3,714 research outputs found

    Performance Rights for Software

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    As we use software in increasingly varied contexts, the concept of a software license has become progressively more complex. Software is embedded in devices that do not obviously resemble computers. Web services make software on one computer available to anyone with internet access. An individual may use several computers over the course of the day so the concept of a node locked or individual license is no longer clear. How should time based and single use and consumptive licenses be governed and interact? This paper examines how these and other issues in software licensing can be seen as instances of the general concept of performance rights, rather than simply reproduction rights. Licenses involving finely specified performance rights are common in the entertainment industry for music, film, stage and television. We describe how, as software and our use of it becomes more sophisticated, we see performance rights as becoming an apt basis for software licensing

    Classification of the extracellular fields produced by activated neural structures

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    BACKGROUND: Classifying the types of extracellular potentials recorded when neural structures are activated is an important component in understanding nerve pathophysiology. Varying definitions and approaches to understanding the factors that influence the potentials recorded during neural activity have made this issue complex. METHODS: In this article, many of the factors which influence the distribution of electric potential produced by a traveling action potential are discussed from a theoretical standpoint with illustrative simulations. RESULTS: For an axon of arbitrary shape, it is shown that a quadrupolar potential is generated by action potentials traveling along a straight axon. However, a dipole moment is generated at any point where an axon bends or its diameter changes. Next, it is shown how asymmetric disturbances in the conductivity of the medium surrounding an axon produce dipolar potentials, even during propagation along a straight axon. Next, by studying the electric fields generated by a dipole source in an insulating cylinder, it is shown that in finite volume conductors, the extracellular potentials can be very different from those in infinite volume conductors. Finally, the effects of impulses propagating along axons with inhomogeneous cable properties are analyzed. CONCLUSION: Because of the well-defined factors affecting extracellular potentials, the vague terms far-field and near-field potentials should be abandoned in favor of more accurate descriptions of the potentials

    Noncoding RNAs and Duchenne muscular dystrophy

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    Noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) such as miRNAs and long noncoding RNAs modulate gene transcription in response to environmental stressors and other stimuli. A role for ncRNAs in muscle pathologies has been demonstrated and further evidence suggests that ncRNAs also play a role in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). Studies investigating the differential expression of miRNAs in biological fluids between DMD patients and models of dystrophin deficiency (the MDX mouse model, canine models of DMD) and controls have been published, as these have a role in fibrosis. Long noncoding RNAs are differentially expressed in DMD patients and may, in part, have a mechanism of action via targeting of miRNAs. Although many of these recent findings need to be confirmed, ncRNAs may prove to be useful as potential biomarkers of disease. However, their use as therapeutic targets in DMD remains unclear

    Phosphonopeptides Revisited, in an Era of Increasing Antimicrobial Resistance

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    Given the increase in resistance to antibacterial agents, there is an urgent need for the development of new agents with novel modes of action. As an interim solution, it is also prudent to reinvestigate old or abandoned antibacterial compounds to assess their efficacy in the context of widespread resistance to conventional agents. In the 1970s, much work was performed on the development of peptide mimetics, exemplified by the phosphonopeptide, alafosfalin. We investigated the activity of alafosfalin, di-alanyl fosfalin and β-chloro-L-alanyl-β-chloro-L-alanine against 297 bacterial isolates, including carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales (CPE) (n = 128), methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) (n = 37) and glycopeptide-resistant enterococci (GRE) (n = 43). The interaction of alafosfalin with meropenem was also examined against 20 isolates of CPE. The MIC50 and MIC90 of alafosfalin for CPE were 1 mg/L and 4 mg/L, respectively and alafosfalin acted synergistically when combined with meropenem against 16 of 20 isolates of CPE. Di-alanyl fosfalin showed potent activity against glycopeptide-resistant isolates of Enterococcus faecalis (MIC90; 0.5 mg/L) and Enterococcus faecium (MIC90; 2 mg/L). Alafosfalin was only moderately active against MRSA (MIC90; 8 mg/L), whereas β-chloro-L-alanyl-β-chloro-L-alanine was slightly more active (MIC90; 4 mg/L). This study shows that phosphonopeptides, including alafosfalin, may have a therapeutic role to play in an era of increasing antibacterial resistance

    A pyrene-appended spiropyran for selective photo-switchable binding of Zn(II): UV-visible and fluorescence spectroscopy studies of binding and non-covalent attachment to graphene, graphene oxide and carbon nanotubes

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    PublishedArticleSynthesis of photo-switchable, Zn2+ sensitive hybrid materials was achieved by facile non-covalent functionalization of graphene, graphene oxide and carbon nanotubes with a pyrene-appended spiropyran. Solution phase binding studies, using UV–visible and fluorescence spectroscopy, indicated that the pyrene-spiropyran dyad was highly selective for Zn2+ over a range of potentially competitive cations and that binding occurred with 1:1 stoichiometry and a binding constant of K=1.4×104 mol−1 dm3 at 295 K. Zn2+ binding was promoted by UV irradiation or in darkness and reversed upon irradiation with visible light.Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC

    A national survey of clinical practice for the management of whiplash-associated disorders in UK emergency departments

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    Objective: To undertake a national survey to determine current practice for the management of whiplash injuries in UK emergency departments (ED). Methods: Postal questionnaire survey. 316 lead consultants from all UK ED with annual new attendances of over 50 000 people were asked to indicate the use of a range of treatments and the frequency with which these treatments were used. Samples of written advice were requested and content analysis was conducted and compared with survey responses. Results: The response rate was 79% (251/316). The intervention most frequently used was verbal advice to exercise, reported by 84% of respondents for most or all cases, and advice against the use of a collar (83%). Other treatments reported as being used frequently were written advice and anti-inflammatory medication. 106 consultants (42%) provided a sample of written materials. Reference to expected recovery and encouragement for early return to activities were included in less than 6%. Nearly 50% of written materials contained information on how to use a soft collar and 61% contained information on solicitors and pursuing a personal injury claim. There were important differences between reported verbal behaviours and written advice. Conclusion: Verbal advice is the primary method for managing whiplash injuries in ED and is usually supplemented by written advice. Within individual hospitals there is a lack of consistency between verbal and written advice. The promotion of personal injury claims is a common feature of written advice. Research is required to develop effective and consistent models of advice

    Do β-Defensins and Other Antimicrobial Peptides Play a Role in Neuroimmune Function and Neurodegeneration?

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    It is widely accepted that the brain responds to mechanical trauma and development of most neurodegenerative diseases with an inflammatory sequelae that was once thought exclusive to systemic immunity. Mostly cationic peptides, such as the β-defensins, originally assigned an antimicrobial function are now recognized as mediators of both innate and adaptive immunity. Herein supporting evidence is presented for the hypothesis that neuropathological changes associated with chronic disease conditions of the CNS involve abnormal expression and regulatory function of specific antimicrobial peptides. It is also proposed that these alterations exacerbate proinflammatory conditions within the brain that ultimately potentiate the neurodegenerative process

    Patterns of Recent Natural Selection on Genetic Loci Associated with Sexually Differentiated Human Body Size and Shape Phenotypes

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    Levels of sex differences for human body size and shape phenotypes are hypothesized to have adaptively reduced following the agricultural transition as part of an evolutionary response to relatively more equal divisions of labor and new technology adoption. In this study, we tested this hypothesis by studying genetic variants associated with five sexually differentiated human phenotypes: height, body mass, hip circumference, body fat percentage, and waist circumference. We first analyzed genome-wide association (GWAS) results for UK Biobank individuals (~194,000 females and ~167,000 males) to identify a total of 114,199 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) significantly associated with at least one of the studied phenotypes in females, males, or both sexes (P \u3c 5x10-8). From these loci we then identified 3,016 SNPs (2.6%) with significant differences in the strength of association between the female- and male-specific GWAS results at a low false-discovery rate (FDR \u3c 0.001). Genes with known roles in sexual differentiation are significantly enriched for co-localization with one or more of these SNPs versus SNPs associated with the phenotypes generally but not with sex differences (2.73-fold enrichment; permutation test; P = 0.0041). We also confirmed that the identified variants are disproportionately associated with greater phenotype effect sizes in the sex with the stronger association value. We then used the singleton density score statistic, which quantifies recent (within the last ~3,000 years; post-agriculture adoption in Britain) changes in the frequencies of alleles underlying polygenic traits, to identify a signature of recent positive selection on alleles associated with greater body fat percentage in females (permutation test; P = 0.0038; FDR = 0.0380), directionally opposite to that predicted by the sex differences reduction hypothesis. Otherwise, we found no evidence of positive selection for sex difference-associated alleles for any other trait. Overall, our results challenge the longstanding hypothesis that sex differences adaptively decreased following subsistence transitions from hunting and gathering to agriculture

    Feasibility of non-lethal approaches to protect riparian plants from foraging beavers in North America

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    Beavers in North America will occupy almost any wetland area containing available forage. Wetland restoration projects often provide the resources necessary for dispersing beavers to create desirable habitats. Their wide distribution and ability to disperse considerable distances almost assure that beavers will establish themselves in new wetlands. Although beavers are a natural and desirable component of a wetland ecosystem, their foraging behaviors can be destructive. Fencing may be a feasible approach to reduce damage to small, targeted areas, and textural repellents may provide some utility to protect established trees. However, these non-lethal approaches will be marginally effective when beaver populations become excessive. Beaver populations need to be maintained at levels that permit viable colonies while still permitting plant communities to flourish. This will require a better understanding of beaver movements, site and forage selection, and reproductive characteristics. This is particularly true when management objectives and regulations prohibit beaver removal from project sites