713 research outputs found

    Occupational Polarization on Brazilian Labor Market, 1985-2015

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    The objective of this paper is to analyze employment and wages in occupational structure of Brazilian labor market considering the gender gap as well The analysis is based on information from 1985 to 2015 and estimates from income equations Results showed that occupational polarization was more evident for women during the three analyzed decades as these women broadened their participation on labor market regarding occupations that were more abstract and manual non-routine as professionals and technicians in the first group and domestic services in the second group On the other hand men suffered deep transformations in occupational structure regarding manual and routine activities from agricultural activities to production and operational ones It was verified a reduction in inequality in wage distribution with the increase of average wages although occupations that broadened the demand for labor had relative increase in wages which suggests polarization in women s paymen


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    When the principal responsible for the family loses his or her job, it is hoped that, in attempting to maintain the level of family income, another member of the family will become part of the workforce; when this occurs, it has an added worker effect. Thus, the objective of this work is to test the hypothesis of the presence of the additional worker effect for the wife when confronting the unemployment of the head of the family in Brazil. Therefore, we used continuous Pnad information from 2012 to 2017 and variations in the specifications of models’ logit for the wife’s transitions into the job market. It was found that the loss of the job of the head of household has a strong effect on the labour supply of the spouse, mainly in the transition from inactivity to unemployment. It was also found that, in addition to the unemployment of the head of the family, there are other factors that explain the transitions of the spouse in the labour market, particularly when small children are present in households. These factors indicated that the lower the age of these children is, the lower the likelihood of wives participating in the labour market

    Os empregados da agricultura brasileira: diferenciais e determinantes salariais

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    This work studies the wage differentials and determinants of the employees in Brazilian agriculture, in period 1981-2005, on the basis of the information of the National Research for Sample of Domiciles of the IBGE. The methodology of Heckman is used to correct bias of selection, common in wage equations gotten by Least Ordinary Square, besides the decomposition of Oaxaca-Blinder, to analyze the wage differentials between 1981 and 2005. Between wage determinants, had been analyzed: education, experience, region, weekly working time and formal work, besides some macroeconomic determinants. The results of the work suggest a reduction of the wage differentials, mainly in the end of the studied period, and that the variable education, age and formal work had contributed to reduce the wage differentials between 1981 and 2005; and on the other hand, the variable geographic region and weekly working time, had contributed to increase them. Moreover, the macroeconomic variables included in the analysis were statistical significant in the explanation of the agricultural differentials.wages, Heckman, decomposition of Oaxaca., Agribusiness, J31, J43,

    Impact of the Bolsa Familia Program on Children and Adolescents Educational Level

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    This study aims to analyze the impacts of the Programa Bolsa Fam lia PBF on educational indicators for Brazilian children and adolescents aged six to seventeen The methodology used to investigate the impacts of the PBF was the Propensity Score Matching method according to data from the 2019 National Continuous Household Sample Survey The results of the impact of the PBF indicated that beneficiaries are more likely to attend school and less likely to fall behind in school and drop out It was also possible to observe that the program shows a greater impact on the older-age group boys non-whites and students from rural areas in relation to school attendance and dropout Regarding the results of the impact on school delay they are also higher for the older-age group especially for girls in the Central-West and Northeast regions and in the rural area Thus there is confirmation of the hypothesis that the PBF has impacts on educational indicators improving the performance of its beneficiaries The contribution is the analysis of the impact of the current PBF after sixteen years of its implementation the results of the work suggest the relevance of the cash transfer program as in the absence of the PBF school evasion and delay would be at levels even bigge

    Validação do Inventário de Ideação Delirante (PDI-21) para a População Portuguesa

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    Introdução: As abordagens dimensionais equacionam os delírios como situando-se num continuum com as crenças diárias, não estando circunscritos apenas à população clínica e podendo também ser encontrados na população geral. Devido à conceptualização multifacetada dos delírios, a análise das dimensões de desconforto, preocupação e convicção podem ser mais reveladoras do que o conteúdo da crença por si só, pelo que uma avaliação que incorpore estas dimensões é fundamental. Uma revisão de estudos mostrou uma lacuna de instrumentos para avaliar a ideação delirante na população geral, não existindo, no nosso conhecimento, nenhuma versão para a população portuguesa. Objetivos: Tradução, adaptação e estudo das propriedades psicométricas do Inventário de Ideação Delirante (PDI-21) para a população Portuguesa, com o intuito de avaliar a multidimensionalidade da ideação delirante na comunidade. Metodologia: A amostra é constituída por 249 adultos da população geral, com idades compreendidas entre 18 e 65 anos. Além do PDI-21, foi utilizado o Inventário de Sintomas Psicopatológicos (BSI), a subescala de Desejabilidade Social (DS) do Inventário de Personalidade de Eysenck – Forma Revista (EPQ-R) e o Instrumento de Avaliação da Qualidade de Vida da Organização Mundial de Saúde (WHOQOL-Bref). Resultados: A versão portuguesa do PDI-21 apresentou propriedades psicométricas adequadas no que respeita à sua consistência interna e estabilidade temporal. Demonstrou correlações positivas significativas com os sintomas psicopatológicos e associações negativas com a desejabilidade social e com a qualidade de vida, confirmando a sua validade convergente e divergente. A análise fatorial exploratória sugeriu a escala dicotómica do PDI ser constituída por um único fator. Por último, a análise da frequência de ideias delirantes (respostas positivas) para o total da amostra e em função do género revelou taxas de prevalência muito semelhantes às encontradas em estudos prévios. Discussão: A versão portuguesa do PDI-21 é caracterizada por propriedades psicométricas adequadas, podendo ser utilizada para avaliar a ideação delirante na população geral. Estudos futuros são necessários no sentido de replicar este estudo em populações mais jovens, bem como, comparar os resultados com uma amostra clínica. / Introduction: The dimensional approaches equate the delusions as placing themselves in a continuum with the daily beliefs, not being limited to the clinical population and it can also be found in the general population. Due to the delusions multifaceted conceptualization, the analysis of the dimensions of distress, preoccupation and conviction may be more revealing than the content of the belief by itself, whereby an evaluation that incorporates these dimensions is fundamental. A revision of studies has shown a gap of instruments to assess delusional ideation in the general population, not existing to our knowledge any version for the portuguese population. Objective: Translation, adaptation and study of the psychometric properties of the PDI-21 for the portuguese population, with the aim of assessing the multidimensionality of the delusional ideation in the community. Methods: The sample consists of 249 adults from the general population, with ages between 18 and 65 years. Beyond the PDI-21, the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI), the Social Desirability (SD) scale of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ-R) and the World Health Organization Quality of Life – Bref (WHOQOL-Bref) were also used. Results: The portuguese version of the PDI-21 has shown good psychometric properties regarding its internal consistency and temporal stability. It demonstrated significant positive correlations with the psychopathological symptoms and negative associations with social desirability and with the quality of life, confirming its divergent and convergent validity. The exploratory factor analysis suggested the dichotomous scale of the PDI be constituted by one only factor. Lastly, the analysis of the frequency of delusional ideas (positive responses) for the total of the sample and on the basis of gender has revealed prevalence rates very similar to the ones found in previous studies. Discussion: The portuguese version of the PDI-21 is characterized by adequate psychometric properties, it can be used to assess the delusional ideation in the general population. Future studies are necessary in an effort to replicate this study in younger populations, as well as, compare results with a clinical sample

    A sexualidade nos idosos. Contributo para a avaliação das atitudes face à sexualidade nos idosos e a sua relação com a religião e nível cognitivo

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    O presente estudo teve como objectivo principal conhecer melhor aspectos relacionados com a sexualidade na 3ª idade. A escala utilizada foi construída por nós, tornando-se num elemento chave para esta pesquisa. A escala de atitudes face à sexualidade no idoso foi relacionada com algumas características sociodemográficas: género, idade, estado civil, escolaridade e religião. Da análise realizada ressaltam evidências de uma atitude conservadora face às questões da sexualidade na 3ª idade. Através de uma amostra de 120 idosos com idades compreendidas entre os 60 e os 97 anos de idade, constatámos que os homens e as mulheres distinguem-se significativamente no que respeita às atitudes face à sexualidade, exibindo os homens uma atitude global mais positiva e liberal (M = 25.82). Os resultados evidenciaram um efeito significativo da variável escolaridade sobre o nível cognitivo, revelando que quanto maior a escolaridade do idoso na nossa amostra, maior é o nível cognitivo. Relativamente ao estado civil, os casados revelaram uma atitude global mais positiva perante a sua sexualidade (M = 31.98) comparativamente aos viúvos (M = 27.26) e aos divorciados (M = 23.67). A religião apenas se mostrou associada com a escala de atitudes face ao cristianismo, evidenciando aqueles que são praticantes, uma atitude mais positiva em relação ao cristianismo. Na nossa amostra, também podémos constatar que quanto maior é o nível cognitivo, mais positiva é a atitude face à sexualidade. Com base nos pontos de corte do MMSE verificou-se que 75% dos idosos da nossa amostra não apresentava qualquer défice cognitivo. Comparados os grupos, sem e com défice cognitivo, constatou-se que o grupo de idosos sem défice cognitivo exibe uma atitude mais positiva face à sexualidade que o grupo com défice cognitivo. Pretendemos que de alguma forma este estudo contribua para dar a conhecer as atitudes dos idosos face à sua sexualidade bem como esperamos que os nossos resultados permitam uma reflexão sobre possíveis estratégias de intervenção no sentido de promover uma sexualidade bem vivida por esta faixa etária. / The present study aimed to better understand the main aspects related to sexuality in the 3rd age. The scale used was built by us, becoming a key element in this research. The scale of attitudes towards sexuality in the elderly was related to sociodemographic characteristics: gender, age, marital status, education and religion. From the analysis point out evidence of a conservative approach in relation to issues of sexuality in the 3rd age. Using a sample of 120 elderly aged 60 and 97 years old, found that men and women differ significantly with regard to attitudes towards sexuality, men showing a more positive overall attitude and liberal (M = 25.82). The results showed a significant effect on the education variable cognitive level, revealing that the higher the education of the elderly in our sample, the higher the cognitive level. With regard to marital status, married people showed a more positive overall attitude towards their sexuality (M = 31.98) compared to widowed (M = 27.26) and divorced (M = 23.67). The only religion was associated with the scale of attitudes to Christianity, showing those who are practitioners, a more positive attitude toward Christianity. In our sample, we can also see that the higher the cognitive level, the more positive attitude towards sexuality. Based on the MMSE cutoffs found that 75% of older people in our sample did not show any cognitive deficit. Comparing the groups with and without cognitive impairment, it was found that the group of elderly people without cognitive impairment display a more positive attitude towards sexuality that the group with cognitive impairment. We intend that somehow this study contributes to publicize the attitudes of the elderly compared to their sexuality and we expect our results allow a discussion on possible intervention strategies to promote a sexuality lived well by this age group

    The impact of postponing motherhood on women's income in Brazil

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    Este artigo investiga o impacto do adiamento da maternidade nos rendimentos das mulheres e na diferença de rendimento entre homens e mulheres no mercado de trabalho brasileiro, com base em dados da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde de 2013. Usando a abordagem Heckman (1979), os resultados sugeremque o adiamento da maternidade tem um impacto anual positivo de 1,55% sobre os rendimentos. Ao comparar homens e mulheres, os resultados sugerem que ser mulher gera uma penalidade de cerca de 22% nos rendimentos, mas o adiamento da maternidade pode eliminar essa diferença de gênero, principalmente para as mulheres brancas, amarelas e com ensino superior.This paper investigates the impact of the postponement of motherhood on women’s earnings and gender gap in Brazilian labor market, based on data from Brazilian National Health Survey of 2013. Using the Heckman (1979) approach, the results suggest that postponing motherhood has a positive impact of 1.55% on earnings each year of postponement. By comparing men and women, the results suggest that being a woman generates a wage penalty of approximately 22%, but the postponing of motherhood can eliminate that gender gap, especially for those who are white, yellow, and higher educated

    O Modelo Integrativo Change & Grow: evolução de sintomas emocionais e comportamentais na perturbação da adição

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    Introdução: A dependência é considerada um fenómeno complexo, inserido num contexto de igual complexidade, dada a quantidade de variáveis que nele interfere, e ao mesmo tempo, por ele influenciadas. O tratamento desta perturbação deve ser planeado tendo em consideração a singularidade e necessidades de cada paciente, não se focando apenas no tipo de substância ou problema e centrando-se efetivamente nas pessoas e na relação que estas estabelecem com o agente causador da dependência. Objetivo: O presente estudo procura avaliar e analisar a evolução de determinadas variáveis como sintomas psicopatológicos (e.g. depressão, ansiedade e stress), processos psicológicos/regulação emocional (e.g., auto compaixão e a inflexibilidade psicológica), experiências precoces na infância (memórias de calor e segurança na interação com os pais) e estados emocionais (e.g., vergonha externa e interna, autoestima, afeto positivo e afeto negativo), de pacientes em várias fases do tratamento, com diagnóstico de perturbações relacionadas com o uso de substâncias e perturbações com outras adições, perturbações de personalidade e problemas emocionais e comportamentais, que se encontram em regime de internamento em Comunidade Terapêutica. Método: A amostra do nosso estudo longitudinal foi constituída por 32 pacientes, com idades compreendidas entre os 15 e 55 anos, de ambos os sexos, em tratamento. Os pacientes preencheram uma folha de dados sociodemográficos e questionários fidedignos em dois momentos distintos, com um intervalo de cinco meses, para avaliar sintomas de psicopatologia (Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scales -DASS-21), vivências de vergonha (Internalized Shame Scale – ISS; Other as Shamer-Brief - OAS2), a inflexibilidade psicológica (Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II -AAQ-II), a auto compaixão (Self – compassion Scale - SELFCS), afeto positivo e afeto negativo (Positive and Negative Affect Schedule –PANAS), e as memórias precoces de calor e segurança (Early Memories of Warmth and Safeness Scale - EMWS). Resultados: Os resultados obtidos indicam que, à exceção das memórias precoces de calor e segurança, houve diferenças significativas em todos os valores reportados pelos pacientes nos dois momentos. Verificou-se uma redução significativa a nível dos sintomas psicopatológicos. Relativamente aos processos de regulação emocional, verificou-se um aumento da auto compaixão e uma diminuição da inflexibilidade psicológica. Por último, verificou-se ainda uma diminuição dos estados emocionais como a vergonha externa e interna, bem como do afeto negativo, verificando-se, simultaneamente, um aumento da autoestima e do afeto positivo, após cinco meses de intervenção Conclusão: O presente estudo tem um papel inovador por abordar e dar a conhecer a intervenção com o Modelo Terapêutico Change & Grow, indicando os seus resultados efeitos promissores ao nível da mudança terapêutica. Realçamos as implicações clínicas dos resultados obtidos. O tratamento através do Modelo Terapêutico Change & Grow, por se tratar de um modelo integrativo de várias correntes da psicologia, e por conseguinte holístico, não se foca somente na abstinência de substâncias ou na diminuição da sintomatologia, mas procura promover o desenvolvimento pessoal, o crescimento interior e a mudança através da valorização pessoal, transformando estilos de vida em trajetórias individuais mais funcionais, adaptativas e equilibradas, em suma mais saudáveis. / Introduction: Addiction is considered a complex phenomenon, set within a framework of equal complexity, given the amount of variables which interfere with it, and at the same time, are influenced by it. The treatment for this disorder should be designed taking into account the uniqueness and needs of each patient, not just focusing on the type of substance or problem, but effectively targeting the people and the relationship they establish with the agent that causes the addiction. Objective: This study seeks to assess and analyse the evolution of certain variables such as psychopathological symptoms (e.g., depression, anxiety and stress), psychological processes / emotional regulation (e.g., self-compassion and psychological inflexibility), early childhood experiences (memories of warmth and safeness when interacting with parents) and emotional states (e.g., external and internal shame, self-esteem, positive affect and negative affect), on patients at various treatment stages, diagnosed with disorders related to substance use and disorders with other addictions, personality disorders and emotional and behavioural problems, who are in-patient therapeutic community. Method: The sample of our longitudinal study consisted of 32 patients, aged between 15 and 55 years, of both sexes, in treatment. Patients filled in a sociodemographic data sheet and reliable questionnaires at two distinct moments, with an interval of five months to evaluate symptoms of psychopathology (Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scales -DASS-21), shame experiences (Internalized Shame Scale – ISS; Other as Shamer-Brief - OAS2), psychological inflexibility (Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II -AAQ-II), self-compassion (Self – compassion Scale - SELFCS), positive affect and negative affect (Positive and Negative Affect Schedule -PANAS), and early memories of warmth and safeness (Early Memories of Warmth and Safeness Scale - EMWS). Results: The results indicate that, except for the early memories of warmth and safeness, there were significant differences in all the figures reported by patients at the two moments. Psychological symptoms were significantly reduced. As far as the emotional regulation processes were concerned, self-compassion increased and psychological inflexibility decreased. Finally, there was also a decline in emotional states such as external and internal shame, as well as the negative affect, being simultaneously verified an increased self-esteem and positive affect, after five months of intervention. Conclusion: This study is groundbreaking as it addresses and raises awareness to the intervention with the Therapeutic Model Change & Grow, whose results show promising effects on the therapeutic change. We highlight the clinical implications of the results. The Therapeutic Model Change & Grow treatment, since it is an integrative model of several psychology trends, and therefore holistic, does not focus only on the abstinence from substances or the decrease of symptoms, but seeks to promote personal development, inner growth and change through personal enrichment, by modifying lifestyles into more functional, adaptive and balanced, in short, healthier individual trajectories

    O Princípio do Sacrifício Eqüitativo no Sistema Tributário Brasileiro

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    This article investigates, by means of the model developed for Young (1990), if the direct, indirect and total tributes in Brazil respect the principle of the equal sacrifice. In all the scenes originated in the present analysis, as much the observed indirect tributes how much the total tributes present aliquot higher of the one than the estimates on the low income families, to the step that the aliquot ones observed of such categories of tributes are below of that they would have for the families richest when taken in consideration the principle of the equal sacrifice. This confirmation is valid in such a way for the tax structure current how much for the effective one in middle of the decade of 1970. The results show that the Brazilian tax system does not respect the capacity of payment of the families, fact that contributes for the maintenance of the indices of concentration of income in landings elevatedSacrifício Eqüitativo, Sistema Tributário, Desigualdade de Renda

    Liberalizção comercial e desigualdade salarial na indústria brasileira - 1981-02

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    In This work is presented an empirical analysis of the impacts of the trade liberalization on the Brazilian wage inequality, considering, in special, the different levels of skill (years of schooling), of the workers of the industry. The data include the period 1981-2002 and have as base the information of the PNADs of the IBGE. This work finds evidences of that from the trade opening occurred a reduction of the wage inequality in the industry and of the average real salary. However, such reduction of the wage inequality reveals little expressive. Also a reduction of wage inequality is observed between the educational levels during the period of trade opening. Finally, it is possible verify a relation statistically significant between the reduction of the wage inequality between skilled and unskilled workers and the trade liberalization.Neste trabalho, é apresentada uma análise empírica dos impactos da liberalização comercial sobre a desigualdade salarial brasileira, considerando- -se, em especial, os diferentes níveis de qualificação (anos de escolaridade) dos trabalhadores da indústria de transformação. Os dados abrangem o período 1981-02 e têm como base as informações das PNADs do IBGE. Encontram-se evidências de que, a partir da abertura comercial, ocorreu uma redução da desigualdade salarial na indústria de transformação e no salário real médio. Porém tal redução da desigualdade salarial mostra-se pouco expressiva. Também é observada uma diminuição da desigualdade salarial entre os níveis educacionais, durante o período de abertura comercial. Por fim, é possível verificar-se uma relação estatisticamente significativa entre a redução da desigualdade salarial entre trabalhadores qualificados e menos qualificados e a liberalização comercial. Palavras-chave Liberalização comercial; indústria; desigualdade salarial