19 research outputs found

    Carcass and meat quality traits in lineages of Nellore breed

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the differences between lineages of Nellore breed for carcass and meat quality traits. Thirteen lineages of Nellore breed were evaluated from data of carcass and meat quality of 516 animals for estimating the expected progeny difference for hot carcass weight, rib eye area, fat thickness, marbling and shear force values at 7, 14 and 21 days of ageing. The founder Golias reached the better values of expected progeny difference for hot carcass weight (+1.20kg), rib eye area (+0.88cm), marbling (+3.47un) and average shear force (-0,09kg), and Akasamu the better value for fat thickness (+0.05mm). The differences between lineages of Nellore breed found in this study couldbe used to select sires for genetic improvement of carcass and meat quality traits in Brazilian beef cattle herds.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar diferenças entre linhagens da raça Nelore para características de carcaça e qualidade de carne. Foram avaliadas treze linhagens da raça Nelore para as características de peso de carcaça quente, área de olho de lombo, espessura de gordura subcutânea, marmoreio e força de cisalhamento aos 7,14 e 21 dias de maturação. Para isso, foram utilizadas informações fenotípicas de 516 animais da raça Nelore e estimadas as diferenças esperadas na progênie para comparação entre as linhagens. Dentre os genearcas estudados, Golias obteve os melhores valores das diferenças esperadas na progênie para peso de carcaça quente (+1,20kg), área de olho de lombo (+0,88cm), marmoreio (+3,47un) e força de cisalhamento média (-0,09kg) e Akasamu para espessura de gordura subcutânea (+0,05mm). As diferenças entre linhagens da raça Nelore encontradas neste estudo podem ser utilizadas na escolha de touros para melhoria genética de características de carcaça e carne em rebanhos de gado de corte brasileiros.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de AlimentosDepartamento de ZootecniaUniversidade Federal de Uberlândia Instituto de Genética e BioquímicaUniversidade do Estado de Santa Catarina Departamento de ZootecniaUSP Departamento de ZootecniaUNIFESP, Depto. de Medicina Veterinária Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de AlimentosSciEL

    Consumidores de carne bovina: comportamento e preferências / Beef consumers: behaviour and preferences

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    Compreender as preferências e hábitos dos consumidores de carne bovina, bem como os fatores que os levam a comprar, possibilita ao mercado um atendimento satisfatório aos clientes. Dessa forma foram entrevistadas 150 pessoas em quatro supermercados da cidade de Campo Grande – MS com o objetivo de identificar as preferências dos consumidores em relação aos atributos no ato da compra da carne bovina nos supermercados. Os entrevistados escolheram as características sensoriais de odor (6,73±0,06), cor (6,64±0,07), maciez (6,40±0,08) como as mais importantes. Em relação ao produto eles destacaram a embalagem (4,83±0,19) e origem (4,21±0,21) como atributos mais verifi-cados no ato da compra, sendo que no ponto de venda eles consideram a disponibilidade de tipos de cortes, de cortes especiais e o preço como atributos extremamente importantes (p0,001). As dife-renças de preferências encontradas em relação ao sexo, renda, escolaridade e modo de viver possibi-litam ao mercado direcionar produtos específicos a cada tipo de consumidor

    Fatores relacionados ao consumo da carne de peixe pela população de Campo Grande, MS, Brasil / Factors related to the consumption of fish meat by the population of Campo Grande, MS, Brazil

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    A carne de peixe é um alimento com excelente valor nutricional, sendo uma proteína de origem animal muito consumida pela população mundial, pois exerce um importante papel na alimentação e na saúde humana. Objetivou-se com o presente artigo identificar as preferências dos consumidores de carne de peixe em relação ao grau de importância dos atributos relacionados à venda e a produção do peixe no ato da compra. A análise foi realizada por meio de questionários aplicados a 150 consumidores em quatro supermercados da cidade de Campo Grande – MS. Os indivíduos que responderam ao questionário classificaram a espécie do peixe (5,59±0,16) como atributo mais importante do produto e em seguida o sistema de produção (5,03±0,19). Para o ponto de venda, os consumidores disseram que o preço (5,59±0,15) e a disponibilidade de cortes especiais (5,57±0,14) são os mais importantes. Observou-se que homens se atentam mais a embalagem (4,92±0,27) em que o peixe é comercializado e ao fator presença de espinha (3,35±0,26) do que as mulheres (4,12±0,25; 2,65±0,19). Além disso, de acordo com o grau de escolaridade dos entrevistados a importância da característica de odor do peixe diferiu significativamente, até fundamental completo (5,00±0,62), até ensino médio completo (5,96±0,26) e até ensino superior completo (6,25±0,15). Conclui-se que os consumidores entrevistados atribuíram maior importância as questões sensoriais, relacionadas ao produto, sua produção e comercialização

    Productive and economic performance of feedlot young Nellore bulls fed whole oilseeds

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    ABSTRACT The effects of diets containing oilseeds were measured to evaluate the productive and economic parameters in the finishing of young, feedlot Nellore bulls. Twenty-four young Nellore bulls were used, with an initial body weight (BW) of 311.46±0.37 kg and 24 months of age, distributed into individual stalls ( 4 × 20 m) in a completely randomized design, totaling four treatments with six repetitions per treatment. Four diets (control, based on corn and soybean meal, and three diets containing cottonseed, soybean, and sunflower) were evaluated. Feed and orts were measured daily to calculate intake and costs. The dry matter intake of the control group was higher than soybean (10.64 kg/day), cotton (9.88 kg/day), and sunflower (9.30 kg/day) treatments, respectively. The cottonseed treatment showed the highest average neutral detergent fiber intake. There was a dietary effect of diets on average daily gain, total weight gain, and final weight. The soybean treatment showed the highest performance, total gain (232.55 kg), and final weight (544.38 kg). Oilseed intake can modify the fatty acids profile in the meat, decreasing its saturated fatty acid content. Whole soybean seed favors performance, improves feed efficiency, fatty acid profile, and fat distribution in the carcass, and can reduce production costs

    Correlations of visual scores, carcass traits, feed efficiency and retail product yield in Nellore cattle

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    The growing use of visual scores (VS) and ultrasound (US) for carcass evaluation in breeding programs, calls for a knowledge of the relationships between these traits and other relevant characteristics, such as feed efficiency and production of commercial cuts. The objective of this study was to evaluate correlations between body visual scores and carcass traits identified by ultrasound (US) and feed efficiency (FE), carcass weight (HCW), dressing percentage (DP) and retail product yield (RPY) in beef cattle. Nellore cattle (male), 42 non-castrated [NCAST] and 44 castrated [CAST]) were evaluated by both VS and US, at the postweaning (15-month old) and finishing phases (21-month old). Visual scores of conformation (C), precocity (P) and muscling (M) were assessed and the backfat thickness (UBFT), rump fat thickness (URFT) and ribeye area (UREA) were measured by ultrasound. Gain-to-feed (G:F) ratio and residual feed intake (RFI) were measured in feedlot. Hot carcass weight, DP and RPY were determined at harvest. Non-castrated cattle had greater HCW and RPY but lower UBFT and URFT than CAST. Postweaning VS and US were poorly correlated with FE in both sexual conditions. Finishing VS were negatively correlated with G:F in CAST and finishing URFT was negatively correlated with RPY in NCAST. The relationship of VS and US with feed efficiency and meat yield is affected by age at the date of evaluation and by castration. Feed efficiency is not related to the yield of meat cuts in Nellore cattl

    Evaluation of growth and beef quality traits in lineages and representative Nellore sires, using ultrasound, video image analysis and NIRS measurements

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    Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar as diferenças nos padrões de desenvolvimento ponderal, composição de carcaça e qualidade de carne entre linhagens e touros representativos da raça Nelore, com aplicação de tecnologias modernas para coleta de dados e estimação de parâmetros genéticos e fenotípicos das características em estudo. Foram utilizados dados de desenvolvimento ponderal, características de carcaça e qualidade de carne de machos da raça Nelore, terminados a pasto e confinamento e pertencentes a programas de avaliação genética. Desses animais, foram coletadas informações individuais de características de carcaça avaliadas por ultrassonografia e medidas corporais para estimação do frame de cada animal. Ao abate, foram avaliadas características de carcaça e carne, diretamente na carcaça e também através de imagens digitais do músculo Longissimus para determinação de atributos relacionados à qualidade, como maciez, perdas por cozimento, gordura intramuscular e pH. Avaliações por infravermelho com comprimentos de onda na faixa do visível próximo (VIS-NIRS) foram tomadas para associação com valores de pH, força de cisalhamento e lipídios no músculo Longissimus. Foram estimados parâmetros genéticos para todas as características avaliadas neste trabalho. As características de ganho ponderal, frame, medidas de ultrassonografia e qualidade de carne foram utilizadas para comparação entre genearcas e novos genearcas da raça Nelore. Estas informações em conjunto com a validação ferramentas auxiliares para coleta de fenótipos poderão ajudar na condução de programas de melhoramento genético de características de desempenho e qualidade de nos rebanhos dessa raça, bem como a obtenção de importantes informações sobre a variabilidade e valor genético de genearcas e touros representativos da raça Nelore.The objective of this study was to evaluate the differences of growth, carcass composition and beef quality traits among lineages and representative Nellore sires, using new technologies to collect data and estimate genetic and phenotypic parameters. Data on growth, carcass and meat quality traits of Nellore bulls, raised in pastures and included in genetic evaluation programs were analyzed. Individual information on live ultrasound carcass measurements and frame were, also, collected. After slaughter, carcass, beef quality traits and video image analysis (VIA) of muscle Longissimus were obtained for estimation of beef quality attributes like tenderness, cooking losses, intramuscular fat and pH. Evaluations with Near Infrared Spectroscopy (VIS-NIRS) were made to quantify tenderness and lipid in Longissimus muscle. Genetic parameters were estimated for all traits analyzed in this study. Traits like performance, frame, ultrasound carcass evaluation and meat quality were used to compare lineages and representative Nellore sires. This research provide precious information to development of auxiliary tools for genetic improvement of growth, carcass and meat quality traits in Nellore herds, and provide important information about variability and genetic value of founders and representative sires of this breed

    Study of the influence of steer and breeders of Nellore in the quality and quantitative aspects of carcass and beef

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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estimar a variabilidade genética existente entre touros e linhagens da raça Nelore, essas representadas pelos grandes genearcas, no que se refere à qualidade de carcaça e de carne. Os animais utilizados para coleta de dados de carcaça e carne pertenciam ao projeto de melhoramento genético e de avaliação para emissão de CEIP - Certificado Especial de Identificação e Produção, da Agro-Pecuária CFM-Ltda, e tinham idade entre 21 e 28 meses. Foram analisadas as características peso de carcaça quente (PCQ), área de olho de lombo (AOL), espessura de gordura subcutânea (EGS) e marmoreio (MAR). A qualidade de carne foi avaliada para os períodos de 7, 14 e 21 dias de maturação, quanto às perdas por exsudação (PE), perdas por cozimento (PC) e maciez (MAC). A avaliação da variabilidade genética entre linhagens foi efetuada com base em valores das diferenças esperadas na progênie (DEP) para as características PCQ, AOL, EGS, MAR e MAC aos 7, 14 e 21 dias de maturação. Foi encontrada variabilidade entre os touros e as linhagens estudadas sugerindo que um progresso genético pode ser conseguido pela seleção de animais para características de carcaça e carne dentro da raça Nelore.The present study had as objective to estimate the genetic variability between steers and breed lines of Nellore, these represented by the greatest breeders, referred to carcass and beef quality. The animals used to collect the samples of carcass and beef belonged to the project of genetic improvement and evaluation to emission of CEIP-Special Certificate of Identification and Production of CFM Farm-Ltda. The animals had age between 21 and 28 months. Were analyzed the characteristics of hot carcass weight (PCQ), rib eye area (AOL), backfat thickness (EGS), marbling (MAR).The beef quality was evaluated for the periods of 7, 14 and 21 days of ageing, as reference the drip loss (PE), cooking loss (PC) and tenderness (MAC). The evaluation of the genetic variability between the breed lines was done based in the values of the expected progeny differences (DEP) of the characteristics of PCQ, AOL, EGS, MAR and MAC at days 7, 14 and 21 of ageing. There was found a variability between steers and the breed lines studied, suggesting that a genetic process may be possible by selecting the animals to carcass and beef characteristics in the Nellore breed

    Correlations of visual scores, carcass traits, feed efficiency and retail product yield in Nellore cattle

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    The growing use of visual scores (VS) and ultrasound (US) for carcass evaluation in breeding programs, calls for a knowledge of the relationships between these traits and other relevant characteristics, such as feed efficiency and production of commercial cuts. The objective of this study was to evaluate correlations between body visual scores and carcass traits identified by ultrasound (US) and feed efficiency (FE), carcass weight (HCW), dressing percentage (DP) and retail product yield (RPY) in beef cattle. Nellore cattle (male), 42 non-castrated [NCAST] and 44 castrated [CAST]) were evaluated by both VS and US, at the postweaning (15-month old) and finishing phases (21-month old). Visual scores of conformation (C), precocity (P) and muscling (M) were assessed and the backfat thickness (UBFT), rump fat thickness (URFT) and ribeye area (UREA) were measured by ultrasound. Gain-to-feed (G:F) ratio and residual feed intake (RFI) were measured in feedlot. Hot carcass weight, DP and RPY were determined at harvest. Non-castrated cattle had greater HCW and RPY but lower UBFT and URFT than CAST. Postweaning VS and US were poorly correlated with FE in both sexual conditions. Finishing VS were negatively correlated with G:F in CAST and finishing URFT was negatively correlated with RPY in NCAST. The relationship of VS and US with feed efficiency and meat yield is affected by age at the date of evaluation and by castration. Feed efficiency is not related to the yield of meat cuts in Nellore cattl

    Dietary net energy for gilts from 25 to 100 kg body weight

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    ABSTRACT This experiment was conducted to evaluate the growth performance and carcass characteristics of gilts from 25 to 100 kg body weight (BW) fed diets with increased net energy (NE) levels. Seventy-two gilts with initial BW of 23.24±2.47 kg were allotted to one of six dietary treatments (2300, 2380, 2460, 2540, 2620, and 2700 kcal NE kg−1) using a completely randomized block design, with two pigs per replicate, and six replicates per treatment. Corn-soybean meal-based diets were formulated to be fed in three phases (25 to 50, 50 to 70, and 70 to 100 kg BW). Soybean oil was added to replace the inert ingredient kaolin to meet the NE level of each diet. Increasing dietary NE decreased the average daily feed intake (ADFI) and improved the feed:gain ratio (F:G) and standardized ileal digestible (SID) lysine:gain ratio in all the phases evaluated. In the second phase, average daily gain increased with increasing dietary NE level, although SID lysine intake decreased. At the end of the first phase, increasing dietary NE increased backfat and decreased lean percentage. In the last phase, lean percentage linearly decreased as dietary NE increased. Increasing dietary NE for gilts from 25 to 100 kg BW decreases ADFI and improves F:G. However, as dietary NE increases, lean percentage decreases without affecting growth performance