2,521 research outputs found

    Does the logistics sector gain from manufacturing internationalisation? An empirical investigation on the Italian case

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    The present paper deals with the impact of manufacturing internationalisation, in the forms of international trade, cooperation agreement and FDI, on the logistics sector. Some descriptive statistics are provided for the Italian macro-areas and the logistics employment and an econometric analysis is carried out at the "regional-industry" level (20 NUTS2 regions and 11 logistics sub-sectors) with reference to the Italian case in the period 1996-2001. Results show that export and FDIs positively affect the logistics employment variation in 1996-2001, while import and cooperation agreements display a negative or not significant impact.logistics, employment, internationalisation, trade, FDI, cooperation agreement.

    Development and validation of a pre-post processor for a rotorcraft simulation code

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    Sommario L’obbiettivo del presente lavoro di tesi è sviluppare un pre-post processor (R-GUI) per un codice di simulazione di dinamica del volo di velivoli ad ala rotante sviluppato internamente al dipartimento di Flight Mechanics of AgustaWestland. Il lavoro è suddiviso in una prima fase di definizione dei requisiti in cui si è proceduto alla stesura di una specifica di progetto basandosi sulle richieste degli specialisti di meccanica del volo in lavoro presso il suddetto dipartimento e confrontando altri software di pre-post processor, sia commerciali che non, già in utilizzo. In base alla specifica si è passati allo sviluppo della piattaforma di analisi, tendendo conto sia delle richieste di elaborazione dati che di quelle di tipo grafiche di interfaccia. Il codice sviluppato è stato poi validato, con semplici test cases, comparando i risultati con quelli ottenuti da metodi di utilizzo convenzionali del codice di simulazione. Nella seconda parte del lavoro si è passati all’implementazione della funzione di linearizzazione del modello, prima applicata al codice di simulazione e poi al pre-post processor. La funzione sviluppata è stata poi validata confrontando le risposte lineari con quelle non lineari relative ai test cases utilizzati nella meccanica del volo. In fine è stato eseguito lo studio dei poli del sistema elicottero al variare della velocità di avanzamento arrivando a tracciare il relativo luogo delle radici al fine di valutare il comportamento dell’elicottero e la validità del modello utilizzato nonché del codice di simulazione

    The firm-specific determinants of agglomeration: a comparison

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    This paper deals with the agglomeration of economic activities in Italy. By using the Guimaraes et al. [2004] version of the Ellison & Glaeser [1994] index, we test the hypothesis that the determinants of agglomeration differ in significance, intensity and sign between multinational and national firms. The data concerning the agglomeration of 112 manufacturing and mining industries, computed over the 686 Italian Local Labor Systems (SLL) in the year 2001, show that some agglomeration forces are industry-specific while some others are firm-specific. Indeed, on the one hand the industrial concentration and the inter-industry externalities seem to act as centripetal forces for all types of enterprises, on the other hand the intra-industry spillovers appear to favor the agglomeration of only multinational firms, while acting as centrifugal force both for the clustering of national firms and for the co-agglomeration between foreign and domestic enterprises. This result suggests that the possibility of knowledge transmission between firms belonging to the same industry may discourage the most advanced enterprises to co-locate with the less innovative firms. The main policy implication is that a high Intellectual Property Regime (IPR) is preferred to a low protection of intellectual property, since in the latter case the co-agglomeration does not occur and multinational and national firms do no interact and do not exchange knowledge, while in the former scenario domestic and foreign enterprises co-locate, and even if the high IPR limit the transfer of knowledge, other mechanisms, such as the labor turnover, may occur and promote knowledge spillovers between firms

    Does the transport industry gain from manufacturing internationalization? An empirical investigation on the Italian regions

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    The present paper deals with the impact of manufacturing internationalisation, in the forms of international trade, cooperation agreements – measured by inward and outward processing trade (IPT and OPT, respectively) - and FDI, on the transport industry employment. Descriptive statistics and econometric analysis are carried out at the “regional-industry” level (20 NUTS2 regions and 8 transport sub-industries) with reference to Italy in the period 1996-2001. Results show that export, FDI and the components of IPT (temporary import and re-export) positively affect the transport employment variation in 1996-2001, while import and the components of OPT (temporary export and re-import) display a negative impact

    Is Local Public Transport unsuitable for elderly? Exploring the cases of two Italian cities

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    Longer life expectancy combined with improved health and economic conditions will allow old people to enjoy more and for longer time their urban environment if accessibility to places and services is guaranteed. \u2022 As the activity space of old people shrinks with growing age, the conditions within the immediate residential environment increase in importance (\u201cageing in place\u201d). \u2022 Analysis of a representative sample of over 65 in Milan and Genoa aiming to explore why old people were unable to take trips and activities because of the perceived inadequacy of the Local Public Transport (LPT) service. \u2022 Findings confirm the importance that the perception about high quality LPT service and high quality of life plays in reducing the probability of old people to give up their usual activities, and consequently improve their life satisfaction

    embolization of iliac metastasis during lenvatinib treatment in patient with advanced hurthle cell thyroid carcinoma

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    Lenvatinib is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) with antiproliferative and antiangiogenic effects indicated for the treatment of progressive, locally advanced or metastatic progressive thyroid carcinoma, refractory to radioactive iodine therapy. Antiangiogenic therapies induce ischemic necrosis of tumor tissue, with increased risk of hemorrhagic complications. The management of hemorrhagic risk is based on precautionary measures and for any surgical procedure, it is advised to interrupt the treatment in order to avoid complications. 'Flare-up' of tumor activity may follow TKI interruption. However, it is not known if continuing TKIs during minimally invasive interventions is safe. We report here the first case in which an embolization of metastasis is performed without interrupting lenvatinib treatment. The procedure was successful and free of complications

    Embolization of iliac metastasis during lenvatinib treatment in patient with advanced HĂĽrthle cell thyroid carcinoma

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    Lenvatinib is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) with antiproliferative and antiangiogenic effects indicated for the treatment of progressive, locally advanced or metastatic progressive thyroid carcinoma, refractory to radioactive iodine therapy. Antiangiogenic therapies induce ischemic necrosis of tumor tissue, with increased risk of hemorrhagic complications. The management of hemorrhagic risk is based on precautionary measures and for any surgical procedure, it is advised to interrupt the treatment in order to avoid complications. 'Flare-up' of tumor activity may follow TKI interruption. However, it is not known if continuing TKIs during minimally invasive interventions is safe. We report here the first case in which an embolization of metastasis is performed without interrupting lenvatinib treatment. The procedure was successful and free of complications

    The birth and rise of a craniopharyngioma: the radiological evolution of an incidental craniopharyngioma detected on serial MRI during medical treatment of a macroprolactinoma

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    This case demonstrates the rare coexistence of a prolactinoma with craniopharyngioma and documents its radiological growth. This case suggests that patients with pituitary neoplasms should be followed closely and although prolactinomas can often be managed medically, a coexistent other lesion may require surgery for histological assessment and to reduce mass effect
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