1,290 research outputs found

    A kinematic numerical camera model for the SPOT-1 sensor

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    A novel method for modelling linear push-broom sensors has been developed. A numerical model which incorporates the satellite attitude and position data is used to compute the absolute orientation. This method makes a break with traditional photogrammetric practice, in that instead of using an approach based on collinearity equations, the absolute orientation is computed iteratively using a numerical multi-variable minimisation scheme. All current implementations of the model use the Powell direction-set method, but in principle, any multivariable minimisation scheme could be substituted. The numerical method has significant advantages over the collinearity approach. The number of ground control points needed to form an accurate model is reduced and the numerical approach offers a superior basis for the development of general purpose multi sensor modelling software. In order to test these assertions, a numerical model of the SPOT-1 sensor was coded and tested against a pre-existing collinearity based model. Exhaustive tests showed the numerical model, using 3 or fewer ground control points, consistendy equaled or bettered the performance of the earlier model, using between 6 and 15 ground control points, on the same test data. A general purpose sensor modelling system was developed using the code developed for the initial SPOT-1 model. Currently this system supports many rigid linear sensors systems including SPOT-1, SPOT-2, FTIR, MISR, MEOSS and ASAS. Further extensions to the system to enable it to model non-rigid linear sensors such as AVHRR and ATM are planned. Work to enable the system to perform relative orientations for a variety of sensor types is also ongoing

    Amplifying Limitations, Harms and Risks of Large Language Models

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    We present this article as a small gesture in an attempt to counter what appears to be exponentially growing hype around Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its capabilities, and the distraction provided by the associated talk of science-fiction scenarios that might arise if AI should become sentient and super-intelligent. It may also help those outside of the field to become more informed about some of the limitations of AI technology. In the current context of popular discourse AI defaults to mean foundation and large language models (LLMs) such as those used to create ChatGPT. This in itself is a misrepresentation of the diversity, depth and volume of research, researchers, and technology that truly represents the field of AI. AI being a field of research that has existed in software artefacts since at least the 1950's. We set out to highlight a number of limitations of LLMs, and in so doing highlight that harms have already arisen and will continue to arise due to these limitations. Along the way we also highlight some of the associated risks for individuals and organisations in using this technology

    Distinct retroelement classes define evolutionary breakpoints demarcating sites of evolutionary novelty

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Large-scale genome rearrangements brought about by chromosome breaks underlie numerous inherited diseases, initiate or promote many cancers and are also associated with karyotype diversification during species evolution. Recent research has shown that these breakpoints are nonrandomly distributed throughout the mammalian genome and many, termed "evolutionary breakpoints" (EB), are specific genomic locations that are "reused" during karyotypic evolution. When the phylogenetic trajectory of orthologous chromosome segments is considered, many of these EB are coincident with ancient centromere activity as well as new centromere formation. While EB have been characterized as repeat-rich regions, it has not been determined whether specific sequences have been retained during evolution that would indicate previous centromere activity or a propensity for new centromere formation. Likewise, the conservation of specific sequence motifs or classes at EBs among divergent mammalian taxa has not been determined.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To define conserved sequence features of EBs associated with centromere evolution, we performed comparative sequence analysis of more than 4.8 Mb within the tammar wallaby, <it>Macropus eugenii</it>, derived from centromeric regions (CEN), euchromatic regions (EU), and an evolutionary breakpoint (EB) that has undergone convergent breakpoint reuse and past centromere activity in marsupials. We found a dramatic enrichment for long interspersed nucleotide elements (LINE1s) and endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) and a depletion of short interspersed nucleotide elements (SINEs) shared between CEN and EBs. We analyzed the orthologous human EB (14q32.33), known to be associated with translocations in many cancers including multiple myelomas and plasma cell leukemias, and found a conserved distribution of similar repetitive elements.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our data indicate that EBs tracked within the class Mammalia harbor sequence features retained since the divergence of marsupials and eutherians that may have predisposed these genomic regions to large-scale chromosomal instability.</p

    Inpatient care utilisation and expenditure associated with objective physical activity:econometric analysis of the UK Biobank

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    BACKGROUND Physical inactivity increases the risk of chronic disease and mortality. The high prevalence of physical inactivity in the UK is likely to increase financial pressure on the National Health Service. The UK Biobank Study offered an opportunity to assess the impact of physical inactivity on healthcare use and spending using individual-level data and objective measures of physical activity. The objective of this study was to assess the associations between objectively measured physical activity levels and future inpatient days and costs in adults in the UK Biobank study. METHODS We conducted an econometric analysis of the UK Biobank study, a large prospective cohort study. The participants (n = 86,066) were UK adults aged 43-79 who had provided sufficient valid accelerometer data. Hospital inpatient days and costs were discounted and standardised to mean monthly values per person to adjust for the variation in follow-up times. Econometric models adjusted for BMI, long-standing illness, and other sociodemographic factors. RESULTS Mean follow-up time for the sample was 28.11 (SD 7.65) months. Adults in the most active group experienced 0.037 fewer days per month (0.059-0.016) and 14.1% lower inpatient costs ( - £3.81 [ - £6.71 to  - £0.91] monthly inpatient costs) compared to adults in the least active group. The relationship between physical activity and inpatient costs was stronger in women compared to men and amongst those in the lowest income group compared to others. The findings remained significant across various sensitivity analyses. CONCLUSIONS Increasing physical activity levels in the UK may reduce inpatient hospitalisations and costs, especially in women and lower-income groups

    A prospective cohort study measuring cost-benefit analysis of the Otago Exercise Programme in Community Dwelling Adults with Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    Det er en sammenheng mellom bachelorstudentenes karakterpoeng fra videregående skole og resultater til eksamen i anatomi, fysiologi, biokjemi (AFB). Enkelte studenter med lavere opptakskarakterer enn landsgjennomsnittet oppnådde bedre eksamensresultat enn det nasjonale gjennomsnittsresultatet i AFB for 2016. Hensikten med studien var å undersøke hvordan bachelorstudenter i sykepleie med lave opptakspoeng og gode eksamensresultater i AFB lærte og tilegnet seg emnet. Studien har et kvalitativ forskningsdesign og det ble gjennomført semistrukturerte intervju av 12 bachelorstudenter i sykepleie, som ble analysert ved hjelp av innholdsanalyse. Funnene er beskrevet ut fra tre hovedkategorier: A) Relevansen til sykepleieryrket styrker læring, B) tilhørighet har betydning for læring, og C) læring skjer i samarbeid med andre. Vi fant at studentene lærte AFB mer inngående i samhandling med andre studenter. Samlinger på campus er viktig for studenters læring, til tross for at det er stort fokus på fleksible utdanninger og digitale pedagogiske metoder. Selvstendig arbeid kombinert med læring i et sosialt studentfellesskap, oppgis som motivasjonsfaktorer til målrettet arbeid med studiene. Studentene erfarer mestringsforventning, i et miljø som preges av anerkjennelse og samtidig gir opplevelse av tilhørighet. Studentene vektlegger studienes relevans sett i lys av det profesjonsyrket som de utdanner seg til, som en betydningsfull motivasjonsfaktor for læring.publishedVersio

    Point-Focus Concentration Compact Telescoping Array: EESP Option 1 Phase Final Report for Public Release

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    Orbital ATK, in partnership with Mark ONeill LLC (MOLLC) and SolAero Technologies Corp., has developed a novel solar array platform, PFC-CTA, which provides a significant advance in performance and cost reduction compared to all currently available space solar systems. PFC refers to the Point Focus Concentration of light provided by MOLLCs thin, flat Fresnel optics. These lenses focus light to a point of approximately 100 times the intensity of the ambient light, onto a solar cell of approximately 1/25th the size of the lens. CTA stands for Compact Telescoping Array1, which is the solar array blanket structural platform originally devised by NASA and currently being advanced by Orbital ATK and partners under NASA and AFRL funding to a projected TRL 5+ by late-2018. The NASA Game Changing Development Extreme Environment Solar Power (EESP) Option 1 Phase study has enabled Orbital ATK to generate and refine component designs, perform component level and system performance analyses, and test prototype hardware of the key elements of PFC-CTA, and increased the TRL of PFC-specific technology elements to TRL ~5. Key performance metrics currently projected are as follows: Scalability from 300 kW per wing (AM0); Specific Power > 250 W/kg (BoL, AM0); Stowage Efficiency > 60 kW/m3; 5:1 margin on pointing tolerance vs. capability; >50% launched cost savings; Wide range of operability between Venus and Saturn by active and/or passive thermal management