93 research outputs found

    Seamanship on Adriatic in the Antique

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    Tema ovog diplomskog rada je, kako i sam naslov sugerira, povijest pomorstva na Jadranu. Plovidba je jedan od bitnih aspekata ljudske povijesti, koja je usmjerila neke narode prema usponu i dominaciji, a neke zatomila u zaborav. Čovjek je od samih početaka imao snažnu potrebu prijeći vodene prepreke, bilo zbog nužde, bilo zbog urođene radoznalosti. Izvori znanja o starovjekovnoj plovidbi Jadranom vrlo su oskudni te ću nastojati, na temelju dostupnih arheoloÅ”kih i hidroarheoloÅ”kih nalaza, antičkih zapisa i umjetničkih prikaza, predstaviti stanje na Jadranu u Starom vijeku

    Seamanship on Adriatic in the Antique

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    Tema ovog diplomskog rada je, kako i sam naslov sugerira, povijest pomorstva na Jadranu. Plovidba je jedan od bitnih aspekata ljudske povijesti, koja je usmjerila neke narode prema usponu i dominaciji, a neke zatomila u zaborav. Čovjek je od samih početaka imao snažnu potrebu prijeći vodene prepreke, bilo zbog nužde, bilo zbog urođene radoznalosti. Izvori znanja o starovjekovnoj plovidbi Jadranom vrlo su oskudni te ću nastojati, na temelju dostupnih arheoloÅ”kih i hidroarheoloÅ”kih nalaza, antičkih zapisa i umjetničkih prikaza, predstaviti stanje na Jadranu u Starom vijeku

    Differences Between Traditional and Modern Technology in the Acquisition of New Ski Knowledge

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    Purpose: Video materials have been used as teaching tools for many years. With the development of modern technology, new video devices have appeared that have greatly improved the quality and capabilities of video materials. This study was conducted with the purpose of investigating and comparing the current traditional and modern ways of recording ski elements. In the traditional way of recording, the cameraman stands on the ski slope and uses a camera to record a demonstration of the ski element of the skier moving toward him. On the other hand, the modern way of recording was made with the Gopro 360 max, which allows you to record video while skiing. Methods: The sample of respondents who evaluated the quality of the traditional and the Gopro 360 max videos for three skiing elements consisted of 149 students (105 male and 44 female) from the Faculty of Kinesiology Osijek. Prior to the video quality assessment test, the performance of the ski elements was explained to the students using traditional and modern video footage. When solving the ski knowledge test, students had the opportunity to watch and use traditional and/or modern videos. Results: The average score that students achieved on the ski knowledge test was 8.9 Ā± 2.48 points (74.16 Ā± 0.21%). When evaluating the quality and contribution of the videos, students rated the usefulness of the traditional method of video recording with an average score of 3.01 Ā± 1.25, while the modern method of video recording received an average usefulness score of 3.79 Ā± 1.07. The difference between the traditional and modern video recording was statistically significant at the p < 0.01 level. Conclusion: The obtained results indicate that the way the Gopro360 max records and presents the skiing elements contributes significantly to the quality of the presentation and the acquisition of specific skiing knowledge compared to the traditional recording method. Keywords: Gopro360 max, ski elements, knowledge tes

    Somatotip najbolje rangiranih odbojkaŔica hrvatske superlige: razlike igračkih uloga

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    The aim of this research is to determine significant differences in somatotype of playing roles among Croatian female volleyball players who compete in the highestranking national competition. The sample of examinees was constituted out of female volleyball players (n=52) from four top-seeded teams that competed in the Croatian Superliga in the 2018/2019 season. The playersā€™ somatotype was assessed based on ten anthropometric measurements for the following playing roles: setter, libero, opposite, receiver and centre. The significance of the differences between the playing roles in anthropometric indicators and somatotype components was determined by using the univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA), whereas the difference between pairs of individual playing roles was established by a series of post hoc Tukey tests. Significant differences were found between playing roles in the variables body height, body weight, humerus breadth diameter, mesomorphs and ectomorphs. It was determined that opposites and centres are taller than receivers, setters and liberos, whereas receivers are taller than liberos. Regarding to body weight, opposites are heavier than setters, liberos and receivers. According to humerus breadth diameter, opposites showed higher values than liberos and setters. In view of individual components of somatotype, liberos have a significantly higher mesomorph component than centres, while centres have a significantly higher ectomorph component than all other playing roles. The average somatotype of all the female volleyball players is endomorphic ectomorph (3.1-2.4-3.6). Setters and receivers belong to the endomorph-ectomorph category (3.0-2.7-3.3, 3.3-2.7-3.5). Liberos pertain to the mesomorph-endomorph category (3.1-3.3 2.7). Opposites fall into the endomorph-ectomorph category (3.4-1.9-3.6), whereas centres are in the endomorphic ectomorph category (3.0-1.6-4.5). The somatotype of some of the elite female Croatian Superliga volleyball players was determined for the first time in this research, which thus expands the global database of anthropometric characteristics for female volleyball players, as well as simultaneously provides valuable data for production and implementation of future training programs and a higher level of quality in the selection of playing roles in Croatia.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrđivanje značajnih razlika u somatotipu igračkih uloga hrvatskih odbojkaÅ”ica koje se natječu u najviÅ”em rangu nacionalnog natjecanja. Uzorak ispitanika formiran je od igračica (n=52) četiri prvoplasirane ekipe koje su se natjecale u sezoni 2018/2019 u hrvatskoj Superligi. Somatotip igračica procijenjen je na temelju deset antropometrijskih mjera za sljedeće igračke uloge: dizač, libero, dijagonala, primač i srednjak. Značajnost razlika između igračkih uloga u antropometrijskim pokazateljima i komponentama somatotipa utvrđena je univarijatnom analizom varijance (ANOVA), dok je razlika između parova pojedinih igračkih uloga utvrđena serijom post hoc Tukey testova. Između igračkih uloga utvrđene značajne razlike u varijablama tjelesna visina, tjelesna težina, dijametru lakta, mesomorfiji i ektomorfiji. Utvrđeno je da su dijagonale i srednjaci viÅ”i od primača, dizača i libera, dok su primači viÅ”i od libera. Obzirom na tjelesnu težinu dijagonale su teže od dizača, libera i primača. Kod dijametra lakta dijagonale su postigle viÅ”e vrijednosti od libera i dizača. U odnosu na pojedine komponente somatotipa, libera imaju značajno veću mezomorfnu komponentu od srednjaka, a srednjaci imaju značajno veću ektomorfnu komponentu od svih ostalih igračkih uloga. Prosječni somatotip svih igračica je endomorfni ektomorf (3.1-2.4-3.6). Dizači i primači pripadaju kategoriji endomorfa-ektomorfa (3.0- 2.7-3.3, 3.3-2.7-3.5). Libera pripadaju kategoriji mezomorf endomorf (3.1-3.3-2.7). Dijagonale pripadaju kategoriji endomorph-ektomorf (3.4-1.9-3.6), a srednjaci kategoriji endomorfni ektomorf (3.0-1.6-4.5). U ovom istraživanju po prvi put je utvrđen somatotip ponajboljih superligaÅ”kih hrvatskih odbojkaÅ”ica čime se proÅ”iruje svjetska baza podataka antropometrijskih karakteristika odbojkaÅ”ica, a istovremeno osigurava vrijedne podatke za implementaciju i kreiranje budućih trenažnih programa, te kvalitetniju selekciju igračkih uloga u Hrvatskoj

    Analysis of Senior Population Visits to Physical Medicine in Croatia

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    The aim of the study was to analyze the senior population when deciding to choose either going to the private or public physical medicine practice in Croatia. 240 patients (public and private group, 120 participants each) from the Croatian medium large county Primorjeā€“Gorski kotar, were enrolled from 6 physical medicine practices (3 public and 3 private). Between December 1st 2009 and January 31st 2010, in the public and private practices seniors aged 65 to 85 years were 64.17%, 52.40% respectively, of all interviewed participants in single group. The results showed that in Croatia majority of seniors visiting the physical medicine were females in revisit and dependents of government health insurance. Study suggested the great influence of: general practitioner, closeness to home and time of the appointment for patients going to public physical medicine, while in private peers and sooner appointment outweigh. In either practice seniors were satisfied with the overall quality of health services and graded the best average-higher in favor for the private. Elderly Croatian residents showed to be the important feature in physical medicine and rehabilitation and to participate actively in their health issues. Following those results, we will perform the study in the rest of the country and compare it to this data. That could enable the specific improvement for the health care of seniors in Croatia

    Somatotip najbolje rangiranih odbojkaŔica hrvatske superlige: razlike igračkih uloga

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    The aim of this research is to determine significant differences in somatotype of playing roles among Croatian female volleyball players who compete in the highestranking national competition. The sample of examinees was constituted out of female volleyball players (n=52) from four top-seeded teams that competed in the Croatian Superliga in the 2018/2019 season. The playersā€™ somatotype was assessed based on ten anthropometric measurements for the following playing roles: setter, libero, opposite, receiver and centre. The significance of the differences between the playing roles in anthropometric indicators and somatotype components was determined by using the univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA), whereas the difference between pairs of individual playing roles was established by a series of post hoc Tukey tests. Significant differences were found between playing roles in the variables body height, body weight, humerus breadth diameter, mesomorphs and ectomorphs. It was determined that opposites and centres are taller than receivers, setters and liberos, whereas receivers are taller than liberos. Regarding to body weight, opposites are heavier than setters, liberos and receivers. According to humerus breadth diameter, opposites showed higher values than liberos and setters. In view of individual components of somatotype, liberos have a significantly higher mesomorph component than centres, while centres have a significantly higher ectomorph component than all other playing roles. The average somatotype of all the female volleyball players is endomorphic ectomorph (3.1-2.4-3.6). Setters and receivers belong to the endomorph-ectomorph category (3.0-2.7-3.3, 3.3-2.7-3.5). Liberos pertain to the mesomorph-endomorph category (3.1-3.3 2.7). Opposites fall into the endomorph-ectomorph category (3.4-1.9-3.6), whereas centres are in the endomorphic ectomorph category (3.0-1.6-4.5). The somatotype of some of the elite female Croatian Superliga volleyball players was determined for the first time in this research, which thus expands the global database of anthropometric characteristics for female volleyball players, as well as simultaneously provides valuable data for production and implementation of future training programs and a higher level of quality in the selection of playing roles in Croatia.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrđivanje značajnih razlika u somatotipu igračkih uloga hrvatskih odbojkaÅ”ica koje se natječu u najviÅ”em rangu nacionalnog natjecanja. Uzorak ispitanika formiran je od igračica (n=52) četiri prvoplasirane ekipe koje su se natjecale u sezoni 2018/2019 u hrvatskoj Superligi. Somatotip igračica procijenjen je na temelju deset antropometrijskih mjera za sljedeće igračke uloge: dizač, libero, dijagonala, primač i srednjak. Značajnost razlika između igračkih uloga u antropometrijskim pokazateljima i komponentama somatotipa utvrđena je univarijatnom analizom varijance (ANOVA), dok je razlika između parova pojedinih igračkih uloga utvrđena serijom post hoc Tukey testova. Između igračkih uloga utvrđene značajne razlike u varijablama tjelesna visina, tjelesna težina, dijametru lakta, mesomorfiji i ektomorfiji. Utvrđeno je da su dijagonale i srednjaci viÅ”i od primača, dizača i libera, dok su primači viÅ”i od libera. Obzirom na tjelesnu težinu dijagonale su teže od dizača, libera i primača. Kod dijametra lakta dijagonale su postigle viÅ”e vrijednosti od libera i dizača. U odnosu na pojedine komponente somatotipa, libera imaju značajno veću mezomorfnu komponentu od srednjaka, a srednjaci imaju značajno veću ektomorfnu komponentu od svih ostalih igračkih uloga. Prosječni somatotip svih igračica je endomorfni ektomorf (3.1-2.4-3.6). Dizači i primači pripadaju kategoriji endomorfa-ektomorfa (3.0- 2.7-3.3, 3.3-2.7-3.5). Libera pripadaju kategoriji mezomorf endomorf (3.1-3.3-2.7). Dijagonale pripadaju kategoriji endomorph-ektomorf (3.4-1.9-3.6), a srednjaci kategoriji endomorfni ektomorf (3.0-1.6-4.5). U ovom istraživanju po prvi put je utvrđen somatotip ponajboljih superligaÅ”kih hrvatskih odbojkaÅ”ica čime se proÅ”iruje svjetska baza podataka antropometrijskih karakteristika odbojkaÅ”ica, a istovremeno osigurava vrijedne podatke za implementaciju i kreiranje budućih trenažnih programa, te kvalitetniju selekciju igračkih uloga u Hrvatskoj

    Obtaining the Child Testimony in the Criminal Proceedings

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    Children fall under the special category of vulnerable witnesses. Childrenā€™s vulnerability is the reason that we must approach obtaining the childā€™s testimony in the criminal proceedings with special attention. It is important to take the childā€™s testimony as soon as possible and to avoid the repetition of interrogation. The criminal proceedings law and the juvenile court law enable children interrogation through the professional person without the presence of other parties in the procedure and enable the recording of such interrogation by audio-video link which considerably diminish the secondary victimization. The professionals who obtain the testimony must be well acquainted with childrenā€™s psychological development. Knowledge of psychological development is of major importance in order to make the quality arrangements for interrogation and to interrogate the child and to achieve positive social contact between the examiner and the examinee and it is also of great importance for the credibility evaluation of the childā€™s testimony. The adequate way of children interrogation will enable the child to say the correct information and to recognize the perpetrator. The forensic interview is well elaborated and child adapted technique of interrogation. Respecting the rules of forensic interview will enable the childā€™s testimony on court to be relevant evidence


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    Terapija negativnim tlakom zauzima sve važniju ulogu u liječenju kroničnih rana zbog svoje jednostavne primjene u bolničkim i izvanbolničkim uvjetima. Vrijeme cijeljenja kroničnih rana je ubrzano u usporedbi s ostalim konzervativnim metodama liječenja. Koristi se negativni tlak od 40 do 125 mm Hg. Terapija negativnim tlakom (TNT) svojim direktnim i indirektnim djelovanjem pomaže u cijeljenju rana i daje dobru pripremu za defi nitivno kirurŔko zbrinjavanje rane.Negative pressure therapy is gradually taking an increasingly important role in the treatment of chronic wound healing because of its simple application in hospital or outpatient setting and good comfort with no pain for the patient. Chronic wound healing is accelerated in comparison with other conservative treatments. The level of negative pressure is between 40 and 125 mm Hg below ambient. Direct and indirect effect of the negative pressure therapy helps in wound healing and provides good preparation for definitive surgical management of wounds

    Hip Fractures in Elderly ā€“ Ten Years Analysis

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    Geriatric hip fractures (GHP) are the major problem in the geriatric traumatology and it is estimated that treatment of GHF will spend a large amount of health care resources1ā€“5. The aim of this retrospective study was to compare differences in incidence of operatively treated patients with GHF, type of treatment depending of the type of fracture, early postoperative mortality, length of stay and costs of used implants within a 10 years period. Surgically treated 2478 patients, older than 65 years with hip fractures were included in the study. Patients were grouped according to the type of fracture (femoral neck fracture or intertrochanteric femoral fracture) and used implant. Results showed increasing trend in GHF in our County in the last 10 years. There was a shifting trend in used implants, and new surgical techniques were used more commonly in the last few years. In observed period there were no significant changes in revision surgery and length of hospital stay. The mortality decreased, especially in males, but generally it was not in correlation with used implant. At the 10-years period increase in patients with GHF of 179% was followed with 4 time higher increase in implant prices. Present reimbursement in health care system does not calculate the difference of implant costs in hospital expenses, therefore proper usage of modern implants and careful planning in the treatment of GHF is necessary


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    Terapija negativnim tlakom zauzima sve važniju ulogu u liječenju kroničnih rana zbog svoje jednostavne primjene u bolničkim i izvanbolničkim uvjetima. Vrijeme cijeljenja kroničnih rana je ubrzano u usporedbi s ostalim konzervativnim metodama liječenja. Koristi se negativni tlak od 40 do 125 mm Hg. Terapija negativnim tlakom (TNT) svojim direktnim i indirektnim djelovanjem pomaže u cijeljenju rana i daje dobru pripremu za defi nitivno kirurŔko zbrinjavanje rane.Negative pressure therapy is gradually taking an increasingly important role in the treatment of chronic wound healing because of its simple application in hospital or outpatient setting and good comfort with no pain for the patient. Chronic wound healing is accelerated in comparison with other conservative treatments. The level of negative pressure is between 40 and 125 mm Hg below ambient. Direct and indirect effect of the negative pressure therapy helps in wound healing and provides good preparation for definitive surgical management of wounds
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