203 research outputs found

    An analogue of Bauer’s theorem for closed orbits of skew products

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    In this article we prove an analogue of Bauer’s theorem from algebraic number theory in the context of hyperbolic systems

    Logarithm laws for equilibrium states in negative curvature

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    Let MM be a pinched negatively curved Riemannian manifold, whose unit tangent bundle is endowed with a Gibbs measure mFm_F associated to a potential FF. We compute the Hausdorff dimension of the conditional measures of mFm_F. We study the mFm_F-almost sure asymptotic penetration behaviour of locally geodesic lines of MM into small neighbourhoods of closed geodesics, and of other compact (locally) convex subsets of MM. We prove Khintchine-type and logarithm law-type results for the spiraling of geodesic lines around these objects. As an arithmetic consequence, we give almost sure Diophantine approximation results of real numbers by quadratic irrationals with respect to general H\"older quasi-invariant measures

    Properties of measures supported on fat Sierpinski carpets

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    In this paper we study certain conformal iterated function schemes in two dimensions that are natural generalizations of the Sierpinski carpet construction. In particular, we consider scaling factors for which the open set condition fails. For such ‘fat Sierpinski carpets’ we study the range of parameters for which the dimension of the set is exactly known, or for which the set has positive measure

    A note on the shrinking sector problem for surfaces of variable negative curvature

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    Given the universal cover for a compact surface of variable negative curvature we consider, for each k ≄ 0, the limiting probability for the directions in which a narrowing sector of unit area contains exactly k in the orbit of the covering group. This can be done relative to any Gibbs measure and follows directly from the strong mixing propert

    Addendum: an analogue of Artin reciprocity for closed orbits of skew products

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    One of the unfulfilled aims of the authors of the preceding paper [W. Parry and M. Pollicott. An analogue of Bauer’s theorem for closed orbits of skew products. Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys. 28 (2008), 535–546] was to find a dynamical analogue of Artin reciprocity. In this addendum, we present one such version, suggested by work of Sunada

    Unique Bernoulli g-measures

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    We improve and subsume the conditions of Johansson and \"Oberg [18] and Berbee [2] for uniqueness of a g-measure, i.e., a stationary distribution for chains with complete connections. In addition, we prove that these unique g-measures have Bernoulli natural extensions. In particular, we obtain a unique g-measure that has the Bernoulli property for the full shift on finitely many states under any one of the following additional assumptions. (1) \sum_{n=1}^\infty (\var_n \log g)^20$, \sum_{n=1}^\infty e^{-(\{1}{2}+\epsilon) (\var_1 \log g+...+\var_n \log g)}=\infty,(3) (3) \var_n \log g=\ordo{\{1}{\sqrt{n}}}, \quad n\to \infty. That the measure is Bernoulli in the case of (1) is new. In (2) we have an improved version of Berbee's condition (concerning uniqueness and Bernoullicity) [2], allowing the variations of log g to be essentially twice as large. Finally, (3) is an example that our main result is new both for uniqueness and for the Bernoulli property. We also conclude that we have convergence in the Wasserstein metric of the iterates of the adjoint transfer operator to the g-measure

    Appolonius circle counting

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    Circle packings in the plane date back over 2000 years and have attracted the attention of princesses and Nobel Prize winners alike. We give a brief history and describe some recent developments
