125 research outputs found

    A Comparison of Treatment Programmes for Male and Female Domestic Violence Perpetrators

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    Početne reakcije na nasilje u obitelji bile su zatvaranje počinitelja i pružanje pomoći isključivo žrtvi. Međutim, s vremenom se uvidjelo da ukoliko se želi prekinuti i spriječiti nasilje potrebno je pomoći ne samo žrtvi, nego i počinitelju kaznenog djela. Tim povodom započela je provedba psihosocijalnih programa tretmana za počinitelje obiteljskog nasilja. Prvi tretmanski rad bio je namijenjen muškarcima jer se njih smatralo glavnim i jedinim počiniteljima nasilja dok su u tretmanskom radu novijeg doba kao počinitelji sve više zastupljene i žene što donosi izazove teorijskom promišljanju i praktičnom radu. S tim u vezi, usporedbom programa tretmana za počinitelje obiteljskog nasilja prema spolu nastojalo se dati uvid u postojeću praksu i teoretska saznanja vezana za predmetni problem. Kada je riječ o uzrocima iskazivanja nasilja kod počinitelja oba spola spominje se iskustvo nasilja doživljeno od vlastitih roditelja. Specifično za muške počinitelje ističe se još socijalizacija u okvirima patrijarhalnosti, a za žene nasilje kao čin samoobrane ili osvete za ono pretrpljeno. Također, u obje populacije visoka je prisutnost poremećaja osobnosti. Iz razlika u osobnostima proizlaze i različite tretmanske potrebe. Kako bi bile što bolje zadovoljene stvaraju se različiti programima tretmana. Kakav je programa za muške počinitelje, a kakav za ženske počinitelje nasilja u obitelji tema je ovog rada. Usporedba programa provedena je prema komponentama: korisnici programa, filozofija programa, tretmanski ugovor, organizacija priručnika, trajanje programa i pojedinog susreta, plan programa, struktura susreta, tip grupe, metode i tehnike rada, radni materijali i zadatci, završetak programa i sigurnost žrtve. Osnovni uvidi proizašli na temelju usporedbe pokazuju da se programi razlikuju s obzirom na teorijska polazišta, ali predviđene teme gotovo da su iste. Istovjetne su i tehnike rada, ali radni materijali i zadatci se značajno razlikuju. Trajanje cjelokupnog programa je u određenoj mjeri slično dok su učestalost i duljina pojedinih susreta jednaki. Sigurnost žrtve je u oba programa nedostatno obrađena. Koliko su programi tretmana nasilja u obitelji uspješni u zaustavljanju istoga ne može se jednoznačno odrediti jer rezultati istraživanja govore o različitim razinama uspješnosti, od vrlo niskih do značajnih.The initial response to domestic violence was to inprison the perpetrators and provide assistance to the victims. However, over time we have realised that if we want to stop and prevent violence it is necessary to help not only the victim but also the perpetrator. This is by implementing psychosocial treatment programs for perpetrators of domestic violence. The first treatment work was intended for men because they were considered the main and sole perpetrators of violence, whereas today there is an increasing amount of women being treated for violence which challenges the theoretical and practical work of the treatment. Because of this, a comparison of treatment programs for perpetrators of domestic violence by gender was intended to give an insight into the existing practice and theoretical knowledge related to the subject matter. When it comes to the causes of violence the perpetrators of both sexes mentioned that they experienced violence by their own parents. Specifically for male perpetrators it is apparent that socialization in terms of patriarchy and women's violence is an act of self-defense or revenge for what they endured. Also, in both population groups,there are personality disorders. From the difference in personalities, different therapeutic needs arise. To be better able to meet these needs different treatment programs have been created. This paper discusses the treatment programs for male perpetrators and for female perpetrators of domestic violence. To be able to compare the programs, several components were included: users of the program, the philosophy of the program, a treatment contract, organization manual, the duration of the program and individual meetings, plan of the programs, the structure of the meeting, group types, methods and techniques, working materials and tasks, the completion of the program and the safety of victims. Basic insights derived based on comparisons show that the programs differ with respect to theoretical assumptions, but the anticipated topics are almost the same. The work techniques are the same but the materials used and tasks differ significantly. The duration of the entire program is to some extent similar, while the frequency and length of individual meetings are equal. The safety of the victims in both programs is insufficiently investigated. Whether or not treatment programs against violence are successful in stopping the same can not be determined because the results of the research give different levels of success, from very low to significant

    Utjecaj visine košnje i zrelosti usjeva kukuruza za siliranje na kemijski sastav kukuruzne silaže i kvalitetu fermentacije u silosu

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    Maize silage (MS) has become one of the major energy components in ruminant nutrition. The maize crop is suitable for ensiling and is of high dry matter (DM) yield and nutritive value. The aim of this review is to provide a comprehensive overview of the effect of cutting height and maize crop maturity at harvest on the chemical composition of MS and fermentation quality in a silo. With an increase in cutting height and maize crop maturity, the content of dry matter (DM) in MS increases to about 400 g DM/kg of fresh crop, after which it does not change, crude protein (CP) CP content increases or remains the same, the ash content decreases or remains the same, starch content increases, and the content of neutral detergent fibre (NDF), acid detergent fibre (ADF) and acid detergent lignin (ADL) decreases or remains the same. The cutting height and maize crop maturity at harvest have no effect on pH value, lactic, acetic neither butyric acid but increases the amount of ethanol and decreases the ammonium nitrogen (NH3-N) in MS.Kukuruzna silaža (KS) je jedna od glavnih energetskih komponenti obroka u hranidbi preživača. Usjev kukuruza je pogodan za siliranje i ima visoki prinos suhe tvari (ST) po jedinici površine i visoku hranidbenu vrijednost. Primijenjena tehnologija siliranja usjeva kukuruza može utjecati na hranidbenu vrijednost KS. Cilj ovog preglednog rada je prikazati rezultate ranijih istraživanja utjecaja visine košnje i zrelosti usjeva kukuruza za siliranje na kemijski sastav KS i kvalitetu fermentacije u silosu. S povećanjem visine košnje i zrelosti usjeva kukuruza za siliranje, sadržaj ST u KS raste do oko 400 g ST/kg svježeg usjeva, nakon čega se ne mijenja, sadržaj sirovih proteina (SP) raste ili ostaje isti, sadržaj pepela se smanjuje ili ostaje isti, sadržaj škroba raste, a sadržaj neutralnih detergent vlakana (NDV), kiselih detergent vlakana (KDV) i kiselog detergent lignina (KDL) se smanjuje ili ostaje isti. Visina košnje i zrelost usjeva kukuruza za siliranje ne utječu na pH vrijednost, sadržaj mliječne, octene i maslačne kiseline, ali povećavaju sadržaj etanola i smanjuju sadržaj amonijskog dušika (NH3-N) u KS

    Can Video-Games Enhance Cognitive Ability?

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    Kognitivni treninzi predstavljaju intervenciju osmišljenu za unapređenje različitih aspekata kognitivnog funkcioniranja. Najučinkovitiji oblik treninga predstavljaju tzv. multimodalni treninzi, koji uključuju aktivnost više kognitivnih procesa i dovode do boljeg transfera stečenih vještina u svakodnevni život. Literatura sugerira kako se u različitoj populaciji videoigre, najpoznatiji primjer multimodalnoga treninga, mogu rabiti za unapređenje kognitivnih funkcija. S obzirom je na njihovu veliku popularnost cilj ovoga preglednog rada prikazati kognitivne mehanizme koji videoigre čine optimalnim medijem za kognitivno osnaživanje te učinke igranja različitih vrsta videoigara na kognitivne funkcije. Konkretno, u radu su prikazana različita teorijska objašnjenja učinkovitosti videoigara, mehanizmi učenja i transfera stečenih vještina. Osim toga, rad je usmjeren na tri najčešće korištene vrste videoigara u kognitivnim treninzima: ozbiljne igre, igre mentalnog treninga i komercijalne igre. Pritom se razmatra njihova učinkovitost kod različitih dobnih skupina i neuropsiholoških bolesnika. Zbog velike raznolikosti komercijalnih igara dan je prikaz dosadašnjih nalaza učinkovitosti različitih žanrova komercijalnih igara u kognitivnom osnaživanju. U posljednjem su dijelu rada dane preporuke istraživačima za daljnje provjere učinkovitosti videoigara kao oblika kognitivnog treninga.Cognitive training is an intervention aimed at promoting various aspects of cognitive functioning. The most effective programs include the so-called multimodal training, i.e. interventions which include the activity of several cognitive processes and lead to far transfer of training-induced skills to everyday life. Video games represent a well-established example of multimodal training, leading to cognitive empowerment in various populations. Given the popularity of video games, this review aims to present: i) cognitive mechanisms required for gaming which turn video games into an optimal platform for cognitive empowerment and ii) cognitive effects of playing various types of video-games. More specifically, we review the theory behind the efficacy of video games, learning mechanisms promoted by gaming, and mechanisms of transfer. Also, we focus on the three most commonly used video games in cognitive training: serious games, brain training and commercial games, considering their effects in different age groups and neuropsychological patients. Due to the variety of commercial games, the research findings are presented via different genres of commercial games and their effects on cognitive functioning. In the last part of the paper, we give recommendations for future video game research as a form of cognitive training

    Utjecaj polimorfizama gena FASN i DGAT1 na sastav masnih kiselina u kolostrumu i mlijeka krava Charolais pasmine te prirast njihove teladi

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    Fatty acid composition of milk has become an important trait in dairy production, but there has not been a large amount of research on milk fat composition in beef cows. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of polymorphisms in the fatty acid synthase (FASN) and acyl-CoA diacylglycerol acyltransferase (DGAT1) gene on milk and colostrum fatty acid composition, and their direct (calf) and indirect (cow/mother) relationships with calf birth weight and weight gain over 14 days. Eight Charolais cows and eight calves were genotyped using the PCR-RFLP method. The cows’ milk and colostrum fatty acid profiles and their calves’ weight at birth and 14 day weight gain were analysed. In the colostrum, cows with DGAT1 genotype KA had a significantly higher content of C4:0 and lower C10:0, and with FASN diplotype TW/AR a tendency for higher C14:0 and C16:0 colostrum FA content. In the milk, Charolais cows with diplotype TW/AR tended to have higher C14:1, C16:0 and C16:1, but lower C18:0 content. At the same time, no associations were found between DGAT1 genotypes and the fatty acid composition of milk. There were also no significant associations found between the studied SNPs and the calf’s birth weight and weight gain over 14 days, although calves with DGAT1 KA genotype tended to have higher birth weight.Za razliku od mliječne industrije u kojoj je masnokislinski sastav mlijeka postao važno obilježje, u mesnih krava nema mnogo istraživanja o njegovom sastavu. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procijeniti učinke polimorfizama sintaze masnih kiselina (FASN) i acylCoA diacilglicerol aciltransferaze (DGAT1) na sastav masnih kiselina mlijeka i kolostruma te njihov izravnan (tele) i neizravan (krava/majka) utjecaj na tjelesnu masa teladi pri porođaju i prirast u prvih 14 dana. Metodom PCR-RFLP genotipizirano je ukupno 16 goveda Charolais pasmine (8 krava i 8 teladi). Analiziran je masnokiselinski sastav mlijeka i kolostruma te porođajna masa teladi i prirast u prvih 14 dana. Krave DGAT1 genotipa KA imale su znakovito veći udio C4:0 i niži C10:0, a krave FASN diplotipa TW/AR imale su tendenciju većeg udjela C14:0 i C16:0 u kolostrumu. U mlijeku, krave s diplotipom TW/AR imale su tendenciju za većim udjelom C14:1, C16:0 i C16:1, te nižim udjelom C18:0. Između genotipova DGAT1 i sastava masnih kiselina mlijeka nije pronađena povezanost. S obzirom na porođajnu masu i prirast u prvih 14 dana, jedina pronađena povezanost bila je u teladi s genotipom DGAT1 KA koja su imala tendenciju veće porođajne mase

    Prediction of forage ad libitum intake and in vivo digestibility by near infrared spectroscopy

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    Cilj ovog rada je prikazati stanje spektroskopije u bliskom infracrvenom području (NIR spektroskopije) kao tehnologije za procjenu ad libitum konzumacije suhe tvari (ST) i organske tvari (OT) te in vivo probavljivosti ST, OT i OT u ST (Dvrijednosti) voluminozne krme. U usporedbi s provedbom skupih, radno zahtjevnih i dugotrajnih bioloških istraživanja radi utvrđivanja ad libitum konzumacije i in vivo probavljivosti voluminozne krme, NIR spektroskopija je brza, fizikalna, nedestruktivna, multianalitička i eklološki prihvatljiva metoda koja može dati precizne i točne rezultate uz minimalnu ili nikakvu pripremu uzoraka. Biološki se parametri teže procjenjuju NIR spektroskopijom u odnosu na kemijske parametre voluminozne krme radi varijacija između životinja, a posljedično pogrešaka u procjeni reakcija životinja na određenu hranidbu i hranu te činjenice da se niti jedan biološki parametar ne može utvrditi u kemijskom laboratoriju s visokom razinom točnosti. Prikazani kalibracijski modeli su prihvatljive razine pouzdanosti procjene ad libitum konzumacije i in vivo probavljivosti voluminozne krme prema utvrđenim koeficijentima determinacije (R2) (0,7-0,9 i 0,47-0,98 slijedom), standardnim greškama kalibracije (SEC) (4,28-6,89 i 0,01-1,69 slijedom), standardnim greškama unakrsne validacije (SECV) (4,53-7,92 i 0,02-2,15 slijedom) te standardnim greškama procjene (SEP) (5,42-9,59 i 0,026-5,7 slijedom). Ovo istraživanje potvrđuje potencijal NIR spektroskopije za procjenu ad libitum konzumacije ST i OT voluminozne krme i in vivo probavljivosti ST, OT i D-vrijednosti voluminozne krme.The objective of this paper is to present the potential of near-infrared spectroscopy (NIR spectroscopy) as a technology for predicting ad libitum intake of dry matter (DM) and organic matter (OM) as well as in vivo digestibility of DM, OM and OM in DM (D-value) in forage. Compared to the expensive, labor-intensive and time-consuming biological research methods for determining forage ad libitum intake and in vivo digestibility, NIR spectroscopy is a fast, physical, non-destructive, multianalytic and ecologically acceptable method that can provide precise and accurate results with minimal or no sample preparation. Forage biological parameters are more difficult to predict by NIR spectroscopy than chemical parameters due to variations among animals, consequent errors in animal reactions to certain feeds and food and the fact that no biological parameter can be determined in a chemical laboratory with high accuracy level. The calibration models presented are at acceptable levels of reliability for the prediction of forage ad libitum intake and in vivo digestibility according to the determined coefficients of determination (R2) (0.7-0.9 and 0.47-0.98 respectively), standard errors of calibration (SEC) (4.28-6.89 and 0.01-1.69, respectively), standard errors of cross-validation (SECV) (4.53-7.92 and 0.02-2.15, respectively) and standard errors of prediction (SEP) (5.42-9.59 and 0.026-5.7, respectively). This study confirms the high potential of NIR spectroscopy to predict the ad libitum intake of DM and OM and the in vivo digestibility of DM, OM and D-values in forage

    Muscle Loss in Elderly

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    Aging is associated with loss of skeletal muscle mass, strength and endurance. The aim of this study was to determinate age related changes in human muscles with different function and location in the body (vastus lateralis muscle and intercostal internus muscle). Our results suggest that age related muscle atrophy affect both human skeletal muscles. Also, the results showed the increase in percentage of muscle fibers with high oxidative activity during aging

    Effect of Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment on Myogenic Transcriptional Factors in Regenerating Rat Masseter Muscle

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    Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) treatment was shown to be beneficial as an additional treatment for ischemic muscles in crush injuries and ischemia-reperfusion injuries. The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of hyperbaric oxygen treatment on transcriptional myogenic factors during muscle regeneration. Those factors (MyoD, myf5, myogenin, mrf4) are essential for determination and differentiation of skeletal muscle tissue and together with several other factors control gene expression during myogenesis. The process of regeneration in rat masseter muscle was provoked with injection of local anesthetic bupivacaine hydrochloride. Following injection, the animals were treated once daily in hyperbaric chamber from one to ten days and than sacrificed. Immunohistochemical and Western blot analysis of frozen masseter muscle samples showed a transient upregulation of myoD and myogenin transcriptional factors in the muscles of hyperbaric oxygen treated rats and of rats that have not been treated after the injury. HBO treatment had no effect on the expression of MyoD and myogenin transcriptional factors in the regenerating rat masseter muscle

    Predictors of training efficacy during n-back training

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    Numerous studies have investigated the efficacy of various cognitive trainings, with working memory being the most often trained cognitive aspect. In this regard, executive aspects of working memory have received the most attention, with updating training being vastly explored. In this study, we aimed to examine the differential contribution of some individual characteristics to the efficacy of updating training using a well-established n-back training paradigm. More specifically, we examined the contribution of fluid reasoning (gf), and personality (neuroticism, conscientiousness) to training efficacy. Participants (N = 47) took part in a 15-session, dual n-back training, spread over 4 weeks. They were pretested for fluid reasoning (CFT-3), personality (IPIP-100), and performed the initial testing on the OSPAN task. OSPAN was measured in three additional measurement points (after 5th, 10th, 15th session). The data was analyzed within the multilevel modeling approach. Initial hypotheses were partly confirmed, in that: 1) training was efficient in terms of OSPAN score, which grew linearly over time and the trajectory was similar between participants, 2) although the growth was similar for all participants, differences were found in intercepts, and 3) these differences could be partly explained by differences in fluid reasoning, but not with personality traits of conscientiousness and neuroticism


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    In this study, near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) was used to predict the contents of essential macro- and microelements in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) accessions of most widespread Croatian landraces. Total of 175 samples were used for the model development by modified partial least square (MPLS), principal component regression (PCR) and partial least square (PLS) techniques. Based on the coefficients of determination (R2), standard error of calibration (SEC) and error of prediction (SEP) the models developed were (i) nearly applicable for nitrogen (N) (0.89, 0.12 and 0.45 respectively), (ii) poor for iron (Fe), cinc (Zn), potassium oxide (K2O) and potassium (K), (iii) usable for phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5), phosphorus (P), phytic acid (PA) and manganese (Mn). The MPLS regression statistics suggested the most accurate models developed comparing with PLS and PCR. It was concluded that a wider set of common bean samples needs to be used for macro- and microelements prediction by NIRS.U ovome je istraživanju korištena spektroskopija u bliskome infracrvenom području (NIRS) za procjenu količine esencijalnih makro- i mikroelemenata u uzorcima najčešće uzgajanih kultivara graha (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) u Republici Hrvatskoj. Ukupno 175 uzoraka graha korišteno je za razvoj kalibracije uporabom modificirane metode najmanjih kvadrata (MPLS), metode regresije osnovne komponente (PCR) i metode najmanjih kvadrata (PLS). S obzirom na koeficijent korelacije (R2), standardnu grešku kalibracije (SEC) i standardnu grešku procjene (SEP), razvijeni kalibracijski modeli su (i) gotovo primjenjivi za procjenu dušika (N) (0,89; 0,12 i 0,45), (ii) slabo primjenjivi za procjenu željeza (Fe), cinka (Zn), kalijevog oksida (K2O) i kalija (K) te (iii) upotrebljivi za fosfor pentoksid (P2O5), fosfor (P), fitinsku kiselinu (PA) i mangan (Mn). Najpouzdaniji kalibracijski modeli razvijeni su korištenjem regresijskoga modela MPLS u usporedbi s kalibracijskim modelima dobivenim korištenjem PLS-a i modelima PCR-a. Zaključeno je da je za procjenu makro- i mikroelemenata spektroskopijom u bliskome infracrvenom području (NIRS) potrebno prikupiti veći broj uzoraka graha širih varijacija istraživanih makro- i mikroelemenata