41 research outputs found

    Pityriasis rosea-like rash after COVID-19 vaccination with Oxford-AstraZeneca: a possible trigger?

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    Scholars around the world have dedicated themselves to developing an effective vaccine against SARS-CoV-2. However, vaccines have produced adverse effects in some patients. We report the case of a 44-year-old man who developed a pruritic papulosquamous rash on the trunk with a characteristic pattern known as Christmas tree after receiving the first dose of the Oxford- AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, similar to pityriasis rosea (PR). He had no previous symptoms of viral infection and tested negative for neutralizing antibodies (enzyme immunoassay) against COVID-19. There are few reports in the literature about the relationship between the onset of cutaneous adverse reactions and the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, therefore, the disseminationof this case is of paramount importance.Scholars around the world have dedicated themselves to developing an effective vaccine against SARS-CoV-2. However, vaccines have produced adverse effects in some patients. We report the case of a 44-year-old man who developed a pruritic papulosquamous rash on the trunk with a characteristic pattern known as Christmas tree after receiving the first dose of the Oxford- AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, similar to pityriasis rosea (PR). He had no previous symptoms of viral infection and tested negative for neutralizing antibodies (enzyme immunoassay) against COVID-19. There are few reports in the literature about the relationship between the onset of cutaneous adverse reactions and the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, therefore, the disseminationof this case is of paramount importance

    Translation and validation of the Simplified Psoriasis Index (SPI) into Brazilian Portuguese

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    Background: The Simplified Psoriasis Index is a tool that assesses the current severity, psychosocial impact, past history and interventions in patients with psoriasis through separate components. Two versions are available, one in which the current severity of the disease is evaluated by the patient themselves and another by the physician. Objectives: Translate the Simplified Psoriasis Index into Brazilian Portuguese and verify its validity. Methods: The study was conducted in two stages; the first stage was the translation of the instrument; the second stage was the instrument's validation. Results: We evaluated 62 patients from Complexo Hospitalar Santa Casa de Porto Alegre and Hospital Universitário de Brasília. The Simplified Psoriasis Index translated into Portuguese showed high internal consistency (Cronbach test 0.68). Study limitations: Some individuals, because of poor education, might not understand some questions of the Simplified Psoriasis Index. Conclusions: The Brazilian Portuguese version of the Simplified Psoriasis Index was validated for our population and can be recommended as a reliable instrument to assess the patients with psoriasis

    Pityriasis rosea-like rash after COVID-19 vaccination with Oxford-AstraZeneca: a possible trigger?

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    Scholars around the world have dedicated themselves to developing an effective vaccine against SARS-CoV-2. However, vaccines have produced adverse effects in some patients. We report the case of a 44-year-old man who developed a pruritic papulosquamous rash on the trunk with a characteristic pattern known as Christmas tree after receiving the first dose of the Oxford- AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, similar to pityriasis rosea (PR). He had no previous symptoms of viral infection and tested negative for neutralizing antibodies (enzyme immunoassay) against COVID-19. There are few reports in the literature about the relationship between the onset of cutaneous adverse reactions and the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, therefore, the disseminationof this case is of paramount importance.Scholars around the world have dedicated themselves to developing an effective vaccine against SARS-CoV-2. However, vaccines have produced adverse effects in some patients. We report the case of a 44-year-old man who developed a pruritic papulosquamous rash on the trunk with a characteristic pattern known as Christmas tree after receiving the first dose of the Oxford- AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, similar to pityriasis rosea (PR). He had no previous symptoms of viral infection and tested negative for neutralizing antibodies (enzyme immunoassay) against COVID-19. There are few reports in the literature about the relationship between the onset of cutaneous adverse reactions and the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, therefore, the disseminationof this case is of paramount importance