102 research outputs found

    Resposta de Handroanthus heptaphyllus Mattos em diferentes volumes de substrato e adubação de base.

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    As espécies florestais nativas necessitam da adoção de práticas adequadas em viveiro, como a definição do volume de recipiente e adubação de base. Assim, este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar parâmetros morfológicos capazes de identificar o tamanho de recipiente e dose de fertilizante de liberação controlada (FLC) adequados à produção de mudas de H. heptaphyllus. O experimento foi conduzido em esquema fatorial 2x4, consistindo em dois tamanhos de recipiente (110 e 180 cm³) e quatro doses de FLC (0; 2.5; 5.0 e 7.5 g L-1 de substrato). Ao final do ciclo de produção das mudas, 180 dias após o semeio, mensurou-se a altura da parte aérea, diâmetro do coleto, massa seca (aérea, radicular e total), razão massa seca aérea/massa seca radicular, Índice de Qualidade de Dickson, e área foliar. Na condição deste estudo, a massa seca total demonstrou ser um parâmetro robusto para predizer sobre a qualidade de mudas de H. heptaphyllus. Recomenda-se o tubete de 180 cm³ e dose mínima de 7,0 g L-1 de FLC. A espécie H. heptaphyllus é nutricionalmente exigente, respondendo positivamente a altas doses de FLC.Handroanthus heptaphyllus (Martius) Mattos response in different volumes of substrate and base fertilization. The native forest species require the adoption of appropriate practices in the nursery, such as the definition of the container volume and base fertilizer, to develop seedlings at lower cost. Thus, this study aimed to verify the performance of Handroanthus heptaphyllus seedlings grown in nurseries in different sizes of containers and different dosage of controlled release fertilizer (CRF). There was interaction between the volume of container and the fertilization for the height (H), stem diameter (SD), and H/SD relation. The shoot dry mass variable (SDM), root dry mass (RDM), total dry mass (TDM), SDM/RDM relation, Dickson quality index (DCI) and leaf area (LA) were influenced only by the base fertilizer. The highest values for these variables were, respectively, 15.68 cm; 6.55 mm, 2.58 cm mm-1; 2.05 g; 2.03 g; 3.84 g; 1.46; 1.15 and 246.97 cm². The H. heptaphyllus species is nutritionally demanding, positively responding to the high dose of CRF. Seedlings of H. heptaphyllus produced in tubes of 180 cm³ with 7.0 g L-1 of CRF present adequate growth

    Aspectos da fertilidade do solo e nutrição de Pinus taeda L: Uma revisão

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    The cultivation of the genus Pinus spp. in Brazil occupies an area of 1.7 million hectares in 2020. Pinus is considered a socioeconomic component, which helps maintain the development of the southern region of the country and the national supply chain. However, the areas destined for pine cultivation usually have acidic soils and low natural fertility, which reduces the nutrients availability, negatively influencing the crop development. However, it is not known if Pinus responds positively to mineral fertilization, nor what is the nutrient of greatest demand regarding plantation development. Thus, the objective of this review is to explore which nutrients are of greatest nutrient need and therefore most responsive to pine growth and productivity. Thus, this review aims to establish a discussion on the importance and current plantation of Pinus taeda, along with answers on fertilization and nutrition of the crop, obtaining data from articles found in scientific databases of international literature, to better inform fertilization practices for this little studied crop. We have seen that mineral fertilization aims to optimize the pine growth, seeking to meet the physiological needs of the plants and thus achieve maximum crop productivity. However, the literature shows that many times the pine does not respond expressively in growth when subjected to mineral fertilization. Thus, studies that consider the effects of nutrient application to the pine crop, over time, are required to better conclude whether the pine crop responds to the nutrient supply.O cultivo do género Pinus spp. no Brasil ocupa uma área de 1,7 milhões de hectares em 2020. O Pinus é considerado uma componente socio-económica, que ajuda a manter o desenvolvimento da região sul do país e da cadeia nacional de abastecimento. Contudo, as áreas destinadas ao cultivo do pinheiro têm geralmente solos ácidos e baixa fertilidade natural, o que reduz a disponibilidade de nutrientes, influenciando negativamente o desenvolvimento da cultura. A fertilização mineral visa optimizar o crescimento do Pinus, procurando satisfazer as necessidades fisiológicas das plantas e assim atingir a máxima produtividade da cultura. Contudo, a literatura mostra que muitas vezes o pinheiro não responde de forma expressiva ao crescimento quando submetido a fertilização mineral. Assim, estudos que consideram os efeitos da aplicação de nutrientes à cultura do pinheiro, ao longo do tempo, são necessários para concluir se a cultura do pinheiro responde ao fornecimento de nutrientes


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     Myrocarpus frondosus is a native species with high commercial timber value. Thus, the objective of this research was to evaluate the quality of seedlings of Myrocarpus frondosus in the nursery and to indicate the most adequate substrate and fertilization for the production of seedlings. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design, with four replications, in a factorial scheme, composed of four combinations of substrates: S1-100% commercial substrate (CS); S2 - 80% CS and 20% carbonated rice husk (CRH); S3 - 60% CS and 40% CRH; S4 - 40% CS and 60% CRH, and four fertilizations: NF – No fertilization; CRF – controlled release fertilizer (ammonium sulfate, simple superphosphate and potassium chloride); RRF – ready release fertilizer and micronutrients. Physical and chemical analyses were performed on the substrate. At 300 days after emergence, the following morphological variables were evaluated: (height, stem diameter, H/SD ratio, leaf area, root length, aerial dry mass, root dry mass, total dry mass, Dickson quality index) and the physiological variables chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, carotenoids, initial fluorescence, maximum fluorescence, Fv/Fm ratio and electron transport rate). Regardless of the substrate and fertilization, slow growth of the species was observed, even for the best treatment, which was verified from the height (17.87 cm) and stem diameter (2.62 mm). The use of the commercial substrate (40%) with carbonated rice husk (60%) associated with the concentration of 6 g L-1 of controlled release fertilizer is recommended, since they present the best results for the morphological and physiological variables in the nursery in general

    TESTE DE SANIDADE E GERMINAÇÃO EM SEMENTES DE Cabralea canjerana (Vell.) Mart.

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    The current study aimed to identify pathogens, analyzing different seed treatments and substrates for the germination of Cabraleacanjerana and also to indicate instructions testing for laboratory test of the species germination. First, we assessed the moisture content and determined the thousand seed weight. In order to assess the pathogens associated with the seeds, health testing was performed at different seed treatments: T1 - Control; T2-Captan®; T3-Maxim®; T4-Sodium hypochlorite; andT5-AgrotrichPlus®. The germination testwas performed based ona factorial designwithfive seed treatmentsand threesubstrates (on blotting paper, vermiculiteand sand). The seeds showedmoisture contentandthousand seed weight of41.2% and457.3g, respectively. The main fungi genera associated withCabraleacanjerana seeds were: Penicilliumspp., Fusarium spp., Cladosporium spp., Pestalotia spp. and Phomopsisspp..Theseed treatment withCaptan®, Maxim®andsodium hypochloritewas effectivein reducing the incidenceofPenicilliumspp., but onlythe last twoshowedthe greatest potential forseed germination,regardless theused substrate. Treatment with Agrotrich Plus® had the lowest percentage of germination and increased incidence of Fusariumspp. Asepsis with 1% per 2’ sodium hypochlorite and seeding substrate over vermiculite is indicated for the germination tests of Cabraleacanjerana seeds and the first counting can be performed at the 19th day and the final one at the 30th day after the test.O presente trabalho teve como objetivo identificar patógenos, analisar diferentes tratamentos de sementes e substratos para germinação de sementes de Cabralea canjerana e ainda indicar instruções para realização de teste laboratoriais de germinação da espécie. Primeiramente, foi avaliado o teor de umidade e determinado o peso de mil sementes. Para avaliar os patógenos associados às sementes, foi realizado o teste de sanidade com diferentes tratamentos de sementes: T1 – Testemunha; T2 – Captan®; T3 – Maxim®; T4 – Hipoclorito de sódio; e T5 – Agrotrich Plus®. O teste de germinação foi realizado em esquema fatorial com cinco tratamentos das sementes e três substratos (sobre papel mata-borrão, vermiculita e areia). As sementes apresentaram teor de umidade e peso de mil sementes, respectivamente, de 41,2% e 457,3 g. Os principais gêneros de fungos associados às sementes de Cabralea canjerana foram: Penicillium spp., Fusarium spp., Cladosporium spp., Pestalotia spp. e Phomopsis spp. O tratamento das sementes com Captan®, Maxim® e hipoclorito de sódio mostraram-se eficientes na redução da incidência de Penicillium spp., porém, somente os dois últimos permitem evidenciar o maior potencial de germinação das sementes, independentemente do substrato utilizado. O tratamento das sementes com os produtos Captan®, Maxim® e hipoclorito de sódio mostraram-se eficientes na redução da incidência de Penicillium spp. em sementes de Cabralea canjerana, porém, somente os dois últimos proporcionaram maior potencial de germinação independente do substrato utilizado. O tratamento com Agrotrich Plus® apresentou a menor porcentagem de germinação e aumento da incidência de Fusarium spp. Indica-se para o teste de germinação das sementes de Cabralea canjerana assepsia com hipoclorito de sódio 1% por 2’ e substrato de semeio sobre vermiculita, sendo que a primeira contagem pode ser realizada aos 19 dias e a contagem final aos 30 dias após a instalação do teste


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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar diferentes substratos na germina\ue7\ue3o de sementes e emerg\ueancia de pl\ue2ntulas de Luehea divaricata . O estudo foi realizado no Viveiro Florestal, DCFL, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - RS. Os frutos foram coletados de oito \ue1rvores matrizes, no Morro do Cerrito, Santa Maria, em julho de 2010. Ap\uf3s o beneficiamento, as sementes permaneceram armazenadas em c\ue2mara fria, dentro de sacos de papel, por 4 meses, para o estudo de emerg\ueancia de pl\ue2ntulas, e por 7 meses para a avalia\ue7\ue3o da germina\ue7\ue3o de sementes. Foram avaliados cinco substratos para germina\ue7\ue3o (T1: Rolo de papel; T2: Sobre papel mata-borr\ue3o; T3: Entre papel mata-borr\ue3o; T4: Sobre areia; T5: Sobre vermiculita) com quatro repeti\ue7\uf5es, e quatro tratamentos para emerg\ueancia (T1: 100% turfa; T2: 80% turfa e 20% casca de arroz carbonizada; T3: 60% turfa e 40% casca de arroz carbonizada; T4: 40% turfa e 60% casca de arroz carbonizada) com cinco repeti\ue7\uf5es. Foi utilizado delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado. Foram analisadas as vari\ue1veis germina\ue7\ue3o (G), \uedndice de velocidade de germina\ue7\ue3o (IVG) e tempo m\ue9dio de germina\ue7\ue3o (TMG) em laborat\uf3rio e, para emerg\ueancia, foi analisado o percentual de emerg\ueancia (E), \uedndice de velocidade de emerg\ueancia (IVE) e tempo m\ue9dio de emerg\ueancia (TME) em viveiro. O in\uedcio da germina\ue7\ue3o ocorreu no 6\ub0 dia, podendo a primeira contagem ser realizada aos 18 dias e as avalia\ue7\uf5es serem encerradas aos 35 dias ap\uf3s a instala\ue7\ue3o do experimento. Al\ue9m disso, o substrato sobre vermiculita (T5) apresentou os percentuais mais altos de G e IVG, correspondendo a 42% e 0,678, respectivamente, enquanto que o T2 apresentou o menor TMG (14,80 dias). A emerg\ueancia de pl\ue2ntulas teve in\uedcio aos 21 dias ap\uf3s a semeadura, sendo finalizada aos 70 dias. Os tratamentos T1 e T2 apresentaram os maiores valores de E, 84,37%, 91,87%, respectivamente, diferindo estatisticamente de T3 e T4. Al\ue9m disso, o tratamento T2 tamb\ue9m apresentou os melhores valores de IVE (0,98) e TME (33,54 dias). Portanto, para germina\ue7\ue3o de sementes \ue9 indicado o substrato sobre vermiculita, e para emerg\ueancia de pl\ue2ntulas, os substratos 100% turfa e a mistura de 80% turfa e 20% casca de arroz carbonizada.This study aimed to evaluate different substrates on seed germination and seedling emergence of Luehea divaricata . The study was conducted at the Viveiro Florestal, DCFL, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS. The fruits were collected from eight mother trees in the Morro Cerrito, Santa Maria, in July 2010. After processing, the seeds were stored in cold storage in paper bags for 4 months for the study of emergence, and 7 months for the evaluation of seed germination. Five substrates were evaluated for germination (T1: Roll paper, T2: On blotting paper, T3: Between blotting paper, T4: On sand: T5: On vermiculite) with four replications and four treatments for emergency (T1 : 100% peat, T2: 80% peat and 20% carbonized rice husk, T3: 60% peat and 40% carbonized rice husk, T4: 40% peat and 60% carbonized rice husk) with five replicates. We used a randomized experimental design. Analyzed variables were: germination (G), germination speed index (GSI) and mean time to germination (TMG) in the laboratory, and emergence was analyzed by the percentage of emergency (E), speed of emergence index (SEI) and mean emergence time (TME) in the nursery. The onset of germination occurred on the 6th day, the first count could be performed at 18 days, and assessments closed 35 days after the experiment. Moreover, the substrate over vermiculite (T5) had the highest percentage of G and IVG, corresponding to 42% and 0,678, respectively, while that T2 had the lowest TMG (14.80 days). The seedling emergence began at 21 days after sowing, being terminated at 70 days. The T1 and T2 showed the highest values of E, 84.37%, 91.87%, respectively, differing from T3 and T4. Furthermore, treatment T2 also showed the higher values of IVE (0.98) and TME (33.54 days). Therefore, the substrate vermiculite is indicated for seeds germination, and for seedling emergence, the substrates 100% peat and the mixture of 80% peat and 20% carbonized rice husk

    Caracterização da vegetação e espécies para recuperação de mata ciliar, Ijuí, RS

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    Riparian forests form ecological corridors and enable the preservation of biodiversity and water resources. The maintenance of these ecological functions often requires the environmental restoration of these ecosystems. Thus, we aimed to characterize the arboreal vegetation and identify species for recovery in areas of riparian forests. The study was conducted in two fragments on the left and right banks of the river Ijuí, in the municipality of Ijuí, RS. The vegetation was inventoried in 10 systematic strips, of lengths from 15-35 m, perpendicular to the river, with a distance of 50 m, which were subdivided into plots of 10 x 10 m, totaling 21, in which were identified and measured all individuals with girth breast height (GBH) ≥ 15cm. Data from the inventory were used in the floristic and structural characterization of vegetation, in a clustering analysis (TWINSPAN) and supplied a basis for the indication of species for recovery. We identified 38 species distributed in 20 families. The three groups formed showed different succession stages. For the environmental recovery of altered areas, with similar environmental characteristics, it is suggested the use of Ateleia glazioviana, Helietta apiculata, Dalbergia frutescens and Parapiptadenia rigida as these facilitate succession. The planting of Eugenia uniflora and Prunus myrtifolia can help in attracting disperser fauna. Cupania vernalis and Pilocarpus pennatifolius may be used for the enrichment of areas in a more advanced stage of forest succession.As matas ciliares constituem corredores ecológicos e possibilitam a preservação da biodiversidade e dos recursos hídricos. A manutenção dessas funções ecológicas, muitas vezes, necessita da recuperação ambiental desses ecossistemas. Dessa forma, este estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar a vegetação arbórea e identificar espécies para a recuperação em áreas de mata ciliar. O estudo foi realizado em dois fragmentos nas margens direita e esquerda do rio Ijuí, município de Ijuí, RS. A vegetação foi inventariada em dez faixas sistemáticas, com comprimento variando de 17 a 35 m, perpendiculares ao rio, com distância de 50 m entre si, as quais foram subdivididas em parcelas de 10 x 10 m, totalizando 21, onde foram identificados e medidos todos os indivíduos com circunferência a 1,3 m do solo (CAP) ≥ 15 cm. Os dados obtidos no inventário foram utilizados na caracterização florística e estrutural da vegetação, na análise de agrupamento (TWINSPAN) e serviram de base na indicação de espécies para recuperação. Nos dois fragmentos, foram identificadas 38 espécies distribuídas em vinte famílias botânicas. Os três agrupamentos formados caracterizaram diferentes estágios sucessionais. Para a recuperação ambiental de áreas perturbadas, com características ambientais semelhantes, sugere-se o uso de Ateleia glazioviana, Helietta apiculata, Dalbergia frutescens e Parapiptadenia rigida como facilitadoras da sucessão. O plantio de Eugenia uniflora e Prunus myrtifolia pode auxiliar na atração da fauna dispersora. As espécies Cupania vernalis e Pilocarpus pennatifolius podem ser utilizadas no enriquecimento de áreas em estágio mais avançado da sucessão florestal

    Characterization of the vegetation and species for recovery of riparian forest, Iju\ued, RS

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    As matas ciliares constituem corredores ecol\uf3gicos e possibilitam a preserva\ue7\ue3o da biodiversidade e dos recursos h\ueddricos. A manuten\ue7\ue3o dessas fun\ue7\uf5es ecol\uf3gicas, muitas vezes, necessita da recupera\ue7\ue3o ambiental desses ecossistemas. Dessa forma, este estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar a vegeta\ue7\ue3o arb\uf3rea e identificar esp\ue9cies para a recupera\ue7\ue3o em \ue1reas de mata ciliar. O estudo foi realizado em dois fragmentos nas margens direita e esquerda do rio Iju\ued, munic\uedpio de Iju\ued, RS. A vegeta\ue7\ue3o foi inventariada em dez faixas sistem\ue1ticas, com comprimento variando de 17 a 35 m, perpendiculares ao rio, com dist\ue2ncia de 50 m entre si, as quais foram subdivididas em parcelas de 10 x 10 m, totalizando 21, onde foram identificados e medidos todos os indiv\uedduos com circunfer\ueancia a 1,3 m do solo (CAP) 65 15 cm. Os dados obtidos no invent\ue1rio foram utilizados na caracteriza\ue7\ue3o flor\uedstica e estrutural da vegeta\ue7\ue3o, na an\ue1lise de agrupamento (TWINSPAN) e serviram de base na indica\ue7\ue3o de esp\ue9cies para recupera\ue7\ue3o. Nos dois fragmentos, foram identificadas 38 esp\ue9cies distribu\ueddas em vinte fam\uedlias bot\ue2nicas. Os tr\ueas agrupamentos formados caracterizaram diferentes est\ue1gios sucessionais. Para a recupera\ue7\ue3o ambiental de \ue1reas perturbadas, com caracter\uedsticas ambientais semelhantes, sugere-se o uso de Ateleia glazioviana , Helietta apiculata , Dalbergia frutescens e Parapiptadenia rigida como facilitadoras da sucess\ue3o. O plantio de Eugenia uniflora e Prunus myrtifolia pode auxiliar na atra\ue7\ue3o da fauna dispersora. As esp\ue9cies Cupania vernalis e Pilocarpus pennatifolius podem ser utilizadas no enriquecimento de \ue1reas em est\ue1gio mais avan\ue7ado da sucess\ue3o florestal.Riparian forests form ecological corridors and enable the preservation of biodiversity and water resources. The maintenance of these ecological functions often requires the environmental restoration of these ecosystems. Thus, we aimed to characterize the arboreal vegetation and identify species for recovery in areas of riparian forests. The study was conducted in two fragments on the left and right banks of the river Iju\ued, in the municipality of Iju\ued, RS. The vegetation was inventoried in 10 systematic strips, of lengths from 15-35 m, perpendicular to the river, with a distance of 50 m, which were subdivided into plots of 10 x 10 m, totaling 21, in which were identified and measured all individuals with girth breast height (GBH) 65 15cm. Data from the inventory were used in the floristic and structural characterization of vegetation, in a clustering analysis (TWINSPAN) and supplied a basis for the indication of species for recovery. We identified 38 species distributed in 20 families. The three groups formed showed different succession stages. For the environmental recovery of altered areas, with similar environmental characteristics, it is suggested the use of Ateleia glazioviana , Helietta apiculata , Dalbergia frutescens and Parapiptadenia rigida as these facilitate succession. The planting of Eugenia uniflora and Prunus myrtifolia can help in attracting disperser fauna. Cupania vernalis and Pilocarpus pennatifolius may be used for the enrichment of areas in a more advanced stage of forest succession

    Bacillus subtilis no biocontrole de Ceratocystis fimbriata em mudas de Acacia mearnsii

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Ceratocystis fimbriata isolates, obtained from Actinidia deliciosa (kiwifruit), on black wattle (Acacia mearnsii De Wild.) seedlings, the potential biological control exerted in vitro by Bacillus subtilis on C. fimbriata, and the in vivo effect of B. subtilis against C. fimbriata on black wattle seedlings. Isolates of C. fimbriata obtained and identified from kiwi plantations were used in pathogenicity tests on A. mearnsii seedlings. In vitro, the antagonistic potential of B. subtilis on the pathogen was analyzed by direct confrontation tests. To evaluate the effect of B. subtilis in vivo, black wattle seedlings were inoculated with Rhizolyptus® seven days before and after pathogen inoculation. On black wattle seedlings, C. fimbriata isolates caused 44,15% to 100% severity. Direct confrontation tests revealed that the strains were effective in the biological control of C. fimbriata isolates in vitro. In vivo, Rizolyptus® was not efficient in controlling C. fimbriata.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o comportamento de isolados de Ceratocystis fimbriata obtidos de kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa) em mudas de acácia-negra (Acacia mearnsii De Wild.), o potencial de biocontrole in vitro de Bacillus subtilis sobre C. fimbriata e o comportamento in vivo de B. subtilis contra C. fimbriata em mudas de acácia-negra. Isolados de C. fimbriata obtidos e identificados em plantios de kiwi foram utilizados em testes de patogenicidade em mudas de A. mearnsii. O potencial antagônico in vitro de B. subtilis sobre o patógeno foi analisado em testes de confrontação direta. Para avaliar o comportamento in vivo de B. subtilis, as mudas de acácia-negra foram inoculadas com Rizolyptus® sete dias antes e após a inoculação do patógeno. Nas mudas de acácia-negra os isolados de C. fimbriata exibiram percentuais de severidade que variam de 44,15% a 100%. Nos testes de confrontação direta as cepas mostraram-se eficientes no biocontrole in vitro sobre os isolados de C. fimbriata. In vivo, o produto Rizolyptus® não foi eficiente no controle de C. fimbriata

    Identificação de substrato adequado para germinação de sementes de Allophylus edulis (A. St.-Hil., A. Juss. & Cambess.) Radlk.

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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/198050986628This study investigated the methodology that best expresses the germination and quality of Allophylus edulis seeds, analyzing different substrates. Initially, there was the characterization of the batch by Weight of Thousand Seeds (PMS), Water Content (TA) and Electrical Conductivity (CE). In the Germination Test were evaluated the following treatments (substrates): on blotting paper (PMB), on filter paper (SPF) on (SA) and among sand (EA), on (SV) and among vermiculite (EV) and paper roll (RP), being conducted in a germination chamber Mangelsdorf (25°C). Data were expressed in percentages of normal and abnormal seedlings, dead seeds and firm and also, it was assessed the speed of germination index. It was used a completely randomized design with four replicates per treatment. The substrates among sand (SA) and among vermiculite (EV) were the most suitable for the germination test and the first count of normal seedlings can be made between 12 and 15 days and the final 24 days after sowing.http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/198050986628Este trabalho objetivou identificar a melhor metodologia que expressasse a germinação e a qualidade das sementes de Allophylus edulis, analisando diferentes substratos. Inicialmente, realizou-se a caracterização do lote através de Peso de Mil Sementes (PMS), Teor de Água (TA) e Condutividade Elétrica (CE). No Teste de Germinação foram avaliados os seguintes tratamentos (substratos): sobre papel mata-borão (PMB), sobre papel filtro (SPF), sobre (SA) e entre areia (EA), sobre (SV) e entre vermiculita (EV) e rolo de papel (RP), sendo conduzidos em câmara de germinação Mangelsdorf (25 °C). Os dados foram expressos em percentagem de plântulas normais, anormais, sementes mortas e firmes e ainda, avaliado o índice de velocidade de germinação. Foi utilizado o delineamento inteiramente casualizado com quatro repetições por tratamento. Os substratos sobre areia (SA) e entre vermiculita (EV) foram os mais adequados para o teste de germinação, sendo que a primeira contagem de plântulas normais pôde ser feita entre 12 e 15 dias e a final aos 24 dias após a semeadura


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    The present study aimed to determine the effect of different container volumes and doses of controlled release fertilizer (CRF) on the morphophysiological aspects of Balfourodendron riedelianum seedlings in the nursery and verify if these responses were replicated in the field. For the production of seedlings in nursery, three container volumes (180 and 280 cm³ polypropylene tubes and 500 cm³ plastic bags) and four doses of CRF (0, 4, 8, and 12 g L-1 of substrate) were tested, and the seedlings were grown for 240 days. At the end of the nursery period, the following parameters were measured: height (H); stem diameter (SD); dry mass of shoot, root, and total; root length; leaf area; and chlorophyll fluorescence. The H/SD ratio and the Dickson Quality Index were calculated. The same treatments were evaluated in the field at 540 days after planting. Survival, height, and diameter increase, aerial dry mass, leaf area, chlorophyll a fluorescence and chlorophyll index (a, b and total) were measured. Basic fertilization using CRF had a positive influence on the production of B. riedelianum seedlings. It is recommended to use a 180 cm³ tube and a dose of 12 g L-1 CRF for the production of seedlings. The results obtained in the nursery for the production of seedlings were confirmed to occur in the field