79 research outputs found

    The Spanish DELPH-IN grammar

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    In this article we present a Spanish grammar implemented in the Linguistic Knowledge Builder system and grounded in the theoretical framework of Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar. The grammar is being developed in an international multilingual context, the DELPH-IN Initiative, contributing to an open-source repository of software and linguistic resources for various Natural Language Processing applications. We will show how we have refined and extended a core grammar, derived from the LinGO Grammar Matrix, to achieve a broad-coverage grammar. The Spanish DELPH-IN grammar is the most comprehensive grammar for Spanish deep processing, and it is being deployed in the construction of a treebank for Spanish of 60,000 sentences based in a technical corpus in the framework of the European project METANET4U (Enhancing the European Linguistic Infrastructure, GA 270893GA; http://​www.​meta-net.​eu/​projects/​METANET4U/​.) and a smaller treebank of about 15,000 sentences based in a corpus from the pres

    Coreference Resolution in Freeling 4.0

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    This paper presents the integration of RelaxCor into FreeLing. RelaxCor is a coreference resolution system based on constraint satisfaction that ranked second in the CoNLL-2011 shared task. FreeLing is an open-source library for NLP with more than fifteen years of existence and a widespread user community. We present the difficulties found in porting RelaxCor from a shared task scenario to a production enviroment, as well as the solutions devised. We present two strategies for this integration and a rough evaluation of the obtained resultsPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Un sistema de simplificación de textos on-line para el inglés

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    Text Simplification is the task of reducing the lexical and syntactic complexity of documents in order to improve their readability and understandability. This paper presents a web-based demonstration of a text simplification system that performs state-of-the-art lexical and syntactic simplification of English texts. The core simplification technology used for this demonstration is highly customizable making it suitable for different types of users.La simplificación textual consiste en reducir la complejidad léxica y sintáctica de documentos con el fin de mejorar su legibilidad y comprensibilidad. En este trabajo se presenta una demostración de un sistema on-line de simplificación léxica y sintáctica de textos en inglés. Nuestro sistema es modular y adaptable, lo que lo hace adecuado para diversos tipos de usuarios.This work was funded by the ABLE-TO-INCLUDE project (European Commission Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme under Grant Agreement No. 621055) and project SKATER-UPF-TALN (TIN2012- 38584-C06-03) from Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación, Spain

    New perspectives on moral reasoning

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    The works of Carol Gilligan introduce the ethics of care and responsibility that takes into account the differing aspects and particular needs of people. Such ethics is opposed to those of the justice described by Kholberg whose characteristics are the principle of equality and the disregard for each human beings specific features. Both ethics are, however, complementary. The work that is presented here includes both ethical approaches, in an experimental situation in which it was requested that subjects of different ages (from 6 up to 21 years old) took decisions that implied to choose for one or another of these two approaches or to integrate both. The treatment of the data was carried out analyzing the organizing models that appear, which allowed identifying the elements of the situation that were more prominent for the subjects of each age, the meaning that they attributed to each one of those elements, the manner according to they organized them in order to confer a meaning to the set of elements, and the implications that were derived of the whole experiment. The study of the evolution of organizing models at different ages shows that the evolution of the ethical conceptions is far from linear. It leads to thinking about the analysis of the processes of ethics construction by means of theoretical models that contemplate the complexity and the abandonment of linear models that are unable to describe the observed phenomena.En los trabajos de Carol Gilligan aparece la ética del cuidad y la responsabilidad que tiene en cuenta los aspectos diferenciales y las necesidades particulares de las personas. Esta ética se contrapone a la de la justicia descrita por Kholberg, cuyas características son el principio de igualdad y la no consideración de las características específicas de cada ser humano. Ambas éticas parecen, sin embargo, complementarias. El trabajo que se presenta incluye ambos enfoques éticos, en una situación experimental en la cual se pide a sujetos de diferentes edades (desde los 6 años hasta los 21) que tomen decisiones que implican optar por uno u otro de estos dos enfoques o integrar ambos. El tratamiento de los datos se realiza analizando los modelos organizadores que aparecen, lo cual permite diferenciar los elementos de la situación que resultan más destacables para los sujetos de cada edad, el significado que atribuyen a cada uno de ellos, la forma como los organizan para conferir un sentido al conjunto y las implicaciones que hacen derivar de todo ello. El estudio de la evolución de los modelos organizadores en las diferentes edades muestra que la evolución de las concepciones éticas está lejos de ser lineal. Ello conduce a plantearnos el análisis de los procesos de construcción de la ética, mediante modelos teóricos que contemplen la complejidad y al abandono de modelos lineales incapaces de describir los fenómenos observados

    Clasificación de textos cortos para un sistema monitor de los Social Media

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    We present the system for the classification of sentences and short texts into Marketing Mix classes developed within the LPS-BIGGER project. The system classifies short texts from Social Media into categories that are considered business indicators to monitor consumer's opinion.Presentamos el sistema de clasificación de oraciones y textos cortos en categorías del Marketing Mix desarrollado en el marco del proyecto LPS-BIGGER. El sistema clasifica textos cortos de los Social Media en categorías consideradas como indicadores de negocio para poder monitorizar la opinión de los consumidores.This work was supported by the Spanish CIEN project LPS-BIGGER cofunded by the MINECO and CDTI (IDI-20141260) and TUNER project TIN2015-65308-C5-5-R (MINECO/FEDER, UE)

    Regime shifts of Mediterranean forest carbon uptake and reduced resilience driven by multidecadal ocean surface temperatures

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    The mechanisms translating global circulation changes into rapid abrupt shifts in forest carbon capture in semi‐arid biomes remain poorly understood. Here, we report unprecedented multidecadal shifts in forest carbon uptake in semi‐arid Mediterranean pine forests in Spain over 1950-2012. The averaged carbon sink reduction varies between 31% and 37%, and reaches values in the range of 50% in the most affected forest stands. Regime shifts in forest carbon uptake are associated with climatic early warning signals, decreased forest regional synchrony and reduced long‐term carbon sink resilience. We identify the mechanisms linked to ocean multidecadal variability that shape regime shifts in carbon capture. First, we show that low‐frequency variations of the surface temperature of the Atlantic Ocean induce shifts in the non‐stationary effects of El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on regional forest carbon capture. Modelling evidence supports that the non‐stationary effects of ENSO can be propagated from tropical areas to semi‐arid Mediterranean biomes through atmospheric wave trains. Second, decadal changes in the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) significantly alter sea-air heat exchanges, modifying in turn ocean vapour transport over land and land surface temperatures, and promoting sustained drought conditions in spring and summer that reduce forest carbon uptake. Third, we show that lagged effects of AMO on the winter North Atlantic Oscillation also contribute to the maintenance of long‐term droughts. Finally, we show that the reported strong, negative effects of ocean surface temperature (AMO) on forest carbon uptake in the last decades are unprecedented over the last 150 years. Our results provide new, unreported explanations for carbon uptake shifts in these drought‐prone forests and review the expected impacts of global warming on the profiled mechanisms

    The Tibidabo Treebank

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    En este artículo presentamos el desarrollo de un nuevo recurso de código abierto para el español: el treebank Tibidabo. La anotación se está llevando a cabo de forma semiautomática en la que, en primer lugar, el corpus es analizado automaticamente con una gramática simbólica del español basada en HPSG e implementada en el sistema Linguistic Knowledge Builder, y, en segundo lugar, los resultados del proceso de análisis se desambiguan manualmente. La existencia del treebank Tibidabo nos permitirá futuros trabajos de investigación para el desarrollo y evaluación de una arquitectura híbrida que combine métodos simbólicos y estadísticos para el PLN, así como investigaciones orientadas a la hibridización de técnicas de bajo y alto nivel para el PLN

    El treebank Tibidabo

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    En este artículo presentamos el desarrollo de un nuevo recurso de código abierto para el español: el treebank Tibidabo. La anotación se está llevando a cabo de forma semi–automática en la que, en primer lugar, el corpus es analizado automáticamente con una gramática simbólica del español basada en HPSG e implementada en el sistema Linguistic Knowledge Builder, y, en segundo lugar, los resultados del proceso de análisis se desambiguan manualmente. La existencia del treebank Tibidabo nos permitirá futuros trabajos de investigación para el desarrollo y evaluación de una arquitectura híbrida que combine metodos simbólicos y estadísticos para el PLN, así como investigaciones orientadas a la hibridización de técnicas de bajo y alto nivel para el PLN.This paper describes work in progress for the creation of a new open–source resource for Spanish: an HPSG–based treebank so–called Tibidabo. The annotation is performed semi–automatically. First, the corpus is automatically annotated by a symbolic HPSG–based grammar for Spanish implemented on the Linguistic Knowledge Builder system; then, the output is manually disambiguated. The existence of the Tibidabo treebank will facilitate research into the development and evaluation of a hybrid architecture combining symbolic and stochastic approaches to NLP, as well as investigations oriented to hybridization of shallow–deep techniques for NLP.This work was funded by the Ramón y Cajal program of the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación