18 research outputs found

    Measures for prevention of domestic violence and for protection of victims in Serbia’s legal system with special reference to emergency measures

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    Over the last two decades, combating domestic violence has been one of our country’s main goals. Serbia is one of the 12 countries that have ratified the Council of Europe Convention on Prevention and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (the Istanbul Convention) before its entry into force on August 1, 2014, and as of June 1, 2017 the Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence (LPDV) has been used in Serbia, which was adopted with the aim of regulating in a general and uniform manner the organization and conduct of state authorities and institutions, thereby enabling the effective prevention of domestic violence and the prompt, timely and effective protection and support for victims of domestic violence. Prescribing emergency measures has radically changed the way the victims of domestic violence are protected. In this paper, we will explore and try to answer several questions: what measures are available to state institutions to prevent violence and protect victims; whether the competent authorities and institutions apply these measures and to what extent; whether it was necessary to introduce urgent measures into our legal system and, finally, whether the activities to combat domestic violence so far produce results, that is, whether this negative social phenomenon is sufficiently suppressed

    Assessment of gait in patients with fibromyalgia during motor and cognitive dual task walking: a cross-sectional study

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    Background: The aim of the study was to assess gait pattern of patients diagnosed with fibromyalgia (FM) while performing demanding motor and/or cognitive dual tasks while walking. Further, idea was to explore possible correlations of dual task gait pattern alterations to patients’ functional status and presence or absence of clinical symptoms associated with FM. Methods: Twenty-four female FM patients and 24 healthy female subjects performed a basic walking task, a dual motor, a dual mental (cognitive) and a combined, dual motor and cognitive task simultaneously. Quantitative spatial (stride length) and temporal (cycle time, swing time and double support time) gait parameters were measured using GAITRite walkway system and their variability was assessed. Patients underwent clinical examination including assessment of functional status, pain and fatigue level, psychiatric and cognitive manifestations. Results: The motor, cognitive and combined dual tasks affect gait performance in FM patients. Difference in tasks between FM and healthy subjects was found as double support time prolongation. Comparison of tasks showing that cycle time in FM was longer than controls and stride length was shorter in patients for all conditions, while no changes were found in any of the gait parameters variability. Further, mental/cognitive dual tasks had a larger effect than motor tasks. Correlations were also found between depression and functional status of the patients and the gait parameters. Conclusions: Gait is affected in FM patients while dual task walking. No changes in stride-to-stride variability point that patients preserve stability in complex walking situations. Analysis of gait may provide additional information for the FM identification based on presence of clinical features and cognitive status. Correlation of dual task gait alterations with occurrence of clinical symptoms and influence of cognitive changes on gait pattern could additionally define FM subgroups

    Uticaj vrste klona prokupca i postupka vinifikacije na sadržaj rezveratrola u vinu

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    The focus of this study was to investigate the effects of clones (subvarieties) of autochthonous Serbian grape variety Prokupac, along with the influence of vinification method on the content of transand cis-resveratrol as well as on total phenolic content (TPC) in wines. Wines were made from four clones of Prokupac variety (PR1, 40/1, PR6 and PR7) by application of different periods of maceration duration (1, 5 and 10 days). The effects of different species of selected wine yeasts and glucosidase enzymes on the quantity of resveratrol and TPC in wine made from PR6 variety were also investigated. The content of trans-resveratrol varied from 0.27 mg/L to 1.46 mg/L. The highest content of resveratrol was determined in Prokupac clone PR6, and the lowest in PR7 clone. An increase in resveratrol and TPC content was observed in all clones when the duration of maceration was prolonged. Wine produced by application of b enzyme preparation and 299 yeast had the highest concentration of total resveratrol (4.23 mg/L). The TPC was the highest in the wine made by combined application of yeast 299 and OE enzyme. The obtained results showed that by adequate selection of varieties, prolonged duration of maceration, application of appropriate species of yeast and enzyme preparations, it is possible to increase the content of resveratrol and other phenolic compounds in wine.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ispita uticaj različitih klonova autohtone srpske sorte Prokupac kao i postupak vinifikacije na sadržaj transi cisrezveratrola i sadržaj ukupnih polifenola (SUP) u vinima. Vina su proizvedena od četiri klona sorte Prokupac (PR1, 40/1, PR6 i PR7) primenom različitih dužina trajanja maceracije (1, 5 i 10 dana) za svaki klon. Takođe je ispitivan uticaj različitih izabranih kvasaca i enzimskih preparata glikozidaza na sadržaj rezveratrola i SUP u vinima proizvedenim od klona PR6. Sadržaj transi cisrezveratrola je određen HPLC metodom sa UV detektorom uz prethodnu tečno čvrstu ekstrakciju (SPE). Određivanje SUP je urađeno metodom po FolinČokalteu. Sadržaj transrezveratrola je bio od 0,27 mg/L do 1,46 mg/L. Najviši sadržaj rezveratrola je bio u klonu PR6 dok je najniži PR7. Povećanje sadržaja rezveratrola i SUP je primećeno kod svih klonova kada je maceracija duže trajala. Vino proizvedeno primenom enzimskog preparata glikozidaza b i kvasca 299 je imalo najviši sadržaj ukupnog rezvertrola (4,23 mg/L). Najviši SUP je bio u vinima proizvedenim primenom enzimskog preparata glikozidaza OE i kvasca 299. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da je izborom odgovarajućeg klona, dužine maceracije, primene odgovarajućeg kvasca i enzimskog preparata moguće povećati sadržaj rezveratrola i drugih fenolnih jedinjenja u vinu

    Citotoksičnost legure titana obložene hidroksiapatitom pomoću mlaza plazme

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    Background/Aim. The deposition of hydroxyapatite (HAP) on the surface of titanium (Ti) alloys enhances bioactivity and osseointegration of the alloys which are widely used as implant materials in dentistry and orthopaedic surgery. However, the stability of HAP and subsequent biocompatibility of such alloys depends on the coating technique. The aim of this work was to test the cytotoxicity of a Ti alloy (Ti6Al4V), coated with HAP by a new plasma deposition method. Methods. The Ti6Al4V samples prepared as discs, 10 mm in diameter and 2 mm in thickness, were coated with HAP (one or both sides of the alloy) by an innovative atmospheric plasma jet method. The cytotoxicity of uncoated and HAP coated Ti6Al4V samples was evaluated by examining the morphological changes and viability of L929 fibroblasts in direct contact with the test materials. Adequate negative (polystyrene) and positive (nickel) control discs of the same size were used. The indirect cytotoxicity was determined by cultivating L929 cells with conditioning medium (CM), prepared as extract of the test samples incubated in the complete Roswell Park Memorial Institute (RPMI) 1640 medium for cell cultures. The cytotoxic effect was evaluated based on the degree of metabolic activity, necrosis, apoptosis and proliferation of L929 cells, using the appropriate assays. Results. Uncoated and one side HAP coated Ti6Al4V alloys were classified as non-cytotoxic according to the current ISO 10993-5 criteria, whereas two sides HAP coated Ti6Al4V alloy samples were slightlymoderate cytotoxic. The cytotoxicity manifested as the inhibition of metabolic activity and proliferation of L929 cells as well as the induction of their apoptosis and necrosis was significantly reduced by conditioning of HAP/Ti6Al4V alloys for 24 hours. The cytotoxic effect of HAP/Ti6Al4V CM only partly decreased in the presence of nifelate, a calcium (Ca) channel blocker, suggesting that Ca ions were not the only responsible cytotoxic agent. Conclusion. The original HAP coating procedure by atmospheric plasma spraying with high energy input enables the production of the stable adhesive coatings on Ti6Al4V alloys. Their cytotoxicity, which depends on the quantity of HAP coating layer, could be significantly reduced up to the non-cytotoxic level by prior conditioning of the alloys in culture medium. Such a procedure, which removes leachable toxic components, could be useful before implantation of HAP coated alloys in vivo. © 2019, Inst. Sci. inf., Univ. Defence in Belgrade. All rights reserved

    Pouzdanost modifikovanog kliničkog testa uticaja senzornih interakcija na posturalnu stabilnost sportista uzrasta od 10 do 12 godina

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    Based on the literature, reports about bilateral stance assessments based on force plate measurements in elementary schoolchildren and athletes are limited. The present study was designed to report reliability values for postural stability in 10 to 12 years old athletes using the Balance Master system. Twenty young athletes who regularly practice their sport activities at least three times per week, participated in the reproducibility study (mean age 11.4±1.0). The modified clinical test of sensory interaction on balance (mCT­SIB) quantified children's static standing balance. Intraclass correlation and Cronbach's alpha coefficients for three repeated measures reliability of the four sensory conditions of the mCTSIB showed good to excellent reliability, ranged between 0.772 and 0.949. Reproducibility was assessed with one way ANOVA with replication and non statistical differences among three measurements were recorded. Based on the obtained findings, it could be concluded that applied tests can be used in reliable assessment of standing balance in 10 to 12 age athletes. .Kratak naslov: Statička posturalna stabilnost sportista uzrasta od 10 do 12 godina. Na osnovu pregleda literature, može se zaključiti da o primeni kompjuterizovane posturografije u proceni posturalnog statusa dece i sportista nema dovoljno podataka. Zbog toga je osmišljeno istraživanje kojim je ispitana pouzdanost testa za procenu posturalnog statusa sportista uzrasta 10 do 12 godina, pri­menom kompjuterizovane posturografije. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 40 dečaka starosti 11,4 (±1.0) godina, koji se aktivno (bar tri puta nedeljno) bave nekim sportom. Za procenu sposobnosti održavanja posturalne stabilnosti, korišćen je tzv. modifikovani klinički test uticaja senzornih informacija na ravnotežu. Intraklas korelacioni koeficijent i krombah alfa koeficijent za tri ponovljena merenja bili su u intervalu od 0,772 do 0,949. Ponovljivost testa proveravana je jednofaktorskom analizom varijanse sa ponavljanjem za tri uzastopna merenja i nisu dobijene statistički značajne razlike. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da su evaluirani testovi za procenu posturalne stabilnosti pouzdani, te se mogu koristiti u proceni ravnoteže kod sportista uzrasta od 10 do 12 godina

    Role of the police in identifying and prosecuting domestic violence cases

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    Насиље је појава која постоји од настанка човечанства и прати еволуцију људског друштва. Због тога, проучавање насиља, као једног од најинтригантнијих феномена повезаних са човековом природом и људским друштвом, има посебан значај. Ради се о мултидисциплинарној појави коју можемо посматрати са различитих становишта: теологије, антропологије, филозофије, социологије, психологије, етиологије, психијатрије, медицине, права, међународних односа, историје. У овом раду доминира правни аспект заштите од насиља у породици. У оквиру њега посебно је издвојен кривичноправни аспект где се проучавају појам и елементи кривичног дела насиља у породици, однос са другим сличним делима и посебно апострофирају поједини проблеми који постоје у судској пракси у вези са применом инкриминације насиља у породици. Централни део рада се односи на функцију и овлашћења полиције у спречавању и сузбијању насиља у породици. Имајући у виду значај и виктимолошке димензије посебно место заузима део који се односи на заштиту жртвава и сведока кривичних дела насиља у породици и допринос оштећених лица сопственој виктимизацији. Али, пре тога, постојала је потреба да се објасне појмови „насиља―, „насиља у породици―, „агресије―, као претходна питања пре улажења у правно-догматску анализу. Наслов рада „Улога полиције у откривању и доказивању насиља у породици― указује управо на онај део који је до сада недостајао у научној и стручној литератури а који би обухватио и анализу практичног поступања државних органа, нарочито полиције. Приступ проблему насиља у породици до сада није био свеобухватан, већ су поједина питања обрађивана парцијално и спорадично. Овај рад је у сваком делу проткан примерима из праксе који му дају додатну вредност и уједно пружају одговор да ли су донете правне норме прилагођене животу, што уједно утиче на процену њихове ефективности и ефикасности. Предмет рада је положај и улога полиције у откривању и доказивању насиља у породици. Насиље у породици је први пут издвојено као самостално кривично дело 2002. године.Abstract: Violence is a phenomenon that has existed from the beginning of humanity and has since followed the evolution of human society. Hence, studying violence, as one of the most intriguing phenomena associated with human nature and human society, is of special importance. It is a multidisciplinary phenomenon that can be observed from different perspectives including: theological, anthropological, philosophical, sociological, psychological, etiological, psychiatric, medical, legal, international relations-based, and historical. The major focus of this paper is on the legal aspect of protection against domestic violence. Within this aspect, particular emphasis is on the criminal legal aspect which examines the concept and elements of the criminal offence of domestic violence, the relation to other similar offences and particularly highlights certain case-law problems associated with the application of the incrimination of domestic violence. Central part of the paper relates to functions and powers of the police in preventing and suppressing domestic violence. Bearing in mind another important dimension - victimology - special place is given to the part relating to the protection of victims and witnesses of domestic violence crimes and to the contribution of the injured persons to their own victimisation. However, prior to that, it was necessary to explain the terms ‗violence‘, ‗domestic violence‘, ‗aggression‘, as preliminary issues before going ahead with legal and dogmatic analysis. The title of the paper „The Role of the Police in Detecting and Proving Domestic Violence‟ points exactly to the part which has to date been missing from the scientific and technical literature, and which would also include the analysis of the practice of state authorities, and specifically the police. Therefore, the approach to the problem of domestic violence has not been comprehensive to date; instead, certain issues have only been partially and sporadically addressed. This paper, in each of its part, features the examples from practice which add value to it and, at the same time, provide answer whether the adopted legal norms are adjusted to the realities of life, which altogether affects the assessment of their effectiveness and efficiency. The subject of the paper is the status and role of the police in detecting and proving the existence of violence in the family. Family violence was first regulated as a VII separate criminal offence in 2002

    Role of the police in identifying and prosecuting domestic violence cases

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    Насиље је појава која постоји од настанка човечанства и прати еволуцију људског друштва. Због тога, проучавање насиља, као једног од најинтригантнијих феномена повезаних са човековом природом и људским друштвом, има посебан значај. Ради се о мултидисциплинарној појави коју можемо посматрати са различитих становишта: теологије, антропологије, филозофије, социологије, психологије, етиологије, психијатрије, медицине, права, међународних односа, историје. У овом раду доминира правни аспект заштите од насиља у породици. У оквиру њега посебно је издвојен кривичноправни аспект где се проучавају појам и елементи кривичног дела насиља у породици, однос са другим сличним делима и посебно апострофирају поједини проблеми који постоје у судској пракси у вези са применом инкриминације насиља у породици. Централни део рада се односи на функцију и овлашћења полиције у спречавању и сузбијању насиља у породици. Имајући у виду значај и виктимолошке димензије посебно место заузима део који се односи на заштиту жртвава и сведока кривичних дела насиља у породици и допринос оштећених лица сопственој виктимизацији. Али, пре тога, постојала је потреба да се објасне појмови „насиља―, „насиља у породици―, „агресије―, као претходна питања пре улажења у правно-догматску анализу. Наслов рада „Улога полиције у откривању и доказивању насиља у породици― указује управо на онај део који је до сада недостајао у научној и стручној литератури а који би обухватио и анализу практичног поступања државних органа, нарочито полиције. Приступ проблему насиља у породици до сада није био свеобухватан, већ су поједина питања обрађивана парцијално и спорадично. Овај рад је у сваком делу проткан примерима из праксе који му дају додатну вредност и уједно пружају одговор да ли су донете правне норме прилагођене животу, што уједно утиче на процену њихове ефективности и ефикасности. Предмет рада је положај и улога полиције у откривању и доказивању насиља у породици. Насиље у породици је први пут издвојено као самостално кривично дело 2002. године.Abstract: Violence is a phenomenon that has existed from the beginning of humanity and has since followed the evolution of human society. Hence, studying violence, as one of the most intriguing phenomena associated with human nature and human society, is of special importance. It is a multidisciplinary phenomenon that can be observed from different perspectives including: theological, anthropological, philosophical, sociological, psychological, etiological, psychiatric, medical, legal, international relations-based, and historical. The major focus of this paper is on the legal aspect of protection against domestic violence. Within this aspect, particular emphasis is on the criminal legal aspect which examines the concept and elements of the criminal offence of domestic violence, the relation to other similar offences and particularly highlights certain case-law problems associated with the application of the incrimination of domestic violence. Central part of the paper relates to functions and powers of the police in preventing and suppressing domestic violence. Bearing in mind another important dimension - victimology - special place is given to the part relating to the protection of victims and witnesses of domestic violence crimes and to the contribution of the injured persons to their own victimisation. However, prior to that, it was necessary to explain the terms ‗violence‘, ‗domestic violence‘, ‗aggression‘, as preliminary issues before going ahead with legal and dogmatic analysis. The title of the paper „The Role of the Police in Detecting and Proving Domestic Violence‟ points exactly to the part which has to date been missing from the scientific and technical literature, and which would also include the analysis of the practice of state authorities, and specifically the police. Therefore, the approach to the problem of domestic violence has not been comprehensive to date; instead, certain issues have only been partially and sporadically addressed. This paper, in each of its part, features the examples from practice which add value to it and, at the same time, provide answer whether the adopted legal norms are adjusted to the realities of life, which altogether affects the assessment of their effectiveness and efficiency. The subject of the paper is the status and role of the police in detecting and proving the existence of violence in the family. Family violence was first regulated as a VII separate criminal offence in 2002

    Role of the police in identifying and prosecuting domestic violence cases

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    Насиље је појава која постоји од настанка човечанства и прати еволуцију људског друштва. Због тога, проучавање насиља, као једног од најинтригантнијих феномена повезаних са човековом природом и људским друштвом, има посебан значај. Ради се о мултидисциплинарној појави коју можемо посматрати са различитих становишта: теологије, антропологије, филозофије, социологије, психологије, етиологије, психијатрије, медицине, права, међународних односа, историје. У овом раду доминира правни аспект заштите од насиља у породици. У оквиру њега посебно је издвојен кривичноправни аспект где се проучавају појам и елементи кривичног дела насиља у породици, однос са другим сличним делима и посебно апострофирају поједини проблеми који постоје у судској пракси у вези са применом инкриминације насиља у породици. Централни део рада се односи на функцију и овлашћења полиције у спречавању и сузбијању насиља у породици. Имајући у виду значај и виктимолошке димензије посебно место заузима део који се односи на заштиту жртвава и сведока кривичних дела насиља у породици и допринос оштећених лица сопственој виктимизацији. Али, пре тога, постојала је потреба да се објасне појмови „насиља―, „насиља у породици―, „агресије―, као претходна питања пре улажења у правно-догматску анализу. Наслов рада „Улога полиције у откривању и доказивању насиља у породици― указује управо на онај део који је до сада недостајао у научној и стручној литератури а који би обухватио и анализу практичног поступања државних органа, нарочито полиције. Приступ проблему насиља у породици до сада није био свеобухватан, већ су поједина питања обрађивана парцијално и спорадично. Овај рад је у сваком делу проткан примерима из праксе који му дају додатну вредност и уједно пружају одговор да ли су донете правне норме прилагођене животу, што уједно утиче на процену њихове ефективности и ефикасности. Предмет рада је положај и улога полиције у откривању и доказивању насиља у породици. Насиље у породици је први пут издвојено као самостално кривично дело 2002. године.Abstract: Violence is a phenomenon that has existed from the beginning of humanity and has since followed the evolution of human society. Hence, studying violence, as one of the most intriguing phenomena associated with human nature and human society, is of special importance. It is a multidisciplinary phenomenon that can be observed from different perspectives including: theological, anthropological, philosophical, sociological, psychological, etiological, psychiatric, medical, legal, international relations-based, and historical. The major focus of this paper is on the legal aspect of protection against domestic violence. Within this aspect, particular emphasis is on the criminal legal aspect which examines the concept and elements of the criminal offence of domestic violence, the relation to other similar offences and particularly highlights certain case-law problems associated with the application of the incrimination of domestic violence. Central part of the paper relates to functions and powers of the police in preventing and suppressing domestic violence. Bearing in mind another important dimension - victimology - special place is given to the part relating to the protection of victims and witnesses of domestic violence crimes and to the contribution of the injured persons to their own victimisation. However, prior to that, it was necessary to explain the terms ‗violence‘, ‗domestic violence‘, ‗aggression‘, as preliminary issues before going ahead with legal and dogmatic analysis. The title of the paper „The Role of the Police in Detecting and Proving Domestic Violence‟ points exactly to the part which has to date been missing from the scientific and technical literature, and which would also include the analysis of the practice of state authorities, and specifically the police. Therefore, the approach to the problem of domestic violence has not been comprehensive to date; instead, certain issues have only been partially and sporadically addressed. This paper, in each of its part, features the examples from practice which add value to it and, at the same time, provide answer whether the adopted legal norms are adjusted to the realities of life, which altogether affects the assessment of their effectiveness and efficiency. The subject of the paper is the status and role of the police in detecting and proving the existence of violence in the family. Family violence was first regulated as a VII separate criminal offence in 2002

    Measures for prevention of domestic violence and for protection of victims in Serbia's legal system with special reference to emergency measures

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    Over the last two decades, combating domestic violence has been one of our country's main goals. Serbia is one of the 12 countries that have ratified the Council of Europe Convention on Prevention and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (the Istanbul Convention) before its entry into force on August 1, 2014, and as of June 1, 2017 the Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence (LPDV) has been used in Serbia, which was adopted with the aim of regulating in a general and uniform manner the organization and conduct of state authorities and institutions, thereby enabling the effective prevention of domestic violence and the prompt, timely and effective protection and support for victims of domestic violence. Prescribing emergency measures has radically changed the way the victims of domestic violence are protected. In this paper, we will explore and try to answer several questions: what measures are available to state institutions to prevent violence and protect victims; whether the competent authorities and institutions apply these measures and to what extent; whether it was necessary to introduce urgent measures into our legal system and, finally, whether the activities to combat domestic violence so far produce results, that is, whether this negative social phenomenon is sufficiently suppressed