4,978 research outputs found

    Positive decaying solutions for differential equations with phi-laplacian

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    We solve a nonlocal boundary value problem on the half-close interval [1,)[1,\infty) associated to the differential equation (a(t)xαsgnx)+b(t)xβsgnx=0(a(t)\vert x^{\prime} \vert ^{\alpha} \operatorname {sgn}x^{\prime} )^{\prime }+b(t)\vert x\vert ^{\beta} \operatorname {sgn}x=0 , in the superlinear case α<β\alpha<\beta . By using a new approach, based on a special energy-type function E, the existence of slowly decaying solutions is examined too

    Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Writing Estafet untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menulis Pantun Siswa Kelas IV Sdn 006 Raja Bejamu Sinaboi

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    This study is a Class Action Research (CAR) conducted aims to improve the ability to write rhymes fourth grade students of SDN 006 Raja Bejamu Sinaboi. Research motivated by low yields Indonesian student learning is 56.40 by the number of students as many as 20 people. This study aims to improve students' ability to write rhymes fourth grade 006 Raja bejamu Sinaboi by applying the learning model Writing Relay. This research was conducted using the instrument observation sheets, and a test sheet learning outcomes. Based on the analysis, it is known that the use of learning model can improve activity relay writing teacher from 71.42 in the first cycle of the meeting rose to 82.14 at the end of the cycle two. Furthermore activity students also increased from 67.80 in the first meeting of the cycle, increasing to 71.42 in cycle two. The ability to write poetry students also increased from 56.40 on the score increased at the end of two cycles with an average to 83.33. These research findings could prove the hypothesis of the study with the application model Writing Relay can improve relay pantun writing skills fourth grade students of SDN 006 Raja Bejamu. This means that the research hypothesis is accepted.Key Words ; Writing relay, the ability to write rhyme

    The impact of PhDs in Social Sciences and Humanities PhD

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    Potensi wisata itu adalah memiliki sumber alam yang banyak dan memiliki sungai yang luas. Desa tersebut memiliki sumber laut yang banyak, sehingga memiliki peluang yang banyak. Permasalahan yang dihadapin oleh desa  tersebut adalah Angka Kemiskinan. Angka kemiskinan di desa-desa tersebut sekitar 75 % dari Jumlah penduduk di kabupaten Batubara. Dari jumlah itu angka kemiskinan desa tersebut menjadi permasalahan yang utama. Selain itu juga ada masalah yang lain yaitu adalah jumlah pengangguran di desa tersebut tergolong banyak, sebab Potensi Alam di desa tidak dimanfaatkan dan mata Pencaharian sangat sulit sehingga menyebabkan tingkat pengangguran yang tinggi. Permasalahan lain yang dihadapi bagi kaum anak muda adalah penyalahgunaan narkoba didesa tersebut tergolong tinggi dari Jumlah Penduduk. Dari permasalahan ini bisa dilihat bahwa sumber alam yang dimiliki desa ini bisa menyelesaikan masalah yang ada. Desa tersebut memiliki sumber daya alam yang baik sehingga bisa dimanfaatkan oleh penduduknya tersebut. Dengan luasnya mata pencarian masyarakat disekitar kawasan wisata tepi sungai, maka pendapatan masyarakat pun akan bertambah dan mengakibatkan peningkatan perekonomian masyarakat. kawasan pariwisata merupakan salah satu bidang usaha yang dapat memberikan kontribusi terhadap peningkatan ekonomi masyarakat. Pentingnya penelitian dilaksanakan untuk mengembangkan desa wisata dkabupaten Batubara dan memberikan peluang untuk masyarakat desa meningkatkan perekonomian. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan desa wisata untuk meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat desa di Kabupaten Batubara. Metode penelitian yaitu dengan menggunakan Sumber data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui observasi atau pengamatan langsung, studi literatur, dan dokumentasi berupa pemotretan dan catatan lapanga

    Asymmetry Dependence of the Nuclear Caloric Curve

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    A basic feature of the nuclear equation of state is not yet understood: the dependence of the nuclear caloric curve on the neutron-proton asymmetry. Predictions of theoretical models differ on the magnitude and even the sign of this dependence. In this work, the nuclear caloric curve is examined for fully reconstructed quasi-projectiles around mass A=50. The caloric curve extracted with the momentum quadrupole fluctuation thermometer shows that the temperature varies linearly with quasi-projectile asymmetry (N-Z)/A. An increase in asymmetry of 0.15 units corresponds to a decrease in temperature on the order of 1 MeV. These results also highlight the importance of a full quasi-projectile reconstruction in the study of thermodynamic properties of hot nuclei

    Experimental determination of the quasi-projectile mass with measured neutrons

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    The investigation of the isospin dependence of multifragmentation reactions relies on precise reconstruction of the fragmenting source. The criteria used to assign free emitted neutrons, detected with the TAMU Neutron Ball, to the quasi-projectile source are investigated in the framework of two different simulation codes. Overall and source-specific detection efficiencies for multifragmentation events are found to be model independent. The equivalence of the two different methods used to assign experimentally detected charged particles and neutrons to the emitting source is shown. The method used experimentally to determine quasi-projectile emitted free neutron multiplicity is found to be reasonably accurate and sufficiently precise as to allow for the study of well-defined quasi-projectile sources.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures. To be submitted to Nucl. Instr. and Meth.

    Physical, Biochemical and Biological Characterization of Two Opposite Areas in the Southern Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Sea)

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    The Drini and Manfredonia Gulfs were investigated in May 2008 and April 2009, respectively. The gulfs are located in the South Eastern (Gulf of Drini) and South Western (Gulf of Manfredonia) Adriatic Sea. The areas are partially influ- enced by two main Adriatic surface currents: the Eastern Adriatic Current-EAC that flows north-westward along the eastern side, and the Western Adriatic Current-WAC that flows south-eastward along the western side of the basin. The spatial variations of temperature, salinity, fluorescence, dissolved oxygen concentration, Coloured Dissolved Or- ganic Matter-CDOM, nutrients, chlorophyll a and phytoplankton composition parameters in the two areas were ob- served and compared. CDOM regulates the penetration of UV light into the sea and plays an important role in many hydrological and biogeochemical processes on the sea surface layer including primary productivity. The phytoplankton specific diversity of the Gulf of Manfredonia showed a spring community with dinoflagellates (21 taxa) as the main important fraction, coccolithophorales (6 taxa) and diatoms with 10 identified taxa. The phytoplankton distribution along the eastern coast showed a different biodiversity: a prevalence of dinoflagellates (58 taxa) included harmful mi- croalgae such as Alexandrium, Dinophysis and Lingulodinium genus. Diatoms were less abundant, among them Pseudo-nitzschia was also reported which could include some potentially toxic species. Nanoplankton are ever abun- dant in offshore waters and an exceptional bloom of cyanobacteria was registered in Buna-Boyana estuary due to strong industrial impact. The gulfs showed similar physical and biochemical characteristics despite the WAC carried out along the western Adriatic Sea the water rich in nutrients from the major northern Italian rivers. No correlations were found between CDOM and chlorophyll a in the two areas and this implied that, probably, the primary source of CDOM might come from terrestrial input rather than the biological production from phytoplankton. The Gulf of Drini is impacted by the runoff of the Buna-Bojana River that makes this gulf an eutrophic area despite the mostly eastern side of the Adri- atic being an oligotrophic basin

    On the Growth of Nonoscillatory Solutions for Difference Equations with Deviating Argument

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    The half-linear difference equations with the deviating argument Δ(an|Δxn|αsgn Δxn)+bn|xn+q|αsgn xn+q=0 , q ∈ ℤ are considered. We study the role of the deviating argument q, especially as regards the growth of the nonoscillatory solutions and the oscillation. Moreover, the problem of the existence of the intermediate solutions is completely resolved for the classical half-linear equation (q = 1). Some analogies or discrepancies on the growth of the nonoscillatory solutions for the delayed and advanced equations are presented; and the coexistence with different types of nonoscillatory solutions is studied