748 research outputs found


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    У статті розкрито сутність і значення поняття «механізм» із погляду його застосування в економічній науці; визначено сутність антикризової державної політики; розкрито сутність наявних механізмів антикризового управління та регулювання; обґрунтовано вимоги до розробки та структуру механізму антикризової політики держави в туристичній галузі. (The article deals with the nature and meaning of «mechanism» in terms of its application in economics; the essence of the anti-crisis government policies; The essence of existing mechanisms for crisis management and regulation; reasonable requirements for the design and structure of the mechanism of anti-crisis policy in the tourism industry.

    Education management in Ukraine in the context of global economic transformations

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    The article identifies the features of the management of higher education in Ukraine and in Europe in the context of global economic transformations. In the process of analysis, it was determined that the financing of higher education in European countries is carried out almost equally: at the expense of the State budget and at the expense of individuals. At the same time, the outflow of students from the CIS countries to European countries can be explained by the proposed concepts of providing educational services, the main difference among which consists, firstly, in orientation towards the needs of the state, and secondly, in orientation towards the needs of business structures and various market subjects. It was also determined that the impact of economic factors on the level of education is rather low, and at the same time, this indicator largely depends on the indicator of the social capital. In this regard, the following social trends have been identified that need to be implemented for the successful education management: expanding the population education program, as well as providing lifelong education, ensuring equal access to quality education, strengthening the role of the state in ensuring equity in education, efficient and effective use of education costs, humanization and democratization of education, updating the content, forms, methods and means of training, enhancing the professional competence of teachers, transparency of education systems, the formation of state-public forms of education management.peer-reviewe

    Організаційно-економічні структури як метод залучення іноземних інвестицій

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    В цій статті досліджуються актуальні проблеми залучення іноземних інвестицій, розвитку депресивних територій, проблеми та переваги використання різних організаційно-економічних структур, таких як вільні економічні зони, індустріальні парки, кластери.This article deals with topical issues of foreign investment, development of depressed areas, challenges and benefits of various organizational and economic structures, such as free economic zones, industrial parks and clusters.В этой статье исследуются актуальные проблемы привлечения иностранных инвестиций, развития депрессивных территорий, проблемы и преимущества использования различных организационно-экономических структур, таких как свободные экономические зоны,индустриальные парки, кластеры

    Local taxonomic spectra in plants, animals, fungi and terrestrial protists show common mathematical patterns

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    Taxonomic spectra, i.e. relations between supraspecific taxa by the number of included species, remain poorly understood in aspect of the mathematical properties. We studied taxonomic spectra of plants (Magnoliophyta, Bryophyta), animals (Coleoptera, Aves), fungi (Agaricomycetes) and terrestrial protists (Myxomycetes), found in the Homilsha Forests National Nature Park (North-East of Ukraine), and concluded that they correspond to the hollow-curve distribution at the level of genera, families and orders. The spectra of most taxa, as shown by the Akaike information criterion, are closely approximated by the log-series distribution model at all taxonomic levels. This type of distribution is typical for the species abundance curves, based on collections made from small areas. At the same time, in the genera–families–orders row the similarity to the lognormal distribution increases. The central values and variability vary considerably between different taxonomic groups and ranks, however, without affecting the type of distribution. The number of orders in all taxa except Bryophyta has reached the saturation and coincides with the curve of the estimated number of orders according to the Chao1 coefficient. For families and especially genera the correspondence with estimated number of species is much lower. Our results do not confirm the assumption that hollow-curve distributions of taxonomic spectra result from the artificial fragmentation of taxa. These distributions neither depend on the insufficient knowledge about the species composition at the locality, nor reflect the size of the studied area. The presence of such distributions in both local and global biota of different groups may be explained by the common features of their evolution, especially by the existence of relict orphan groups. The fact that in Homilsha Forests the kurtosis and skewness of distributions decreases in the genera–families–orders row can therefore be explained by the relatively low percentage of the high-rank orphan taxa in the local biota. This may be a common feature of communities studied at small geographical scale, since orphan taxa often demonstrate a high level of endemism. Comparative studies of local communities from different climate zones may help to understand how universal are the patterns, described herein

    Основные проблемы финансового менеджмента отрасли

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    Статтю присвячено визначенню вагомості поняття фінансового менеджменту. Це система надійності та ефективності управління існуючими фінансами підприємства. Від того як об’єкт управління розпоряджається фінансово-ресурсною базою залежить майбутнє фірми. Непрофесійність та не кваліфікованість цих рішень може стати причиною втрачання масштабу діяльності, гальмування розвитку підприємства або навіть банкрутство.Article is devoted to the validity of the concept of financial management. This system is reliability and efficiency for management on existing enterprises. Financial and resource base depends on facility management. Unprofessional or qualification of these solutions can cause of losing scale activity, slowdown in developing business or even bankruptcy.Статья посвящена определению значимости понятия финансового менеджмента. Это система надежности и эффективности управления существующими финансами предприятия. От того, как объект управления распоряжается финансово-ресурсной базой зависит будущее фирмы. Непрофессионализм и не квалифицированность этих решений может стать причиной снижения масштабов деятельности, торможение развития предприятия или даже банкротства

    Ecological and faunistic survey of the true bugs of the infraorder Pentatomomorpha (Hemiptera) in the urban cenoses of Kharkiv City (Ukraine)

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    A total of 63 species of true bugs in 53 genera and 11 families of the infraorder Pentatomomorpha was recorded from the city of Kharkiv. For one species, Carpocoris purpureipennis (Pentatomidae), we obtained the first record from Left-Bank Ukraine. Formerly, this species was known from Western and Central Ukraine only. Four species of the family Lygaeidae (Nysius ericae, Perithrechus geniculatus, P. gracilicornis, Taphropeltus contractus) are new to Kharkiv Region. The families Lygaeidae (23 species of 19 genera, 38.3% of the total collected bugs), Pentatomidae (16 species of 14 genera, 26.7%), Rhopalidae (7 species of 5 genera, 11.7%), and Coreidae (6 species of 6 genera, about 3%) were the most rich in species and individual numbers. The families of Berytidae, Cydnidae and Scutelleridae were represented by two species each (3.3% out of the total collected bugs). Six species (Myrmus miriformis, Lygaeus equestris, Scolopostethus pictus, Aelia acuminata, Graphosoma lineatum, and Pyrrhocoris apterus) were abundant, eight species common, 14 species rare, and 32 species belonged to occasional elements of the urban cenoses. The true bug species composition and individual abundance were the highest in the suburban meadows and large city parks (44 and 27 species, respectively). By contrast, only seven species were registered in the green areas of the city centre (lawns, public gardens). Faunal similarity (Jaccard / Chekanovsky-Sørensen indices) of the true bug assemblages was the lowest when comparing public gardens of the city centre with the habitats of the suburbs and city parks (0.04–0.06 / 0.07–0.12), and the highest between the meadows and urban parks with glades and grassy vegetation under low recreational pressure (0.52 / 0.68). Jaccard similarity indices for the other six pairs of compared urban cenoses were low (0.1‒0.42). The average Pentatomomorpha similarity in different urban cenoses was also low (Jaccard index 0.27, Chekanovsky-Sørensen index 0.39). The essential faunal differences can be explained by both the low number of most Pentatomomorpha species and their ecological peculiarities. The proportions of various ecological groups of bugs in different urban cenoses were analyzed and discussed. Major differences were observed in the species habitat distributions while the lesser differences concerned trophic groups and hygropreferences of most species. Hortobiont and herpetohortobiont polyphytophagous species dominated all the habitats

    Macroeconomic Modernization of the National Economy Regarding the Supply Chain Management of the National Economy’s Competitiveness

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of supply chain management on competitive advantage and sustainability in the national economy. The national economy’s competitiveness has a complex nature, ensured by sustainable economic, political and social development. In the paper the issue of the national economy’s competitiveness as a complex of supply chain management of socio-economic system is researched. The author’s approach to the concept of the national economy’s competitiveness was formed. Key elements of the national economy’s competitiveness were analyzed, among which national production, resource base, intelligence of the Nation, and national social capital. Relationships between the competitiveness of the national economy and globalization processes are determined. Practical recommendations for improving competitiveness of the developing countries in the world economic area were proposed. Problem of the national economy’s competitiveness is examined from the position of the modern macroeconomic modernization, under supply chain system and institutional dynamics are one of the key factors for promoting economic progress and ensuring society’s high level of well-fare

    The role of the media with regard to news aggregators. Their presence on Menéame

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    The development of web 2.0 has brought with it new communication platforms based on the active role of users and their mutual collaboration. In this new media ecosystem, news aggregators have come into being and these have led to a new way of distributing journalistic content over the social web. This article analyzes the origin of contents promoted to the front page of Menéame, the most successful Spanish-language news aggregator. The main objective is to discover which media outlets the news published during its first ten years of existence (2006- 2015) comes from, in order to identify the most linked media and find out about their development during that period