384 research outputs found

    Electron multiplying CCD – based detection in Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy and measurements in living zebrafish embryos

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    Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) is an ultra-sensitive optical technique to investigate the dynamic properties of ensembles of single fluorescent molecules in solution. It is in particular suited for measurements in biological samples. High sensitivity is obtained by employing confocal microscopy setups with diffraction limited small detection volumes, and by using single-photon sensitive detectors, for example avalanche photo diodes (APD). However, fluorescence signal is hence typically collected from a single focus position in the sample only, and several measurements at different positions have to be performed successively. To overcome the time-consuming successive FCS measurements, we introduce electron multiplying CCD (EMCCD) camera-based spatially resolved detection for FCS. With this new detection method, multiplexed FCS measurements become feasible. Towards this goal, we perform FCS measurements with two focal volumes. As an application, we demonstrate spatial cross-correlation measurements between the two detection volumes, which allow to measure calibration-free diffusion coefficients and direction-sensitive processes like molecular flow in microfluidic channels. FCS is furthermore applied to living zebrafish embryos, to investigate the concentration gradient of the morphogen fibroblast growth factor 8 (Fgf8). It is shown by one-focus APD-based and two-focus EMCCD-based FCS, that Fgf8 propagates largely by random diffusion through the extracellular space in developing tissue. The stable concentration gradient is shown to arise from the equilibrium between a local morphogen production and the sink function of the receiving cells by receptor-mediated removal from the extracellular space. The study shows the applicability of FCS to whole model organisms. Especially in such dynamically changing systems in vivo, the perspective of fast parallel FCS measurements is of great importance. In this work, we exemplify parallel, spatially resolved FCS by utilizing an EMCCD camera. The approach, however, can be easily adapted to any other class of two-dimensional array detector. Novel generations of array detectors might become available in the near future, so that multiplexed spatial FCS could then emerge as a standard extension to classical one-focus FCS.Fluoreszenz-Korrelations-Spektroskopie (FCS) ist eine hochempfindliche optische Methode, um die dynamischen Eigenschaften eines Ensembles von einzelnen, fluoreszierenden Molekülen in Lösung zu erforschen. Sie ist insbesondere geeignet für Messungen in biologischen Proben. Die hohe Empfindlichkeit wird erreicht durch Verwendung konfokaler Mikroskop-Aufbauten mit beugungsbegrenztem Detektionsvolumen, und durch Messung der Fluoreszenz mit Einzelphotonen-empfindlichen Detektoren, zum Beispiel Avalanche-Photodioden (APD). Dadurch wird das Fluoreszenzsignal allerdings nur von einer einzelnen Fokusposition in der Probe eingesammelt, und mehrfache Messungen an verschiedenen Positionen in der Probe müssen nacheinander durchgeführt werden. Um die zeitaufwendigen, aufeinanderfolgenden FCS-Einzelmessungen zu überwinden, entwickeln wir in dieser Arbeit Elektronenvervielfachungs-CCD (EMCCD) Kamera-basierte räumlich aufgelöste Detektion für FCS. Mit dieser neuartigen Detektionsmethode werden Multiplex-FCS Messungen möglich. Darauf abzielend führen wir FCS Messungen mit zwei Detektionsvolumina durch. Als Anwendung nutzen wir die räumliche Kreuzkorrelation zwischen dem Signal beider Fokalvolumina. Sie ermöglicht die kalibrationsfreie Bestimmung von Diffusionskoeffizienten und die Messung von gerichteter Bewegung, wie zum Beispiel laminarem Fluss in mikrostrukturierten Kanälen. FCS wird darüber hinaus angewendet auf Messungen in lebenden Zebrafischembryonen, um den Konzentrationsgradienten des Morphogens Fibroblasten-Wachstumsfaktor 8 (Fgf8) zu untersuchen. Mit Hilfe von APD-basierter ein-Fokus FCS und EMCCD-basierter zwei-Fokus FCS zeigen wir, dass Fgf8 hauptsächlich frei diffffundiert im extrazellulären Raum des sich entwickelnden Embryos. Der stabile Konzentrationsgradient entsteht durch ein Gleichgewicht von lokaler Morphogenproduktion und globalem Morphogenabbau durch Rezeptor vermittelte Entfernung aus dem extrazellulären Raum. Die Studie zeigt die Anwendbarkeit von FCS in ganzen Modell-Organismen. Gerade in diesen sich dynamisch ändernden Systemen in vivo ist die Perspektive schneller, paralleler FCS-Messungen von großer Bedeutung. In dieser Arbeit wird räumlich aufgelöste FCS am Beispiel einer EMCCD Kamera durchgeführt. Die Herangehensweise ist jedoch einfach übertragbar auf jede andere Art von zwei-dimensionalem Flächendetektor. Neuartige Flächendetektoren könnten in naher Zukunft verfügbar sein. Dann könnte räumlich aufgelöste Multiplex-FCS eine standardisierte Erweiterung zur klassischen ein-Fokus FCS werden

    Long-term neuromuscular sequelae of critical illness

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    In this observational study, we analyzed the long-term neuromuscular deficits of survivors of critical illness. Intensive care unit-acquired muscular weakness (ICU-AW) is a very common complication of critical illness. Critical illness polyneuropathy (CIP) and critical illness myopathy (CIM) are two main contributors to ICU-AW. ICU-AW is associated with an increased mortality and leads to rehabilitation problems. However, the long-term outcome of ICU-AW and factors influencing it are not well known. We analyzed the medical records of 490 survivors of critical illness, aged 18-75years and located in the area of the study center. Intensive care unit (ICU) survivors with comorbidities that might influence neuromuscular follow-up examinations, muscle strength, or results of nerve conduction studies, such as renal or hepatic insufficiency, diabetes mellitus, or vitamin deficiency were excluded. A total of 51 patients were finally included in the study. Six to 24months after discharge from the ICU, we measured the Medical Research Council (MRC) sum score, the Overall Disability Sum score (ODSS), and also performed nerve conduction studies and EMG. For all ICU survivors, the median MRC sum score was 60 (range 47-60) and the median ODSS score was 0 (range 0-8). CIP was diagnosed in 21 patients (41%). No patient was diagnosed with CIM. Patients with diagnosis of CIP showed a higher median ODSS scores 1 (range 0-8) versus 0 (range 0-5); p<0.001 and lower median MRC sum scores 56 (range 47-60) versus 60 (range 58-60); p<0.001. The three main outcome variables MRC sum score, ODSS score and diagnosis of CIP were not related to age, gender, or diagnosis of sepsis. The MRC sum score (r=−0.33; p=0.02) and the ODSS score (r=0.31; p=0.029) were correlated with the APACHE score. There was a trend for an increased APACHE score in patients with diagnosis of CIP 19 (range 6-33) versus 16.5 (range 6-28); p=0.065. Patients with the diagnosis of CIP had more days of ICU treatment 11days (range 2-74) versus 4days (range 1-61); p=0.015, and had more days of ventilator support 8days (range 1-59) versus 2days (range 1-46); p=0.006. The MRC sum score and the ODSS score were correlated with the days of ICU treatment and with the days of ventilator support. The neuromuscular long-term consequences of critical illness were not severe in our study population. As patients with concomitant diseases and old patients were excluded from this study the result of an overall favorable prognosis of ICU-acquired weakness may not be true for other patient's case-mix. Risk factors for the development of long-term critical illness neuropathy are duration of ICU treatment, duration of ventilator support, and a high APACHE score, but not diagnosis of sepsis. Although ICU-AW can be serious complication of ICU treatment, this should not influence therapeutic decisions, given its favorable long-term prognosis, at least in relatively young patients with no concomitant disease

    Characteristics of a New Carbonaceous Chondrite, Metal-Rich-Lithology Found in the Carbonaceous Chondrite Breccia Aguas Zarcas

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    The Aguas Zarcas meteorite fell in Costa Rica on 23 April 2019 at 21:07 local time, with a total mass of about 27 kg. Hundreds of fusion-crusted stones ranging from 0.1 to 1868 g were recovered (The Meteoritical Bulletin). The meteorite was classified as a CM chondrite, but some lithlogies show a different texture to that of CM. In this study, we investigated the petrography, mineral-ogy, chemistry, and isotopic composition of an unusual Metal-rich-lithology from this fresh fall

    Electrochemical properties of micro-batteries with single NCM-111 secondary particles as cathode

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    Although lithium ion batteries (LIB) are already used in numerous applications, e.g. as power source in portable devices, the optimization of the battery performance, such as life-time, cyclability and energy density, is of large interest for using LIBs in e.g. electrical vehicles or temporary storage systems for renewable energy sources. Typically, the performance of the cathode active material is investigated using composite electrodes. Advanced composite electrodes consist of a complex architecture with comparably large secondary particles (10 µm - 30 µm) of the active material built up from nanometer sized primary particles. Furthermore, they also contain additives influencing the electrochemical properties of the composite electrode. To avoid such influences and to further optimize the performance of the cathode’s active material a detailed understanding of the impact of the cathode architecture on the ionic and electronic transport processes is necessary. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Genetic association of objective sleep phenotypes with a functional polymorphism in the neuropeptide S receptor gene

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    Background: The neuropeptide S receptor (NPSR1) and its ligand neuropeptide S (NPS) have received increased attention in the last few years, as both establish a previously unknown system of neuromodulation. Animal research studies have suggested that NPS may be involved in arousal/wakefulness and may also have a crucial role in sleep regulation. The single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs324981 in NPSR1 has begun to shed light on a function of the NPS-system in human sleep regulation. Due to an amino acid exchange, the T-allele leads to an increased sensitivity of the NPSR1. In the only genomewide association study to date on circadian sleep parameters in humans, an association was found between rs324981 and regular bedtime. However, the sleep parameters in this study were only measured by self-rating. Therefore, our study aimed to replicate these findings using an objective measure of sleep. Methods: The study included n = 393 white subjects (62–79 years) who participated in an actigraphic assessment for determining sleep duration, rest duration, sleep onset, rest onset and sleep onset latency. Genotyping of the SNP rs324981 was performed using the TaqMan OpenArray System. Results: The genotype at rs324981 was not significantly associated with rest onset (bedtime) or sleep onset (p = .146 and p = .199, respectively). However, the SNP showed a significant effect on sleep- and rest duration (p = .007 and p = .003, respectively). Subjects that were homozygous for the minor T-allele had a significantly decreased sleep- and rest duration compared to A-allele carriers. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that the sleep pattern in humans is influenced by the NPS-system. However, the previously reported association between bedtime and rs324981 could not be confirmed. The current finding of decreased sleep duration in T/T allele carriers is in accordance with studies in rodents reporting similar results after NPS application.:Background; Methods; Results; Conclusion


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    In organizations with multiple meeting rooms or conference rooms, meeting rooms can become unavailable after a meeting has already been scheduled in that room. The described system can respond to an indication that the meeting room is unavailable by finding another meeting room for the meeting that meets the requirements for the meeting. The system can notify the participants or attendees of the meeting of the new meeting room

    Persistent organic pollutants in tissues of the white-blooded Antarctic fish Champsocephalus gunnari and Chaenocephalus aceratus

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    The global occurrence of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) continuously contributes to their accumulation also in remote areas such as the Antarctic Ocean. Antarctic fish , which hold high trophic positions but appear to possess low endogenous elimination rates for chemicals, are expected to bioaccumulate POPs with rising anthropogenic pollution. Using a chemical-analytical method, we measured concentrations of PCBs, PBDEs, HCBs, HCH and DDTs and determined toxic equivalents (TEQs) and bioanalytical equivalents (BEQs) in muscle and ovaries of Antarctic icefish caught in the Southern Ocean around Elephant Island. We used two species with different feeding habits and trophic web positions: the planktivorous Champsocephalus gunnari and the piscivorous Chaenocephalus aceratus . Our results revealed higher contaminant levels in ovary than in muscle tissues of both species. Most analytes concentrations and the TEQs (0.2-0.5) and BEQs (0.2) were lower as in temperate species. Comparison with literature data points to higher PCB (20-22 ng g(-1) lipid weight (lw)) and DDT (7 19.5 ng g(-1) lw) concentrations than those measured in icefish in the 90's. For the other contaminants, we could not identify temporal trends. We found a higher bioaccumulation of contaminants, particularly HCB and DDTs, in C. aceratus (6.2 &amp; 19.5 ng g(-1) lw, respectively) than in C. gunnari (3.8 &amp; 7.0 ng g(-1) lw, respectively). However, there was no general species-specific accumulation pattern of the different toxicant classes between the two icefish. Thus, the expected link between contaminant burdens of C aceratus and C gunnari and their ecological traits was only weakly supported for these species