294 research outputs found

    The Transit Light Curve Project. XII. Six Transits of the Exoplanet XO-2b

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    We present photometry of six transits of the exoplanet XO-2b. By combining the light-curve analysis with theoretical isochrones to determine the stellar properties, we find the planetary radius to be 0.996 +0.031/-0.018 rjup and the planetary mass to be 0.565 +/- 0.054 mjup. These results are consistent with those reported previously, and are also consistent with theoretical models for gas giant planets. The mid-transit times are accurate to within 1 min and are consistent with a constant period. However, the period we derive differs by 2.5 sigma from the previously published period. More data are needed to tell whether the period is actually variable (as it would be in the presence of an additional body) or if the timing errors have been underestimated.Comment: Accepted for publication in AJ. 20 pages, 3 tables, 4 figure

    Mosquitoborne Infections after Hurricane Jeanne, Haiti, 2004

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    After Hurricane Jeanne in September 2004, surveillance for mosquitoborne diseases in Gonaïves, Haiti, identified 3 patients with malaria, 2 with acute dengue infections, and 2 with acute West Nile virus infections among 116 febrile patients. These are the first reported human West Nile virus infections on the island of Hispaniola

    Critical Analytic Thinking Skills: Do They Predict Job-Related Task Performance Above and Beyond General Intelligence?

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    Employers and government leaders have called attention to the need for critical thinking skills in the workforce, while business trends toward evidence-based decision making also highlight the increasing importance of the critical thinking skill set. Although studies have examined the relationship of critical thinking to behaviors or job performance, many have missed a key component: incremental predictive validity of critical thinking beyond cognitive ability. The current study defines critical thinking, presents results from a test development effort in which the conceptual definition was operationalized as a measure of critical analytical thinking skills for government analysts, and presents results of a criterion validity study examining whether critical thinking skills predict technical performance generally and incrementally, beyond cognitive ability and other characteristics

    Enterotoxin-producing Escherichia coli O169:H41, United States

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    From 1996 to 2003, 16 outbreaks of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) infections in the United States and on cruise ships were confirmed. E. coli serotype O169:H41 was identified in 10 outbreaks and was the only serotype in 6. This serotype was identified in 1 of 21 confirmed ETEC outbreaks before 1996

    KELT-8b: A highly inflated transiting hot Jupiter and a new technique for extracting high-precision radial velocities from noisy spectra

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    We announce the discovery of a highly inflated transiting hot Jupiter discovered by the KELT-North survey. A global analysis including constraints from isochrones indicates that the V = 10.8 host star (HD 343246) is a mildly evolved, G dwarf with Teff=575455+54T_{\rm eff} = 5754_{-55}^{+54} K, logg=4.0780.054+0.049\log{g} = 4.078_{-0.054}^{+0.049}, [Fe/H]=0.272±0.038[Fe/H] = 0.272\pm0.038, an inferred mass M=1.2110.066+0.078M_{*}=1.211_{-0.066}^{+0.078} M_{\odot}, and radius R=1.670.12+0.14R_{*}=1.67_{-0.12}^{+0.14} R_{\odot}. The planetary companion has mass MP=0.8670.061+0.065M_P = 0.867_{-0.061}^{+0.065} MJM_{J}, radius RP=1.860.16+0.18R_P = 1.86_{-0.16}^{+0.18} RJR_{J}, surface gravity loggP=2.7930.075+0.072\log{g_{P}} = 2.793_{-0.075}^{+0.072}, and density ρP=0.1670.038+0.047\rho_P = 0.167_{-0.038}^{+0.047} g cm3^{-3}. The planet is on a roughly circular orbit with semimajor axis a=0.045710.00084+0.00096a = 0.04571_{-0.00084}^{+0.00096} AU and eccentricity e=0.0350.025+0.050e = 0.035_{-0.025}^{+0.050}. The best-fit linear ephemeris is T0=2456883.4803±0.0007T_0 = 2456883.4803 \pm 0.0007 BJDTDB_{\rm TDB} and P=3.24406±0.00016P = 3.24406 \pm 0.00016 days. This planet is one of the most inflated of all known transiting exoplanets, making it one of the few members of a class of extremely low density, highly-irradiated gas giants. The low stellar logg\log{g} and large implied radius are supported by stellar density constraints from follow-up light curves, plus an evolutionary and space motion analysis. We also develop a new technique to extract high precision radial velocities from noisy spectra that reduces the observing time needed to confirm transiting planet candidates. This planet boasts deep transits of a bright star, a large inferred atmospheric scale height, and a high equilibrium temperature of Teq=167555+61T_{eq}=1675^{+61}_{-55} K, assuming zero albedo and perfect heat redistribution, making it one of the best targets for future atmospheric characterization studies.Comment: Submitted to ApJ, feedback is welcom

    KELT-6b: A P~7.9 d Hot Saturn Transiting a Metal-Poor Star with a Long-Period Companion

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    We report the discovery of KELT-6b, a mildly-inflated Saturn-mass planet transiting a metal-poor host. The initial transit signal was identified in KELT-North survey data, and the planetary nature of the occulter was established using a combination of follow-up photometry, high-resolution imaging, high-resolution spectroscopy, and precise radial velocity measurements. The fiducial model from a global analysis including constraints from isochrones indicates that the V=10.38 host star (BD+31 2447) is a mildly evolved, late-F star with T_eff=6102 \pm 43 K, log(g_*)=4.07_{-0.07}^{+0.04} and [Fe/H]=-0.28 \pm 0.04, with an inferred mass M_*=1.09 \pm 0.04 M_sun and radius R_star=1.58_{-0.09}^{+0.16} R_sun. The planetary companion has mass M_P=0.43 \pm 0.05 M_J, radius R_P=1.19_{-0.08}^{+0.13} R_J, surface gravity log(g_P)=2.86_{-0.08}^{+0.06}, and density rho_P=0.31_{-0.08}^{+0.07} g~cm^{-3}. The planet is on an orbit with semimajor axis a=0.079 \pm 0.001 AU and eccentricity e=0.22_{-0.10}^{+0.12}, which is roughly consistent with circular, and has ephemeris of T_c(BJD_TDB)=2456347.79679 \pm 0.00036 and P=7.845631 \pm 0.000046 d. Equally plausible fits that employ empirical constraints on the host star parameters rather than isochrones yield a larger planet mass and radius by ~4-7%. KELT-6b has surface gravity and incident flux similar to HD209458b, but orbits a host that is more metal poor than HD209458 by ~0.3 dex. Thus, the KELT-6 system offers an opportunity to perform a comparative measurement of two similar planets in similar environments around stars of very different metallicities. The precise radial velocity data also reveal an acceleration indicative of a longer-period third body in the system, although the companion is not detected in Keck adaptive optics images.Comment: Published in AJ, 17 pages, 15 figures, 6 table

    KELT-7b: A hot Jupiter transiting a bright V=8.54 rapidly rotating F-star

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    We report the discovery of KELT-7b, a transiting hot Jupiter with a mass of 1.28±0.181.28 \pm 0.18 MJ, radius of 1.530.047+0.0461.53_{-0.047}^{+0.046} RJ, and an orbital period of 2.7347749±0.00000392.7347749 \pm 0.0000039 days. The bright host star (HD33643; KELT-7) is an F-star with V=8.54V=8.54, Teff =678949+50=6789_{-49}^{+50} K, [Fe/H] =0.1390.081+0.075=0.139_{-0.081}^{+0.075}, and logg=4.149±0.019\log{g}=4.149 \pm 0.019. It has a mass of 1.5350.054+0.0661.535_{-0.054}^{+0.066} Msun, a radius of 1.7320.045+0.0431.732_{-0.045}^{+0.043} Rsun, and is the fifth most massive, fifth hottest, and the ninth brightest star known to host a transiting planet. It is also the brightest star around which KELT has discovered a transiting planet. Thus, KELT-7b is an ideal target for detailed characterization given its relatively low surface gravity, high equilibrium temperature, and bright host star. The rapid rotation of the star (73±0.573 \pm 0.5 km/s) results in a Rossiter-McLaughlin effect with an unusually large amplitude of several hundred m/s. We find that the orbit normal of the planet is likely to be well-aligned with the stellar spin axis, with a projected spin-orbit alignment of λ=9.7±5.2\lambda=9.7 \pm 5.2 degrees. This is currently the second most rapidly rotating star to have a reflex signal (and thus mass determination) due to a planetary companion measured.Comment: Accepted to The Astronomical Journa