9 research outputs found

    Implications of laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair on open, laparoscopic, and robotic radical prostatectomy

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    PurposeThere have been anecdotal reports of surgeons having to abandon radical prostatectomy (RP) after laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair (LIHR) due to obliteration of tissue planes by mesh. Nodal dissection may also be compromised. We prospectively collected data from four experienced prostate surgeons from separate institutions. Our objective was to evaluate the success rate of performing open RP (ORP), laparoscopic RP (LRP) and robotic assisted RP (RALRP) and pelvic lymph node dissection (PLND) after LIHR, and the frequency of complications.MethodsA retrospective analysis of prospectively maintained databases of men who underwent RP after LIHR between 2004 and 2010 at four institutions was undertaken. The data recorded included age, preoperative prostate-specific antigen, preoperative Gleason score, and clinical stage. The operative approach, success or failure to perform RP, success or failure to perform PLND, pathological stage, and complications were also recorded.ResultsA total of 1,181 men underwent RP between 2004 and 2010. Fifty-seven patients (4.8%) underwent RP after LIHR. An ORP was attempted in 19 patients, LRP in 33, and RALRP in 5. All 57 cases were able to be successfully completed. Ten of the 18 open PLND were able to be completed (55.6%). Four of the 22 laparoscopic LND were able to be completed (18.2%). Robotic LND was possible in 5 of 5 cases (100%). Therefore, it was not possible to complete a LND 56.8% of patients. Complications were limited to ten patients. These complications included one LRP converted to ORP due to failure to progress, and one rectourethral fistula in a salvage procedure post failed high intensity focused ultrasound.ConclusionsLIHR is an increasingly common method of treating inguinal hernias. LIHR is not a contra-indication to RP. However PLND may not be possible in over 50% of patients who have had LIHR. Therefore, these patients may be under-staged and under treated

    A rare case of co-secreting adrenocortical oncocytoma

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    Here we present a rare case of a large co-secreting adrenocortical oncocytoma undergoing laparoscopic retroperitoneal-to-open removal. Our case was referred for surgical opinion as a result of a left suprarenal mass being identified as part of a work-up for new onset hirsutism and post-menopausal bleeding. We provide example of our surgical approach as well as discussion on this unique adrenal tumour variant

    Management and outcomes of Gleason six prostate cancer detected on needle biopsy: A single-surgeon experience over 6 years

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    Objective: To assess the management and oncological outcomes in men diagnosed with Gleason score (GS) 6 prostate cancer on needle biopsy in a regional centre, as compared with published international data. Materials and methods: A retrospective analysis was conducted of patients who were diagnosed with GS 6 prostate cancer via transrectal ultrasound-guided or transperineal biopsy between June 2009 and September 2015 under the care of a single surgeon. Data were obtained from a prospectively collected database. Results: A total of 166 patients were diagnosed with GS 6 prostate cancer. The mean age was 61 (range 46–79) years, with mean prostate-specific antigen of 6.7 (0.91–26.8) ng/mL at diagnosis. Of 166 patients, 117 (70.5%) patients were enrolled into the active surveillance program with 82 (70%) meeting Prostate Cancer Research International Active Surveillance (PRIAS) criteria, 44 patients underwent immediate definitive treatment (88.6% radical prostatectomy and 9.1% radiotherapy) and five watchful waiting. With a median follow-up of 1.8 years, 37 (31.6%) patients on AS had definitive treatment [30 cases (81%) were attributable to disease progression, 4 cases (10.8%) to an abnormal magnetic resonance imaging result and 3 cases (8.1%) for patient preference]. In the 35 patients who underwent radical prostatectomy immediately after diagnosis, the GS was ≥7 in 29 cases (82.9%), and the final pathology was pT3a in 16 (51.6%) and pT3b in one (2.9%). In patients who underwent radical prostatectomy after being on AS, the proportion of GS ≥7 prostate cancer was 29/32 (90.6%), with pT3a in six (18.8%) and pT3b in three (9.4%) cases. Overall, 23.5% of patients had a multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging scan. Conclusion: This single-surgeon cohort of GS 6 prostate cancer patients demonstrates a high proportion of cases managed with active surveillance, with comparable rates to international literature. The majority of cases who underwent immediate definitive treatment had significant disease, indicating that patients are being appropriately selected for active surveillance

    Does magnetic resonance imaging–guided biopsy improve prostate cancer detection? A comparison of systematic, cognitive fusion and ultrasound fusion prostate biopsy

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    Background: The increase in the use of multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging for the detection of prostate cancer has led to the rapid adoption of MRI-guided biopsies (MRGBs). To date, there is limited evidence in the use of MRGB and no direct comparisons between the different types of MRGB. We aimed to assess whether multiparametric MRGBs with MRI-US transperineal fusion biopsy (FB) and cognitive biopsy (CB) improved the management of prostate cancer and to assess if there is any difference in prostate cancer detection with FB compared with CB. Methods: Patients who underwent an MRGB and a systematic biopsy (SB) from June 2014 to August 2016 on the Central Coast, NSW, Australia, were included in the study. The results of SB were compared with MRGB. The primary outcome was prostate cancer detection and if MRGB changed patient management. Results: A total of 121 cases were included with a mean age of 65.5 years and prostate-specific antigen 7.4 ng/mL. Seventy-five cases (62%) had a Prostate Imaging and Reporting Data System 4–5 lesions and 46 (38%) had a Prostate Imaging and Reporting Data System 3 lesions. Fifty-six cases underwent CB and 65 underwent FB.Of the 93 patients with prostate cancer detected, 19 men (20.5%) had their management changed because of the MRGB results. Eight men (9%) had prostate cancer detected on MRGB only and 12 men (13%) underwent radical prostatectomy or radiotherapy based on the MRGB results alone.There was a trend to a higher rate of change in management with FB compared with CB (29% vs. 18%). Conclusions: This is one of the first Australian studies to assess the utility of MRGB and compare FB with CB. MRGB is a useful adjunct to SB, changing management in over 20% of our cases, with a trend toward FB having a greater impact on patient management compared with CB. Keywords: Detection, MRI-guided biopsies, Multiparametric MRI, Prostate cance

    The Australian laparoscopic radical prostatectomy learning curve

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    International estimates of the laparoscopic radical prostatectomy (LRP) learning curve extend to as many as 1000 cases, but is unknown for Fellowship-trained Australian surgeons.Prospectively collected data from nine Australian surgeons who performed 2943 consecutive LRP cases was retrospectively reviewed. Their combined initial 100 cases (F100, n = 900) were compared to their second 100 cases (S100, n = 782) with two of nine surgeons completing fewer than 200 cases.The mean age (61.1 versus 61.1 years) and prostate specific antigen (7.4 versus 7.8 ng/mL) were similar between F100 and S100. D'Amico's high-, intermediate- and low-risk cases were 15, 59 and 26% for the F100 versus 20, 59 and 21% for the S100, respectively. Blood transfusions (2.4 versus 0.8%), mean blood loss (413 versus 378 mL), mean operating time (193 versus 163 min) and length of stay (2.7 versus 2.4 days) were all lower in the S100. Histopathology was organ confined (pT2) in 76% of F100 and 71% of S100. Positive surgical margin (PSM) rate was 18.4% in F100 versus 17.5% in the S100 (P = 0.62). F100 and S100 PSM rates by pathological stage were similar with pT2 PSM 12.2 versus 9.5% (P = 0.13), pT3a PSM 34.8 versus 40.5% (P = 0.29) and pT3b PSM 52.9 versus 36.4% (P = 0.14).There was no significant improvement in PSM rate between F100 and S100 cases. Perioperative outcomes were acceptable in F100 and further improved with experience in S100. Mentoring can minimize the LRP learning curve, and it remains a valid minimally invasive surgical treatment for prostate cancer in Australia even in early practice