8 research outputs found

    Ontology modelling for materials science experiments

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    Materials are either enabler or bottleneck for the vast majority of technological innovations. The digitization of materials and processes is mandatory to create live production environments which represent physical entities and their aggregations and thus allow to represent, share, and understand materials changes. However, a common standard formalization for materials knowledge in the form of taxonomies, ontologies, or knowledge graphs has not been achieved yet. This paper sketches the efforts in modelling an ontology prototype to describe Materials Science experiments. It describes what is expected from the ontology by introducing a use case where a process chain driven by the ontology enables the curation and understanding of experiments

    Ontology modelling for materials science experiments

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    Materials are either enabler or bottleneck for the vast majority of technological innovations. The digitization of materials and processes is mandatory to create live production environments which represent physical entities and their aggregations and thus allow to represent, share, and understand materials changes. However, a common standard formalization for materials knowledge in the form of taxonomies, ontologies, or knowledge graphs has not been achieved yet. This paper sketches the efforts in modelling an ontology prototype to describe Materials Science experiments. It describes what is expected from the ontology by introducing a use case where a process chain driven by the ontology enables the curation and understanding of experiments

    Consortium Proposal NFDI-MatWerk

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    This is the official proposal the NFDI-consortium NFDI-MatWerk submitted to the DFG within the request for funding the project. Visit www.dfg.de/nfdi for more infos on the German National Research Data Infrastructure (Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur - NFDI) initiative. Visit www.nfdi-matwerk.de for last infos about the project NFDI-MatWerk

    Kooperative Optimierung von Lichtsignalsteuerung und FahrzeugfĂŒhrung

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    Notwendige Halte an Lichtsignalanlagen und die damit verbundenen Brems- und BeschleunigungsvorgĂ€nge beeinflussen wesentlich die Emissionen des stĂ€dtischen Kraftfahrzeugverkehrs. Weniger Halte bedeuten daher neben einem gleichmĂ€ĂŸigeren Verkehrsfluss und weniger Wartezeitverlusten auch geringere Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt. Der Beitrag stellt ein kooperatives System aus Assistenzsystem und Lichtsignalsteuerung, dessen Komponenten und die zur Anwendung kommenden Verfahren vor, das auf die positive Beeinflussung des Verkehrsablaufs an Knotenpunkten stĂ€dtischer Netze zielt. Dabei werden erste Ergebnisse der Umsetzung dargestellt. Ferner erfolgen eine Übersicht der vorgesehenen Untersuchungen sowie ein Ausblick auf die erwarteten Potentiale des Systems

    Strahlenbedingte KnochenschÀden

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