190 research outputs found

    21st-Century Brands: An Innovation Opportunity and an Ethical Challenge

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    La gestió de marca és un àmbit en evolució constant. Des dels seus orígens, les marques han evolucionat de ser percebudes només com a noms indicant qui és el fabricant d’un producte a ser conceptualitzades com a entitats orgàniques, dinàmiques, socials, i conversacionals basades en aproximacions co-creatives i corporatives. Els recents avanços exponencials en les tecnologies de la informació han millorat la interconnectivitat entre les marques i els seus múltiples stakeholders, donant així a les marques l’oportunitat d’involucrar aquests stakeholders en processos de co-creació. La investigació anterior en l’àmbit de la co-creació ha estudiat predominantment les interaccions i relacions entre les marques i els seus clients. Els acadèmics han desenvolupat aquesta investigació principalment des del punt de vista dels clients, centrant-se en les seves motivacions, recursos i experiències. Però, els acadèmics han dut a terme poca investigació sobre la co-creació des de la perspectiva dels directius. Això és sorprenent perquè, malgrat que sigui valuós conèixer les motivacions, recursos i experiències dels clients, els directius també necessiten saber com gestionar la co-creació per assolir el seu potencial. Per tant, el primer objectiu general d’investigació d’aquesta tesi doctoral és investigar empíricament la co-creació des de la perspectiva dels directius per comprendre com assolir el seu potencial. Per aconseguir aquest objectiu, s’aplica la metodologia qualitativa. La font de les dades són 20 entrevistes en profunditat a directius que han liderat iniciatives de co-creació en 20 marques. Els resultats mostren diverses aproximacions a la co-creació – des d’eina tàctica d’investigació de mercats fins a mètode estratègic d’innovació col·laborativa, i suggereixen que les marques es poden posicionar al llarg d’un continu entre aquests dos extrems. Els resultats també detallen les característiques fonamentals de cada extrem, i presenten tant les barreres que poden impossibilitar a les marques assolir el potencial de la co-creació com les maneres de sobrepassar aquestes barreres. No obstant, l’actual interconnectivitat millorada entre les marques i els stakeholders també ha causat que l’entorn sigui més transparent, generant així preocupacions ètiques en els negocis. En aquest entorn, el consumisme ètic s’està propagant ràpidament, i els clients esperen cada vegada més que les marques mostrin el seu compromís ètic durant les seves interaccions i relacions. Això ha emfatitzat el repte que tenen les marques de tenir una imatge ètica. Per això, moltes marques han començat a considerar l’ètica com a una dimensió estratègica que les pot ajudar a millorar la seva imatge. Això ha portat a una creixent quantitat d’investigació sobre l’ètica en els negocis i la responsabilitat social corporativa en els últims anys, la qual ha estat desenvolupada majoritàriament en l’àmbit del màrqueting. Però, malgrat que diversos acadèmics han reconegut que l’ètica ha d’estar al centre de les marques corporatives, encara hi ha una manca d’investigació sobre l’ètica en el context de les marques corporatives que operen en el sector dels serveis. Això és inesperat, ja que les marques corporatives són més rellevants en el sector dels serveis que en l’àmbit de productes/béns, a causa de la naturalesa diferent dels serveis (intangible, heterogènia, inseparable i perible), i el consegüent major nombre d’interaccions i relacions entre les marques i els clients que els contextos de serveis contenen. Per tant, el segon objectiu general d’investigació d’aquesta tesi doctoral és examinar els efectes de les percepcions que els clients tenen de l’ètica de les marques corporatives de serveis sobre variables dependents rellevants de marca i client. Per aconseguir aquest objectiu, s’aplica la metodologia quantitativa. Les dades són recol·lectades fent servir un panell de 2179 clients de marques corporatives de serveis. Els resultats mostren que l’ètica percebuda pels clients té un efecte positiu i indirecte sobre el valor de la marca i la lleialtat d’aquests clients, a través dels mediadors de qualitat percebuda pels clients i compromís afectiu dels mateixos. Mentre un impacte directe de l’ètica percebuda pels clients sobre el valor de la marca no està recolzat empíricament, un efecte directe d’aquesta ètica percebuda pels clients sobre la seva lleialtat sí que ho està. Finalment, l’empatia dels empleats modera positivament l’efecte de l’ètica percebuda pels clients sobre el compromís afectiu d’aquests, la qualitat percebuda pels clients té un impacte positiu sobre el seu compromís afectiu, i la lleialtat dels clients influeix positivament el boca a orella positiu per part dels mateixos.La gestión de marca es un ámbito en evolución constante. Desde sus orígenes, las marcas han evolucionado de ser percibidas sólo como nombres indicando quién es el fabricante de un producto a ser conceptualizadas como entidades orgánicas, dinámicas, sociales, y conversacionales basadas en aproximaciones co-creativas y corporativas. Los recientes avances exponenciales en las tecnologías de la información han mejorado la interconectividad entre las marcas y sus múltiples stakeholders, dando así a las marcas la oportunidad de involucrar a dichos stakeholders en procesos de co-creación. La investigación anterior en el ámbito de la co-creación ha estudiado predominantemente las interacciones y relaciones entre las marcas y sus clientes. Los académicos han desarrollado dicha investigación principalmente desde el punto de vista de los clientes, centrándose en sus motivaciones, recursos y experiencias. No obstante, los académicos han llevado a cabo poca investigación sobre la co-creación desde la perspectiva de los directivos. Esto es sorprendente porque, pese a que sea valioso conocer las motivaciones, recursos y experiencias de los clientes, los directivos también necesitan saber cómo gestionar la co-creación para alcanzar su potencial. Por consiguiente, el primer objetivo general de investigación de esta tesis doctoral es investigar empíricamente la co-creación desde la perspectiva de los directivos para comprender cómo alcanzar su potencial. Para conseguir dicho objetivo, se aplica la metodología cualitativa. La fuente de los datos son 20 entrevistas en profundidad a directivos que han liderado iniciativas de co-creación en 20 marcas. Los resultados muestran diversas aproximaciones a la co-creación – desde herramienta táctica de investigación de mercados hasta método estratégico de innovación colaborativa, y sugieren que las marcas se pueden posicionar a lo largo de un continuo entre estos dos extremos. Los resultados también detallan las características fundamentales de cada extremo, y presentan tanto las barreras que pueden imposibilitar a las marcas alcanzar el potencial de la co-creación como las maneras de sobrepasar dichas barreras. Sin embargo, la actual interconectividad mejorada entre las marcas y los stakeholders también ha causado que el entorno sea más transparente, generando así preocupaciones éticas en los negocios. En dicho entorno, el consumismo ético se está propagando rápidamente, y los clientes esperan cada vez más que las marcas muestren su compromiso ético durante sus interacciones y relaciones. Esto ha enfatizado el reto que tienen las marcas de tener una imagen ética. Por ello, muchas marcas han empezado a considerar la ética como una dimensión estratégica que les puede ayudar a mejorar su imagen. Esto ha llevado a una creciente cantidad de investigación sobre la ética en los negocios y la responsabilidad social corporativa en los últimos años, la cual ha sido desarrollada mayoritariamente en el ámbito del marketing. No obstante, aunque varios académicos han reconocido que la ética debe estar en el centro de las marcas corporativas, todavía hay una falta de investigación sobre la ética en el contexto de las marcas corporativas que operan en el sector de los servicios. Esto es inesperado, puesto que las marcas corporativas son más relevantes en el sector de los servicios que en ámbito de productos/bienes, debido a la naturaleza distinta de los servicios (intangible, heterogénea, inseparable, y perecedera), y el consiguiente mayor número de interacciones y relaciones entre las marcas y los clientes que los contextos de servicios contienen. Por lo tanto, el segundo objetivo general de investigación de esta tesis doctoral es examinar los efectos de las percepciones que los clientes tienen de la ética de las marcas corporativas de servicios sobre variables dependientes relevantes de marca y cliente. Para conseguir dicho objetivo, se aplica la metodología cuantitativa. Los datos son recolectados usando un panel compuesto por 2179 clientes de marcas corporativas de servicios. Los resultados muestran que la ética percibida por los clientes tiene un efecto positivo e indirecto sobre el valor de la marca y la lealtad de dichos clientes, a través de los mediadores de calidad percibida por los clientes y compromiso afectivo de los mismos. Mientras un impacto directo de la ética percibida por los clientes sobre el valor de la marca no está respaldado empíricamente, un efecto directo de dicha ética percibida por los clientes sobre su lealtad sí lo está. Finalmente, la empatía de los empleados modera positivamente el efecto de la ética percibida por los clientes sobre el compromiso afectivo de éstos, la calidad percibida por los clientes tiene un impacto positivo sobre su compromiso afectivo, y la lealtad de los clientes influye positivamente el boca a oreja positivo por parte de los mismos.Brand management is a field in constant evolution. Since their origins, brands have evolved from being perceived just as names indicating who the manufacturer of a product is, to be conceptualized as organic, dynamic, social and conversational entities that are based on co-creative and corporate approaches. The recent exponential advances in information technologies have improved the interconnectivity between brands and their multiple stakeholders, and thereby given brands the opportunity to engage these stakeholders in co-creation processes. Previous research in the field of co-creation has predominantly studied the interactions and relationships between brands and their customers. Scholars have mainly developed this research from the customer perspective, focusing on customer motivations, resources and experiences. Yet, they have conducted little research on co-creation from the managerial perspective. This is surprising because, while it is valuable to know about customer motivations, resources and experiences, managers also need to know how to best manage co-creation so as to realize its potential. Accordingly, the first overarching research objective of this PhD thesis is to empirically investigate co-creation from the managerial perspective, in order to figure out how to realize its potential. To achieve this objective, the qualitative methodology is applied. The data source are 20 in-depth interviews with managers that have led co-creation initiatives in 20 brands. Results show diverse approaches to co-creation – from tactical market research tool to strategic collaborative innovation method, and suggest that brands can be positioned along a continuum between these two extremes. Results also detail the fundamental characteristics of each extreme, and present both the barriers that can inhibit brands to realize the potential of co-creation and the ways to overcome these barriers. However, the current improved brand-stakeholder interconnectivity has also turned the environment into a more transparent one, giving rise to ethical concerns in business. In such environment, an ethical consumerism is rapidly spreading, and customers are increasingly expecting brands to portray their ethical commitment during their interactions and relationships. This has emphasized the brand challenge of having an ethical image. Accordingly, many brands have started to consider ethicality as a strategic dimension that can help them to improve their image. This has led to a growing body of research on business ethics and corporate social responsibility in recent years, which has been mostly developed in the field of marketing. However, although various scholars have recognized that ethics should be at the core of every corporate brand, there is still a lack of research on business ethics in the context of corporate brands that operate in the services sector. This is unexpected, because corporate brands are more relevant in the services sector than in the field of products/goods, due to the distinct nature of services (i.e., intangible, heterogeneous, inseparable, and perishable), and the subsequent greater number of brand-customer interactions and relationships that services contexts entail. Accordingly, the second overarching research objective of this PhD thesis is to empirically examine the effects of customer perceptions of a corporate services brand ethicality on relevant brand and customer outcome variables. To achieve this objective, the quantitative methodology is applied. Data are collected using a panel composed of 2179 customers of corporate services brands. Results show that customer perceived ethicality has a positive and indirect effect on both brand equity and customer loyalty, through the mediators of customer perceived quality and customer affective commitment. While a direct impact of customer perceived ethicality on brand equity is not empirically supported, a direct effect of customer perceived ethicality on customer loyalty is. Finally, employee empathy positively moderates the effect of customer perceived ethicality on customer affective commitment, customer perceived quality has a positive impact on customer affective commitment, and customer loyalty positively influences customer positive word-of-mouth

    Koncentracija 16 elemenata u tkivima (jetra, mišić, škrge) babuške (carassius gibelio, bloch, 1782) akumulacije Međuvršje, sezonski aspekt

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    Akumulacija Međuvršje nalazi se u izlaznom delu Ovčarsko-kablarske klisure. Dužina akumulacije iznosi 9.3km, a površina 1.5km2. Najveća širina iznosi 272m, dok je maksimalna dubina do 12m zabeležena neposredno ispod brane. Dno akumulacije je najvećim delom muljevito, i u manjoj meri peskovito. Aktivnost HE Međuvršje dovodi do oscilovanja u litoralnoj zoni od 20 do 30 cm. Stalno taloženje rečnog nanosa dovodi do stvaranje malih zaravni koje usporavaju tok i menjaju izgled rečnog korita. Kako je akumulacija oivičena branama HE Ovčar i HE Međuvršje, od kojih ni jedna ne poseduje objekte za prelaz riba (tzv. riblje staze), uzvodne i nizvodne migracije i kontakti ribljih populacija su praktično onemogućeni što akumulaciju čini jedinstvenim zatvorenim sistemom. Prema podacima koji su prikupljeni tokom terenskih istraživanja 2012. godine, akumulaciju Međuvršje naseljavaju 19 vrsta riba iz ukupno 6 familija. Akumulacija Međuvršje ima sastav ribljeg naselja koji ukazuje da je to ribolovna voda sa osobinama i elementima gornjeg toka šaranskih riba ili region rečne mrene (epipotamon) i srednjeg toka šaranskih riba ili region deverike (metapotamon). Riblju zajednicu akumulacije Međuvršje karakteriše dominacija uklije (A.alburnus), gavčice (Rodeus sericeus) i babuške (Carasius gibelio), uz zadovoljavajuću brojnost bodorke (Rutilus rutilus), skobalja (Ch.nasus), grgeča (Perca fluviatilis) i klena (S.cephalus). Nepovoljnoj strukturi ihtiofaune doprinose „novi članovi“ – alohtone vrste, babuška, cverglan (Ameiurus melas), čebačok (Pseudorasbora parva) i sivi tolstolobik (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis) (Simović 2001). Babuška (Carassius gibelio bloch 1782) živi u stajaćim i sporotekućim nizijskim vodama. Naseljava deo Azije i srednju Evropu, sa izuzetkom Italije, Švajcarske i južne Francuske. Nalažena je i u Sibiru sve do reke Lene. U naše predele introdukovana je iz jugoistočne Azije. Ima je u rekama Dunavskog sliva, a najbrojnija je u plavljenim zonama Dunava, Save, Tise, Begeja, Tamiša, u kanalskoj mreži Dunav-Tisa-Dunav, starim koritima Velike Morave i šljunkarama pored Dunavskih pritoka. Ribe su često izložene visokom stepenu zagađenja u vodi, što može dovesti do čitavog niza različitih promena, od biohemijskih na nivou ćelija, do promena na nivou celih populacija (Bernet et al. 1999). S obzirom da se ribe nalaze na vrhu lanaca ishrane u vodenoj sredini, često u organizmu akumuliraju velike količine pojedinih teških metala (Yilmaz et al. 2007). Takođe se smatraju i jednim od najosetljivijih akvatičnih organizama na prisustvo toksičnih materija u vodi (Alibabić i sar. 2007). Do sada je većina istraživanja pretežno bila usmerena na akumulaciju teških metala u mišićnom tkivu riba, pošto je to osnovni deo ribe koji se koristi u ishrani (Storelli et al. 2006; Keskin et al. 2007). Kao rezultat mehanizama absorpcije, regulacije, skladištenja i ekskrecije, tkiva se međusobno razlikuju po stepenu akumulacije, kao i po svojoj ulozi u ovim procesima (Storelli et al. 2006). Mišićno tkivo ne predstavlja uvek dobar indikator celokupne kontaminacije organizma, pa je stoga važno u analizu uključiti i druge organe, kao što su jetra i škrge (Has-Schön et al. 2006). Tokom ihtioloških istraživanja na akumulaciji Međuvršje 2012. godine ispitivao se nivo akumulacije 16 metala u tkivima (mišić, jetra, škrge) babuske. Škrge su bile centar akumulacije Ba, Mn, Sr, Zn i B, dok je jetra centar akumulacije gvožđa i bakra. Mišići, su generalno imali niži nivo akumulacije u odnosu na druga dva tkiva. U mišićima su zabeležene koncentaracije žive iznad maksimalno dozvoljenih evropskom i nacionalnom legislativom

    Improved Composite Q-Function Approximation and its Application in ASEP of Digital Modulations over Fading Channels

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    In this paper, capitalizing on Mils ratio for Qfunction approximation, we have presented novel improved composite Q-function approximation. Based on our improved approximation, we have further presented tight approximation for the average symbol error probability (ASEP) expressions of digital modulations over Nakagami-m fading channels. First, comparison to other known Q-function closed-form approximations has been performed, and it has been shown that accuracy improvement has been achieved in the observed range of values. Further, it has been shown that by using proposed approximation, values of average symbol error probability (ASEP) for some applied modulation formats could be efficiently and accurately evaluated when transmission over Nakagami-m fading channels is observed. Also, it has been shown in the paper that by using proposed approximation, observed ASEP measures are bounded more closely, than by using other known Q-function closed-form approximations

    Live imaging of micro and macro wettability variations of carbonate oil reservoirs for enhanced oil recovery and CO/ trapping/storage

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    Carbonate hydrocarbon reservoirs are considered as potential candidates for chemically enhanced oil recovery and for CO² geological storage. However, investigation of one main controlling parameter—wettability—is usually performed by conventional integral methods at the core-scale. Moreover, literature reports show that wettability distribution may vary at the micro-scale due to the chemical heterogeneity of the reservoir and residing fluids. These differences may profoundly affect the derivation of other reservoir parameters such as relative permeability and capillary pressure, thus rendering subsequent simulations inaccurate. Here we developed an innovative approach by comparing the wettability distribution on carbonates at micro and macro-scale by combining live-imaging of controlled condensation experiments and X-ray mapping with sessile drop technique. The wettability was quantified by measuring the differences in contact angles before and after aging in palmitic, stearic and naphthenic acids. Furthermore, the influence of organic acids on wettability was examined at micro-scale, which revealed wetting heterogeneity of the surface (i.e., mixed wettability), while corresponding macro-scale measurements indicated hydrophobic wetting properties. The thickness of the adsorbed acid layer was determined, and it was correlated with the wetting properties. These findings bring into question the applicability of macro-scale data in reservoir modeling for enhanced oil recovery and geological storage of greenhouse gases

    Thiol-gelatin-norbornene bioink for laser‐based high‐definition bioprinting

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    Two-photon polymerization (2PP) is a lithography-based 3D printing method allowing the fabrication of 3D structures with sub-micrometer resolution. This work focuses on the characterization of gelatin-norbornene (Gel-NB) bioinks which enables the embedding of cells via 2PP. The high reactivity of the thiol-ene system allows 2PP processing of cell-containing materials at remarkably high scanning speeds (1000 mm s(-1)) placing this technology in the domain of bioprinting. Atomic force microscopy results demonstrate that the indentation moduli of the produced hydrogel constructs can be adjusted in the 0.2-0.7 kPa range by controlling the 2PP processing parameters. Using this approach gradient 3D constructs are produced and the morphology of the embedded cells is observed in the course of 3 weeks. Furthermore, it is possible to tune the enzymatic degradation of the crosslinked bioink by varying the applied laser power. The 3D printed Gel-NB hydrogel constructs show exceptional biocompatibility, supported cell adhesion, and migration. Furthermore, cells maintain their proliferation capacity demonstrated by Ki-67 immunostaining. Moreover, the results demonstrate that direct embedding of cells provides uniform distribution and high cell loading independently of the pore size of the scaffold. The investigated photosensitive bioink enables high-definition bioprinting of well-defined constructs for long-term cell culture studies

    Impact of hydrogel stiffness on differentiation of human adipose-derived stem cell microspheroids

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    Hydrogels represent an attractive material platform for realization of three-dimensional (3D) tissue-engineered constructs, as they have tunable mechanical properties, are compatible with different types of cells, and resemble elements found in natural extracellular matrices. So far, numerous hydrogel-cartilage/bone tissue engineering (TE)-related studies were performed by utilizing a single cell encapsulation approach. Although multicellular spheroid cultures exhibit advantageous properties for cartilage or bone TE, the chondrogenic or osteogenic differentiation potential of stem cell microspheroids within hydrogels has not been investigated much. This study explores, for the first time, how stiffness of gelatin-based hydrogels (having a storage modulus of 538, 3584, or 7263 Pa) affects proliferation and differentiation of microspheroids formed from telomerase-immortalized human adipose-derived stem cells (hASC/hTERT). Confocal microscopy indicates that all tested hydrogels supported cell viability during their 3- to 5-week culture period in the control, chondrogenic, or osteogenic medium. Although in the softer hydrogels cells from neighboring microspheroids started outgrowing and interconnecting within a few days, their protrusion was slower or limited in stiffer hydrogels or those cultured in chondrogenic medium, respectively. High expressions of chondrogenic markers (SOX9, ACAN, COL2A1), detected in all tested hydrogels, proved that the chondrogenic differentiation of hASC/hTERT microspheroids was very successful, especially in the two softer hydrogels, where superior cartilage-specific properties were confirmed by Alcian blue staining. These chondrogenically induced samples also expressed COL10A1, a marker of chondrocyte hypertrophy. Interestingly, the hydrogel itself (with no differentiation medium) showed a slight chondrogenic induction. Regardless of the hydrogel stiffness, in the samples stimulated with osteogenic medium, the expression of selected markers RUNX2, BGLAP, ALPL, and COL1A1 was not conclusive. Nevertheless, the von Kossa staining confirmed the presence of calcium deposits in osteogenically stimulated samples in the two softer hydrogels, suggesting that these also favor osteogenesis. This observation was also confirmed by Alizarin red quantification assay, with which higher amounts of calcium were detected in the osteogenically induced hydrogels than in their controls. The presented data indicate that the encapsulation of adipose-derived stem cell microspheroids in gelatin-based hydrogels show promising potential for future applications in cartilage or bone TE. Impact Statement Osteochondral defects represent one of the leading causes of disability in the world. Although numerous tissue engineering (TE) approaches have shown success in cartilage and bone tissue regeneration, achieving native-like characteristics of these tissues remains challenging. This study demonstrates that in the presence of a corresponding differentiation medium, gelatin-based hydrogels support moderate osteogenic and excellent chondrogenic differentiation of photo-encapsulated human adipose-derived stem cell microspheroids, the extent of which depends on hydrogel stiffness. Because photosensitive hydrogels are a convenient material platform for creating stiffness gradients in three dimensions, the presented microspheroid-hydrogel encapsulation strategy holds promise for future strategies of cartilage or bone TE

    Corporate Brand Identity Co-creation in Business-to-Business Contexts

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    Traditionally, corporate brand identity was considered to be directed and controlled by managers. However, more recent research has begun to recognize the limits of this view, which has led to the emergence of a stakeholder-driven, dynamic perspective, in which multiple stakeholders co-create diverse corporate brand meanings. This perspective argues that while managers have influence over the essence of the corporate brand, other stakeholders imprint and share their own interpretations. To better understand the process of corporate brand identity co-creation, we used a case study method with multiple cases, involving five small and medium sized business-to-business (B2B) corporate brands. We specifically chose B2B corporate brands, because they are often built on long-term and close relationships with diverse stakeholders, serving as a solid ground for illustrating the process of co-creation. To obtain the necessary depth of insight, we conducted 37 semi-structured interviews. Our research shows that corporate brand identity co-creation in B2B contexts is an ongoing dynamic process where multiple internal and external stakeholders engage in four different but interrelated performances: communicating; internalizing; contesting; and elucidating

    Context-Dependent Risk Aversion: A Model-Based Approach

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    Most research on risk aversion in behavioral science with human subjects has focused on a component of risk aversion that does not adapt itself to context. More recently, studies have explored risk aversion adaptation to changing circumstances in sequential decision-making tasks. It is an open question whether one can identify evidence, at the single subject level, for such risk aversion adaptation. We conducted a behavioral experiment on human subjects, using a sequential decision making task. We developed a model-based approach for estimating the adaptation of risk-taking behavior with single-trial resolution by modeling a subject's goals and internal representation of task contingencies. Using this model-based approach, we estimated the subject-specific adaptation of risk aversion depending on the current task context. We found striking inter-subject variations in the adaptation of risk-taking behavior. We show that these differences can be explained by differences in subjects' internal representations of task contingencies and goals. We discuss that the proposed approach can be adapted to a wide range of experimental paradigms and be used to analyze behavioral measures other than risk aversion