12 research outputs found

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    Roles of Proteoglycans and Glycosaminoglycans in Wound Healing and Fibrosis

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    A wound is a type of injury that damages living tissues. In this review, we will be referring mainly to healing responses in the organs including skin and the lungs. Fibrosis is a process of dysregulated extracellular matrix (ECM) production that leads to a dense and functionally abnormal connective tissue compartment (dermis). In tissues such as the skin, the repair of the dermis after wounding requires not only the fibroblasts that produce the ECM molecules, but also the overlying epithelial layer (keratinocytes), the endothelial cells, and smooth muscle cells of the blood vessel and white blood cells such as neutrophils and macrophages, which together orchestrate the cytokine-mediated signaling and paracrine interactions that are required to regulate the proper extent and timing of the repair process. This review will focus on the importance of extracellular molecules in the microenvironment, primarily the proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycan hyaluronan, and their roles in wound healing. First, we will briefly summarize the physiological, cellular, and biochemical elements of wound healing, including the importance of cytokine cross-talk between cell types. Second, we will discuss the role of proteoglycans and hyaluronan in regulating these processes. Finally, approaches that utilize these concepts as potential therapies for fibrosis are discussed

    The many facets of the matricelluar protein periostin during cardiac development, remodeling, and pathophysiology

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    Periostin is a member of a growing family of matricellular proteins, defined by their ability to interact with components of the extracellular milieu, and with receptors at the cell surface. Through these interactions, periostin has been shown to play a crucial role as a profibrogenic molecule during tissue morphogenesis. Tissues destined to become fibrous structures are dependent on cooperative interactions between periostin and its binding partners, whereas in its absence, these structures either totally or partially fail to become mature fibrous entities. Within the heart, fibrogenic differentiation is required for normal tissue maturation, remodeling and function, as well as in response to a pathological myocardial insult. In this review, aspects related to the function of periostin during cardiac morphogenesis, remodeling and pathology are summarized

    A estratégia de inserção do Brasil na economia mundial : Mercosul ou lonely runner?

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    Bibliografia: p. 22-23Este artigo argumenta que o aprofundamento do Mercosul é conveniente para o Brasil vis-à-vis a alternativa de o país procurar uma inserção na economia internacional isolado dos seus parceiros regionais. Juntamente com lgumas considerações acerca do que se espera que o país seja nas próximas décadas, discutem-se as opções de política existentes e comentam-se as vantagens de ter especializações intra-setoriais negociadas com os países vizinhos. Conclui-se pela necessidade de o Brasil ter uma estratégia definida para o Mercosul quando as negociações destinadas à criação da Área de Livre-Comércio das Américas (Alca) chegarem a termo em 2005, sob pena de o loco ficar “diluído” no contexto da formação de uma área de livre-comércio em um espaço geográfico muito mais extenso. Enfatiza-se que o aprofundamento do bloco seria importante mesmo no caso de a Alca não se concretizar.This paper argues why the deepening of Mercosul is convenient for Brazil vis-à-vis the alternative of seeking a articipation in the international economy separated from its regional partners. Policy options and the advantages of having intra-sectorial specializations negotiated with its neighbouring countries are discussed, as well as some onsiderations about what we expect the country to come in the next decades. The article concludes with the ecessity to define a strategy for Mercosur when the negotiations for the creation of American Free Trade Area (Afta) finish in 2005, with risk of the bloc of being “dissolved” with the formation of a broader geographical free trade area. Is is emphasized that the deepening of the bloc would be important even if Afta is frustrated

    Lack of periostin leads to suppression of Notch1 signaling and calcific aortic valve disease

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    The Postn gene encodes protein periostin. During embryonic development, it is highly expressed in the outflow tract (OFT) endocardial cushions of the developing heart, which give rise to several structures of the mature heart including the aortic valve. Periostin was previously implicated in osteoblast differentiation, cancer metastasis, and tooth and bone development, but its role in cardiac OFT development is unclear. To elucidate the role that periostin plays in the developing heart we analyzed cardiac OFT phenotype in mice after deletion of the Postn gene. We found that lack of periostin in the embryonic OFT leads to ectopic expression of the proosteogenic growth factor pleiotrophin (Ptn) and overexpression of delta-like 1 homolog (Dlk1), a negative regulator of Notch1, in the distal (prevalvular) cushions of the OFT. This resulted in suppression of Notch1 signaling, strong induction of the central transcriptional regulator of osteoblast cell fate Runx2, upregulation of osteopontin and osteocalcin expression, and subsequent calcification of the aortic valve. Our data suggest that periostin represses a default osteogenic program in the OFT cushion mesenchyme and promotes differentiation along a fibrogenic lineage. Lack of periostin causes derepression of the osteogenic potential of OFT mesenchymal cells, calcium deposition, and calcific aortic valve disease. These results establish periostin as a key regulator of OFT endocardial cushion mesenchymal cell fate during embryonic development

    O comércio intra-setorial e suas implicações para a economia cearense

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    Neste trabalho, analisou-se a participação do comércio intra-setorial nas exportações do estado do Ceará e os seus impactos sobre as principais variáveis econômicas durante o período de 1996 a 2004. Inicialmente, foi identificada a intensidade desse tipo de transação comercial, com base no índice proposto por Grubel e Lloyd (1975). A seguir, foi analisada a sua contribuição para o fluxo total de mercadorias comercializadas internacionalmente, com base na metodologia proposta por Menon e Dixon (1996). Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o comércio intra-setorial tem uma pequena participação no comércio total e que, embora alguns produtos primários e minerais participem desse tipo de comércio, as manufaturas são os principais produtos. Em relação aos seus impactos sobre as principais variáveis econômicas, verificou-se que o comércio intra-setorial tem efeitos positivos sobre o emprego, porém sua intensificação pode provocar aumentos no grau de concentração da pauta de exportações e no nível de concentração de renda enquanto reduz o grau de abertura comercial do estado do Ceará.<br>This study aimed at the participation of intra-sectorial commerce of export results in Ceara state and its impacts on main economic variables from 1996 to 2004. The intensity of this type of commercial transactions was identified, based on the Index considered for Grubel and Lloyd (1975). Consequently, it was analyzed its contribution for the total of internationally commercialized merchandises, based on methodology proposed for Menon and Dixon (1996). The analysis of the data show that intra-sectorial commerce has a small contribution at total commerce results and, despite some primary products and mineral participate, manufactures are main products. Regarding impacts on main economic variable, it was verified that the intra-sectorial commerce has positive effect on the generation of new jobs. However, its intensification can provoke increases in the concentration of export guideline and in the income level while reduces the degree of commercial aperture of Ceara state