499 research outputs found

    Speech signal processing via web interface

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    Táto práca rieši možnosť spracovania rečového signálu pomocou webového rozhrania. Rečový signál je zaznamenaný do nahrávky, ktorá je uložená na servery. Nahrávku je možné ďalej pomocou webovej aplikácie, písanej v programovacom jazyku C++, analyzovať a spracovávať. Výsledky sú vykreslené späť vo webovom rozhraní.This work is resolving the possibility of processing a speech signal by using the web interface. A record of the speech signal is made and then saved and stored in servers. Then it’s possible to analyse and process the record with the help of a web application written in the C++ programming language. The results are shown in website.

    Techno-Economic Model for a Quick Preliminary Feasibility Evaluation of Organic Rankine Cycle Applications

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    The investment decision support tool was developed, which can be applied to check the technical feasibility and economic viability of an Organic Rankine Cycle system, and to select the appropriate working fluid, based only on basic information on the waste heat source, i.e. source temperature and mass (heat) flow rate. Two profitability criteria, Net Present Value and Payback Period, were introduced for economic evaluation, while an Organic Rankine Cycle design correlations-based model was developed, and applied for prediction of technical parameters and components’ design estimation. Validation performed with the previously published data confirmed model accuracy in spite of its simplicity. The model gave quick answers, and was incorporated successfully into a decision algorithm, which was supported by a set of system component design and cost functions, and could serve as an effective tool for preliminary feasibility evaluation of any proposed Organic Rankine Cycle based waste heat recovery system. An example of model application over the broad range of waste heat source temperatures is presented and the results discussed in order to show its basic capabilities

    Mutual fund performance in Slovenia : an analysis of mutual funds with investment policies in Europe and the energy sector

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    This paper examines the risk and return performance of mutual funds in Slovenia from 2005 until August 2009. The research is limited to the regional investment policies in Europe and the energy sector. Using monthly returns, we analyzed different risk-adjusted measures such as: the Treynor ratio, the Sortino ratio and the Information ratio. We also studied selections and timing ability using the Treynor-Mazuy model. The risk and return performance of mutual funds in the Slovenian market does not deviate from those in developed markets. We also found out that the selection ability of fund managers is better than market timing and that the findings of this paper are in accordance with other international studies

    [Urokinazni plazminogenski aktivator in njegova inhibitorja PAI-1 in PAI-2 pri primarnem kožnem melanomu]

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    Background. We investigated the differences in urokinase plasminogen activator(uPA) and its inhibitors type-1 and 2 (PAI-1/2) concentrations in clinically suspected nevi, primary cutaneous melanoma and normal skin and correlations with histopathological prognostic factors of primary melanoma. Patients and methods. Fifty-one patients were enrolled. The tissue concentrations of uPA, PAI 1 and PAI2 were quantified by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results. Mean uPA and PAI-1 concentrations in melanomas were higher than in normal surrounding skin (uPA: 1.08vs. 0.48 ng/mgpPAI-1: 14.07 vs. 2.07 ng/mgpp 0.05PAI-1: p = 0.02). PAI-2 concentration was higher in normal surrounding skin than in nevi and melanomas(p > 0.05). Melanoma uPA, PAI-1 and PAI-2 concentrations correlated significantly with normal skin (r= 0.73, 0.54, 0.38 respectively). PAI 1 was significantly lower in melanomas of Breslow thickness 0.75 mm, Clark invasion > II,with ulceration and vascular invasion. Conclusions. Determination of uPA and PAI-1 can provide significant additional prognostic information for melanoma patients.Izhodišča. Ugotavljali smo razlike v koncentracijah urokinaznega plazminogenskega aktivatorja (uPA) in njegovih inhibitorjev tipa 1 in 2 (PAI-1/2) v klinično sumljivih nevusih, primarnem kožnem melanomu in zdravi koži v okolici ter korelacije s histopatološkimi napovednimi dejavniki primarnega melanoma. Bolniki in metode. Vključili smo 51 bolnikov. Tkivne koncentracije uPA, PAI-1 in PAI-2 smo merili z encimskoimunsko metodo (ELISA).Rezultati. Povprečne koncentracije uPA in PAI-1 v melanomih so bile višje kot v zdravi koži (uPA: 1,08vs. 0,48 ng/mgpPAI-1: 14,07 vs. 2,07 ng/mgpp 0,05). Koncentracija PAI-2 je bila višja v zdravi koži kot v nevusih in melanomih (p > 0,05). Koncentracije uPA, PAI-1 in PAI-2 v melanomih so statistično značilno korelirale s koncentracijami v zdravi koži (r = 0,730,540,38). Koncentracije PAI-1 so bile statistično značilno nižje v melanomih debeline poBreslowu 0,75 mm, invazije po Clarku > II, s prisotno mikroskopsko ulceracijo, s prisotno vaskularno invazijo. Zaključki. Z določitvijo uPA in PAI-1 lahko dobimo pomemben dodaten podatek o prognozi bolnikov z melanomom


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    A crisis in a person's life is a state in which an individual encounters an obstacle in his or her life that he or she cannot overcome with standard solutions strategies. Simultaneously, a person must/have to start to solve the situation and not let the problem grow into a difficult situation. The crisis is generally perceived as a threat to the individual who finds himself in it. However, some authors mention the positive potential it can have. As this is a new situation in a person's life, it encourages him to think about the future and the changes that can get him out of a crisis. Crisis intervention is a professional service provided by social educators, social workers, or psychologists. The research aims to find out how the public perceives the issue of crisis intervention. What crises have the respondents already encountered, and what help they prefer. In addition, what is the public's knowledge of the basic concepts and forms of assistance provided? The sample size is 309 respondents. We investigated whether there was a significant difference in the characteristics of the crisis intervention concerning education, which we verified with the Chi-Square test and whether there is concerning age and the relationship between surviving the crisis and seeking professional help.

    Postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy with 5-fluorouracyl, adriamycin and cisplatin (FAP) in resectable gastric cancer

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    Javnofinancijski novčani tokovi proračuna EU i njihov utjecaj na likvidnost nacionalnog proračuna: primjer Slovenije

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    On May 1, 2004 ten new states joined the EU. At the same time, budgetary cash flow mechanisms between the EU budget (as the central subject) and national budgets were established. Despite the fact that all the rules are clear and known in advance - stipulated by the EU directives and regulations - there are some uncertainties, which may have an important effect on the liquidity as well as on the budgetary cash flows in new member states. The greatest problem for the liquidity of new member states’ budgets is posed by the time lags between inflows and outflows of EU funds. These lags are mainly because of delayed payments from the EU budget and problems with some member state’s absorption capacity. This article deals with the dynamics and the scale of budgetary cash flows between the Slovenian budget and the EU budget until 2006. A couple of likely scenarios are presented, which could happen in case of delayed payments of European funds. Consequently, both an unexpected state budget liquidity deficit and an additional burden arising from interest on delayed payments to the Brussels are possible for Slovenia.Europskoj uniji 1. svibnja 2004. godine priključilo se deset novih država. U isto vrijeme uspostavljeni su i javnofinancijski novčani tokovi između proračuna EU kao središnjeg subjekta i nacionalnih proračuna. Iako su sva pravila jasna i unaprijed poznata - definirana direktivama i uredbama EU, ostaje nekoliko nejasnoća, koje mogu značajno utjecati na likvidnost kao i javnofinancijski položaj proračuna novih članica. Najveći problem za likvidnost proračuna novih članica EU pretstavlja vremenska neusklađenost između priliva i odliva europskih sredstava, do koje dolazi posebno zbog vremenskog kašnjenja naplata iz europskog proračuna i slabe apsorbcijske sposobnosti, odnosno sposobnosti preuzimanja tih sredstava iz europskih fondova. Članak analizira dinamiku i predviđeni opseg javnofinancijskih novčanih tokova između proračuna Slovenije i proračuna EU do 2006. godine. Predstavljeno je nekoliko scenarija, do kojih bi moglo doći zbog zakašnjenja kod isplata europskih sredstava. Posljedica toga mogli bi biti nepredvidivi deficiti državnog proračuna i dodatni teret naplata zakasnjelih kamata u briselsku blagajnu