282 research outputs found

    Development of Health Care in Dubrovnik from 14th to 16th Century ā€“ Specific Features of Ragusan Medicine

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    The eastern Adriatic coast saw the development of the city of Dubrovnik, which became a large trading naval power, especially since the fourteenth century and onward. Although the city thrived economically, its seaborne trade with the East and hinterland brought about a great risk of various disease epidemics. To ensure its trading prosperity, identity and its very existence, Dubrovnik implemented different preventive medical measures ā€“ the most famous of which is the introduction of quarantine. A large range of people, from Ragusan nobility, special healthcare officials and trained physicians, took care of the population\u27s health, the lack of which would mean the loss of Dubrovnik\u27s trading status and power. With its many hygiene and medicine regulations, it was ranked among the most developed European cities, while retaining the distinctive features of its medicine

    Mineralni trioksidni agregat u terapiji eksterne resorpcije korena izbijenog zuba sa nezavrŔenim rastom korena - ishod posle deset godina

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    Introduction Root resorption may occur as a consequence of avulsion injury and may lead to the progressive loss of tooth structure. The aim was to report the outcome of root resorption treated with mineral trioxide aggregate in a replanted immature permanent incisor after 10 years of follow-up. Case outline This case presents external root resorption that was detected 18 months after the avulsion injury in a nine-year-old child. Apical portion of the canal was filled with mineral trioxide aggregate and the rest of the canal was filled with a canal sealer and gutta-percha. Control examinations were performed six months after the completion of the endodontic treatment and afterwards yearly. The tooth was asymptomatic clinically and radiographs did not show progression of root resorption up to four years of follow-up. Infraposition of the injured tooth was detected five years after the replantation, but without significant radiographic changes, until the eight-year follow-up, when root resorption was detected again. However, the tooth was still hard and symptomless at the 10-year follow-up. Conclusion Mineral trioxide aggregate may have an important role in the preservation of replanted immature teeth for a prolonged period.Uvod Resorpcija korena zuba se može javiti kao posledica povrede i može voditi progresivnom gubitku zubnih struktura. Cilj rada je bio da se prikaže klinički ishod replantacije izbijenog stalnog zuba sa nezavrÅ”enim rastom korena posle deset godina. Prikaz bolesnika Predstavljen je slučaj eksterne resorpcije korena zuba detektovane 18 meseci posle avulzione povrede kod devetogodiÅ”njeg deteta. Apikalni deo kanala korena zuba je napunjen mineralnim trioksidnim agregatom, dok je ostatak kanala opturiran pastom i gutaperka poenima. Kontrolni pregledi su obavljani Å”est meseci posle zavrÅ”etka endodontskog lečenja i, posle toga, jednom godiÅ”nje. Do četvrte godine praćenja zub je bio bez kliničkih i radiografskih znakova progresije resorpcije korena. Infrapozicija povređenog zuba uočena je pet godina posle replantacije, ali bez značajnih radiografskih promena sve do osme godine praćenja, kada je uočeno napredovanje resorpcije korena. Ipak, posle deset godina zub je i dalje bio klinički bez simptoma. Zaključak Mineralni trioksidni agregat može imati značajnu ulogu u dugotrajnom očuvanju replantiranih zuba sa nezavrÅ”enim rastom korena

    The Decomposition of Measures

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    U ovom radu upoznat ćemo se s pojmom mjere s predznakom i njezinim rastavom na razliku dviju mjera. Ovakav rastav omogućuju nam dva teorema koja su u literaturi poznata kao Hahnovova i Jordanova dekompozicija mjere s predznakom. Također, upoznat ćemo se s dekompozicijom Ļƒ-konačne mjere na zbroj apsolutno neprekidne i singularne mjere koja je poznata kao Lebesgueova dekompozicija. Rad sadrži puno ilustrativnih primjera koji konkretiziraju ove apstraktne pojmove i tvrdnje.In this paper we will introduce the notion of signed measure and its representation as the difference of two measures. Such representation is enabled by two theorems which are known in the literature as Hahn and Jordan decomposition of signed measure. Also, we will introduce the decomposition of the Ļƒ-finite measure into the sum of an absolutely continuous and singular measure, which is known as Lebesgue decomposition. The paper contains many illustrative examples that concretize these abstract concepts and claims

    The Effect of the Seawater Intrusion on the Robinzon Coastal Spring

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    The Robinzon Spring, located 70 m from the seacoast, is a freshwater, perennial spring with a yield ranging from the maximum 2 m3/s to the minimum 0.165 m3/s. The spring occurs at the contact between permeable carbonate rocks and impermeable flysch deposits. This contact is deeply weathered, eroded and submerged below sea level. Such conditions emphasize the delicate relationship between the fresh- and seawater. The objective of the study was to shed more light on the hydrogeological setting of the springā€™s underground recharge area by means of borehole measurements and preexisting knowledge about the dynamics of the fresh- and seawater acquired from similar cases. The springā€™s underground area is divided into three zones: (i) zone of good water circulation (rockfall material and fractured dolomite), (ii) zone of poor water circulation (massive dolomites), and (iii) zone of ā€˜trappedā€™ water (contact between the dolomite and flysch deposits)

    Dojenje iz ugla dečjeg stomatologa

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    Current recommendations by the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry, American Academy of Paediatric Dentistry, and International Association of Paediatric Dentistry advocate weaning from breast milk and avoiding unrestricted breastfeeding after the eruption of primary teeth in order to lower the risk of early childhood caries (ECC). However, World Health Organization, American Academy of Paediatrics and nutritional recommendations support exclusive breastfeeding up to six months of age, following continued breastfeeding along with appropriate complementary foods, favouring unrestricted and prolonged breastfeeding even beyond the age of two. The purpose of this review is to discuss current data in the literature regarding the association between breastfeeding and ECC in order to address this problem and to provide consistent recommendations. PubMed search revealed possible link between breastfeeding and ECC, however without evidence strong enough to establish the appropriate oral health preventive recommendation. Having in mind known benefits of breastfeeding, it is advisable to adhere to current paediatric guidelines which promote unrestricted breastfeeding as long as it is mutually desired by mother and child. This recommendation doesn't exclude but complements the prevention and timely treatment of ECC. Furthermore, there is a need to highlight the importance of education of parents and health care providers about the ECC risk factors, identification of initial lesions and consequences. Further research regarding this issue is needed.Savremene preporuke Evropske i Američke akademije dečjih stomatologa i Međunarodnog udruženja dečjih stomatologa savetuju postepeni prekid dojenja nakon nicanja mlečnih zuba kako bi se smanjio rizik od nastanka karijesa ranog detinjstva (KRD). Sa druge strane, preporuke Svetske zdravstvene organizacije, preporuke Američke akademije pedijatara i stručnjaka iz oblasti ishrane prepoznaju brojne kratkoročne i dugoročne pozitivne efekte dojenja i podržavaju isključivo dojenje do uzrasta od Å”est meseci, a zatim postepeno uvođenje čvrste hrane sa nastavkom dojenja uz neograničeno i dojenje na zahtev do druge godine deteta i duže. Cilj ovog preglednog rada je bio da se analiziraju savremeni podaci u literaturi o uticaju dojenja na nastanak KRD, kako bi se doprinelo formiranju jedinstvenog stava i pružila jasna informacija majkama kako prevenirati KRD. Na osnovu pretraživanja Pub Med baze podataka, uočava se da postoji povezanost između dojenja i KRD, ali nije dovoljno argumentovano koje su najbolje mere u prevenciji karijesa. Imajući u vidu poznate pozitivne efekte dojenja, smatra se da je preporučljivo pratiti savremene pedijatrijske preporuke koje savetuju neograničeno dojenje koliko God to uzajamno prija majci i detetu. Ipak, potrebno je imati u vidu neophodnost ranih preventivnih poseta dečjem stomatologu i edukacije zdravstvenih radnika radi adekvatnih i blagovremenih saveta o higijeni usne u duplje i ishrani kako bi se izbegao nastanak karijesa ranog detinjstva i omogućilo blagovremeno dijagnostikovnje inicijalnih lezija. Neophodna su dalja istraživanja u ovoj oblasti

    Why should gender differences in hospitality really matter? A study of personnelā€™s service orientation and job satisfaction in hotels

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    In this article we examine the gender differences among hotel employees in service orientation and job satisfaction. To determine these differences, we used a service orientation scale (SOS), developed by Dienhart, Gregoire, Downey and Knight and a job satisfaction scale developed by Lytle. Our assumptions were that there would be significant gender differences in service orientation and job satisfaction. Our research proved factor structures of the two scales we used. Specifically, we showed gender differences in two of three factors, concerning service orientation (organisational support and customer focus), and no gender differences in job satisfaction. Our study revealed that organisational support is more important to men because they value more structured labour and service procedures than women (t = 2.21, df = 110, p = 0.03). In contrast, customer focus is more relevant to a women because it is more crucial to see satisfied guests, as well as having a good relationship with them (t = 2.07, df = 110, p = 0.04). It is of great importance for hotel management to have in mind that male and female employees respond and behave differently depending on the stimuli in the work environment and their satisfaction varies because of it

    Definition of the river Gacka springs subcatchment areas on the basis of hydrogeological parameters

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    The river Gacka springs catchment area is located in the Dinaric karst, which is globally known as the locus typicus, or classical Karst. It is composed of four major and several minor karst springs of different discharge rates. The river Gacka springs are characterised by great discharge and exceptional quality, so the catchment area of the river is indicated in the Water Management Strategy (OFFICIAL GAZETTE NO. 91/08) as an area with strategically important eserves of drinking water for the Republic of Croatia. To determine the hydrogeological characteristics of he subcatchments of this large and complex aquifer system, hydrological and hydrochemical parameters were measured on the main springs. Data collected on the springs were analysed using the recession analysis by the ā€žmatching stripā€œ method, the statistical analysis of a time series of measured data both by autocorrelation (analysis of individual series) and by cross-correlation methods (analysis of interrelationships between time series), multivarilate statistical analysis (Factor Analysis) of hydrochemical parameters using the software package STATISTICA 6.0 (1998), and geochemical modelling of hydrochemical parameters using the NETPATH computer program. Interpretation of lithological, structural and tectonic characteristics of the rocks, together with tracing data and the applied analytical methods, allowed the springs catchment of the river Gacka to be divided into three subcatchments. The results of this study imply the necessity of a multidisciplinary approach to research.Ā </p

    Foreign direct investment as a factor of economic growth and development of the Serbia

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    In the globalized economy, foreign direct investment (FDI) represent one of the key factors of the country development. For an invest destination, FDI means new job creation, export stimulation and in general, that presents the generator of economic growth and development. Until 2000, Serbia was not an attractive destination for foreign investors, but after the democratic changes, the country became one of the most atractivness European destinations where the volume of FDI have noted a large expansion. The global economic crisis, that reduced the volume of FDI inflows, also affected their inflows in Serbia and the other countries of the same region which among the other factors, led to a significant slowing down of the economic growth, and other adverse macroeconomic consequences. The paper describes the analysis performed and the scope and structure of FDI in Serbia in the period after the democratic changes of 2000. It determined a positive relationship between the volume and structure of FDI and economic growth and development of Serbian economy. Inflow of FDI is the factor that had a large impact on the rapid economic growth, as well as the establishment of macroeconomic stability. Notwithstanding the positive impact on employment and the growth of budget revenues as well as the significant acceleration in the growth and development of a number of branches, such as the banking system, telecommunications, and other activities. Also, we have found factors that will in future have a key influence on the scope and structure of FDI in Serbia
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