152 research outputs found

    Blockchain-based model for tracking software requirement compliance in industrial control systems with secure software development lifecycle

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    Disertacija se bavi istraživanjem je primena Hyperledger Fabric blokčejn rešenja za praćenje usklađenosti softvera sa bezbednosnim zahtevima u industrijskim upravljačkim sistemima. Definisan je model koji obuhvata učesnike, slučajeve korišćenja i princip bezbednosti podataka. Validacija modela sprovedena je kroz analizu bezbednosne prakse Upravljanje bezbednošću, deo standarda IEC 62443-4-1, koji obuhvata 13 zahteva. Model omogućava transparentnost, neporeljivost, sledljivost i dostupnost informacija, bitne osobine za industrijske upravljačke sisteme u kritičnim infrastrukturama. Poverljivost informacija obezbeđena je upotrebom privatne blokčejn mreže poput Hyperledger Fabric. Dalje, definisani su dijagrami slučajeva korišćenja i organizacije neophodni za funkcionalnost sistema. Korišćen je IPFS za skladištenje dokumenata, a zatim je postavljeno rešenje za Hyperledger Fabric blokčejnu mrežu. Ovaj pristup pruža uvid u usklađenost softvera, posebno u kritičnim sektorima, obezbeđujući sigurnost podataka i efikasnu implementaciju rešenja.This thesis investigates the application of the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain solution for monitoring software compliance with security requirements in industrial control systems. A model is defined that includes participants, use cases and the principle of data security. Validation of the model was carried out through the analysis of the safety practice Security management, part of the standard IEC 62443-4-1, which includes 13 requirements. The model enables transparency, non-repudiation, traceability and availability of information, essential features for industrial management systems in critical infrastructures. Information confidentiality is ensured by using a private blockchain network like Hyperledger Fabric. Furthermore, use case diagrams and organization necessary for system functionality are defined. IPFS was used to store documents, and then the solution was deployed on the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain network. This comprehensive approach provides insight into software compliance, particularly in critical sectors, ensuring data security and effective solution implementation

    Analysis of the role of SOX1 and SOX3 genes in promotion of malignant phenotype of glioblastoma cells

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    Glioblastom, glioma tumor gradusa IV, je najčešći maligni tumor mozga kod odraslih i jedan od najsmrtonosnijih tipova tumora. I pored agresivne terapije koja obuhvata hirurško uklanjanje tumora, radio- i hemio-terapiju, prosečno preživljavanje bolesnika sa ovim tipom tumora je oko 15 meseci. Glioblastom (GBM), pored tumorskih ćelija, sadrži i populaciju samo-obnavljajućih tumor-inicirajućih matičnih ćelija (matične ćelije glioblastoma) koje se smatraju odgovornim za nastanak, progresiju, metastaziranje i rezistenciju na terapiju. Geni SOXB1 podgrupe (SOX1, SOX2 i SOX3) kodiraju regulatorne proteine koji imaju značajne uloge u mnogim procesima u toku razvića, kao što su održavanje pluripotentnosti matičnih ćelija i održavanje populacije neuralnih progenitora u pluripotentnom i proliferišućem stanju. Ovi geni imaju i značajne funkcije u procesu karcinogeneze. Ekspresija gena ove podgrupe detektovana je u GBM. Funkcija gena SOX2 je dobro proučena kod ovog tipa tumora; pokazano je da ovaj gen promoviše maligni potencijal ćelija GBM i neophodan je za održavanje tumorogenog potencijala matičnih ćelija glioblastoma. Za razliku od gena SOX2, uloga gena SOX1 i SOX3 u ćelijama GBM još uvek nije dovoljno istražena. Stoga, u okviru ove doktorske disertacije analizirana je uloga ovih gena u ćelijama glioblastoma. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da ćelijske linije GBM eksprimiraju gen SOX1. Pored toga, u uslovima utišane ekspresije proteina SOX1 detektovano je smanjenje proliferativnog kapaciteta, vijabilnosti i migratornog potencijala U251 ćelija GBM, kao i povećanje broja ovih ćelija u senescenciji. Nakon dediferencijacije ćelijskih linija GBM detektovano je povećanje ekspresije gena SOX1 u poređenju sa ekspresijom uočenom u njihovim parentalnim ćelijama. Nivo ekspresije gena SOX1 povećan je u kulturama matičnih ćelija glioblastoma u poređenju sa ekspresijom ovog gena u imortalizovanim U87 i U251 ćelijama; pri diferencijaciji ovih kultura uočeno je smanjenje ekspresije gena SOX1. Utišavanje ekspresije gena SOX1 u GNS166 kulturi matičnih ćelija GBM dovodi do smanjenja proliferativnog kapaciteta i vijabilnosti ovih ćelija...one of deadliest cancers. Despite aggressive treatment, including surgical resection, chemotherapy and radiation, the median survival of patients with glioblastoma is 15 months. A growing body of evidence indicates that GBM contains a population of selfrenewing tumor-initiating cells (glioblastoma stem cells - GSCs) that drive tumor initiation, propagation, metastasis and therapy resistance. SOXB1 genes (SOX1, SOX2 and SOX3) encode transcription regulators with important roles in embryonic development and carcinogenesis. Literature date revealed that SOXB1 genes are expressed in GMB tumor samples. The role of one member of this group, SOX2 gene, is well documented in GBM. It was shown that SOX2 gene promotes malignant potential of GBM cells and it is mandatory for maintenance of tumorogenicity of GSCs. Since the function of SOX1 and SOX3 genes in GBM still remains to be established, the aim of this thesis was to analyze the role of these genes in GBM. Obtained results demonstrated that all analyzed GBM cell lines express SOX1. Downregulation of this gene expression decreases proliferation, viability and migration, and induces senescence of U251 cells. Furthermore, dedifferentiation of GBM cells is accompanied by increase of SOX1 level compared to that in parental cells. Expression of this gene was significantly increased in patient-derived GSC cultures compared to that in U87 and U251 cells; downregulation of SOX1 gene expression was seen upon differentiation of GSCs. In addition, knock-down of this gene expression reduced proliferation and viability of GSCs. Results obtained in this thesis reveal SOX3 expression in GBM cell lines and tumor tissue; the expression of this gene was elevated in the most of analyzed GBM samples compared to expression levels detected in non-tumoral brain tissues. A high SOX3 expression was not associated with the overall survival of GBM patients. Ectopic overexpression of this gene increased proliferation, viability, migration and invasion of GBM cells..


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    This paper seeks to describe the role that activity-oriented cost accounting systems, i.e. US American and German activity-based costing, play in the establishment of supply-chainnetworks in the modern automotive industry. These cost accounting systems are the subject of analysis for two reasons: they relatively successfully describe the causality principle between cost drivers and cost objects and represent two different approaches of cost calculation within the activity-oriented concept. Also, the paper attempts to show that the efficiency of these systems is contingent on the value chain activity to which the systems were applied. Although based on identical conceptual frameworks, these systems do not have the same cost allocation purposes in automotive industry.Ovaj rad nastoji opisati ulogu koju sustavi obračuna troškova utemeljeni na aktivnostima, tj. američki i njemački sustav obračuna troškova po aktivnostima imaju u uspostavljanju mreže opskrbe u suvremenoj automobilskoj industriji. Ovi sustavi obračuna troškova su predmet analize iz dva razloga: relativno uspješno opisuju princip uzročnosti izmjeđu izazivača troškova i mjesta troškova i predstavljaju dva različita pristupa obračuna troškova unutar koncepta koji se temelji na aktivnostima. Teži se dokazivanju da učinkovitost ovih sistema ovisi od toga u kom području lanca stvaranja vrijednosti su primjenjeni. Iako se temelje na istom konceptualnom okviru, oni nemaju iste ciljeve obračuna troškova u automobilskoj industriji

    Quercetin and lithium chloride modulate Wnt signaling in pluripotent embryonal carcinoma NT2/D1 cells

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    Wnt signaling functions in numerous cellular activities such as cell fate determination, patterning, and migration in embryogenesis, apoptosis, etc. In this study, we used quercetin and lithium chloride to investigate modulations of the Wnt signaling pathway in human pluripotent embryonal carcinoma NT2/D1 cell line. First, we optimized conditions for NT2/D1 cell treatments with quercetin and lithium chloride and assessed their cytotoxic effects on the cells, cell viability and proliferation rate. Our results showed that induction of cell death by quercetin and LiCl is p53-dependent in NT2/D cells. We also examined the degree of Wnt signaling modulations by analyzing the expression of c-myc, a wellknown Wnt signaling target gene. Since the retinoic acid induction of NT2/D1 cells is good in an in vitro model system for human neural differentiation, studying Wnt signaling modulation in NT2/D1 would contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in neural stem cell maintenance and human neural development. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 173051


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    In this paper, a physical layer security analysis of wireless sensor network in the presence of an attacker, employing opportunistic scheduling approach, is presented. The intended as well as unintended transmission paths experience the Weibull fading. A novel analytical expression for the intercept probability is derived. In order to emphasize the advantages of the opportunistic scheduling approach, a comparative analysis with round-robin and optimal scheduling schemes is also given. The impact of a number of active sensors and the impact of fading channel conditions over main and wiretap channels on the intercept probabilities is obtained. The accuracy of theoretical results is confirmed by independent Monte Carlo simulation results

    Effective ionization coefficients for low current dc discharges in alcohol vapours at low pressure

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    This paper presents results for effective ionisation coefficients (αeff/N\alpha _{\mathrm {eff}}/N, N—gas density) obtained from the breakdown voltage and emission profile measurements in low-pressure dc discharges in vapours of alcohols: methanol, ethanol, isopropanol, and n-butanol. Our results for αeff/N\alpha _{\mathrm {eff}}/N are determined from the axial emission profiles in low-current Townsend discharge and lay in the interval of reduced electric field E/N (E—electric field, N—gas density), from 1 kTd to 8.8 kTd. We also give a comparison of our experimental results with those from the available literature. Our data cover the high E/N range of the standard operating conditions and in the region where other data are available we have a good agreement

    The Vocabulary of Emotions Test (VET): Psychometric Properties of the Serbian Version

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    Considering the necessity to broaden the range of valid emotional intelligence (EI) measures, this study further examined the psychometric properties of the Vocabulary of Emotions Test (VET; Takšić, Harambašić, & Velemir, 2003). Participants were 333 university students (75.4% female) from Serbia, 245 studying education sciences or humanities, and 88 pursuing natural/technical sciences. All were administered the Serbian version of the VET and two standard tests of verbal intelligence (VI) and asked to report their average grade. The VET had good internal consistency (α = .83) and correlated positively with both measures of VI (r = .37 and .45), as with participants’ grades (r = .20). Significant group differences emerged on the VET, but not the two VI tests, with female participants and the Education Sciences/Humanities group scoring higher than their respective counterparts. A hierarchical regression analysis with VI (Step 1) and VET scores (Step 2) as predictors, and grades as the criterion, yielded a significant model (R 2 = .04) with emotional vocabulary explaining additional variance over VI (ΔR 2 = .02) and surfacing as the only independent predictor (β = .18) of academic achievement. Further analyses showed emotional vocabulary to incrementally predict achievement in education sciences and humanities (ΔR 2 = .03, β = .19), but not in natural/technical sciences, in which context neither VI nor emotional vocabulary were statistically significant predictors of students’ grades. The current results are interpreted as promising evidence on the reliability and validity of the Serbian VET, encouraging further use of this instrument in EI research

    Quercetin and lithium chloride modulate Wnt signaling in pluripotent embryonal carcinoma NT2/D1 cells

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    Wnt signaling functions in numerous cellular activities such as cell fate determination, patterning, and migration in embryogenesis, apoptosis, etc. In this study, we used quercetin and lithium chloride to investigate modulations of the Wnt signaling pathway in human pluripotent embryonal carcinoma NT2/D1 cell line. First, we optimized conditions for NT2/D1 cell treatments with quercetin and lithium chloride and assessed their cytotoxic effects on the cells, cell viability and proliferation rate. Our results showed that induction of cell death by quercetin and LiCl is p53-dependent in NT2/D cells. We also examined the degree of Wnt signaling modulations by analyzing the expression of c-myc, a wellknown Wnt signaling target gene. Since the retinoic acid induction of NT2/D1 cells is good in an in vitro model system for human neural differentiation, studying Wnt signaling modulation in NT2/D1 would contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in neural stem cell maintenance and human neural development