15 research outputs found

    Modelling of steam generator performance by freon with special reference to the annular flow regime

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    Scenarios for Russian petrochemical industry development under sanctions: forecast of automobile gasoline market based on the Bayesian approach

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    The article examines the impact of sanctions on Russian energy sector from theoretical and practical view point. A review of foreign and Russian literature devoted to the positive impact of sanctions on Russian economy in general and in particular on the sector of interest is made. We have revealed contradictory trends that affect production capacity and prices under sanctions. On the one hand, the reduction of oil refining cost in dollar terms and crude oil price decrease allowed gasoline producers to maintain the level of sales profitability without a significant increase in prices. On the other hand, price increase on the imported equipment and technology and limited access to them complicate the implementation of projects that are aimed to the modernization of oil-refining industry.  Thus, the aim of the study is to forecast the gasoline market on the basis of assessing of scenarios for the development of the petrochemical industry by Russian producers under sanctions. The forecast also considers the probabilities of modernization project implementation at Russia's largest oil refineries. We have developed the following scenarios for petrochemical industry development: import substitution, conservative and stagnated scenarios. They take into account the growth of octane addictive market as well as challenges that large producers face with under sanctions. The tools for production capacity forecast in terms of macroeconomic and geopolitical uncertainty have been developed on the basis of the expert-statistical Bayesian approach. We have developed possible scenarios for petrochemical industry development and forecasted gasoline volume and prices till 2026 considering the expert survey data that was conducted among market participants in 2016. We have determined the opportunities to support petrochemical industry by the public authorities under sanctions: tax measures (tax remissions to support investment demand out of proceeds of shareholders’ interest, due to compensation of the costs associated with this type of expenses, etc.); development of a favorable institutional environment, developed infrastructure, accessible raw materials and technologies. Further the research will be devoted to the assessment of opportunities for the implementation of the tools developed by the authors in other economic sectors of Russia

    Аnalysis of Corporate Culture Development Parameters in the Telecommunication Enterprise Informations

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    The article deals with the phenomenon and managerial dimensions of the corporate culture of a modern enterprise. The views of different scientists and various theoretical approaches to understanding the essence of corporate culture are reconstructed and generalized. The object, subject and tasks of corporate culture of the enterprise are determined. The substantive and structural-functional characteristics of the corporate culture of the modern enterprise are revealed. The basic parameters of corporate culture development of a modern enterprise are characterized. Classification structure is performed and typological characteristics of corporate culture of modern enterprises are given. It is established that a combination of different theoretical approaches to understanding corporate culture can prove to be an effective factor in managing the corporate culture development of a modern enterprise. It is proved that using of the method of innovation-organizational transformations in the corporate culture of elecommunication enterprises will allow to direct intellectual and information resource to improving the mechanisms of management of functioning and development of enterprises, increasing their efficiency and competitiveness

    Історичні етапи розвитку конкуренції

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    У статті проаналізовано еволюцію поняття «конкуренція»: від перших досліджень у цій сфері до сучасного розмаїття особливостей її розвитку на основі розгляду наукових поглядів вчених, які вивчали це поняття. Визначено вплив економічної конкуренції на систему суспільно-економічних відносин, який полягає в тому, що вона є рушійною силою розвитку економіки, яка спонукає підприємства знижувати витрати, підвищувати якість виробленої продукції, впроваджувати інноваційні проекти. Здійснено аналіз основних історичних етапів розвитку конкуренції: від докапіталістичної до досконалої, монополістичної до сучасної стадії, якою є інноваційна конкуренція. Обґрунтовано концептуальні положення, методичні та практичні рекомендації щодо вдосконалення організаційно-кономічного механізму управління конкурентоспроможністю підприємств на міжнародному та внутрішньому ринках в сучасних умовах процесу глобалізації.В статье проанализирована эволюция понятия «конкуренция»: от первых исследований в этой сфере до современного многообразия особенностей ее развития на основе рассмотрения научных взглядов ученых, изучавших это понятие. Определено влияние экономической конкуренции на систему общественно-экономических отношений, которое заключается в том, что она является движущей силой развития экономики, которая побуждает предприятия снижать издержки, повышать качество выпускаемой продукции, внедрять инновационные проекты. Осуществлен анализ основных исторических этапов развития конкуренции: от докапиталистической к совершенной, монополистической к современной стадии, которой является инновационная конкуренция. Обоснованы концептуальные положения, методические и практические рекомендации по совершенствованию организационно-экономического механизма управления конкурентоспособностью предприятий на международном и внутреннем рынках в современных условиях процесса глобализации.In the article it was analyzed the evolution of the concept “competition”: from the very first researches in this sphere till modern variety of peculiarities of its development, based on consideration of scientific views of scientists who studied this notion. It was defined the impact of economic competition on the system of socio-economic relations, which lies in the fact that it acts as a driving force of the economic development, which encourages the enterprise to reduce costs, to increase the quality of manufactured products, to implement innovative projects. The analysis of the main historical stages of competition development is carried out: from pre-capitalist to perfect, monopolistic, and till modern stage – innovative competition. It was determined, that the market economy has the properties of an innovative model of economic competition, at the present stage of development, the main features of which: it is being established between competing subjects based on trust and partnership; opened business contacts is being formed with purpose of exchanging information; it is establishing longterm cooperation. The role of the state in the process of formation and its influence on all attitudes of competition development are considered. The conceptual principles, methodical and practical recommendations were substantiated to the improvement of organizational and economic mechanism of enterprise competitiveness management, in the international and domestic markets in the current conditions of the process of globalization. It is determined, that the state should support innovative competition with various methods and tools, in particular, such as improving antimonopoly legislation and improving the efficiency of the organizational and economic mechanism for managing the external competitiveness of enterprise

    People with mental disability as human rights carriers: the example of implementing the right to education In Russia

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    This study was aimed at investigating the realization of the right to education as a human right for people with mental disabilities in the context of Russia. In the context of the present paper, mental disability is referred to the combination of various types of psycho-emotional disorders of behavior and mental retardation. According to the international human rights law, each person is born free and is equal in dignity and rights. By implementing international human rights standards into national legislation, the state undertakes a number of obligations towards its citizens, namely, to respect human dignity and create conditions for free development of the individuals, regardless of any classification presented in nosology. Considering the role of human rights as a universal mechanism for international control, a certain inconsistency was observed in national legislation regarding the legal status of various categories of people in the context of the study

    Educational and methodological complex of discipline "Technical adjusting"

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    Робоча програма (РП) навчальної дисципліни «Технічне регулювання» розроблена на основі «Методичних рекомендацій до розроблення та оформлення робочої програми навчальної дисципліни денної та заочної форм навчання», затверджених наказом ректора №249/од. від 29.04.2021 р., та відповідних нормативних документів.Дисципліна «Технічне регулювання» спрямована на формування у здобувачів сучасного наукового світогляду і системи глибоких спеціальних знань щодо системи технічного регулювання, основ стандартизації, сертифікації товарів та послуг. Метою даної дисципліни є надання основних системних теоретичних і практичних знань з технічного регулювання та сертифікації і стандартизації товарів і послуг, вивчення нормативно-законодавчих, організаційних та економічних питань зі стандартизації і управління якістю товарів.Discipline the "Technical adjusting" sent to forming for the bread-winners of modern scientific world view and system of the thorough special knowledge in relation to the system of the technical adjusting, bases of standardization, certification of commodities and services. The aim of this discipline is a grant of basic system theoretical and practical knowledge from the technical adjusting and certification and standardization of commodities and services, study of normatively-legislative, organizational and economic questions from standardization and quality management of commodities

    A donor recruitment package for Nutrition Foundation of the Philippines, Inc.

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    The Nutrition Foundation of the Philippines, Inc. (NFP) is a private non-stock, non-profit organization in community nutrition that passionately serves its clients with excellence and professionalism toward a healthy, empowered, and productive nation. NFP has two major programs for their target public, which are for urban poor families. The first program is the Nutrition and Health Kiddie Class (NHKC) which aims to teach basic knowledge on food and nutrition for preschool children. The second program is the Community Outreach-Family Development Programs (FDP) which teaches family members in being responsible and in improving the quality of their lives. In order to fund their programs, NFP seeks donations from business owners and corporate executives. However, there has been a decline in donations caused by how NFP presents their need for donations. The ineffective way of presenting their message made potential donors feel that NFP\u27s cause is unworthy of donations. To solve this problem, their current donation letter will be replaced by a donor recruitment package that includes 1.) a recruitment kit that comes in a form of (a) a photography portfolio brochure with (b) a five minute organizational video, (c) donor pledge and feedback form. 2.) A revamp of NFP\u27s website will be done to further tap other donors, and 3.) a donor database and 4.) instructional manual will be provided for a more organized and efficient way to handle future donors and to sustain the projec