357 research outputs found

    Anteproyecto arquitectónico de construcción del mercado Municipal de Chalchuapa del Departamento de Santa Ana

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    La municipalidad no cuenta con ningún plan actualmente que permita el mantenimiento para el mercado municipal y esta situación está afectando el desarrollado de las actividades comerciales y el deterioró del inmueble. La realización de este trabajo de anteproyecto es a petición de la Alcaldía Municipal de Chalchuapa sobre la remodelación y modernización del mercado municipa

    Electrophysiological detection of visible wavelengths of artificial lights inducing take-off in adults of Rhodnius prolixus (Hemiptera: Triatominae)

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    Rhodnius prolixus is the most important vector of Trypanosoma cruzi in the northern part of South America. The compound eyes in adults of R. prolixus are involved in the nocturnal flight dispersion from sylvatic environments into human dwellings. During this behavior, the artificial lights play an important role in attracting R. prolixus; however, it is still not clear whether the compound eyes of this species use different visible wavelengths as a cue during active dispersion. We applied electrophysiological (electroretinography or ERG) and behavioral (take-off) experiments in a controlled laboratory setting to determine the spectral sensitivity of the compound eyes and the attraction of R. prolixus adults to discrete visible wavelengths. For the ERG experiments, flashes of 300 ms at wavelengths ranging between 350 and 700 nm at a constant intensity of 3.4 µW/cm2 were tested after adaptation to darkness and to blue and yellow lights. For the behavioral experiments, the adults were exposed to nine visible wavelengths at three different intensities, and their direction of take-off in an experimental arena was established with circular statistics. The ERG results showed peaks of spectral sensitivity at 470–490 nm and 520–550 nm in adults, while behavioral experiments showed attractions to blue, green and red lights, depending on the intensity of the light stimuli. The electrophysiological and behavioral results confirm that R. prolixus adults can detect certain wavelengths in the visible spectrum of light and be attracted to them during take-off

    Efecto de un programa de actividad física y educación nutricional para reducir el consumo de bebidas azucaradas y desarrollo de la obesidad en escolares de Tijuana, México

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    Introduction: Currently, the consumption of sweetened beverages has increased and is associated with weight gain, mainly among childhood population. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to determine the effect of a physical activity program and extracurricular nutritional education on anthropometric variables and eating habits in school-age children. Material and methods: The study design was quasi-experimental pre/post with control group where a non-probabilistic convenience sampling was performed for a cohort of 35 children, separated into two groups, experimental (EG n = 21) and control (CG n = 14). The height, weight and waist circumference were assessed, and a beverage consumption frequency questionnaire was employed. The intervention program lasted 9 months with physical activity sessions of 50 minutes and 10 minutes of nutritional education with a frequency of 5 days per week. A 2x2 variance analysis was used to determine the statistical significance (p ≤ 0.05) for the effect of the intervention in both groups.Results: The participants presented an increase in the height (GE: 0.04 m, p = 0.0001; GC: 0.04 m, p = 0.0001), body mass (EG: 2.2 kg, p = 0.0001; CG: 1.1 kg, p = 0.0001) and waist circumference only was increased in the EG (2.8 cm, p = 0.02), nevertheless the BMI did not significantly change in both groups. The EG decreased sugar consumption (14.7 g/day, p = 0.05) and kilocalories (63.4 kcal, p = 0.05) from beverages, while in the CG no significant differences were found. Conclusion: It was observed that the program of physical activity and nutritional education had a positive effect on eating habits of school-aged children by reducing the consumption of sweetened beverages, as well the intake of sugar and kilocalories coming from them.Introducción: En la actualidad el consumo de bebidas azucaradas ha incrementado y se asocia con la ganancia de peso, principalmente en la población infantil. Es por esto que el objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar el efecto de un programa actividad física y educación nutricional extracurricular sobre variables antropométricas y hábitos alimentarios en niños de edad escolar. Material y métodos: El diseño del estudio fue cuasi-experimental pre/post con grupo control donde se realizó un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia de una cohorte de 35 niños, divididos en dos grupos, experimental  (GE n=21) y control (GC n=14). Se evaluó la estatura, el peso y la circunferencia de cintura y se aplicó un cuestionario de frecuencia de consumo de bebidas. El programa de intervención tuvo una duración de 9 meses con sesiones de actividad física de 50 minutos y 10 minutos de educación nutricional con una periodicidad de 5 días a la semana. Se utilizó un análisis de varianza 2x2 para determinar la significancia estadística (p≤0.05) por efecto de la intervención en ambos grupos.Resultados: Los sujetos presentaron un aumento de la estatura (GE: 0,04m, p=0,0001; GC: 0.04m,  p=0.0001), del peso corporal (GE: 2,2kg,  p=0.0001; GC: 1,1kg,  p=0,0001) y la circunferencia de cintura solamente incremento en el GE (2,8cm, p=0,02), sin embargo el IMC no cambio significativamente en ambos grupos. El GE disminuyó el consumo de azúcar (14,7g/día, p=0,05) y de kilocalorías (63,4kcal, p=0.05) provenientes de bebidas, mientras que en el GC no se encontraron diferencias significativas. Conclusión: Se pudo notar que el programa de actividad física y educación nutricional tuvo efecto positivo en los hábitos alimentarios de los escolares al disminuir el consumo de bebidas azucaradas, así como la ingesta de azúcar y kilocalorías proveniente de las mismas

    The use of mixed collagen-Matrigel matrices of increasing complexity recapitulates the biphasic role of cell adhesion in cancer cell migration: ECM sensing, remodeling and forces at the leading edge of cancer invasion

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    The migration of cancer cells is highly regulated by the biomechanical properties of their local microenvironment. Using 3D scaffolds of simple composition, several aspects of cancer cell mechanosensing (signal transduction, EMC remodeling, traction forces) have been separately analyzed in the context of cell migration. However, a combined study of these factors in 3D scaffolds that more closely resemble the complex microenvironment of the cancer ECM is still missing. Here, we present a comprehensive, quantitative analysis of the role of cell-ECM interactions in cancer cell migration within a highly physiological environment consisting of mixed Matrigel-collagen hydrogel scaffolds of increasing complexity that mimic the tumor microenvironment at the leading edge of cancer invasion. We quantitatively show that the presence of Matrigel increases hydrogel stiffness, which promotes ß1 integrin expression and metalloproteinase activity in H1299 lung cancer cells. Then, we show that ECM remodeling activity causes matrix alignment and compaction that favors higher tractions exerted by the cells. However, these traction forces do not linearly translate into increased motility due to a biphasic role of cell adhesions in cell migration: at low concentration Matrigel promotes migration-effective tractions exerted through a high number of small sized focal adhesions. However, at high Matrigel concentration, traction forces are exerted through fewer, but larger focal adhesions that favor attachment yielding lower cell motility

    ["Good life is to be in peace and harmony with everything around us": a qualitative study on good living among the Kankuamo Indigenous people of Colombia].

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    The Kankuamo people are one of the 102 native peoples of Colombia, who are developing strategies for individual and collective health self-management. This article aims to investigate, identify and analyze, collaboratively and interculturally, the factors that influence the well-being of the Kankuamo people, using the Capabilities Approach proposed by Amartya Sen. To this end, three focus groups were conducted with the participation of 37 people from the 15 communities of the Kankuamo reservation. The transcripts were analyzed by means of a thematic analysis. Three central themes for the well-being of the Kankuamo emerged from the focus groups: (i) harmony between nature and human beings, (ii) social coexistence and (iii) self-determination. These themes reflect the fundamental principles and values that guide the community towards a good life, expansion of their capabilities, harmony and holistic development. The results suggest that material aspects play a secondary role in the Kankuamo community's concept of good life, and confirm that it is fundamental to consider a collective vision of capabilities, not only individual ones, in indigenous contexts. Studies such as this one can contribute to the development of more contextually appropriate approaches to assess and measure the quality of life and well-being of Indigenous communities, including the Kankuamo people

    Determination of laser penetration in dentinal tubules

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    La eliminación de material orgánico, gérmenes y barro dentinario de los canales radiculares constituye el objetivo principal del tratamiento endodóntico haciendo de la desinfección el mayor desafío a conseguir. La gran variedad anatómica de las piezas dentarias y principalmente la configuración interna de los conductos radiculares compromete la obtención este objetivo. Este trabajo busca demostrar que con la aplicación del láser de diodo de baja potencia es posible elevar la efectividad de la desinfección del endodonto, favorecida por una mayor penetración del láser en los túbulos dentinarios para lo cual al número de piezas obtenidas según los criterios que estipula el proyecto , se las dividió en tres grupos, un primer grupo testigo al que no se le realizo tratamiento alguno, otro al que se le aplico el protocolo de limpieza y conformación convencional y el ultimo al que se le aplico el protocolo convencional más la aplicación de laser de diodo de baja potencia. Luego fueron seccionados y acondicionados para su observación al microscopio electrónico de barrido. Se logra concluir que la utilización del láser como complemento de la limpieza favorece la desinfección ductal que redundara en un aumento significativo de la tasa de éxito de la terapia endodóntica.The elimination of organic material, germs and smear layer from the root canals constitutes the main objective of endodontic treatment, making disinfection the greatest challenge to achieve. The great anatomical variety of the teeth and mainly the internal configuration of the root canals compromises the achievement of this objective. This work seeks to demonstrate that with the application of low-power diode laser it is possible to increase the effectiveness of endodontic disinfection, favored by greater penetration of the laser into the dentinal tubules, for which the number of pieces obtained according to the criteria stipulated the project, they were divided into three groups, a first control group to which no treatment was carried out, another to which the conventional cleaning and shaping protocol was applied and the last to which the conventional protocol plus the application was applied. low power diode laser. They were then sectioned and prepared for observation under a scanning electron microscope. It is concluded that the use of laser as a complement to cleaning favors ductal disinfection, which will result in a significant increase in the success rate of endodontic therapy.Facultad de Odontologí

    The Laser In Endodontics A Tool Full Of Advantages

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    Introducción: La endodoncia previene y trata las enfermedades del endodonto, región apical y periapical Para eso debe eliminarse el contenido del interior de los conductos radiculares El smear layer posee una capacidad de penetración en la dentina de 40 mieras, las bacterias pueden colonizar hasta una profundidad de 1,100 mieras, mientras que el Hipodorito de Sodio, imigante más utilizado por su alta eficacia desinfectante, solo posee un poder de penetración de 130 micrómetros dentro de los túbulos Actualmente, se sugiere la imple mentación del Láser para lograr la desinfección del sistema de conductos como un co-adyuvante del tratamiento endodóntico tradicional. El Láser puede ser implementado con estos objetivos mediante dos técnicas, la desinfección fotoactivada (PAD) y la desinfección fotoacústica (PIPS) y a su vez como bioestimulante de los tejidos blandos. Objetivos: Teniendo en cuenta los datos expuestos, este trabajo de investigación se propone evaluar el poder de penetración del Láser en el interior de los túbulos dentinarios.Introduction: Endodontics prevents and treats endodontic, apical and periapical diseases. For this, the content of the interior of the root canals must be removed. The smear layer has a penetration capacity of 40 microns into the dentin, bacteria can colonize up to a depth of 1.100 microns, while Sodium Hypochlorite, the most widely used irrigant forits high disinfection efficiency, it only has a penetration power of 130 micrometers inside the tubules. Currently, the implementation of the laser is suggested to achieve the disinfection of the canal system as a co-adjuvant of the traditional endodontic treatment The laser can be implemented with these objectives through two techniques, photoactivated disinfection (PAD) and photoacoustic disinfection (PIPS) and in turn as a biostimulant of soft tissues. Objectives: Taking into account the data presented, this research work aims to evaluate the penetration power of the Laser inside the dentin tubules.Facultad de Odontologí

    Determination of laser penetration in dentinal tubules

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    Durante la terapia endodóntica es primordial lograr una correcta desinfección del sistema de canales radiculares, constituyéndose como objetivo principal del tratamiento endodóntico la eliminación de bacterias, toxinas y barro dentinario. La complejidad anatómica de las piezas dentarias y principalmente la configuración interna de los conductos radiculares compromete alcanzar este objetivo. Este trabajo busca demostrar que con la aplicación del láser de diodo de baja potencia es posible elevar la efectividad de la desinfección del endodonto, favorecida por una mayor penetración del láser en los túbulos dentinarios para lo cual al número de piezas extraídas enmarcadas dentro de los criterios de inclusión y exclusión que estipula el proyecto , se las dividió en tres grupos, un primer grupo testigo al que no se le realizo tratamiento alguno, otro al que se le aplico el protocolo de limpieza y conformación convencional y el ultimo al que se le aplico el protocolo convencional más la aplicación de laser de diodo de baja frecuencia. Luego fueron seccionados y acondicionados para su observación al microscopio electrónico de barrido. Se pretende concluir que la utilización del láser como complemento de la limpieza redundara en un aumento significativo de la tasa de éxito de la terapia endodóntica.During endodontic therapy it is essential to achieve correct disinfection of the root canal system, the main objective of endodontic treatment being the elimination of bacteria, toxins and dentin smear. The anatomical complexity of the dental pieces and mainly the internal configuration of the root canals compromises achieving this objective. This work seeks to demonstrate that with the application of low power diode laser it is possible to increase the effectiveness of endodontic disinfection, favored by a greater penetration of the laser in the dentinal tubules for which the number of extracted pieces framed within the criteria of inclusion and exclusion stipulated by the project, they were divided into three groups, a first control group to which no treatment was carried out, another to which the conventional cleaning and conformation protocol was applied and the last to which was applied the conventional protocol plus the application of low frequency diode laser. They were then sectioned and conditioned for observation under a scanning electron microscope. It is intended to conclude that the use of laser as a complement to cleaning will result in a significant increase in the success rate of endodontic therapy.Facultad de Odontologí

    Determination of laser penetration in dentinal tubules

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    Para lograr una correcta desinfección del sistema de canales radiculares es fundamental que la terapia endodóntica tenga como objetivo principal la eliminación de bacterias, toxinas y barro dentinario. La anatomía compleja de las piezas dentarias y principalmente la configuración interna de los conductos radiculares dificulta alcanzar este objetivo. En este trabajo se realizará la preparación endodóntica en piezas extraídas enmarcadas dentro de los criterios de inclusión y exclusión que estipula el proyecto y se dividirán en tres grupos, un primer grupo testigo al que no se le realizara tratamiento alguno, otro al que se le aplicara el protocolo de limpieza y conformación convencional y el ultimo al que se le aplicara el protocolo convencional más la aplicación de laser de diodo de baja frecuencia. Luego serán seccionados y acondicionados para su observación al microscopio electrónico de barrido, buscando demostrar que con la aplicación del láser de diodo de baja frecuencia es posible elevar la efectividad de la desinfección del endodonto, favorecida por una mayor penetración del láser en los túbulos dentinarios. Se pretende concluir que la utilización del láser como complemento de la limpieza redundara en un aumento significativo de la tasa de éxito de la terapia endodóntica.In order to achieve a correct disinfection of the root canal system, it is essential that endodontic therapy has as its main objective the elimination of bacteria, toxins and toothpaste. The complex anatomy of the teeth and mainly the internal configuration of the root canals makes it difficult to achieve this objective. In this work, the endodontic preparation will be carried out in extracted pieces framed within the inclusion and exclusion criteria stipulated by the project and will be divided into three groups, a first control group to which no treatment will be performed, another to which it will be applied the conventional cleaning and shaping protocol and the last one to which the conventional protocol plus the application of a low frequency diode laser will be applied. They will then be sectioned and conditioned for observation under a scanning electron microscope, seeking to demonstrate that with the application of a low-frequency diode laser it is possible to increase the effectiveness of endodontic disinfection, favored by a greater penetration of the laser in the dentin tubules. It is intended to conclude that the use of laser as a complement to cleaning will result in a significant increase in the success rate of endodontic therapy.Facultad de Odontologí