1,002 research outputs found

    Brevi note per la biografia di Tideo Acciarini

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    Tideo Acciarini \ue8 un intellettuale 'di provincia' - nato a Sant'Elpidio a Mare, in provincia di Fermo - che nel corso del Quattrocento seppe affermarsi al di fuori della terra d\u2019origine esercitando la professione delle humanae litterae sia in forma pubblica, come magister presso le scuole di varie localit\ue0 in Italia e in Dalmazia, sia in forma privata, come precettore presso le importanti casate degli Sforza di Pesaro e dei Sanseverino di Bisignano e Salerno. Testimonianze documentali inedite, provenienti dagli Archivi comunali di Sant'Elpidio e di Recanati, contribuiscono a far luce su episodi ancora oscuri della sua biografia, fitta di incertezze e di misteri

    Profilo di donna e di scrittrice: Maria Chiappelli Zdekauer (Macerata, 1902 - Lido di Camaiore, 1961)

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    Note di lettura su una pubblicazione recente. La \u201clibraria\u201d settecentesca di San Francesco del Monte a Perugia

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    Il volume La \u201clibraria\u201d settecentesca di San Francesco del Monte a Perugia. Non oculis mentibus esca, a cura di Fiammetta Sabba, con la collaborazione di Maria Paola Barlozzini (Perugia, Fabrizio Fabbri, 2015) presenta l\u2019occasione di riflettere sulle fonti per la Storia delle biblioteche degli ordini religiosi \u2013 a partire dall\u2019inchiesta della Congregazione dell\u2019Indice (1600) \u2013 e sul loro fondamentale apporto per costruire la Storia intellettuale dei medesimi ordini

    La Libreria Ghislieri nella Planettiana di Jesi all\u2019origine della biblioteca pubblica

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    Analisi del valore scientifico della pubblicazione "La Libreria Ghislieri nella Planettiana di Jesi all'origine della biblioteca pubblica" di Rosalia Bigliardi, Enrica Conversazioni, Simonetta Pirani (Jesi, Edizioni della Biblioteca Planettiana, 2012, 2 v.)

    L’inclusione degli studenti con disabilità nella formazione universitaria a 25 anni dalla Dichiarazione di Salamanca: overview e highlights

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    The Salamanca Statement inaugurated a period of rights which aimed to promote inclusion at all levels of education, including higher education, considered strategic in the preparation of peoplewith disabilities for adult life.This article aims to provide an overview of the principal steps which, from 1994 up to the present day, have marked the gradual process of the opening up of the post-secondary institutions to disability, in order to critically highlight the progress and the challenges of a process in act. The paper, based on a review of the international and national literature, is organized into two periods (with the UN Convention as a watershed). From the universities’ initial concern to guarantee equality of access to students with disabilities by removing architectural barriers and offering services, we move to a subsequent phase in which new complex trends emerge which have innovative and inclusive potential. Among these we find the quality of the teaching; the monitoring of academic careers and the transition to the labour market; the evolution of the Disability Services from campus support centres to campus resource centres; staff training; and the more active participation of students. There is an open challenge to continue to gather evidence and reframe these issues, because improving the quality of academic experiences can guarantee better future lives for students

    El rol de la clase social, la educación y el desempleo parentales en el desarrollo cognitivo infantil

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    Objective: Assessing the association between socioeconomic gradient and cognitive development among children of a Spanish birth cohort aged 5-6 years from a gender perspective. Method: Cognitive development was assessed on 525 children aged 5-6 years in the INMA-Valencia cohort, with the Global Cognitive Score (GCS) from McCarthy Scales of Children’s Abilities. Information on social class, education level and employment was collected for both parents in addition to other sociodemographic factors, parental, family and child characteristics. The relationship between maternal and paternal socioeconomic gradient and cognitive development was assessed by linear regressions and comparing the variance explained by each indicator measured in the mother and father. Results: Maternal socioeconomic gradient indicators explained more variance on GCS than paternal. Maternal education and paternal social class had an important individual effect that stayed after adjusting by other parental, child and family determinants. In the multivariable analysis, maternal education, age and intelligence, paternal social class and the child’s age and sex were significantly associated with cognitive development. Conclusions: Diverse socioeconomic gradient factors have an important influence on cognitive development, maternal education being the strongest determinant. Policies should be implemented to mitigate the negative effects of this gradient on child development.Objetivo: Evaluar la asociación del gradiente socioeconómico y el desarrollo cognitivo en ni˜nos y ni˜nas de una cohorte espa˜nola a los 5-6 a˜nos de edad desde una perspectiva de género. Método: Se evaluó el desarrollo cognitivo en 525 ni˜nos/as de 5-6 a˜nos de la cohorte INMA-Valencia, mediante la Puntuación Global Cognitiva (PGC) de las Escalas McCarthy para ni˜nos y ni˜nas. Se recogió información de ambos progenitores sobre clase social, nivel de estudios y empleo, además de otros factores sociodemográficos, características parentales, de la familia y del ni˜no o la ni˜na. La relación entre el gradiente socioeconómico materno y paterno y el desarrollo cognitivo se evaluó mediante modelos de regresión lineal y comparando la varianza explicada por cada uno de los indicadores medidos en la madre y en el padre. Resultados: Los indicadores de gradiente socioeconómico de la madre explicaron más varianza del índice de PGC que los del padre. La educación materna y la clase social paterna tuvieron un importante efecto individual, que se mantuvo tras ajustar por otros determinantes de los progenitores, del ni˜no o de la ni˜na, y del entorno familiar. En el análisis multivariante, la educación, la edad y la inteligencia maternas, la clase social paterna, y la edad y el sexo del infante se asociaron significativamente con el desarrollo cognitivo. Conclusiones: Distintos factores del gradiente socioeconómico tienen influencia en el desarrollo cognitivo, siendo la educación materna el determinante más fuerte. Deberían implementarse políticas para paliar los efectos negativos de este gradiente en el desarrollo infantil

    Diversity of cervical microbiota in asymptomatic chlamydia trachomatis genital infection: a pilot study

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    Chlamydia trachomatis genital infection continues to be an important public health problem worldwide due to its increasing incidence. C. trachomatis infection can lead to severe sequelae, such as pelvic inflammatory disease, obstructive infertility, and preterm birth. Recently, it has been suggested that the cervico-vaginal microbiota may be an important defense factor toward C. trachomatis infection as well as the development of chronic sequelae. Therefore, the investigation of microbial profiles associated to chlamydial infection is of the utmost importance. Here we present a pilot study aiming to characterize, through the metagenomic analysis of sequenced 16s rRNA gene amplicons, the cervical microbiota from reproductive age women positive to C. trachomatis infection. The main finding of our study showed a marked increase in bacterial diversity in asymptomatic C. trachomatis positive women as compared to healthy controls in terms of Shannon's diversity and Shannon's evenness (P = 0.031 and P = 0.026, respectively). More importantly, the cervical microbiota from C. trachomatis positive women and from healthy controls significantly separated into two clusters in the weighted UniFrac analysis (P = 0.0027), suggesting that differences between the two groups depended entirely on the relative abundance of bacterial taxa rather than on the types of bacterial taxa present. Furthermore, C. trachomatis positive women showed an overall decrease in Lactobacillus spp. and an increase in anaerobes. These findings are part of an ongoing larger epidemiological study that will evaluate the potential role of distinct bacterial communities of the cervical microbiota in C. trachomatis infection

    Aplikasi Pestisida Nabati Larutan Kemangi Terhadap Hama Penghisap Daun Cabai

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    This research was carried out with the aim of knowing the effect of the application of basil solution on chili leaf-sucking pests (whitefly, thrips and aphids) which was carried out in the garden of the Faculty of Agriculture, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarbaru for 5 months from December 2020 to May 2021. The research method used a randomized design. Complete (CRD) with 4 treatments of concentration of basil solution and 2 controls (without treatment and chemistry) with observation parameters in the form of abundance of leaf-sucking pests, seriousness of pest attacks on plants and indications of virus attack events. Each treatment was repeated 4 times to create 24 experimental units. Each treatment consisted of 4 polybags. Each polybag is planted with 1 plant so that the total number of plants is 4 samples. In total there are 96 plants. The lowest seriousness of the attack occurred in the TKC and TKD treatments, whereas the lowest population abundance was in the TKA and TKB treatments. From the results, it can be concluded that the use of basil leaf solution can reduce the attack of leaf-sucking pests on chili.Riset ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh aplikasi larutan kemangi terhadap hama penghisap daun cabai (kutu kebul, thrips serta aphids) yang dilaksanakan di kebun Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lambung Mangkurat Banjarbaru sepanjang 5 bulan semenjak bulan Desember 2020 hingga Mei 2021. Metode riset memakai Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan konsentrasi larutan kemangi serta 2 kontrol (tanpa perlakuan serta kimia) dengan parameter pengamatan berbentuk kelimpahan populasi hama penghisap daun, keseriusan serangan hama pada tumbuhan serta peristiwa indikasi serangan virus. Tiap-tiap perlakuan diulang sebanyak 4 kali sehingga tercipta 24 unit satuan percobaan. Tiap perlakuan terdiri dari 4 polybag. Tiap polybag ditanami dengan 1 tumbuhan sehingga jumlah totalitas 4 tumbuhan contoh. Jumlah totalitas terdapat 96 tumbuhan. Keseriusan serbuan terendah terjalin pada perlakuan TKC serta TKD, sebaliknya kelimpahan populasi terendah diperlakuan TKA serta TKB. Dari hasil yang terdapat bisa disimpulkan pemakaian larutan daun kemangi bisa mengurangi serangan hama penghisap daun pada cabai