28 research outputs found

    Trendsetters and imagination: Adam Smith’s views on change in Fashion

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    This paper presents a reconstruction and interpretation of the process of change in Adam Smith’s philosophy basing on the example of changes in fashion. I shall focus on the role of imagination, as well as on the role of the wealthy in the process. I shall analyse how sympathy, respect and cognitive errors result in looking up to and mimicking the great. Something introduced by a small number of people becomes fashionable, as others follow. However, the processes of change will be regarded as an effect of individual behaviour and decisions that affect the society.Il presente saggio presenta una ricostruzione e una interpretazione del processo di modifica della filosofia di Adam Smith, basandosi sull'esempio del cambiamento della moda. Mi concentrerò sul ruolo dell'immaginazione, così come sul ruolo della ricchezza nel processo, per poi analizzare come la simpatia, il rispetto e gli errori cognitivi portano a guardare e imitare i "grandi". Se qualcosa introdotto da un piccolo numero di persone diventa di moda, gli altri seguono. Tuttavia, i processi di cambiamento saranno considerati come un effetto del comportamento individuale e delle decisioni che influenzano la società

    Adam Smith and Sophie de Grouchy on Education

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    The paper analyses Adam Smith’s and Sophie de Grouchy’s views concerning education. It addresses both the issues of formal education in institutions for instruction as well as it mentions an informal transfer of values within the family and the society. The brief characteristic of the notions of sympathy and an impartial spectator precedes the discussion of the goals education should serve. It is an individual’s development that is the core issue of the thinkers’ considerations. The benefits for the society, at least in Smith’s case, are important, yet subordinate. Both of the philosophers presented a critique of existing educational institutions. Smith’s views on ways of financing universities and schools are also summarized in the paper. Moreover, a discussion on the issues of educating children and adults is presented, mentioning the importance of universal access to knowledge. It is the idea that people need to achieve the ability to think critically and not to learn the rules (also those of morality) by heart that marks the significance of Smith’s and de Grouchy’s philosophy of education.The paper analyses Adam Smith’s and Sophie de Grouchy’s views concerning education. It addresses both the issues of formal education in institutions for instruction as well as it mentions an informal transfer of values within the family and the society. The brief characteristic of the notions of sympathy and an impartial spectator precedes the discussion of the goals education should serve. It is an individual’s development that is the core issue of the thinkers’ considerations. The benefits for the society, at least in Smith’s case, are important, yet subordinate. Both of the philosophers presented a critique of existing educational institutions. Smith’s views on ways of financing universities and schools are also summarized in the paper. Moreover, a discussion on the issues of educating children and adults is presented, mentioning the importance of universal access to knowledge. It is the idea that people need to achieve the ability to think critically and not to learn the rules (also those of morality) by heart that marks the significance of Smith’s and de Grouchy’s philosophy of education

    Unintended Consequences – Chosen Aspects: Adam Smith vs Bernard Mandeville

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    The paper focuses on the chosen aspects of the role of unintended consequences in Adam Smith’s thought, including the issue of the invisible hand. However, without limiting his philosophical considerations the idea of unintended consequences the few instances where he mentions the invisible hand. Individuals when making decisions and undertaking actions are causing the unintended consequences, therefore due to the complexity of human motivations and behaviour it is extremely difficult to foresee other peoples’ behaviour and longterm results. This way unintended consequences play a crucial role in the process of modifying moral and social norms and institutions, in market exchange and development of the societies. Moreover some similarities and discrepancies between Adam Smith’s and Bernard Mandeville’s views on unintended consequences are pointed out. Mandeville notices that the consequences of actions we undertake can frequently differ from what was assumed when planning and criticized the ultimate belief in the power of a human mind

    Adam Smith on Institutions for Instruction

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    Adam Smith o instytucjach służących kształceniu Chociaż uwagi Adama Smitha dotyczące edukacji i instytucji jej służących nie zajmują wiele miejsca w jego dziełach, to jednak są mocno zakorzenione w jego teorii. Filozof krytykował stałe pensje nauczycieli, przyjmując, że współzawodnictwo pomiędzy nimi wymusi na nich przygotowywanie interesujących i pożytecznych zajęć. Był zwolennikiem rywalizacji między uniwersytetami i pochlebnie wyrażał się o prywatnych nauczycielach. Obstawał jednak zarazem przy współfinansowaniu edukacji przez państwo, ponieważ powszechna nauka dzieci i możliwość zajęcia umysłu przez robotników są korzystne nie tylko dla pojedynczych ludzi, ale też dla państwa.Adam Smith’s remarks concerning education and its institutions, though they occupy no significant place in his works, are, in fact, deeply grounded in his theory. The philosopher criticized teachers’ fixed salaries assuming that it competition  among them would encourage them to prepare interesting and useful classes. He was in favour of competition among universities and wrote favourably of private teachers. At the same time, he argued in favour of co-financing education by the state, as universal education for children and possibility to keep workers’ minds active are not only beneficial to individuals, but also to the state

    James R. Otteson, Adam Smith, London: Bloomsbury, 2013, pp. 200

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    Development in terms of values and quality of life

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    Milenijne Cele Rozwoju odnoszą się głównie do podstawowych potrzeb ludzkich. Te kwestie są istotnymi wskaźnikami jakości życia. Podstawy teoretyczne ważności takiego podejścia odnaleźć można w myśli A. Sena. Próby modelowania matematycznego tych problemów zostały podjęte, analizy te nie są jednak wolne od niedociągnięć.The Millenium Development Goals refer mainly to the basic human needs. Those issues are important indicators of the quality of life. Theoretical foundations of the relevance of such an approach can be found in the thought of A. Sen. Efforts of mathematical modeling were also taken, yet though very useful, they also create problems

    Teoria czterech stadiów rozwoju społeczeństw w myśli Adama Smitha

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    Filozofia XVII wieku jako inspiracja dla prekursorów klasycznej myśli ekonomicznej

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    The article presents the economical views of Dudley North and William Petty. At the same time it indicates that the seventeenth-century philosophical ideas – the Method created by Descartes, aiming at constructing a geometrical and mathematical sciences or Hobbes’ philosophy – were an inspiration to the mentioned thinkers, allowing them to develop an innovative science. North’s original economical concept can be compared to the later concepts of liberal economy. Statistics that was created by Petty, basing on the Baconian ideals of sciences, is still one of the bases for development of economic science.Artykuł przedstawia ekonomiczne poglądy Dudleya Northa i Williama Petty. Zarazem wskazuje on, że idee filozofii siedemnastowiecznej – stworzone przez Descartes’a metoda mająca na celu skonstruowanie nauk geometrycznych i matematycznych czy filozofia Hobbesa – dla obu tych myślicieli stanowiły inspirację i pozwoliły im rozwinąć nowatorską naukę. Oryginalne poglądy ekonomiczne Northa można porównywać z późniejszymi ideami ekonomii liberalnej. Stworzona przez Petty’ego statystyka, opierająca się na Baconowskim ideale nauki, nadal stanowi podstawę rozwoju nauk ekonomicznych