17 research outputs found

    Unique technique of surgery in an unusual variety of Scimitar syndrome: A Case Report

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    Scimitar syndrome is a rare congenital anomaly characterized by total or partial anomalous pulmonary venous drainage of the right lung to the inferior vena cava. We present a seven year old girl with a systolic murmur who was diagnosed as having a Scimitar syndrome with unusual drainage of the right pulmonary veins. The unique technique of surgery in this patient was appropriate to the unusual, previously not described anatomy

    Unique technique of surgery in an unusual variety of Scimitar syndrome: A Case Report

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    Abstract Scimitar syndrome is a rare congenital anomaly characterized by total or partial anomalous pulmonary venous drainage of the right lung to the inferior vena cava. We present a seven year old girl with a systolic murmur who was diagnosed as having a Scimitar syndrome with unusual drainage of the right pulmonary veins. The unique technique of surgery in this patient was appropriate to the unusual, previously not described anatomy.</p

    Transplantacja serca u dzieci - wp艂yw sztucznych kom贸r serca na wyniki operacyjne

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    Background: The use of a ventricular assist device (VAD) is a life-saving option for patients with heart failure refractory to conventional therapy. Aim: To assess the effect of VAD on outcomes of heart transplantation in children. Methods: Between October 1988 and June 2009, a consecutive series of 95 children (mean age 8.6 &#177; 6.7 years, range 5 days&#8211;17.9 years) underwent heart transplantation: patients in group 1 (n = 11) received VAD as a bridge to cardiac transplantation (left ventricular VAD in 4, biventricular VAD in 7), and patients in group 2 (n = 84) underwent heart transplantation without previous cardiac support using VAD. The indication for heart transplantation was cardiomyopathy/myocarditis in 66 (69.5%) of children and congenital heart disease in 29 (30.5%) patients. Results: Congenital heart disease was diagnosed more often in group 2 than in group 1 (p = 0.047). The two groups did not differ significantly with respect to age, weight and parameters of preoperative liver and kidney function (except for aspartate aminotransferase activity, p = 0.020). The mean waiting time for transplantation was 64.2 &#177; 87.4 days (range 1&#8211;443 days) and did not differ between the groups. The mean follow-up was 6.8 &#177; 5.4 years (range 1 day&#8211;17.6 years). Mortality during long-term follow-up was 9.1% (n = 1) in group 1 and 20.2% (n=17) in group 2 (p = 0.632). We found no significant differences in postoperative ventilatory support time (p = 0.773), duration of hospital stay (p = 0.853), and incidence of acute rejection episodes (p = 0.575). Conclusions: The use of VAD as a bridge to heart transplantation in children with severe heart failure had no negative effect on treatment outcomes. Kardiol Pol 2010; 68, 6: 664-669Wst臋p: Transplantacja serca jest uznan膮 metod膮 terapii opornej na leczenie zachowawcze niewydolno艣ci serca u dzieci. Dost臋pno艣膰 organ贸w w tej grupie wiekowej jest jednak bardzo ograniczona, a czas oczekiwania na dawc臋 nadal si臋 wyd艂u偶a. Wszczepienie sztucznych kom贸r serca jest skutecznym sposobem na utrzymanie dziecka przy 偶yciu w czasie oczekiwania na transplantacj臋. Mechaniczne wspomaganie kr膮偶enia wi膮偶e si臋 jednak z ryzykiem licznych powik艂a艅, takich jak: immunizacja, zrosty w 艣r贸dpiersiu i powik艂ania zatorowo-zakrzepowe, kt贸re mog膮 istotnie wp艂ywa膰 na wyniki transplantacji. Cel: Celem pracy by艂a ocena wp艂ywu przedoperacyjnego zastosowania sztucznych kom贸r na wyniki transplantacji serca u dzieci. Metody: Retrospektywnej analizie poddano 95 dzieci, u kt贸rych w okresie od pa藕dziernika 1988 roku do czerwca 2009 roku wykonano ortotopowe przeszczepienie serca. W艣r贸d badanych by艂o 56 ch艂opc贸w i 39 dziewczynek, w wieku od 5 dni do 17,9 roku (艣r. 8,6 &#177; 6,7 roku), o masie cia艂a w chwili transplantacji 3,3&#8211;69,6 kg (艣r. 21,9 &#177; 17,1 kg). Wskazaniem do transplantacji by艂a niewydolno艣膰 serca w przebiegu: kardiomiopatii/zapalenia mi臋艣nia sercowego u 66 (69,5%) dzieci i wrodzonej wady serca u 29 (30,5%) dzieci. Pacjent贸w podzielono na dwie grupy: grup臋 1 stanowi艂o 11 dzieci, kt贸re przed transplantacj膮 serca wymaga艂y wszczepienia sztucznych kom贸r, a grup臋 2 - 84 pacjent贸w bez uprzedniego mechanicznego wspomagania kr膮偶enia. W celu mechanicznego wspomagania kr膮偶enia stosowano dwa rodzaje sztucznych kom贸r serca: Berlin Heart Excor u 7 (63,6%) i Medos u 4 (36,4%) pacjent贸w. U wszystkich dzieci stosowano standardow膮 technik臋 implantacji system贸w: prawe serce wspomagano, wszczepiaj膮c sztuczn膮 komor臋 mi臋dzy prawy przedsionek a t臋tnic臋 p艂ucn膮 (RVAD); lewe - w艂膮czaj膮c sztuczn膮 komor臋 mi臋dzy lew膮 komor臋 (koniuszek) a aort臋 wst臋puj膮c膮 (LVAD). Dwukomorowego wspomagania wymaga艂o 7 dzieci, a u 4 wystarcza艂o wspomaganie tylko lewej komory. Mediana czasu mechanicznego wspomagania kr膮偶enia wynosi艂a 16,0 dni (od 6 dni do 15,1 miesi臋cy). Wyniki: Struktura obu grup pod wzgl臋dem wskaza艅 do transplantacji serca (kardiomiopatia/zapalenie mi臋艣nia sercowego v. wrodzona wada serca) r贸偶ni艂a si臋 istotnie (p = 0,047). Wiek, masa cia艂a i warto艣ci wska藕nik贸w wydolno艣ci w膮troby oraz nerek bezpo艣rednio przed transplantacj膮 (z wyj膮tkiem st臋偶enia aminotransferazy asparaginianowej w osoczu, p = 0,020) nie r贸偶ni艂y si臋 mi臋dzy grupami. 艢redni czas oczekiwania na serce wynosi艂 64,2 &#177; 87,4 dnia (mediana: 34 dni, 1-443 dni) i nie r贸偶ni艂 si臋 w zale偶no艣ci od badanej grupy (p = 0,931). Najcz臋stszym powik艂aniem po wszczepieniu sztucznych kom贸r by艂o krwawienie. Z tego powodu 5 dzieci wymaga艂o reoperacji. Obecno艣膰 alloprzeciwcia艂 anty-HLA b臋d膮cych wynikiem immunizacji stwierdzono tylko u trojga dzieci z grupy 2. Czas obserwacji pacjent贸w po transplantacji serca wynosi艂 6,8 &#177; 5,4 roku (1 dzie艅 &#8211; 17,6 roku). Nie wykazano istotnych r贸偶nic mi臋dzy grupami pod wzgl臋dem czasu sztucznej wentylacji po transplantacji (p = 0,773), okresu hospitalizacji (p = 0,853) czy cz臋sto艣ci odrzutu przeszczepu (p = 0,575). 艢miertelno艣膰 po transplantacji w okresie obserwacji nie r贸偶ni艂a si臋 mi臋dzy grupami i wynosi艂a 9,1% (n = 1) w grupie 1 i 20,2% (n = 17) w grupie 2 (p = 0,632). Wnioski: Zastosowanie pneumatycznie nap臋dzanego, pulsacyjnego systemu wspomagania kr膮偶enia przyczynia si臋 do ratowania 偶ycia dzieci b臋d膮cych w stanie wstrz膮su kardiogennego i umo偶liwia pe艂n膮 regeneracj臋 wydolno艣ci narz膮d贸w. 艢miertelno艣膰 i cz臋sto艣膰 powik艂a艅 po transplantacji serca u dzieci, u kt贸rych wspomagano uk艂ad kr膮偶enia za pomoc膮 sztucznych kom贸r, jest podobna jak w艣r贸d dzieci, u kt贸rych nie zastosowano wspomagania kr膮偶enia. Kardiol Pol 2010; 68, 6: 664-66

    Radium 228 and Radium 226 in surface water of the Kara Sea and Laptev Sea

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    The surface water in the Transpolar Drift in the Arctic Ocean has a strong signature of 228Ra. In an earlier study of 228Ra in the open Arctic we showed that the major 228Ra source had to be in the Siberian shelf seas, but only a single shelf station was published so far. Here we investigate the sources of this signal on the Siberian shelves by measurements of 228Ra and 226Ra in surface waters of the Kara and Laptev Sea, including the Ob, Yenisey and Lena estuaries. In the Ob and Lena rivers we found an indication for a very strong and unexpected removal of both isotopes in the early stage of estuarine mixing, presumably related to flocculation of organic-rich material. Whereas 226Ra behaves conservatively on the shelf, the distribution of 228Ra is governed by large inputs on the shelves, although sources are highly variable. In the Kara Sea the maximum activity was found in the Baydaratskaya Bay, where tidal resonance and low freshwater supply favour 228Ra accumulation. The Laptev Sea is a stronger source for 228Ra than the Kara Sea. Since a large part of Kara Sea water flows through the Laptev Sea, the 228Ra signal in the Transpolar Drift can be described as originating on the Laptev shelf. The combined freshwater inputs from the Eurasian shelves thus produce a common radium signature with a 228Ra/226Ra activity ratio of 4.0 at 20% river water. The radium signals of the individual Siberian rivers and shelves cannot be separated, but their signal is significantly different from the signal produced on the Canadian shelf (Smith et al., in press). In this respect, the radium tracers add to the information given by Barium. Moreover, with the 5.8 year half-life of 228Ra, they have the potential to serve as a tracer for the age of a water mass since its contact with the shelves

    228Ra and 226Ra in the Kara and Laptev Seas

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    The surface water in the Transpolar Drift in the Arctic Ocean has a strong signature of 228Ra. In an earlier study of 228Ra in the open Arctic we showed that the major 228Ra source had to be in the Siberian shelf seas, but only a single shelf station was published so far. Here we investigate the sources of this signal on the Siberian shelves by measurements of 228Ra and 226Ra in surface waters of the Kara and Laptev Sea, including the Ob, Yenisey and Lena estuaries. In the Ob and Lena rivers we found an indication for a very strong and unexpected removal of both isotopes in the early stage of estuarine mixing, presumably related to flocculation of organic-rich material. Whereas 226Ra behaves conservatively on the shelf, the distribution of 228Ra is governed by large inputs on the shelves, although sources are highly variable. In the Kara Sea the maximum activity was found in the Baydaratskaya Bay, where tidal resonance and low freshwater supply favour 228Ra accumulation. The Laptev Sea is a stronger source for 228Ra than the Kara Sea. Since a large part of Kara Sea water flows through the Laptev Sea, the 228Ra signal in the Transpolar Drift can be described as originating on the Laptev shelf. The combined freshwater inputs from the Eurasian shelves thus produce a common radium signature with a 228Ra/226Ra activity ratio of 4.0 at 20% river water. The radium signals of the individual Siberian rivers and shelves cannot be separated, but their signal is significantly different from the signal produced on the Canadian shelf (Smith et al., in press). In this respect, the radium tracers add to the information given by Barium. Moreover, with the 5.8 year half-life of 228Ra, they have the potential to serve as a tracer for the age of a water mass since its contact with the shelves