupostos teóricos de Boaventura de Souza Santos (2007) e Alain Touraine (1998; 2007; 2009)

    Does comsumption of staining drinks compromise the result of tooth whitening?

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    After dental bleaching procedures dentists commonly advise patients to reduce the consumption of beverages that may cause the teeth to stain, however, the effectiveness of teeth whitening may not be directly affected by diet. It was evaluated through in vitro study whether contact with dyes through in-office bleaching sessions with 35% hydrogen peroxide would influence the effectiveness of treatment. Sixty bovine incisors were randomly assigned into 5 groups (n = 12) according to contact frequency and type of dye solutions. All dental elements received three in-office bleaching sessions with 35% hydrogen peroxide one week apart. Except for GCTRL (control), all experimental groups were submerged in dyes (coffee or wine) for 5 min once a day. In groups GC24 and GW24 contact with the dyes was made from 24 hours after each bleaching session, while in groups GC72 and GW72, from 72 hours. The color was measured with a digital spectrophotometer. Data were expressed as statistics: mean and standard deviation. Contact with dyes during in-office bleaching treatment with 35% hydrogen peroxide did not influence the staining averages after three bleaching sessions. The speed of the whitening effect was influenced by contact with coffee from 24 hours after the sessions and with wine from 24 hours and 72 hours after the whitening session. The whitening result was reversed after one week for all groups, especially for groups that came in contact with red wine either 24 hours or 72 hours after session and coffee after 24 hours. Contact with dyes during in-office bleaching treatment did not influence the final staining averages after three bleaching sessions although there was influence on speed of the whitening effect between the sessions

    Color stability of Bulk-Fill composite restorations

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    The color stability of the composite resin is an important property that influences its clinical longevity, which remains an inherent challenge to the material. Thus, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the color stability of bulk-fill resins when exposed to dye. Cavities were prepared in 80 bovine incisors, which were randomly assigned into 4 groups (n = 20) according with the resin composite used: P60 (Control Group - Filtek P60, 3M/ESPE), FP (Filtek Bulk-Fill Posterior, 3M/ESPE), SDR (SDR, Dentsply) and FF (Filtek Bulk Fill Flow, 3M/ESPE). All restorations were performed according to the protocol of each manufacturer, the control group was restored using the incremental technique, and the other groups using single-increment technique. The color of each restoration was measured using a portable digital spectrophotometer (Easyshade-Vita) according to the CIELab system, and then the teeth were submerged in red wine for 07 days, kept in a biological oven at 37ºC. New color registration was performed to measure the ?E index of color variation. The P60 group had the lowest average ?E (16.96), while the FF group had the highest average (28.09) and ranged from 21.19 to 26.28 in the FP and SDR groups. Analysis of the color variation showed that the control group had better color stability than the Bulk-Fill resins evaluated

    Dental Whitening: Self-Referred Needs versus Professional Indication

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    Objective: To analyze the self-reported need of patients compared to professional indications for tooth whitening. Material and Methods: Initially, 58 undergraduate students responded to a form that highlighted the question: "Do you think you need to have your teeth whitened?" Among those who answered positively to the previous question, ten individuals were photographed with their smiles. In addition, they were asked to point out, on the Vita 3D-Master scale, which color they believed their teeth had, a value that was compared to the actual color obtained by a spectrophotometer. Finally, the photographs were presented to dentists, who were asked about the indication or not of the whitening treatment. Results: Most interviewees (63.8%) self-reported the need for whitening, as well as there was a greater incidence of a positive indication among professionals (53.9%). Pearson's Chi-square test revealed a relationship between patient gender and the training course on the desire to have teeth whitened. Among the professionals, the specialty, as well as time since graduation, interfered in the indication for whitening. Conclusion: Professionals and patients share the aesthetic ideal directly related to light teeth; most patients self-perceive the color of their teeth darker than it actually is; the opinion about the color of the teeth has an extremely subjective character and varies greatly from one professional to another

    Influence of different thermopolymerization methods on composite resin microhardness

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    Background: Additional heat polymerization in composite resins allows greater effective ness of microhardness, flexural strength, fracture tough ness, wear resistance, and increased color stability.Material and Methods: 150 composite resin specimens were made using a 4 mm diameter and 2 mm thick bipartite steel matrix. Five resins composed of different compositions were tested (Brilliant Everglow/Coltene, Filtek One BulkFill/3M, Filtek P60/3M, Filtek Z350XT/3M, Filtek Z250XT/3M), and for each of them three types of polyme-rization were tested: light curing only (n=50); photopolymerization + autoclave thermopolymerization (n=50) and photopolymerization + microwave thermopolymerization (n=50). Each specimen was submitted to three indenta-tions by means of the Vickers microhardness test, applying a load of 300gf, associated with the time of 15s. Data were analyzed descriptively by means of statistics, standard deviation and coefficient of variation and inferentially by the F test (ANOVA) in the comparison between groups. The margin of error used in statistical test decisions was 5%.Results: The highest vicker microhardness averages were from the Control group (light curing only) on P60 (82.16) and Z250 XT (79.61) resins. The lowest averages were all verified on Brilliant Everglow resin in all polymerization methods studied: Photopolymerization (37.32), with microwave (43.80) and autoclave (45.12), followed by Bulk Fill 3M resin, ranged from 52.23 to 59.15.Conclusions: Both autoclave and microwave thermopolymerization methods showed similar behavior on the mi-crohardness of the composites studied. Considering the resin type, there was a varied behavior compared to thermo-polymerization, which increased the microhardness values for Brilliant Everglow resins (Coltene) and Filtek One Bulkfill (3M) and decreased for Filtek P60, Filtek Z350XT and Filtek Z250XT resins

    Conservative smile enhancement: a case report and brief review on multidisciplinary approach in aesthetic dentistry

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    ABSTRACT The gingival contour, the color of the teeth and the presence of interincisal diastema are seen as unsightly factors, being highly harmful from a social point of view. The present study aimed to report a comprehensive and conservative esthetic treatment executed with a multidisciplinary approach in a 20-year-old female patient that presented darkened teeth with poor spacing and excessive gingival display while smiling, as well as present a brief literature review on multidisciplinary approach in esthetic dentistry. After clinical examination and diagnosis, a treatment plan was elaborated to meet the patient’s expectations with a conservative approach. After patient consent, therapy began with supervised home-based tooth whitening with 22% carbamide peroxide applied one hour/daily for 14 days, followed with gingival recontouring surgery and, after a healing period of 30 days, diastemas closure with direct composite resin technique, occlusal adjustment, finishing, and polishing. The multidisciplinary approach was fundamental for the accomplishment of the proposed treatment, achieving satisfactory esthetic and functional results

    Influence of different adhesion strategies on glass fiber post retention

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    Failures in glass fiber post (GFP) retention may be associated with low adhesion achieved in root dentin.55 single-rooted premolars were endodontically treated and distributed according to different adhesion strategies (n=11): G1: RelyX ARC (3M ESPE; etch-rinse strategy); G2: Relyx Ultimate (3M ESPE; etch-rinse strategy); G3: AllCem (FGM; etch-rinse strategy); G4: Relyx Ultimate (3M ESPE; self-etching strategy); G5: RelyX U200 (3M ESPE; self-adhesive strategy). For Bonding Strength (BS) analysis, the roots were sectioned in slices (1.0mm thickness) corresponding to each root third and submitted to push-out test. The type of failure was assessed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM).The highest BS averages were found in G2 and G3. However, in the middle and apical root thirds, G3 showed statistically similar results to G4 and G5. In the cervical and middle third, G1 was statistically similar to G4 and G5. The mixed type of failure was the most common in all groups.Self-etching (G4) and self-adhesive resin (G5) cements, showed similar BS results of immediate bonding in the cementation of GFP compared to conventional resin cements (G1, G2, G3)