80 research outputs found

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    Lapsuuden elinolojen yhteydet aikuisuuden hyvinvointiin

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    Kasvun tuki -tietolähteessä arvioidut psykososiaaliset menetelmät

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    Lasten ja nuorten hyvinvoinnin tietopankki Itlasto – tiedolla johtamisen tueksi

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    Itlastoon (www.itlasto.fi) kootaan kansallista, pitkittäistä seurantatietoa lasten ja nuorten ­hyvinvoinnista. Tieto esitetään visuaalisesti, käyttäjäystävällisessä muodossa. Itlastosta löytyy vastauksia kysymyksiin, miten lapsemme voivat ja miten hyvinvoinnin tilan ­indikaattoreiden tasot ovat kehittyneet ajassa. Indikaattoreiden tulkinta esimerkiksi päätöksenteossa vaatii taustalla olevien ilmiöiden tuntemista. Seurantatieto tarjoaa mahdollisuuden ilmiöiden pohdinnalle: mitkä mekanismit tai toimet ovat ­voineet vaikuttaa indikaattorin tason kehitykseen? Kansallisen tiedon rinnalla halutaan tulevaisuudessa esittää alueellista tietoa lasten ja nuorten ­hyvinvoinnista

    Long-Term Educational Outcomes of Child Care Arrangements in Finland

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    Corrigendum: DOI:10.1177/2158244018803995 (WoS: 000448117100001, Scopus: 85055324750)This study asks how Finnish 6-year-olds who stay at home before school start compare in educational outcomes with children who attend public day care. Earlier studies have shown that participation in public day care can enhance school performance especially among disadvantaged children. In Finland, the child home care allowance scheme supports the home care of 6-year-olds if they have a younger sibling under the age of 3 who is also not attending public day care. We used as outcome variables grade point average after compulsory school at age 15 to 16 and dichotomous variable measuring completion of further education by age 25. The study utilized data of the birth cohort 1987 (N = 4,928). The results show that staying at home before school start is associated with poorer school performance but not with completion of further education.Peer reviewe

    Alle 2-vuotiaille lapsille ja heidän perheilleen suunnattujen psykososiaalisten interventioiden vaikuttavuusnäyttö Pohjoismaissa

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    Sikiöaika ja ensimmäiset elinvuodet ovat ensiarvoisen tärkeitä myöhemmän mielenterveydenja ­hyvinvoinnin kannalta. Myönteistä kehityskulkua voidaan edistää varhaisen vaiheen psykososiaalisilla interventioilla. Kuitenkin vain harvalla Pohjoismaissa käytössä olevalla raskausaikaan tai lapsen ­kahteen ­ensimmäiseen ikävuoteen suunnatulla interventiolla on hyvä tai vahva dokumentoitu ­vaikuttavuusnäyttö. Tarvitaan systemaattista arviointitietoa, jotta kansalliseen levittämiseen voidaan valita ­vaikuttavimmat interventiot

    Childhood determinants for early psychiatric disability pension : A 10-year follow-up study of the 1987 Finnish Birth Cohort

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    Background: Mental disorders can affect work ability and lead to early exit from the labour market through disability pension. Aims: This study aimed to identify childhood determinants of psychiatric disability pension in early adulthood. Methods: The 1987 Finnish Birth Cohort includes a complete census of children born in a single year. The children were followed up from birth until 31 December 2012 using official registers maintained by the Finnish authorities. Risk factors for disability pension were examined in the full 1987 cohort (N = 58,739) and among children who had received mental health care (N = 9,599). Odds ratios were calculated for disability pension due to all mental disorders and separately for schizophrenia, depressive and anxiety and other mental and behavioural disorders in association with childhood determinants. Results: Altogether, 1.4% of cohort members had retired due to mental disorders in 2003-2012. In the full 1987 cohort, female sex, parental divorce and social assistance, both mother's and father's psychiatric care and mother's psychiatric disability pension increased the risk for disability pension due to mental disorders. Among children who had received mental health care, risk factors for psychiatric disability pension were father's psychiatric care and mother's psychiatric disability pension. Conclusion: Childhood determinants were related to the risk of psychiatric disability pension before the age of 25. The risk factors varied by the diagnosis of the disability pension. Using knowledge of this study's risk factors should enable the identification of adolescents and young adults in general population and especially in the mental health care population who are at greatest risk of receipt of psychiatric disability pension.Peer reviewe