13 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Communication strategy of ČSOB, a.s.

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    This thesis deals with the banking market and it is focused on the account in the Czech Republic. The aim is to assess the impacts of the chosen communication strategy on the target group in connection with the launching of new products. The first part focuses on selected theories. The second part deals with the Bank itself and analyzes the current communication strategy. The last part research examines the effectiveness of communication campaign and the impact of the new strategy on changes of consumer perceptions and decisions. Besides the data gained from the primary research, there were a lot of secondary data such as an internal company data and data from the research of MML-TGI or data from Nielsen Admosphere that were used also as well

    MOESM2 of Developmental expression of “germline”- and “sex determination”-related genes in the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi

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    Additional file 2: Figure S1. Bayesian analyses of vasa and other closely related DEAD box RNA helicases, with Mnemiopsis genes marked with asterisks. Displayed is a consensus tree from four independent runs of two million generations, with posterior probabilities at each node. Figure S2. Bayesian analysis of piwi, argonaute, and argonaute-like RNA binding proteins, with Mnemiopsis genes marked with asterisks. Figure S3. Bayesian analysis of metazoan nanos zinc fingers. Mnemiopsis genes (nanos1 and nanos2) are marked with asterisks. Phylogenetic analyses using maximum likelihood yielded similar results (not shown)

    Additional file 1: of Analysis of a spatial gene expression database for sea anemone Nematostella vectensis during early development

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    MATLAB files of standardized gene expression profiles derived from stored in situ hybridizations. The profiles are provided both as separate numerical arrays in labeled .mat files and as a two-column array of cells in the file “allarrs.mat”. For the separate arrays, the labels are the filenames; for the array of cells, the labels are the character arrays in the first column. The labels include the gene name, the developmental stage and, if applicable, the sequence number. For example, the file “admp-relatedbla1.mat” contains the variable “profile”, which is a 1×100 numerical array from the first image during the blastula of admp-related. This numerical array is also located in the second column of the 252×2 cell array called “expressiondata” in the file “allarrs.mat”, behind character array “admp-relatedbla1” in the first column. (cle = cleavage, bla = blastula, ega = early gastrula, mga = mid gastrula, lga = late gastrula, epl = early planula, pla = planula, lpl = late planula). The cell array has been converted to comma separated table “expressiontable.txt”, to be processed outside MATLAB and in modified MATLAB releases. The text file has been produced with the script “exportexpression.m” and can be restored to cell array “expressiondata0” in file “allarrs0.mat” with the script “importexpression.m”. (RAR 230 kb

    Additional file 13: Figure S8. of MAPK signaling is necessary for neurogenesis in Nematostella vectensis

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    NvashA regulation of target genes in the embryonic ectoderm. Gene expression in NvashA morphants (A–C), control morpholino (D–F), and NvashA mRNA injected (G, H). Quantification below each image represents percent of embryos in each phenotypic class (see key in figure). All images except C and F are aboral views. C and F are oral views. Embryos were classified and quantified as the percent having normal expression, weak expression, or no expression.. The phenotypic class with the highest percentage of embryos is indicated. (TIF 21122 kb

    Additional file 3: Figure S2. of MAPK signaling is necessary for neurogenesis in Nematostella vectensis

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    Changes in NvashA, Nvath-like, and NvsoxB2 expression following drug treatments or in with increased Notch activity. mRNA in situ hybridization for NvsoxB(2) (A) and NvashA (B) in DMSO-treated control animals grown to early planula stages (48 hpf at 22 °C). NvsoxB(2) (A’) and NvashA (B’) expression in same stage animal treated with U0126 from 24 to 48 hpf or treated with SU5402 from 24 to 48 hpf (B”). mRNA in situ expression of Nvath-like (C) and NvsoxB(2) (D) in control embryos injected with the venus mRNA. Expression of Nvath-like (C’) and NvsoxB(2) (D’) in animals injected with NvnotchICD:venus (the intracellular domain of the Notch receptor), which has been previously shown to hyperactivate Notch signaling. Embryos were classified and quantified as the percent having normal expression, weak expression, or no expression. The phenotypic class with the highest percentage of embryos is indicated. In C and D, the main figure panels are ectodermal focal planes, and insets show deeper focal planes used to confirm embryonic stage. All images are of lateral views with the oral side to the left. (TIF 34682 kb

    Additional file 12: Figure S7. of MAPK signaling is necessary for neurogenesis in Nematostella vectensis

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    NvashA expression in animals with varied regiments of U0126 treatment. (A) NvashA expression in control animals, or in animals treated with U0126 continuously for 48 hours, or from 24 to 48 hpf. Unlike early stages when no NvashA expression could be detected (Fig. 3), NvashA expression was ultimately detected in U0126-treated animals by 48 hpf. Treatment with U0126 from 24 to 48 hpf reduced NvashA expression, but NvashA could be detected in many cells, albeit at reduced levels. (B) Levels of NvashA and Nvfgfa1 as detected by qPCR at late gastrula stage (48 hpf at 17 °C) in animals injected with the Nvfgfra MO or treated with U0126 or SU5402 from 24 to 48 hpf. Relative expression levels are compared to control MO- or DMSO-treated animals respectively. The red box defines 1.5 to −1.5 fold change region. Error bars are standard error. (TIF 11166 kb

    Godetia amoena Lilja

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    原著和名: イロマツヨヒ科名: アカバナ科 = Onagraceae採集地: 千葉県 四街道市 千代田 (下総 四街道市 千代田)採集日: 1985/5/27採集者: 萩庭丈壽整理番号: JH026754国立科学博物館整理番号: TNS-VS-97675

    Additional file 10: Figure S5. of MAPK signaling is necessary for neurogenesis in Nematostella vectensis

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    Gene expression analyzed by quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Salt-and-pepper expressed genes as represented in Fig. 6. High-density gene expression profiles are represented by charts for all genes expressed at the blastula stage [24 hours post fertilization (hpf)] and/or gastrula stage (48 hpf) analyzed in this study. The y-axis indicates the relative fold change compared to unfertilized eggs. The x-axis indicates developmental time in hpf. Gene names as indicated in the top left corner and the Cp value in unfertilized eggs is indicated in the top right corner of each panel and was used to determine the presence of maternal transcripts in Fig. 6 (Cp > 34.00). Cp corresponds to the crossing point, also known as the cycle threshold (Ct) value. (PDF 599 kb

    Additional file 9: Figure S4. of MAPK signaling is necessary for neurogenesis in Nematostella vectensis

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    Summary of animal hemisphere and aboral expression genes identified by U0126 array. mRNA in situ patterns are included in a manuscript currently in preparation. (PDF 39 kb