1,419 research outputs found

    Criterios espaciales de diseño de un restaurante de estilo minimalista para la remodelación de casonas miraflorinas

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    El presente proyecto de investigación, responde a una problemática que se evidencia a través de una serie de debilidades como la antigüedad de edificación de las casonas ,las cuales se pueden encontrar en mal estado de conservación lo que significa un aumento en el costo de las remodelaciones ya que estas no solo se centrarían en transformar la vivienda a un restaurante sino en reparar y reforzar las estructuras que se encuentren en mal estado, la falta de planos y también contribuye a elevar estos costos de remodelación

    Preliminary analysis of LDEF instrument A0187-1: Chemistry of Micrometeoroids Experiment

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    The Chemistry of Micrometeoroids Experiment (CME) exposed approximately 0.8 sq. m of gold on the Long Duration Exposure Facility's (LDEF's) trailing edge (location A03) and approximately 1.1 sq. m of aluminum in the forward-facing A11 location. The most significant results to date relate to the discovery of unmelted pyroxene and olivine fragments associated with natural cosmic dust impacts. The latter are sufficiently large for detailed phase studies, and they serve to demonstrate that recovery of unmelted dust fragments is a realistic prospect for further dust experiments that will employ more advanced collector media. We also discovered that man-made debris impacts occur on the LDEF's trailing edge with substantially higher frequency than expected, suggesting that orbital debris in highly elliptical orbits may have been somewhat underestimated

    The Big Questions For Biodiversity Informatics

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    This is the publisher's version, which the author has permission to share. The original version may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14772001003739369Science is a sequence of generating new ideas, detailed explorations, incorporation of the results into a toolbox for understanding data, and turning them into useful knowledge. One recent development has been large-scale, computer-aided management of biodiversity information. This emerging field of biodiversity informatics has been growing quickly, but without overarching scientific questions to guide its development; the result has been developments that have no connection to genuine insight and forward progress. We outline what biodiversity informatics should be, a link between diverse dimensions of organismal biology – genomics, phylogenetics, taxonomy, distributional biology, ecology, interactions, and conservation status – and describe the science progress that would result. These steps will enable a transition from ‘gee-whiz’ to fundamental science infrastructure

    Restoring the eastern oyster: how much progress has been made in 53 years?

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    Coastal ecosystem restoration is accelerating globally as a means of enhancing shoreline protection, carbon storage, water quality, fisheries, and biodiversity. Among the most substantial of these efforts have been those focused on re-establishing oyster reefs across the US Atlantic and Gulf coasts. Despite considerable investment, it is unclear how the scale of and approaches toward oyster restoration have evolved. A synthesis of 1768 projects undertaken since 1964 reveals that oyster substrate restoration efforts have primarily been concentrated in the Chesapeake Bay and the Gulf Coast, have been heavily reliant on oyster shell, and have re-established 4.5% of the reef area that has been lost across all regions. By comparing costs to ecosystem service benefits, we discovered that the return-on-investment of oyster restoration varies widely, but generally increases with project size. To facilitate the recovery of coastal ecosystems and their services, scientists and resource managers must adopt a new restoration paradigm prioritizing investment in sites that maximize economic and ecological benefits and minimize construction costs

    The geological history of Nili Patera, Mars

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    Nili Patera is a 50 km diameter caldera at the center of the Syrtis Major Planum volcanic province. The caldera is unique among Martian volcanic terrains in hosting: (i) evidence of both effusive and explosive volcanism, (ii) hydrothermal silica, and (iii) compositional diversity from olivine-rich basalts to silica-enriched units. We have produced a new geological map using three mosaicked 18 m/pixel Context Camera digital elevation models, supplemented by Compact Remote Imaging Spectrometer for Mars Hyperspectral data. The map contextualizes these discoveries, formulating a stratigraphy in which Nili Patera formed by trapdoor collapse into a volcanotectonic depression. The distinctive bright floor of Nili Patera formed either as part of a felsic pluton, exposed during caldera formation, or as remnants of welded ignimbrite(s) associated with caldera formation—both scenarios deriving from melting in the Noachian highland basement. After caldera collapse, there were five magmatic episodes: (1) a basaltic unit in the caldera's north, (2) a silica-enriched unit and the associated Nili Tholus cone, (3) an intrusive event, forming a ~300 m high elliptical dome; (4) an extrusive basaltic unit, emplaced from small cones in the east; and (5) an extreme olivine-bearing unit, formed on the western caldera ring fault. The mapping, together with evidence for hydrated materials, implies magmatic interaction with subsurface volatiles. This, in an area of elevated geothermal gradient, presents a possible habitable environment (sampled by the hydrothermal deposits). Additionally, similarities to other highland volcanoes imply similar mechanisms and thus astrobiological potential within those edifices

    Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metal Compounds: Core-Valence Basis Sets and Importance of Subvalence Correlation

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    Core-valence basis sets for the alkali and alkaline earth metals Li, Be, Na, Mg, K, and Ca are proposed. The basis sets are validated by calculating spectroscopic constants of a variety of diatomic molecules involving these elements. Neglect of (3s,3p)(3s,3p) correlation in K and Ca compounds will lead to erratic results at best, and chemically nonsensical ones if chalcogens or halogens are present. The addition of low-exponent pp functions to the K and Ca basis sets is essential for smooth convergence of molecular properties. Inclusion of inner-shell correlation is important for accurate spectroscopic constants and binding energies of all the compounds. In basis set extrapolation/convergence calculations, the explicit inclusion of alkali and alkaline earth metal subvalence correlation at all steps is essential for K and Ca, strongly recommended for Na, and optional for Li and Mg, while in Be compounds, an additive treatment in a separate `core correlation' step is probably sufficient. Consideration of (1s)(1s) inner-shell correlation energy in first-row elements requires inclusion of (2s,2p)(2s,2p) `deep core' correlation energy in K and Ca for consistency. The latter requires special CCVnnZ `deep core correlation' basis sets. For compounds involving Ca bound to electronegative elements, additional dd functions in the basis set are strongly recommended. For optimal basis set convergence in such cases, we suggest the sequence CV(D+3d)Z, CV(T+2d)Z, CV(Q+dd)Z, and CV5Z on calcium.Comment: Molecular Physics, in press (W. G. Richards issue); supplementary material (basis sets in G98 and MOLPRO formats) available at http://theochem.weizmann.ac.il/web/papers/group12.htm

    Bone stress injury of the ankle in professional ballet dancers seen on MRI

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Ballet Dancers have been shown to have a relatively high incidence of stress fractures of the foot and ankle. It was our objective to examine MR imaging patterns of bone marrow edema (BME) in the ankles of high performance professional ballet dancers, to evaluate clinical relevance.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>MR Imaging was performed on 12 ankles of 11 active professional ballet dancers (6 female, 5 male; mean age 24 years, range 19 to 32). Individuals were imaged on a 0.2 T or 1.5 T MRI units. Images were evaluated by two musculoskeletal radiologists and one orthopaedic surgeon in consensus for location and pattern of bone marrow edema. In order to control for recognized sources of bone marrow edema, images were also reviewed for presence of osseous, ligamentous, tendinous and cartilage injuries. Statistical analysis was performed to assess the strength of the correlation between bone marrow edema and ankle pain.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Bone marrow edema was seen only in the talus, and was a common finding, observed in nine of the twelve ankles imaged (75%) and was associated with pain in all cases. On fluid-sensitive sequences, bone marrow edema was ill-defined and centered in the talar neck or body, although in three cases it extended to the talar dome. No apparent gender predilection was noted. No occult stress fracture could be diagnosed. A moderately strong correlation (phi = 0.77, p= 0.0054) was found between edema and pain in the study population.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Bone marrow edema seems to be a specific MRI finding in the talus of professional ballet dancers, likely related to biomechanical stress reactions, due to their frequently performed unique maneuvers. Clinically, this condition may indicate a sign of a bone stress injury of the ankle.</p

    Biofortification of UK food crops with selenium

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    Se is an essential element for animals. In man low dietary Se intakes are associated with health disorders including oxidative stress-related conditions, reduced fertility and immune functions and an increased risk of cancers. Although the reference nutrient intakes for adult females and males in the UK are 60 and 75 μg Se/d respectively, dietary Se intakes in the UK have declined from >60 μg Se/d in the 1970s to 35 μg Se/d in the 1990s, with a concomitant decline in human Se status. This decline in Se intake and status has been attributed primarily to the replacement of milling wheat having high levels of grain Se and grown on high-Se soils in North America with UK-sourced wheat having low levels of grain Se and grown on low-Se soils. An immediate solution to low dietary Se intake and status is to enrich UK-grown food crops using Se fertilisers (agronomic biofortification). Such a strategy has been adopted with success in Finland. It may also be possible to enrich food crops in the longer term by selecting or breeding crop varieties with enhanced Se-accumulation characteristics (genetic biofortification). The present paper will review the potential for biofortification of UK food crops with Se