5,466 research outputs found

    Impacts of the Primary School Free Breakfast Initiative on socio-economic inequalities in breakfast consumption among 9–11-year-old schoolchildren in Wales

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    Objectives - Universal interventions may widen or narrow inequalities if disproportionately effective among higher or lower socio-economic groups. The present paper examines impacts of the Primary School Free Breakfast Initiative in Wales on inequalities in children's dietary behaviours and cognitive functioning.<p></p> Design Cluster - randomised controlled trial. Responses were linked to free school meal (FSM) entitlement via the Secure Anonymised Information Linkage databank. Impacts on inequalities were evaluated using weighted school-level regression models with interaction terms for intervention × whole-school percentage FSM entitlement and intervention × aggregated individual FSM entitlement. Individual-level regression models included interaction terms for intervention × individual FSM entitlement.<p></p> Setting - Fifty-five intervention and fifty-six wait-list control primary schools.<p></p> Subjects - Approximately 4500 children completed measures of dietary behaviours and cognitive tests at baseline and 12-month follow-up.<p></p> Results School-level models indicated that children in intervention schools ate a greater number of healthy items for breakfast than children in control schools (b = 0·25; 95 % CI 0·07, 0·44), with larger increases observed in more deprived schools (interaction term b = 1·76; 95 % CI 0·36, 3·16). An interaction between intervention and household-level deprivation was not significant. Despite no main effects on breakfast skipping, a significant interaction was observed, indicating declines in breakfast skipping in more deprived schools (interaction term b = −0·07; 95 % CI −0·15, −0·00) and households (OR = 0·67; 95 % CI 0·46, 0·98). No significant influence on inequality was observed for the remaining outcomes.<p></p> Conclusions - Universal breakfast provision may reduce socio-economic inequalities in consumption of healthy breakfast items and breakfast skipping. There was no evidence of intervention-generated inequalities in any outcomes

    Experimental Investigation of a Morphing Nacelle Ducted Fan

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    The application of Circulation Control to the nacelle of a shrouded fan is proposed as a means to enhance off-design performance of the shrouded fan. Typically, a fixed geometry shroud is efficient at a single operating condition. Modifying circulation about the fixed geometry is proposed as a means to virtually morph the shroud without moving surfaces. This approach will enhance off-design-point performance with minimal complexity, weight, and cost. Termed the Morphing Nacelle, this concept provides an attractive propulsion option for Vertical Take-off and Landing (VTOL) aircraft, such conceptual Personal Air Vehicle (PAV) configurations proposed by NASA. An experimental proof of concept investigation of the Morphing Nacelle is detailed in this paper. A powered model shrouded fan model was constructed with Circulation Control (CC) devices integrated in the inlet and exit of the nacelle. Both CC devices consisted of an annular jet slot directing a jet sheet tangent to a curved surface, generally described as a Coanda surface. The model shroud was tailored for axial flight, with a diffusing inlet, but was operated off-design condition as a static lifting fan. Thrust stand experiments were conducted to determine if the CC devices could effectively improve off-design performance of the shrouded fan. Additional tests were conducted to explore the effectiveness of the CC devices a means to reduce peak static pressure on the ground below a lifting fan. Experimental results showed that off-design static thrust performance of the model was improved when the CC devices were employed under certain conditions. The exhaust CC device alone, while effective in diffusing the fan exhaust and improving weight flow into shroud inlet, tended to diminish performance of the fan with increased CC jet momentum. The inlet CC device was effective at reattaching a normally stalled inlet flow condition, proving an effective means of enhancing performance. A more dramatic improvement in static thrust was obtained when the inlet and exit CC devices were operated in unison, but only over a limited range of CC jet momentum. Operating the nacelle inlet and exit CC devices together proved very effective in reducing peak ground plane static pressure, while maintaining static thrust. The Morphing Nacelle concept proved effective at enhancing off-design performance of the model; however, additional investigation is necessary to generalize the results

    Allograft Structural Interbody Spacers Compared to PEEK Cages in Cervical Fusion: Benchtop and Clinical Evidence

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    Cervical degenerative disc disease (CDDD) can lead to radiculopathy and myelopathy, resulting in pain, lack of function, and immobility. Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) is a common surgical treatment modality for advanced CDDD. ACDF involves removal of the affected disc(s) followed by replacement with a bone or synthetic graft. Historically, autograft has been considered the gold standard for interbody fusion. However, it is often associated with limitations, including donor site morbidity and limited quality and supply, prompting surgeons to seek alternatives. Two of the most common alternatives are structural bone allografts and polyetheretherketone (PEEK) synthetic cages. Both, advantageously, have similar mechanical properties to autologous bone, with comparable elastic modulus values. However, a lack of osseointegration of PEEK cages has been reported both pre-clinically and clinically. Reported fusion rates assessed radiographically are higher with the use of structural bone allografts compared to PEEK cages, while having a lower incidence of pseudarthrosis. This book chapter will discuss in detail the pre-clinical and clinical performance of structural allografts in comparison to conventional PEEK cages

    Exploratory Visual Analysis of Statistical Results from Microarray Experiments Comparing High and Low Grade Glioma

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    The biological interpretation of gene expression microarray results is a daunting challenge. For complex diseases such as cancer, wherein the body of published research is extensive, the incorporation of expert knowledge provides a useful analytical framework. We have previously developed the Exploratory Visual Analysis (EVA) software for exploring data analysis results in the context of annotation information about each gene, as well as biologically relevant groups of genes. We present EVA as a flexible combination of statistics and biological annotation that provides a straightforward visual interface for the interpretation of microarray analyses of gene expression in the most commonly occuring class of brain tumors, glioma. We demonstrate the utility of EVA for the biological interpretation of statistical results by analyzing publicly available gene expression profiles of two important glial tumors. The results of a statistical comparison between 21 malignant, high-grade glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) tumors and 19 indolent, low-grade pilocytic astrocytomas were analyzed using EVA. By using EVA to examine the results of a relatively simple statistical analysis, we were able to identify tumor class-specific gene expression patterns having both statistical and biological significance. Our interactive analysis highlighted the potential importance of genes involved in cell cycle progression, proliferation, signaling, adhesion, migration, motility, and structure, as well as candidate gene loci on a region of Chromosome 7 that has been implicated in glioma. Because EVA does not require statistical or computational expertise and has the flexibility to accommodate any type of statistical analysis, we anticipate EVA will prove a useful addition to the repertoire of computational methods used for microarray data analysis. EVA is available at no charge to academic users and can be found at http://www.epistasis.org

    Laboratory Simulations of Mars Evaporite Geochemistry

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    Evaporite-rich sedimentary deposits on Mars were formed under chemical conditions quite different from those on Earth. Their unique chemistries record the chemical and aqueous conditions under which they were formed and possibly subsequent conditions to which they were subjected. We have produced evaporite salt mineral suites in the laboratory under two simulated Martian atmospheres: (1) present-day and (2) a model of an ancient Matian atmosphere rich in volcanic gases. The composition of these synthetic Mars evaporites depends on the atmospheres under which they were desiccated as well as the chemistries of their precursor brines. In this report, we describe a Mars analog evaporite laboratory apparatus and the experimental methods we used to produce and analyze the evaporite mineral suites

    Cell Attachment and Osteoinductive Properties of Tissue Engineered, Demineralized Bone Fibers for Bone Void Filling Applications

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    Demineralized bone matrices (DBMs) have been used in a wide variety of clinical applications involving bone repair. Ideally, DBMs should provide osteoinductive and osteoconductive properties, while offering versatile handling capabilities. With this, a novel fiber technology, LifeNet Health-Moldable Demineralized Fibers (L-MDF), was recently developed. Human cortical bone was milled and demineralized to produce L-MDF. Subsequently, the fibers were lyophilized and terminally sterilized using low-dose and low-temperature gamma irradiation. Using L929 mouse fibroblasts, L-MDF underwent cytotoxicity testing to confirm lack of a cytotoxic response. An alamarBlue assay and scanning electron microscopy demonstrated L-MDF supported the cellular function and attachment of bone-marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs). Using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, L-MDF demonstrated BMP-2 and 7 levels similar to those reported in the literature. In vivo data from an athymic mouse model implanted with L-MDF demonstrated the formation of new bone elements and blood vessels. This study showed that L-MDF have the necessary characteristics of a bone void filler to treat osseous defects

    The SBF Survey of Galaxy Distances. IV. SBF Magnitudes, Colors, and Distances

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    We report data for II band Surface Brightness Fluctuation (SBF) magnitudes, V-I colors, and distance moduli for 300 galaxies. The Survey contains E, S0 and early-type spiral galaxies in the proportions of 49:42:9, and is essentially complete for E galaxies to Hubble velocities of 2000 km/s, with a substantial sampling of E galaxies out to 4000 km/s. The median error in distance modulus is 0.22 mag. We also present two new results from the Survey. (1) We compare the mean peculiar flow velocity (bulk flow) implied by our distances with predictions of typical cold dark matter transfer functions as a function of scale, and find very good agreement with cold, dark matter cosmologies if the transfer function scale parameter Γ\Gamma, and the power spectrum normalization σ8\sigma_8 are related by σ8Γ0.52±0.5\sigma_8 \Gamma^{-0.5} \approx 2\pm0.5. Derived directly from velocities, this result is independent of the distribution of galaxies or models for biasing. The modest bulk flow contradicts reports of large-scale, large-amplitude flows in the 200\sim200 Mpc diameter volume surrounding our Survey volume. (2) We present a distance-independent measure of absolute galaxy luminosity, \Nbar, and show how it correlates with galaxy properties such as color and velocity dispersion, demonstrating its utility for measuring galaxy distances through large and unknown extinction.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ (10 January 2001); 23 page