71 research outputs found

    Acute cigarette smoking impairs microvascular function in young moderate smokers: A potential model for studying vasoactive properties of food bioactives

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    It has been suggested that several dietary compounds may improve endothelial dysfunction and oxidative stress induced by smoking. We investigated the effects of acute smoking on blood pressure, heart rate (HR), peripheral arterial function (reactive hyperemia index, RHI), and arterial stiffness in young smokers by Endo-PAT2000. Twenty subjects that smoked an average of 15 cigarettes per day participated in the study. Reactive Hyperemia Index, arterial stiffness, blood pressure and HR were assessed before and after smoking one cigarette. Acute smoking significantly reduced RHI by 28% while increased arterial systolic ( + 14%) and diastolic ( + 10%) blood pressure and HR ( + 13%) at 5 min, while no effect was observed after 30 min. Arterial stiffness was not significantly affected. A significant, positive correlation was found between total serum cholesterol concentration and post-smoking arterial stiffness values. This study demonstrates that acute cigarette smoking impairs RHI and vital signs in young moderate smokers as evaluated through a non-invasive technique. Additionally, the experimental model described, where a decrease of RHI is induced by cigarette smoking, may be useful to study the impact of dietary vasoactive compounds on endothelial function

    A single serving of blueberry (V. corymbosum) modulates peripheral arterial dysfunction induced by acute cigarette smoking in young volunteers: a randomized-controlled trial

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    Cigarette smoking causes oxidative stress, hypertension and endothelial dysfunction. Polyphenol-rich foods may prevent these conditions. We investigated the effect of a single serving of fresh-frozen blueberry intake on peripheral arterial function and arterial stiffness in young smokers. Sixteen male smokers were recruited for a 3-armed randomized-controlled study with the following experimental conditions: smoking treatment (one cigarette); blueberry treatment (300 g of blueberry) + smoking; control treatment (300 mL of water with sugar) + smoking. Each treatment was separated by one week of wash-out period. The blood pressure, heart rate, peripheral arterial function (reactive hyperemia and Framingham reactive hyperemia), and arterial stiffness (digital augmentation index, digital augmentation index normalized for a heart rate of 75 bpm) were measured before and 20 min after smoking with Endo-PAT2000. Smoking impaired the blood pressure, heart rate and peripheral arterial function, but did not affect the arterial stiffness. Blueberry consumption counteracted the impairment of the reactive hyperemia index induced by smoking (?\u274.4 ? 0.8% blueberry treatment vs. ?\u2722.0 ? 1.1% smoking treatment, p < 0.01) and Framingham reactive hyperemia (+28.3 ? 19.2% blueberry treatment vs. ?\u2742.8 ? 20.0% smoking treatment, p < 0.0001), and the increase of systolic blood pressure (+8.4 ? 0.02% blueberry treatment vs. +13.1 ? 0.02% smoking treatment, mmHg, p < 0.05) after cigarette smoking. No effect was observed for arterial stiffness and other vital signs. In conclusion, data obtained suggest a protective role of blueberry on reactive hyperemia, Framingham reactive hyperemia, and systolic blood pressure in subjects exposed to smoke of one cigarette. Future studies are necessary to elucidate the mechanisms involved

    DIet and Health From reGIstered Trials on ClinicalTrials.gov: The DIGIT Study

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    Background: Clinical trial registration has become a valuable tool that can be used to track the status and nature of trials conducted on a specific topic. This approach has been applied to many areas of research, but less is known about the characteristics and trends over time of clinical trials focused on diet and health. The aim of this study was to analyze diet-related clinical trials registered on the National Institute of Health “ClinicalTrials.gov” web platform in the last 10 years, to list and describe their characteristics, and to identify possible gaps to be filled in the future research. Methods: A search was performed on the ClinicalTrials.gov database. Intervention studies registered from January 2010 to December 2020, conducted on adults, with a follow-up of ≥2 weeks, evaluating the impact of different diets on all outcomes except those assessed with scales or questionnaires were considered. Results: At the end of the selection process, a total of 1,016 registered clinical trials were identified and included in the analysis. The most investigated dietary approaches were balanced diets (n = 381 trials), followed by those based on a modification of macronutrients (n = 288) and time-restricted feeding and intermittent fasting diets (n = 140). The main measured outcomes included anthropometric parameters and body composition (57.8%), glycemic control parameters (49.7%), lipid parameters (40.1%), inflammatory markers (29.1%), and blood pressure and/or heart rate (24.5%). A growing body of studies also focused on microbiota and host metabolism (17.8%). Most studies had a duration of less than 12 weeks (~60%), and more than 90% of studies enrolled volunteers with overweight/obesity or other diseases. Regarding aging, only 21 studies focused only on older adults. Conclusion: The number of studies investigating the relationship between diet and health has increased over the years. Despite the growing interest in the topic, there are some gaps, such as the limited duration of most trials, the underrepresentation of some population groups, and the limited number of studies for some diets that, although popular in the population, lack robust scientific evidence

    Breakfast Cereals Carrying Fibre-Related Claims: Do They Have a Better Nutritional Composition Than Those without Such Claims? Results from the Food Labelling of Italian Products (FLIP) Study

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    Nutrition claims (NCs) on food packaging are, from one side, an informative tool about the nutritional characteristics of the product. From another side, they could bias the consumer in perceiving such products as healthier than those without claims. In order to investigate whether products with NCs have a better nutritional composition that those without claims, the present study aimed to compare the nutrition facts of 376 breakfast cereals, with and without fibre-related NCs, available in 13 Italian retailer online stores. Among these products, 73 items claimed to be a “source of fibre” and 109 “high in fibre”. In addition to a higher fibre content, products “high in fibre” showed higher protein and fat contents but lower carbohydrate, sugar and salt contents compared to both “source of fibre” and without fibre-related NC items. Overall, a high variability in nutritional values was also observed within products with the same type of fibre-related NC. In conclusion, the results suggested that fibre-related NCs should not be considered as a marker of a better nutritional composition of breakfast cereals, and thus consumers should be educated to carefully read the entire nutritional information reported in the food labelling

    Sodium Content in Cereal-Based Products Sold in Italy: How Far Are We from the Global Benchmarks?

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    Reformulation of food products is one of the measures needed for reducing salt consumption. Accordingly, the World Health Organization (WHO) recently proposed global sodium benchmarks for different food categories to be used for setting national policies. Therefore, the sodium content of cereal-based products currently sold in Italy was compared with the WHO benchmarks, highlighting those categories primarily needing a reformulation. To this aim, the sodium content and several declarations (i.e., nutrition and health claims, organic or gluten free declaration) were retrieved from 2917 cereal-based products sold on the Italian market. All “minimally processed breakfast cereals” had a sodium content below the benchmark, while “flatbreads” and “leavened bread” had the highest percentage of items above the respective sodium benchmarks. Flatbreads and “crackers/savory biscuits” showed the highest median delta values from the respective benchmarks of 360 and 278 mg/100 g, respectively. Large variability in terms of percentage of products with sodium content above the benchmark was observed within the same categories, as well as among products with different declarations. A large number of food products currently sold on the Italian market have a sodium content above the benchmark. This result suggests the need to reformulate many food products currently on the market to achieve the WHO/United Nations (UN) objective of 30% global reduction in sodium intake by 2025

    Association between Food Intake, Clinical and Metabolic Markers and DNA Damage in Older Subjects

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    Abstract The use of DNA damage as marker of oxidative stress, metabolic dysfunction and age-related diseases is debated. The present study aimed at assessing the level of DNA damage (evaluated as DNA strand-breaks, endogenous and oxidatively-induced DNA damage) in a group of older subjects with intestinal permeability enrolled within the MaPLE (Gut and Blood Microbiomics for Studying the Effect of a Polyphenol-Rich Dietary Pattern on Intestinal Permeability in the Elderly) intervention trial, to evaluate its association with clinical, metabolic and dietary markers. DNA damage in peripheral blood mononuclear cells was assessed by the comet assay in 49 older subjects participating in the study. Clinical and metabolic markers, markers of inflammation, vascular function and intestinal permeability were determined in serum. Food intake was estimated by weighted food diaries. On the whole, a trend towards higher levels of DNA damage was observed in men compared to women (p = 0.071). A positive association between DNA damage and clinical/metabolic markers (e.g., uric acid, lipid profile) and an inverse association with dietary markers (e.g., vitamin C, E, B6, folates) were found and differed based on sex. By considering the importance of DNA stability during aging, the results obtained on sex differences and the potential role of dietary and metabolic factors on DNA damage underline the need for further investigations in a larger group of older adults to confirm the associations found and to promote preventive strategies

    Systematic Review on Polyphenol Intake and Health Outcomes: Is there Sufficient Evidence to Define a Health-Promoting Polyphenol-Rich Dietary Pattern?

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    Growing evidence support association between polyphenol intake and reduced risk for chronic diseases, even if there is a broad debate about the effective amount of polyphenols able to exert such protective effect. The present systematic review provides an overview of the last 10-year literature on the evaluation of polyphenol intake and its association with specific disease markers and/or endpoints. An estimation of the mean total polyphenol intake has been performed despite the large heterogeneity of data reviewed. In addition, the contribution of dietary sources was considered, suggesting tea, coffee, red wine, fruit and vegetables as the main products providing polyphenols. Total flavonoids and specific subclasses, but not total polyphenols, have been apparently associated with a low risk of diabetes, cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality. However, large variability in terms of methods for the evaluation and quantification of polyphenol intake, markers and endpoints considered, makes it still difficult to establish an evidence-based reference intake for the whole class and subclass of compounds. Nevertheless, the critical mass of data available seem to strongly suggest the protective effect of a polyphenol-rich dietary pattern even if further well targeted and methodologically sound research should be encouraged in order to define specific recommendation

    Polyphenols and Intestinal Permeability: Rationale and Future Perspectives

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    Increasing evidence links intestinal permeability (IP), a feature of the intestinal barrier, to several pathological or dysfunctional conditions. Several host and environmental factors, including dietary factors, can affect the maintenance of normal IP. In this regard, food bioactives, such as polyphenols, have been proposed as potential IP modulators, even if the mechanisms involved are not yet fully elucidated. The aim of the present paper is to provide a short overview of the main evidence from in vitro and in vivo studies supporting the role of polyphenols in modulating IP and briefly discuss future perspectives in this research area

    Candil de calle... y de la casa

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    Estudio sobre los Premios Nacionales otorgados por el estado mexicano durante el periodo 1945-1984. Se analiza la lista de premiados según la entidad federativa de nacimiento, lo que revela las desigualdades de la sociedad mexicana. Se presentan bioviñetas de los 16 jaliscienses premiados durante ese periodo: José Clemente Orozco, Mariano Azuela, Gerardo Murillo "Dr. Atl", Blas Galindo, Roberto Montenegro, Jorge González Camarena, Juan Rulfo, Antonio González Ochoa, Agustín Yáñez, Luis Barragán, Antonio Gómez Robledo, Juan José Arreola, José Luis Martínez, Carlos Orozco Romero, Elías Nandino y Manuel Enríquez

    Effect of a polyphenol-rich dietary pattern on intestinal permeability and gut and blood microbiomics in older subjects: study protocol of the MaPLE randomised controlled trial

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    : During aging, alterations of the intestinal microbial ecosystem can occur contributing to immunosenescence, inflamm-aging and impairment of intestinal barrier function (increased intestinal permeability; IP). In the context of a diet-microbiota-IP axis in older subjects, food bioactives such as polyphenols may play a beneficial modulatory role
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