148 research outputs found

    Image Sampling with Quasicrystals

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    We investigate the use of quasicrystals in image sampling. Quasicrystals produce space-filling, non-periodic point sets that are uniformly discrete and relatively dense, thereby ensuring the sample sites are evenly spread out throughout the sampled image. Their self-similar structure can be attractive for creating sampling patterns endowed with a decorative symmetry. We present a brief general overview of the algebraic theory of cut-and-project quasicrystals based on the geometry of the golden ratio. To assess the practical utility of quasicrystal sampling, we evaluate the visual effects of a variety of non-adaptive image sampling strategies on photorealistic image reconstruction and non-photorealistic image rendering used in multiresolution image representations. For computer visualization of point sets used in image sampling, we introduce a mosaic rendering technique.Comment: For a full resolution version of this paper, along with supplementary materials, please visit at http://www.Eyemaginary.com/Portfolio/Publications.htm

    Technological innovation and complex systems in cities

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    Many solutions to the problems confronting cities involve the integration of systems of systems. The complexity of integrating diverse systems requires approaches that are adaptive and collaborative. This paper argues that these approaches can valuably draw on a range of emerging technologies, such as virtual representations, using the massive increase in available data from ubiquitous instrumentation. It contends that the interrelations in cities between different systems can be better explored, and decisions improved, through using this technology. A brief case study of some elements of IBM's Smarter Cities strategy, based on instrumentation, interconnection, and intelligence is presented. The company's Emergency Response System in Rio de Janeiro is provided as an example of the role technology can play in developing an integrated system of systems. This exploratory paper concludes that the new innovation technologies can contribute to effective approaches for dealing with emerging challenges in cities

    Strategic research partnerships: Empirical evidence from Asia

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    This paper evaluates the role Strategic Research Partnerships (SRPs) play in Asia. Specific Asian institutional settings influence the roles of SRPs. Japan is regarded as a forerunner in the practice of SRPs. In Japan, lack of spillover channels, limited opportunities for mergers and acquisitions, weak university research and pressure for internal diversification motivate firms to form SRPs. In Korea, SRPs are regarded as a means to promote large-scale research projects. In Taiwan, SRPs are formed to facilitate technological diffusion. Empirical findings on SRPs, focusing on government-sponsored R&D consortia in Japan, are summarized. Issues regarding SRP formation, their effect on R&D spending of participating firms, and productivity, are examined. Reference is made to alternative forms of measurement of SRPs and their potential application to Asian countries is assessed. Enhancing the capacity of policy-makers to assess the extent and contribution of SRPs is considered to be a priority

    Five rules for managing large, complex projects

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    Large-scale, long-term projects are notoriously difficult to manage. But recent research on megaprojects — defined as projects costing more than $1 billion — reveals five lessons that can help executives manage any big, complex project more effectively

    Dynamic capabilities in complex projects: the case of London Heathrow terminal 5

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    Whereas existing approaches and empirical studies of dynamic capabilities focus on the strategic innovation activities of firms (i.e., permanent organizations executing multiple projects and programs), this article identifies how certain types of dynamic capabilities are required to deliver large, complex, and risky projects involving multiple parties. Our longitudinal study of the design and construction of Heathrow Airport Terminal 5 by the British Airports Authority (BAA) makes three main contributions to the literature: (1) It contributes to the project management literature by identifying how specific dynamic capabilities (BAA's "T5 Agreement," strategic behaviors, and collaborative processes) are developed through a three-phase process (learning, codifying, and mobilizing) to support the strategic management of complex projects. (2) While emphasizing their importance for the successful management of complex projects, our findings also underline the continuing fragility of dynamic capabilities. (3) The case study reveals their fluidity and balancing role with respect to demands for stability and change in complex, uncertain, and volatile project environments

    SAF 09: Securing Australia’s Future. Translating research for economic and social benefit:country comparisons

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    This report examines a range of measures used by selected countries to encourage the translation of public sector research. The information and data on which this discussion is based has been largely provided by specially commissioned country reports. These reports have been supplemented with information drawn from a review of the literature. There is an identified urgent need for Australia to improve the application of outputs from its investment in publicly funded research. Utilising country comparisons, this project will analyse international best practice approaches to encouraging and facilitating research translation, commercialisation and collaboration. This will include an analysis of measures to facilitate collaboration between researchers, businesses and other organisations, focusing on government strategies as well as industry, institutional and sectorial approaches. The resulting report will make evidence based findings about how current levels of translation, commercialisation and collaboration in Australia could be improved and examine how international models could be applied in Australia

    Cosmic cookery : making a stereoscopic 3D animated movie.

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    This paper describes our experience making a short stereoscopic movie visualizing the development of structure in the universe during the 13.7 billion years from the Big Bang to the present day. Aimed at a general audience for the Royal Society's 2005 Summer Science Exhibition, the movie illustrates how the latest cosmological theories based on dark matter and dark energy are capable of producing structures as complex as spiral galaxies and allows the viewer to directly compare observations from the real universe with theoretical results. 3D is an inherent feature of the cosmology data sets and stereoscopic visualization provides a natural way to present the images to the viewer, in addition to allowing researchers to visualize these vast, complex data sets. The presentation of the movie used passive, linearly polarized projection onto a 2m wide screen but it was also required to playback on a Sharp RD3D display and in anaglyph projection at venues without dedicated stereoscopic display equipment. Additionally lenticular prints were made from key images in the movie. We discuss the following technical challenges during the stereoscopic production process; 1) Controlling the depth presentation, 2) Editing the stereoscopic sequences, 3) Generating compressed movies in display speci¯c formats. We conclude that the generation of high quality stereoscopic movie content using desktop tools and equipment is feasible. This does require careful quality control and manual intervention but we believe these overheads are worthwhile when presenting inherently 3D data as the result is signi¯cantly increased impact and better understanding of complex 3D scenes

    Interstitial Fractionalization and Spherical Crystallography

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    Finding the ground states of identical particles packed on spheres has relevance for stabilizing emulsions and a venerable history in the literature of theoretical physics and mathematics. Theory and experiment have confirmed that defects such as disclinations and dislocations are an intrinsic part of the ground state. Here we discuss the remarkable behavior of vacancies and interstitials in spherical crystals. The strain fields of isolated disclinations forced in by the spherical topology literally rip interstitials and vacancies apart, typically into dislocation fragments that combine with the disclinations to create small grain boundary scars. The fractionation is often into three charge-neutral dislocations, although dislocation pairs can be created as well. We use a powerful, freely available computer program to explore interstitial fractionalization in some detail, for a variety of power law pair potentials. We investigate the dependence on initial conditions and the final state energies, and compare the position dependence of interstitial energies with the predictions of continuum elastic theory on the sphere. The theory predicts that, before fragmentation, interstitials are repelled from 5-fold disclinations and vacancies are attracted. We also use vacancies and interstitials to study low energy states in the vicinity of "magic numbers" that accommodate regular icosadeltahedral tessellations.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figure

    Impact of recurrent Clostridium difficile infection: hospitalization and patient quality of life

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    Objectives: Data quantifying outcomes of recurrent Clostridium difficile infection (rCDI) are lacking. We sought to determine the UK hospital resource use and health-related quality of life (HrQoL) associated with rCDI hospitalisations. Patients and methods: A non-interventional study in 6 UK acute hospitals collected retrospective clinical and resource use data from medical records of 64 adults hospitalised for rCDI and 64 matched inpatient controls with a first episode only (f)CDI. Patients were observed from the index event (date rCDI/fCDI confirmed) for 28-days (or death, if sooner); UK-specific reference costs were applied. HrQoL was assessed prospectively in a separate cohort of 30 patients hospitalised with CDI, who completed the EQ-5D-3L questionnaire during their illness. Results: The median total management cost (post-index) was £7,539 and £6,294 for rCDI and fCDI, respectively (cost difference, p=0.075); median length of stay (LOS) was 21 days and 15.5 days, respectively (p=0.269). The median cost difference between matched rCDI and fCDI cases was £689 (IQR=£-1,873-£3,954). Subgroup analysis demonstrated the highest median costs (£8,542/patient) in severe rCDI cases. CDI management costs were driven primarily by hospital LOS, which accounted for >85% of costs in both groups. Mean EQ-5D index values were 46% lower in CDI patients compared with UK population values (0.42 and 0.78, respectively); EQ-VAS scores were 38% lower (47.82 and 77.3, respectively). Conclusions: CDI has considerable impact on patients and healthcare resources. This multicentre study provides a contemporaneous estimate of the real-world UK costs associated with rCDI management, which are substantial and comparable to fCDI costs