874 research outputs found

    Consideraciones empíricas del consumo de los hogares, el caso del gasto en electricidad y alimentos

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    La teoría del consumidor ha formulado que los aumentos en los ingresos delas personas implica una disminución del gasto relativo en alimentos. Estahipótesis, se conoce en la literatura como la ley de Engel. Esta hipótesistambién ha sido aplicada a otros bienes de primera necesidad mediante loque se conoce como la Curva de Engel, la cual permite observar el impactoen el gasto de cualquier bien ante cambios en la renta. Por tales motivos,este trabajo expone empíricamente el comportamiento del consumo de loshogares por medio de un análisis estadístico y econométrico utilizando elconcepto de la curva de Engel para electricidad y alimentos por medio de unaregresión cuantílica, en la que se pretende capturar no solo la pendientenegativa entre las variables relacionadas, sino su cambio por medio de losdistintos niveles de ingresos de la muestra seleccionada.función de demanda, ley de Engel, regresión por cuantiles

    New perspectives about the domestic space in the recent Prehistory of NW Iberia: the settlement of Os Remedios (Moaña, Pontevedra)

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    Se sintetizan los resultados de la excavación en área de un asentamiento datable en el Calcolítico/Edad del Bronce en la costa SO de Galicia. Llama la atención en este lugar su extensión (superior a las 0,4 ha) y la variedad de las estructuras halladas, ligadas a actividades cotidianas (fondos de cabaña, zanjas de drenaje) o propósitos defensivos (una gran empalizada). Existen indicios directos e indirectos de prácticas agrícolas y, muy posiblemente, esta aldea de tan larga persistencia jugó un papel de control de las rutas naturales que comunican la llanura costera con las tierras altas del MorrazoWe analyze the results of a large-scale dig carried out in a Chalcolithic/Bronze Age domestic site in SW Galicia. The main features of this settlement are its fairly large extension (of at least 0,4 ha) and the variety and size of the structures discovered, related with daily life (huts, drain trenches) or for defensive purposes (a long palisade). There is direct and indirect evidence of farming activities and most possibly this long-standing village had a role in controlling the movement between the coastal plain and the mountain rangesS

    Overcoming the Necessity of γ-Substitution in δ-C(sp3)–H Arylation: Pd-Catalyzed Derivatization of α-Amino Acids

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    Despite the emergence of catalytic C(sp3 )−H arylation at the remote δ-position via challenging six-membered ring cyclometalation, the requirement of blocking the more reactive γ-position represents a restricting limitation. The use of the removable N-(2-pyridyl)sulfonyl directing group provides a viable solution to this challenge, expanding the scope of the Pd-catalyzed δ-C−H arylation of α-amino acid and amine derivatives with (hetero)aryl iodides. This method is compatible with complex, multifunctional structures at either reaction partner. Experimental and density functional theory studies provide insights about the underlying factors controlling site selectivityWe thank the Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (MINECO) and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER, UE) (Project CTQ2015-66954-P) and Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN)/FEDER, UE (Agencia Estatal de Investigación/Project PGC2018- 098660-B-I00) for the financial suppor

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    Palladium-Catalyzed PIDA-Mediated δ-C(sp3 ) H Acetoxylation of amino acid derivatives: overriding competitive intramolecular amination

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    The selective δ-C(sp3)−H acetoxylation of N-(SO2Py)-protected amino acid derivatives has been accomplished by using palladium-catalysis and PhI(OAc)2 (PIDA) as both terminal oxidant and acetoxy source. The distinct structural and electronic features of the SO2Py compared to more traditional carbonyl-based directing groups is essential to override the otherwise more favourable competitive intramolecular C−H amination. The δ-site selectivity predominates over traditionally more favorable 5-membered cyclopalladation at competitive γ-CH2. Experimental and DFT mechanistic studies provide important insights about the mechanism and the underlying factors controlling the chemo- and regioselectivityWe thank the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER, UE) for financial support (Agencia Estatal de Investigación/Project PGC2018-098660-B-I00). M.M.-M. thanks MINECO for a FPI predoctoral fellowship and D.S.P. thanks Fonds der chemischen Industrie FCI (PhD fellowship) for financial suppor

    MicroRNAs Sequencing for Understanding the Genetic Regulation of Plant Genomes

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are endogenous non-coding RNAs that play important regulatory roles in animals and plants by targeting mRNAs for cleavage or translational repression. Small RNAs are classified into different types by their biogenesis and mode of action, such as miRNAs, siRNAs, piRNAs, and snoRNAs. In the case of miRNAs, this specific type regulates gene expression in plants and animals by targeting mRNAs for cleavage and translational repression, respectively. Diverse miRNAs regulate plant development, metabolism, and responses to biotic and abiotic stresses. The identification of miRNAs has been accomplished in diverse species, organs and developmental or diverse biotic and abiotic stress conditions. Novel massive sequencing techniques and further bioinformatics analysis have allowed the identification of hundreds of miRNAs in Arabidopsis thaliana, Oryza sativa, Malus domestica, Zea mays, Solanum lycopersicum, and other plants. Functional characterization of a given miRNA in a specific biological context has shown their role in the fine-tuning mechanisms of posttranscriptional gene regulation. In this chapter, besides making a summary of genome-wide miRNA profiling in plants, we describe how gain and loss of function approaches influence plant phenotypes that affect development, physiology or stress responses, pointing to miRNAs as effective tools for the generation of new plant phenotypes that improve plant productivity and conservation

    Crustal Imbrication in an Alpine Intraplate Mountain Range: A Wide-Angle Cross-Section Across the Spanish-Portuguese Central System

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    Intraplate ranges are topographic features that can occur far from plate boundaries, the expected position of orogens as described in the plate tectonics theory. To understand the lithospheric structure of intraplate ranges, we focused on the Spanish-Portuguese Central System (SPCS), the most outstanding topographic feature in the central Iberian Peninsula. The SPCS is an Alpine range that exhumes Precambrian-Paleozoic rocks and is located at >200 km from the northern border of the Iberian microplate. Here, we provide a P-wave velocity model based on wide-angle seismic reflection/refraction data of the central SPCS (Gredos sector). Our results show: (a) a layered lithosphere characterized by three major interfaces: Conrad, Mohorovicic, and Hales discontinuities, (b) an asymmetry of the crust-mantle boundary under the SPCS, (c) the extent of the Variscan batholith forming the main outcrops of Gredos, and (d) the thinning of the lower crust toward the south. This model suggests that the exhumation of the SPCS basement was driven by a south-vergent thick-skinned thrust system, developed in the southern part of the SPCS and that promoted crustal imbrication and a Mohorovicic discontinuity's offset under the SPCS. Thus, the deformation mechanisms of the crust seem to be controlled by the presence of the late- to post-Variscan granitoids that assimilated the Variscan mid-crustal detachment creating a new rheological boundary. This tectonic structure allowed the formation of Alpine crustal-scale thrust systems that eased coupled deformation of the upper and lower crust, leading to limited underthrusting of both crustal layers.This study has been funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Competitiveness through the Project CIMDEF (CGL2014-56548-P). IP is funded by the Spanish Government and the University of Salamanca (Beatriz Galindo grant BEGAL 18/00090). JA is funded by grant IJC2018-036074-I, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. DMP and FGL are also funded by grants CGL2015-71692 (MINECO/ FEDER) and PID2020-118822GB-I00 (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033).Peer reviewe

    Exportación de servicios en América Latina : los casos de Argentina, Brasil y México

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    La exportación de servicios es uno de los fenómenos más dinámicos de la economía internacional contemporánea. Actividades que anteriormente se prestaban fundamentalmente dentro de las fronteras de cada país hoy son internacionalmente transables —desde la salud y la educación, hasta los servicios contables, legales o de investigación y desarrollo, pasando por la publicidad y el diseño. Esto es producto fundamentalmente de las tendencias a la deslocalización y fragmentación de la producción a escala global, en búsqueda de menores costos y de recursos humanos calificados, así como de las posibilidades que genera el uso de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones para exportar servicios a distancia. Los mercados mundiales de servicios ofrecen oportunidades interesantes para generar divisas y empleos en los países en desarrollo. Así, no sorprende que muchos de estos países busquen activamente integrarse en las cadenas globales de valor (CGV) que se han estado formando en las diversas áreas del mundo de los servicios. América Latina no ha estado exenta de esta tendencia, y si bien su participación en los mercados mundiales es aún reducida, en muchos países y sectores la exportación de servicios ha sido muy dinámica en años recientes. En este libro se presentan estudios de caso en cuatro sectores exportadores de servicios (salud, finanzas, audiovisuales e investigación y desarrollo) para tres países de la región: Argentina, Brasil y México. A través de los capítulos de este libro, elaborados por investigadores de la región, el lector encontrará un análisis detallado de estos procesos y una serie de lecciones de política para mejorar —tanto cuantitativa como cualitativamente— el patrón de exportación de servicios en la región