130 research outputs found

    Several thoughts that are not new and not pleasant

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    The article discusses the negative phenomena in Polish scholarly editing of literary works: protracting for decades or abandoning at all the scholarly editions of the classical Polish writers’ collected works; excessive acribia in critical apparatus; vexatious meticulousness accompanied by serious and numerous errors in the commentaries

    Obrazowość a ikoniczność literatury

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    My wonderments

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    Moje zdziwienia (My Wonderments) is a column authored by Henryk Markiewicz, professor emeritus of the Jagiellonian University, and one of the most outstanding Polish historians and theoreticians of literature. In his articles which have been appearing in the „Wielogłos” magazine since 2008, professor Markiewicz offers a critical discussion on selected publications devoted to literary studies, comments on current events associated with academic life, engages in polemics and poses questions addressed to authors of academic papers and popularizing articles; he unceasingly demands respect for standards of academic professionalism, competence, diligence and responsibility for the views and opinions expressed. This time professor Markiewicz poses some troublesome questions to cultural theoreticians of literature

    My wonderments

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    Moje zdziwienia (My Wonderments) is a column authored by Henryk Markiewicz, professor emeritus of the Jagiellonian University, and one of the most outstanding Polish historians and theoreticians of literature. In his articles, which have been appearing in the "Wielogłos" magazine since 2008, professor Markiewicz offers a critical discussion on selected publications devoted to literary studies, comments on current events associated with academic life, engages in polemics and poses questions addressed to authors of academic papers and popularizing articles; he unceasingly demands respect for standards of academic professionalism, competence, diligence and responsibility for the views and opinions expressed


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    Moje zdziwienia /My Marvellings/ is a column run by Henryk Markiewicz, retired Professor of the Jagiellonian University and one of the most outstanding Polish literary historians and theoreticians. In his essays, Professor Markiewicz presents and discusses various literary theory publications, comments on current events at the academia, argues with and questions authors of scholarly and popular articles, all the time being indefatigable in his insistence on respecting standards of academic professionalism, competence, honesty and responsibility for judgments and opinions expressed

    Moje zdziwienia

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    Kilka myśli co nienowe i niemiłe

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    SEVERAL THOUGHTS THAT ARE NOT NEW AND NOT PLEASANT The article discusses the negative phenomena in Polish scholarly editing of literary works: protracting for decades or abandoning at all the scholarly editions of the classical Polish writers’ collected works; excessive acribia in critical apparatus; vexatious meticulousness accompanied by serious and numerous errors in the commentaries

    Amica Janion, amica Szczuka, sed…

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    Z zaciekawieniem i wzruszeniem czytałem książkę "Janion. Transe - traumy - transgresje. 1: Niedobre dziecię" (oj, nie ułatwiono tym tytułem życia bibliografom!) - wywiad Marii Janion udzielony Kazimierze Szczuce. Nie kryję, że z radością znalazłem w tej książce słowa: "łączy nas bardzo ważna, bliska przyjaźń". Istotnie, przyjaźń ta trwa już 65 lat, mimo wzrastającej różnicy zainteresowań i sposobu uprawiania badań literackich. Pretium affectionis, jakie z tych i innych jeszcze powodów ma dla mnie ta książka, sprawia, że nie umiałbym z niej napisać obiektywnej recenzji. A książka to ważna - mieszczą się w niej nie tylko poruszające wyznania autobiograficzne, ale i kawał historii powojennej polonistyki literackiej. Szkoda, że autorki zanadto zaufały swej pamięci i nie sprawdziły niektórych faktów i sytuacji przedstawionych tu z pewnością (lub z wysokim prawdopodobieństwem) nieściśle. Zastanawiałem się, czy wytykać im te uchybienia. Zrobię to jednak właśnie ze względu na źródłową ważność tej książki


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    Moje zdziwienia /My Marvellings/ is a column run by Henryk Markiewicz, retired Professor of the Jagiellonian University and one of the most outstanding Polish literary historians and theoreticians. In his essays, Professor Markiewicz presents and discusses various literary theory publications, comments on current events at the academia, argues with and questions authors of scholarly and popular articles, all the time being indefatigable in his insistence on respecting standards of academic professionalism, competence, honesty and responsibility for judgments and opinions expressed


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    Moje zdziwienia /My Marvellings/ is a column run by Henryk Markiewicz, retired Professor of the Jagiellonian University and one of the most outstanding Polish literary historians and theoreticians. In his essays, Professor Markiewicz presents and discusses various literary theory publications, comments on current events at the academia, argues with and questions authors of scholarly and popular articles, all the time being indefatigable in his insistence on respecting standards of academic professionalism, competence, honesty and responsibility for judgments and opinions expressed