219 research outputs found

    Atraso dos reforços, taxa de respostas e resistência à mudança

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Psicologia, Departamento de Processos Psicológicos Básicos, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências do Comportamento, 2019.Os efeitos do atraso dos reforços sobre a resistência à mudança foram avaliados em dois experimentos com ratos. No Experimento 1, na Linha de Base (LB), ratos foram expostos a um esquema múltiplo com dois componentes. No componente imediato, um esquema tandem intervalo variável (VI) reforçamento diferencial de baixas taxas (DRL) estava em vigor; no componente com atraso (não-resetável), um esquema tandem VI tempo fixo (FT) 3 s, 8 s ou 12 s estava em vigor. Na LB, as taxas de reforço foram semelhantes entre os componentes; em quatro condições, as taxas de resposta foram semelhantes entre os componentes e, em nove condições, as taxas de resposta foram maiores no componente imediato do que no componente com atraso. Em cada condição, extinção esteve em vigor em cada componente durante o Teste. No Experimento 2, na LB, ratos foram expostos a um esquema múltiplo com três componentes. No componente imediato, estava em vigor um esquema tandem VI DRL; no componente com atraso menor (resetável), estava em vigor um esquema tandem VI reforçamento diferencial de outros comportamentos (DRO) 8 s, 3 s ou 3 s; no componente com atraso maior (resetável), estava em vigor um tandem VI DRO 12 s, 12 s ou 6 s. Na LB, as taxas de reforço foram semelhantes entre os componentes e as taxas de resposta foram maiores no componente imediato do que nos componentes com atraso. Em cada condição, foram conduzidos Testes de extinção e saciação. No Experimento 1, nas condições com taxas de respostas iguais entre componentes na LB, a resistência à extinção não foi sistematicamente diferente entre componentes do esquema múltiplo. No entanto, nas condições em que as taxas de resposta foram diferentes entre os componentes do esquema múltiplo na LB, a resistência foi, em geral, maior no componente com atraso do que no componente imediato. No Experimento 2, esses resultados foram replicados: em ambos os testes, a resistência à mudança foi maior nos componentes com atraso do que no componente imediato, embora a diferença na resistência entre componentes tenha sido maior nos testes de extinção que nos testes de saciação. Além disso, os resultados de ambos os experimentos indicam que os efeitos do atraso dos reforços sobre a resistência são modulados pela diferença na taxa de respostas entre os componentes na LB. Exceto pelos testes de saciação (Experimento 2), observou-se uma relação direta entre a resistência à mudança diferencial e a diferença na taxa de respostas entre os componentes do múltiplo na LB. Os resultados do presente estudo não replicam aqueles de estudos anteriores com pombos e humanos, em que foi observada maior resistência à mudança no componente imediato do que no componente com atraso.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq).The effects of reinforcement delay on resistance to change were investigated in two experiments with rats. In Experiment 1, in Baseline (BL), rats were exposed to a two-component multiple schedule. In the immediate component, a tandem variable interval (VI) differential reinforcement of low rates (DRL) schedule was in effect; in the delay component (nonresetting), a tandem VI fixed-time (FT) 3 s, 8 s or 12 s schedule was in effect. In BL, reinforcement rates were similar between components; in four conditions, response rates were similar between components and, in nine conditions, response rates were higher in the immediate than in the delay component. In each condition, extinction was in effect in each component during the Test. In Experiment 2, in BL, rats were exposed to a three-component multiple schedule. In the immediate component, a tandem VI DRL schedule was in effect; in the shorter delay (resetting) component, a tandem VI differential reinforcement of other behaviors (DRO) 8 s, 3 s or 3 s schedule was in effect; in the longer delay (resetting) component a tandem VI DRO 12 s, 12 s or 6 s schedule also was in effect. In BL, reinforcement rates were similar between components and response rates were higher in the immediate than in the delay components. In each condition, extinction and satiation tests were conducted. In Experiment 1, in conditions with equal response rates between components in BL, resistance to extinction was not systematically different between components of the multiple schedule. However, in conditions in which response rates were different between components of the multiple schedule in BL, resistance to extinction was, in general, greater in the delay than in the immediate component. These results were replicated in Experiment 2: in both tests, resistance was greater in the delay components than in the immediate component, although the difference in resistance between components was greater in the extinction than in satiation tests. Additionally, the results of both experiments suggest that the effects of delay of reinforcement on resistance to change are modulated by the difference in response rates between components in BL. Except for the satiation tests (Experiment 2), a direct relation between differential resistance to change and the difference in response rates between components in BL was observed. The results of the present study do not replicate those of previous studies with pigeons and humans, in which greater resistance to change in the immediate than in the delay component was observed

    Hierarchical token based mutual exclusion algorithms

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    Mutual exclusion is a basic block of distributed synchronization algorithms. One of the challenge in highly distributed environments (like peer-to-peer or Grid configurations) is to provide scalable synchronizations taking into account the hierarchical network topology. This paper proposes hierarchical mutual exclusion algorithms. These algorithms are extensions of the Naimi-Trehel's token algorithm, reducing the cost of latency and the number of messages exchanges between far hosts. We propose three main extensions : (1) hierarchical proxy-based approach, (2) aggregation of requests, and (3) token preemption by closer hosts. We compared the performance of these algorithms on an emulated Grid testbed. We study the impact of each of the extensions, showing that the combination of them can greatly improve performances of the original algorithm

    Nueva fauna de amonoideos del Hauteriviano tardío de Cuenca Neuquina

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    Paraspiticeras groeberi Aguirre-Urreta, 1993 (Ammonoidea, Ancyloceratina) es la especie índice de la biozona homónima, comprendida entre las biozonas de Crioceratites diamantensis y Sabaudiella riverorum, que caracterizan el tramo superior del Miembro Agua de la Mula de la Formación Agrio (Cuenca Neuquina, Cretácico Inferior). Se presentan aquí los avances correspondientes a la revisión de los taxones presentes en la biozona de P. groeberi y en el sector cuspidal de la biozona de C. diamantensis, sobre la base de numerosos ejemplares provenientes de 21 localidades de la cuenca. La revisión sistemática preliminar de todos los ejemplares permitió discutir su importancia bioestratigráfica. Se propone renombrar a la especie índice y a su biozona como Paraspiticeras sp. nov. Se reconocen dos nuevos taxones en esta biozona. El taxón A (Gen. A nov. groeberi) se reconoce desde los niveles cuspidales de la biozona de C. diamantensis hasta los niveles cuspidales de la biozona de Paraspiticeras sp. nov., mientras que el taxón B (Gen. B et sp. nov.) se reconoce desde el sector medio hasta el tope de la biozona de Paraspiticeras sp. nov. Un tercer taxón C (Gen. C et sp. nov.) de rango más acotado se reconoce desde los niveles cuspidales de C. diamantensis, junto al taxón A hasta la base de la biozona de Paraspiticeras sp. nov. Se reporta la presencia de Hamulinites sp. cf. H. nicklesi asociado a Paraspiticeras sp. nov. El hallazgo de estos nuevos taxones, actualmente en estudio, representa un aporte significativo con potencial para redefinir el esquema bioestratigráfico actual.Fil: Marin, Luciana Sabina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Estudios Andinos "Don Pablo Groeber". Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Estudios Andinos "Don Pablo Groeber"; ArgentinaFil: Aguirre Urreta, María Beatriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Estudios Andinos "Don Pablo Groeber". Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Estudios Andinos "Don Pablo Groeber"; Argentina1° Reunión Virtual de Comunicaciones de la Asociación Paleontológica ArgentinaArgentinaAsociación Paleontológica Argentin

    Community contributions to a FHU team work

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    Considerando a relevância da participação popular na construção de novos modelos de saúde, o presente estudo propõe-se a verificar as contribuições dessa participação nas ações de saúde de uma Unidade de Saúde da Família. Trata-se de estudo de análise documental, a partir de atas de 24 reuniões mensais da equipe com a comunidade. Após a leitura dos registros, os assuntos discutidos foram agrupados em quatro temáticas: recursos materiais e humanos, acesso aos serviços de saúde de maior complexidade, adesão da comunidade às atividades oferecidas pela unidade e promoção da saúde e prevenção de doenças. Constata-se que, embora as discussões vislumbrem a visão integral da saúde e possibilitem co-responsabilidade, fortalecimento do vínculo e troca de informação, ainda é necessário maior avanço para se obter a efetiva participação da comunidade na co-gestão do sistema de saúde.Considerando la relevancia de la participación de la población en la construcción de nuevos modelos de salud, el presente estudio propone caracterizar y analizar las contribuciones de la participación de la comunidad en las acciones de salud de una Unidad de Salud de la Familia. Se trata de un estudio de análisis documentario, basado en actas de 24 reuniones mensuales del equipo con la comunidad. Después de la lectura de los registros, los asuntos fueran clasificados en cuatro temáticas: recursos materiales y humanos, accesos a los servicios de salud de nivel secundario, adherencia de la comunidad a las actividades ofrecidas por la unidad y promoción de la salud y prevención de enfermedades. Verificó-se que las discusiones destacaron una visión íntegra de la salud e hicieron posible la co-responsabilidad, fortalecimiento del vínculo y cambio de información. Todavía es necesario avanzar para obtener la efectiva participación de la comunidad en la co-gestión del sistema de salud.Considering the importance of people participating in the construction of new health models, this study aimed to characterize and analyze contributions brought by community to health actions carried out in a Family Health Unit. It is a documentary analysis based on the records of 24 monthly meetings between the team and community. After reading the records, subject was divided into four themes: material and human resources, availability to secondary level health services, community adherence to the unit activities, health promotion and disease prevention. Discussions opened a wide perspective on health and stimulated co-responsibility, stronger links and information exchanging. Nevertheless, there is a need to improve community effective participation in the co-management of the health system

    A specialized reciprocal connectivity suggests a link between the mechanisms by which the superior colliculus and parabigeminal nucleus produce defensive behaviors in rodents

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    The parabigeminal nucleus (PBG) is the mammalian homologue to the isthmic complex of other vertebrates. Optogenetic stimulation of the PBG induces freezing and escape in mice, a result thought to be caused by a PBG projection to the central nucleus of the amygdala. However, the isthmic complex, including the PBG, has been classically considered satellite nuclei of the Superior Colliculus (SC), which upon stimulation of its medial part also triggers fear and avoidance reactions. As the PBG-SC connectivity is not well characterized, we investigated whether the topology of the PBG projection to the SC could be related to the behavioral consequences of PBG stimulation. To that end, we performed immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridization and neural tracer injections in the SC and PBG in a diurnal rodent, the Octodon degus. We found that all PBG neurons expressed both glutamatergic and cholinergic markers and were distributed in clearly defined anterior (aPBG) and posterior (pPBG) subdivisions. The pPBG is connected reciprocally and topographically to the ipsilateral SC, whereas the aPBG receives afferent axons from the ipsilateral SC and projected exclusively to the contralateral SC. This contralateral projection forms a dense field of terminals that is restricted to the medial SC, in correspondence with the SC representation of the aerial binocular field which, we also found, in O. degus prompted escape reactions upon looming stimulation. Therefore, this specialized topography allows binocular interactions in the SC region controlling responses to aerial predators, suggesting a link between the mechanisms by which the SC and PBG produce defensive behaviors

    Percepção de mães e adolescentes sobre a violência intrafamiliar por meio da construção do genograma

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    Violence is a phenomenon that reflects and crosses social and interpersonal relationships and can be passed across generations. The present study aimed to explore the perceptions of domestic violence from the point of view of three mothers and their teenage children through the construction of genograms. Results showed that there was intergenerational reproduction of violence, verified through relational disorders between parents as well as in the relationships that the mother has established throughout her life, which, in turn, perpetuated with their children, who were viewers and victims of this phenomenon. It is noteworthy that although the intergenerationality of violence was implied in the speech of all participants, the same did not occur in the graphical representation of teenagers’ genograms, suggesting that children worry about this phenomenon only in the current family.Key words: domestic violence, intergenerationality, genogram.A violência é um fenômeno que se produz nas relações sociais e interpessoais e pode ser transmitido intergeracionalmente. Neste estudo, objetivou-se explorar a percepção da violência intra e interfamiliar a partir da visão de três mães e seus filhos adolescentes por meio da construção de genogramas. Os resultados indicaram que houve reprodução intergeracional da violência, verificada nas disfunções relacionais entre os pais e nas relações que a mãe estabeleceu ao longo de sua vida, a qual também se perpetuou com seus filhos, os quais eram espectadores e vítimas desse fenômeno. Cabe destacar, no entanto, que, embora a intergeracionalidade da violência estivesse implícita na fala narrativa de todos os participantes, o mesmo não ocorreu na representação gráfica do genograma dos adolescentes, apenas no das mães, o que indica a preocupação dos filhos com o fenômeno somente na família atual.Palavras-chave: violência intrafamiliar, intergeracionalidade, genograma

    GeoTrie: A Scalable Architecture for Location-Temporal Range Queries over Massive GeoTagged Data Sets

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    International audienceThe proliferation of GPS-enabled devices leads to the massive generation of geotagged data sets recently known as Big Location Data. It allows users to explore and analyse data in space and time, and requires an architecture that scales with the insertions and location-temporal queries workload from thousands to millions of users. Most large scale key-value data storage solutions only provide a single one-dimensional index which does not natively support efficient multidimensional queries. In this paper, we propose GeoTrie, a scalable architecture built by coalescing any number of machines organized on top of a Distributed Hash Table. The key idea of our approach is to provide a distributed global index which scales with the number of nodes and provides natural load balancing for insertions and location-temporal range queries. We assess our solution using the largest public multimedia data set released by Yahoo! which includes millions of geotagged multimedia files

    Elastic Management of Byzantine Faults

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    International audienceTolerating byzantine faults on a large scale is a challenge: in particular, Desktop Grid environments sustain large numbers of faults that range from crashes to byzantine faults. Solutions in the literature that address byzantine failures are costly and none of them scales to really large numbers of nodes. This paper proposes to distribute task scheduling on trusted nodes in a Cloud network and to have these nodes assess the reliability of worker nodes by means of a reputation system. The resulting architecture is built for scalability and adapts costs to the workload associated with client requests

    A Performance Evaluation of a Quorum-Based State-Machine Replication Algorithm for Computing Grids

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    Quorum systems are well-known tools that improve the performance and the availability of distributed systems. In this report we explore their use as a means to achieve low response time for network services that are replicated and accessed over computing grids. To that end, we propose both a quorum construction and a quorum-based state-machine replication algorithm that tolerates crash failures in a partially synchronous model. We show through the evaluation of a real implementation that although simple, this quorum construction and replication algorithm exhibit a response time 20% lower than that of a regular active replication algorithm in appropriate conditions
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