10 research outputs found

    Daya Saing Kopi Indonesia dan Vietnam di Pasar Amerika Serikat

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    Penelitian ini membahas mengenai perkembangan produksi kopi Indonesia dalam 20 tahun terakhir (2002-2021), nilai daya saing kopi Indonesia di pasar Amerika Serikat serta perbandingan daya saing kopi Indonesia dengan Vietnam sebagai kompetitor utama dari kawasan asia tenggara. Penelitian ini juga melihat hubungan antara produksi kopi indonesia dengan nilai ekspor kopi Indonesia ke pasar Amerika Serikat. Perkembangan produksi kopi Indonesia berfluktuasi pada tahun 2002-2021 , dengan rata – rata nilai perkembangan sebesar 0,79 %. Rata – rata nilai daya saing kopi Vietnam di Amerika Serikat antara 2002-2021 masih lebih tinggi dibanding Indonesia, meski demikian antara tahun 2013-2021 nilai daya saing Indonesia mengungguli daya saing kopi Vietnam di pasar Amerika Serikat. Nilai produksi kopi Indonesia tidak memiliki hubungan yang signifikan terhadap nilai ekspor kopi Indonesia di Amerika Serikat, dengan nilai signifikansi 0,656 (>0,05 pada taraf signifikan  5%), sedangkan nilai korelasi antara kedua variable adalah 0,106 dengan kategori hubungan antara 2 variabel termasuk sebagai kategori lemah

    Correlation of Rice Production and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in North Sulawesi Province

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    This study aimed to reveal correlation, calculate significance, and discover the regression equation of rice production to Green House Gas (GHG) emission in North Sulawesi Province. The data on GHG emissions from rice cultivation (Gg CO2eq) was obtained from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of Indonesia. Data on rice production from wetland and dryland (Gg) was from the BP Statistical Review annual period of 2000-2021, both for North Sulawesi Province. Data analysis of correlation coefficient, F-test for Regression, and Simple Regression Analysis will be processed with the help application of MS Excel. The results show that the correlation between rice production and emission of rice cultivation in North Sulawesi Province is 0.53 and classified as a moderate correlation. The coefficient of determination stated that the emission of rice cultivation could be explained by about 28.6% from rice production. Therefore, rice production is statistically significant to the emission of rice cultivation with a 5% confidence level for North Sulawesi Province. Furthermore, this study found a regression equation, emission of rice cultivation is 112.67 + 0.516 times rice production.   Keywords: correlation coefficient, green house gas emission, rice productio

    Carbon Stocks Potential and Economic Value Valuation of Carbon Stocks in Ebony Stands

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    One of the important activities to achieve the implementation of REDD+ activities is the measurement and reporting of carbon stocks (Masripatin et.al.  2010). Information on the potential for carbon stocks in a plant stand or forest area can provide an overview for related parties of the potential carbon stocks and the added value that will be obtained if it maintains and develops a certain plant species to support the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. This study aims to determine the potential of biomass, carbon stocks, and economic valuation of the carbon stocks potential of several Ebony stands contained in the Kawanua Arboretum BP2LHK Manado.  The types of Ebony stands that were the object of this study were Dyospiros celebica, Dyospiros rumphii, and Dyospiros ebenum.  Determination of biomass potential and carbon stocks using the allometric equation.  The economic valuations of each potential carbon stocks of Ebony stands are obtained based on the selling value of carbon set by the World Bank Group. Based on the results of the study, it is known that the carbon stocks potential of each Ebony stand, namely Diospyros rumphii, is 74.246 tons/ha, followed by the potential carbon storage in the Diospyros celebica stand of 67.768 tons/ha and Diospyros ebenum of 64.977 tons / ha, while the economic valuation value of the highest carbon storage potential is found in the Diospyros rumphii stand of USD 148.492 followed by Diospyros celebica is USD 135.536 and Diospyros ebenum is USD 129.95

    Potential Absorption and Economic Carbon Valuation of Teak (Tectona grandis) at Hasanuddin University City Forest for Supporting Emission Reduction in Makassar City

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    The diversity of plants/vegetation in the UNHAS City Forest certainly has a positive impact on the environment. One type of plant species in the UNHAS urban forest is Teak (Tectona grandis L.f.). The community views Teak as a plant that only has economic potential because of the quality of its wood, but it is also necessary to know that this plant is suspected to have potential as an environmental service provider. So it is necessary to know more about the ability of teak plants to absorb carbon dioxide. Through this research, estimating carbon stored in Teak stands (Tectona grandis L.f.) was carried out by taking a case study in the City Forest at the Hasanuddin University Campus. The method of collecting emission data was collected from the Bapenas manuscript website, which was used to collect data on the potential of biomass in this study using non-destructive methods. The data collected includes the diameter, height, and specific gravity of teak trees.  The diameter of the teak plant is obtained by surveying each individual teak plant.  The emissions produced by Makassar City in 2022 are 6,944,242.74 tons of CO2eq. Teak trees located in the urban forest of Hasanuddin University then succeeded in reducing 455.93 - 482.48 tons of CO2eq according to carbon absorption calculations.  The economic valuation of carbon reserves located in teak stands in the urban forest of Hasanuddin University ranges from USD 206.76 / Rp. 2,998,020 tons / ha to USD 218.8 / Rp. 3,172,600 tons / h

    Potential Absorption and Economic Carbon Valuation of Teak (Tectona grandis) at Hasanuddin University City Forest for Supporting Emission Reduction in Makassar City

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    The diversity of plants/vegetation in the UNHAS City Forest certainly has a positive impact on the environment. One type of plant species in the UNHAS urban forest is Teak (Tectona grandis L.f.). The community views Teak as a plant that only has economic potential because of the quality of its wood, but it is also necessary to know that this plant is suspected to have potential as an environmental service provider. So it is necessary to know more about the ability of teak plants to absorb carbon dioxide. Through this research, estimating carbon stored in Teak stands (Tectona grandis L.f.) was carried out by taking a case study in the City Forest at the Hasanuddin University Campus. The method of collecting emission data was collected from the Bapenas manuscript website, which was used to collect data on the potential of biomass in this study using non-destructive methods. The data collected includes the diameter, height, and specific gravity of teak trees.  The diameter of the teak plant is obtained by surveying each individual teak plant.  The emissions produced by Makassar City in 2022 are 6,944,242.74 tons of CO2eq. Teak trees located in the urban forest of Hasanuddin University then succeeded in reducing 455.93 - 482.48 tons of CO2eq according to carbon absorption calculations.  The economic valuation of carbon reserves located in teak stands in the urban forest of Hasanuddin University ranges from USD 206.76 / Rp. 2,998,020 tons / ha to USD 218.8 / Rp. 3,172,600 tons / h

    Penanganan Distokia dengan Sectio Caesarea pada Anoa Dataran Rendah (Bubalus depressicornis)

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    Distokia merupakan kejadian parturisi berkepanjangan yang dapat terjadi pada hewan sehingga diperlukan penanganan oleh tenaga medik veteriner. Distokia umumnya disebabkan oleh gangguan atau kelainan pada komponen utama proses kelahiran yang meliputi kekuatan induk mengejan, kecukupan saluran kelahiran, serta ukuran dan posisi fetus. Seekor anoa berumur delapan tahun di Anoa Breeding Centre Manado menunjukkan tanda-tanda distokia pada Juli 2021. Umur kebuntingan yaitu 310 hari dan induk merupakan betina nulipara. Anoa teramati sudah mengalami anoreksia dan penurunan suhu tubuh satu hari sebelum partus. Proses partus ditandai dengan induk yang merejan kuat, terjadi poliuria, serta keluarnya vaginal discharge dengan frekuensi yang meningkat disertai darah. Setelah lima jam, proses partus terpantau tidak progresif dan induk berhenti mengejan sehingga dilakukan restrain fisik terhadap anoa ke area isolasi.  Hasil pemeriksaan palpasi intravaginal mengindikasikan adanya kesalahan postur fetus dengan postur kaki depan menekuk (bilateral carpal flexion) dan ukuran kepala fetus relatif besar dibandingkan pelvis induk (fetopelvic disporportion). Tindakan yang dilakukan yaitu sectio caesarea dengan kombinasi anastesi umum dan anastesi lokal. Insisi dilakukan pada flank kiri secara vertikal. Terapi pasca operasi yang diberikan yaitu sediaan antibiotik, antiinflamasi, hematopoetik, suplemen, anti hemoragik, dan hormon oksitosin. Anoa menunjukkan persembuhan dua minggu pasca operasi dengan kondisi luka jahitan menutup rapat dan mengering tanpa bantuan pelepasan benang jahit. Siklus estrus induk teramati kembali normal dua bulan pasca operasi sehingga memungkinkan untuk dilakukan perkawinan berikutnya.Dystocia is a prolonged parturition that can occur in animals and requires treatment by veterinarian. It is generally caused by disorders or abnormalities in the main factors of parturition such as contraction (power), birth canal (passageway), and fetus condition (passenger). An eight-year-old anoa at the Anoa Breeding Centre Manado showed signs of dystocia in July 2021. The gestational age was 310 days and the anoa had no previous history of parturition. Anoa showed symptoms of decreased body temperature along with anorexia since the previous day. The process of parturition is characterized by abdominal contraction, polyuria, and the increasing frequency of bloody vaginal discharge. After five hours, the parturition process is considered non-progressive and the dam stopped pushing. The dam was then physically restrained to isolation area. The results of intravaginal palpation indicated flexion of both fetal forelimbs (bilateral carpal flexion) and the fetal size is too large for the maternal pelvis (fetopelvic disporportion). Caesarean section was taken with a combination of general and local anesthesia. The incision is made on the left flank vertically. The postoperative therapy given was antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, hematopoietic, supplement, anti-hemorrhagic, and oxytocin hormone. Anoa showed recovery two weeks after surgery with fully healed stitches, without suture removal. The dam's estrous cycle was observed back to normal two months postpartum, thus allowing for the next mating

    Potential Absorption and Economic Carbon Valuation of Teak (Tectona grandis) at Hasanuddin University City Forest for Supporting Emission Reduction in Makassar City

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    The diversity of plants/vegetation in the UNHAS City Forest certainly has a positive impact on the environment. One type of plant species in the UNHAS urban forest is Teak (Tectona grandis L.f.). The community views Teak as a plant that only has economic potential because of the quality of its wood, but it is also necessary to know that this plant is suspected to have potential as an environmental service provider. So it is necessary to know more about the ability of teak plants to absorb carbon dioxide. Through this research, estimating carbon stored in Teak stands (Tectona grandis L.f.) was carried out by taking a case study in the City Forest at the Hasanuddin University Campus. The method of collecting emission data was collected from the Bapenas manuscript website, which was used to collect data on the potential of biomass in this study using non-destructive methods. The data collected includes the diameter, height, and specific gravity of teak trees.  The diameter of the teak plant is obtained by surveying each individual teak plant.  The emissions produced by Makassar City in 2022 are 6,944,242.74 tons of CO2eq. Teak trees located in the urban forest of Hasanuddin University then succeeded in reducing 455.93 - 482.48 tons of CO2eq according to carbon absorption calculations.  The economic valuation of carbon reserves located in teak stands in the urban forest of Hasanuddin University ranges from USD 206.76 / Rp. 2,998,020 tons / ha to USD 218.8 / Rp. 3,172,600 tons / h


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    This study is aimed at utilizing empty fruit bunches of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) and oil palm shells to be one of the renewable energy resources in the form of charcoal briquettes, investigate the effects of variation of press load and material composition, and examine the optimum press load and concentration ratio of materials in the charcoal briquettes made from oil palm empty fruit bunch (EFB) and oil palm shell (OPS). EFB and OPS were carbonized using an electric retort at the temperature of 400o C for 3 hours. This study employed the research design of completely randomized managed in 2 treatment factors, i.e. the press load of 2000 psi, 2500 psi, and 3000 psi and the ratio of material composition (EFB and OPS) of 75%:25%, 50%:50%, and 25%:75% in which each treatment was repeated five times. Subsequently, the quality examination of charcoal briquettes was conducted using physical parameters (water content, specific gravity, and calorific value) and chemical properties (ash content, volatile matter content, and fixed carbon). The results showed that the quality of charcoal briquettes made from EFB and OPS were as follows: the moisture content of 6.212 - 9.386

    Enabling Factors of NTFP Business Development for Ecosystem Restoration: The Case of Tamanu Oil in Indonesian Degraded Peatland

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    Indonesia’s tropical peatlands are one of the world’s largest carbon sinks, and they are facing the threat of extensive degradation and conversion. The Indonesian government is committed to peat restoration. However, restoration is still a costly, top-down approach lacking community participation, and is focused on the 3R scheme (rewetting, revegetation, and revitalization). Peatland restoration businesses are part of the innovative effort to finance this endeavor. Unfortunately, there is not much information available about the pre-conditions required to create a restoration business. This study seeks to understand the enabling conditions for the development of peatland restoration, with a focus on the tamanu oil business, and to assess whether the same situation might apply in the context of the restoration of degraded peatland. PEST analysis is used to describe the macro-environmental factors of the tamanu oil business and its development opportunities in degraded peatlands. Tamanu oil-based peat ecosystem restoration businesses offer good prospects because of the growing it has grown the bioenergy and biomedical markets, and they can cover a larger area of degraded peatland landscape. For tamanu oil businesses to succeed in peat ecosystem restoration, we recommend that policy documents at various levels include tamanu as a priority commodity for peatland restoration and alternative community businesses, followed by planting programs by all stakeholders. The government and social organizations must take positions as initiators and catalysts, establish a significant number and extent of pilot tamanu plantations, and create a mutually supportive business climate between entrepreneurs and peatland managers

    Enabling Factors of NTFP Business Development for Ecosystem Restoration: The Case of Tamanu Oil in Indonesian Degraded Peatland

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    Indonesia’s tropical peatlands are one of the world’s largest carbon sinks, and they are facing the threat of extensive degradation and conversion. The Indonesian government is committed to peat restoration. However, restoration is still a costly, top-down approach lacking community participation, and is focused on the 3R scheme (rewetting, revegetation, and revitalization). Peatland restoration businesses are part of the innovative effort to finance this endeavor. Unfortunately, there is not much information available about the pre-conditions required to create a restoration business. This study seeks to understand the enabling conditions for the development of peatland restoration, with a focus on the tamanu oil business, and to assess whether the same situation might apply in the context of the restoration of degraded peatland. PEST analysis is used to describe the macro-environmental factors of the tamanu oil business and its development opportunities in degraded peatlands. Tamanu oil-based peat ecosystem restoration businesses offer good prospects because of the growing it has grown the bioenergy and biomedical markets, and they can cover a larger area of degraded peatland landscape. For tamanu oil businesses to succeed in peat ecosystem restoration, we recommend that policy documents at various levels include tamanu as a priority commodity for peatland restoration and alternative community businesses, followed by planting programs by all stakeholders. The government and social organizations must take positions as initiators and catalysts, establish a significant number and extent of pilot tamanu plantations, and create a mutually supportive business climate between entrepreneurs and peatland managers