43 research outputs found

    Bartonella henselae bacteremia diagnosed post-mortem in a myelodysplastic syndrome patient

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    This study involves a 49-year-old male, who for three years suffered with a myelodysplastic syndrome and who needed frequent blood transfusions. One day following a transfusion, he presented fever and abdominal pain. The fever became persistent and only improved temporarily with two cycles of intravenous ciprofloxacin. Nearly 120 days after beginning the second cycle of treatment, he had experienced a weight loss of 16 kg and recurring fever. Screening for fever of unknown origin was conducted, including Bartonella infection. No etiology could be found. The patient improved with an antimicrobial regimen composed of oral doxycycline and intravenous ciprofloxacin. After 15 days afebrile, the patient was discharged with a four-month oral prescription of doxycycline and ciprofloxacin. Eight months following the antibiotic treatment, the patient received an allogeneic bone marrow transplant. Five days following the transplant, the patient initiated a febrile neutropenia and died. From a blood sample collected and stored at the time of hospitalization, a microbiological and molecular study was performed again. Blood- and liquid culture-PCRs from the same blood sample were all negative, but an isolate from solid subculture was found. The molecular reactions from this isolate were all positive and the sequence was 100% homologous to Bartonella henselae. The present report points to the limitations of laboratory techniques currently available for investigation of possible cases of bartonellosis in clinical practice, and the potential risk of Bartonella spp. transmission through blood transfusions

    Chronic lymphadenopathy caused by a Brazilian strain of Bartonella henselae

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    Bartonella henselae is a relevant causative agent of bartonelloses in humans. We described an immunocompetent patient with clinical manifestation of chronic cervical lymphadenopathy after a cat-scratch in her forearm. This case shows B. henselae infection persistence even after prolonged antibiotic treatment


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    SUMMARY Severe anemia and cholestatic hepatitis are associated with bartonella infections. A putative vertical Bartonella henselae infection was defined on the basis of ultrastructural and molecular analyses in a three-year-old child with anemia, jaundice and hepatosplenomegaly since birth. Physicians should consider bartonellosis in patients with anemia and hepatitis of unknown origin.58

    Two-year history of lymphadenopathy and fever caused by Bartonella henselae in a child

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    We report the case of a 6-year-old boy that presented with enlarged lymph nodes on his neck. He complained of tiredness and discouragement, which worsened during feverish periods. There were no relevant laboratory test abnormalities and serological tests were not reactive. Bartonella henselae DNA was detected by species-specific nested polymerase chain reaction. After treatment, the patient progressed with no fever or lymphadenopathy. Bartonellosis is a group of infectious diseases caused by bacteria of the genus Bartonella. This case report is a useful reminder to clinicians that long-term fever of unknown origin can be related to B. henselae infection, even if the specific serology is not reactive

    Chronic type 2 reaction possibly triggered by an asymptomatic Bartonella henselae infection in a leprosy patient

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    As leprosy and leprosy reactions are the most prevalent infectious cause of physical disability, it is important to commit efforts to better understand these chronic reactions. Infections, even when asymptomatic, can trigger leprosy reactions and Bartonella spp. in turn, can cause chronic infections. We presented a case of a 51-year-old man who was admitted presenting with chronic type 2 leprosy reactions. He had a lepromatous form of leprosy that was histologically diagnosed six months after the onset of signs and symptoms compatible with a chronic type 2 reaction. He reported a history of a previous hepatitis B diagnosis. During a 24-month multidrug therapy (MDT), chronic reactions were partially controlled with prednisone and thalidomide. Thirty-three months following the leprosy treatment, he still experienced chronic reactions, and whole bacilli as well as globi were found on a new skin biopsy. Since coinfections can trigger type 2 reactions and the patient had close contact with animals and ticks, we investigated the presence of a Bartonella sp. infection. Bartonella henselae DNA was detected in a skin fragment obtained before the beginning of the leprosy retreatment. However, even after six months of a second leprosy MDT, he continued to experience type 2 chronic reactions. He was admitted to the hospital to undergo an intravenous antibiotic therapy for 14 days and then complete the treatment per os for ten more weeks. Leprosy reactions improved following the treatment for B. henselae. After completing the MDT treatment, he has been accompanied for sixty months with no signs of leprosy or leprosy reactions. The asymptomatic infection by B. henselaein this patient was considered the putative trigger of chronic leprosy reactions and leprosy relapse

    Bartonella Clarridgeiae Bacteremia Detected In An Asymptomatic Blood Donor.

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    Human exposure to Bartonella clarridgeiae has been reported only on the basis of antibody detection. We report for the first time an asymptomatic human blood donor infected with B. clarridgeiae, as documented by enrichment blood culture, PCR, and DNA sequencing.53352-

    Educação Popular e Universidade: vivências a partir da extensão, pesquisa e ensino

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    Este livro é um apanhado histórico, mas atual. É uma reunião de relatos, textos, reflexões, processos, partilhas, que versam sobre nosso sonho de construir uma educação libertadora, um mundo de liberdade. Ainda há muito que ser construído e o caminho é árduo, não temos dúvida. A verdadeira práxis revolucionária não se nutre de seres apenas caminhantes, mas de seres que se envolvem com o caminhar, que são capazes de mudar, mudando a si mesmos também. Somos indivíduos sociais e pintamos o quadro da vida em múltiplas linguagens. É por isso que este livro também carrega diferentes apostas acadêmico-estético-políticas. Por meio de fotografias, poesias, relatos, ensaios e reflexões teóricas, olhares que abordaram com muito carinho e rigor o universo do PET Educação Popular. Foi escrito por várias mãos que constituíram a trajetória do grupo nas diversidades humanas (relações de sexo/gênero), étnico-raciais (negros, indígenas, imigrantes, nordestinos, pobres em geral) e de classes sociais. Combate-se assim, nas ações concretas, as desigualdades sociais, de sexo/gênero, étnico-racial etc, o patriarcado, machismo, LGBTQIA+fobia, o racismo e o capitalismo, a falta de democracia, de liberdade, que outrora iluminaram a modernidade do Capital.Ministério da Educação (MEC