336 research outputs found


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    Natural Rubber Industry cause negative inrpact by its waste like gaseous waste which need appropriate treatment. This situation reduce arnenity of community which live around the rubber factory. Problents which occur while designing the appropriate treatntent for gaseous waste like treatment unit are expensive and there are several options for gaseous treatment method. This paper discuss the use of expert system for supporting the decision to handle gaseous waste which is produced by crumb rubber factory. According ta the result of knowledge acquisition from experts can be concluded that the recommendation for treatment of gaseous waste from cruntb rubber factory are decided by several criterias which are factory location, community acceptance around the factory, crumb rubber processing method, gaseous waste handling criteria, fund availability, and condition of wastewater treatment facilities. Recommendations which are produced l) the rubber factory spend social cost, 2) the rubber factory apply the gaseous waste treatment unit, and 31 the rubber factory spend social cost and apply the gaseous waste treatment uni


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    The scheduling of the machine maintenance system is a system that can assist companies in preventing machine damage which results in disrupted production processes. Corrective treatment methods have not been able to guarantee a smooth production process. This research will plan preventive maintenance activities to increase the reliability of production machines using the Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) approach. The result shows the highest downtime was boiler station with a percentage of 22.25%. The machine that works at the boiler station which has the highest level of damage was the fuel conveyor 2 with a percentage of 35.10%. The critical components which are the root causes of the highest damage problems in the fuel conveyor 2 machine were electromotor, chain coupling, and gearbox. In the electromotor, chain coupling, and gearbox components, preventive maintenance scheduling based on the results of each simulation were when t = 158, t = 190, and t = 67, respectively. The results of critical component maintenance scheduling indicated the achievement of the reliability value from before. After doing preventive maintenance, the reliability value of each component increased by 12%, 32%, and 8%, respectively. The frequency of periodic inspection every month on electromotor, chain coupling, and gearbox components were at least 4 times, 3 times, and 10 times, respectively. Keywords: downtime, maintenance, preventive maintenance. reliability, schedulin

    "Ngalab Berkah" on the Tradition to Open Luwur the Sunan Kudus Tomb

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    This article discusses the Ngalab Blessing phenomenon in the Open tradition of the Sunan Kudus Grave. This research uses a qualitative approaching a qualitative approach; this article seeks to answer questions about people's perceptions of cricket rice and the lithe Sunan Kudus tomb that are believed to be able to provide blessings. The problem of this research is how people's perceptions of cricket rice and lithe former Sunan kudus tomb. This research aims to describe people's opinions of cricket rice and lithe previous Sunan kudus tombs, which are believed by the community to be able to provide blessings. The results showed that cicada rice has blessings that can, among other things, cure diseases, plant crops and can provide additional sustenance. In addition to cicada rice ngalap blessings that are trusted by the community is through the flexible lithe of the former Tomb of Sunan Kudus. Mori cloth (used) the tomb of Sunan Kudus or commonly called luwur is believed to be an intermediary in obtaining blessings or fortune

    Pengaruh Faktor Intern Dan Faktor Ekstern Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Ekonomi

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    Students’ achievement is one of success indicator in learning process. One of parameters used to measure succes level is minimal limit over learning target. But, there were a lot of 11th grade social class students in SMA N 1 Pegandon had low score below the minimal limit over learning target. The statements of problems are to know the condition of external and internal factors, to know the influence of external and internal factors toward learning achievement. The number of population was 126 students. The variables were internal factor, external factor and student learning achievement. Data was taken by using observation method, documentation and multiple regressions. The result study showed that internal factors was in good level (54.8%), external factor was in good level (80.16%). It can be concluded that internal factor and external factor gave influences toward student achievement. Thus; it is suggested that students should adapt in daily life with assessement exercise to improve students’ understanding toward subject material

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Dan Kemampuan Berkomunikasi Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Mata Pelajaran Ekonomi

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui adakah pengaruh kepemimpinan dan kemampuan berkomunikasi guru terhadap motivasi belajar mata pelajaran ekonomi baik secara parsial maupun secara simultan dan untuk mengetahui besarnya pengaruh kepemimpinan dan kemampuan berkomunikasi guru terhadap motivasi belajar mata pelajaran ekonomi pada siswa kelas XI IPS SMA N 1 Sragi kabupaten Pekalongan tahun pelajaran 2005/2006. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI IPS SMA N 1 Sragi Kabupaten Pekalongan sebanyak 147 siswa yang terbagi dalam 3 kelas. Sampel penelitian diambil berdasarkan teknik Proporsional Random Sampling. Penentuan jumlah sampel berdasarkan rumus Slovin diperoleh banyaknya sampel 60 siswa. Variabel dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari kepemimpinan dan kemampuan berkomunikasi guru sebagai variabel bebas dan motivasi belajar siswa sebagai variabel terikat. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan angket. Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskrpitif persentase dan regresi berganda. Hasil analisis deskriptif persentase menunjukkan bahwa variabel kepemimpinan termasuk dalam kategori baik dengan bobot persentase skor 70,00%, kemampuan berkomunikasi guru termasuk kategori baik dengan bobot persentase skor sebesar 61,67% dan motivasi belajar siswa termasuk kategori tinggi dengan bobot persentase 58,33%. Besarnya pengaruh masing-masing variabel yaitu kepemimpinan terhadap motivasi belajar siswa sebesar 14,62%, dan pengaruh kemampuan berkomunikasi guru terhadap motivasi belajar siswa sebesar 17,52%

    The Form of Kejawen Islam in Nyanggar Janur Kuning Rituals in Indonesia

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    Java is an island rich in ancestral heritage. Many of these traditions are still maintained in the modern world. The tradition that still survives is the Nyanggar Kuning ritual. That tradition is a form of Islamic and Javanese syncretism. Although claimed as a legacy of Javanese tradition (kejawen), the tradition actually developed after the colonialism in Indonesia ended. Until now, the relics in the form of rituals are more familiarly called religious tourism. The religious identity that appears in these activities is of course clearly Islamic. Indirectly, Nyangar Janur Kuning is the way for Islam in controlling the Java region by infiltrating culture.  This tradition is a politics conveyed by people who have power and authority. This paper tells the view of Nyanggar Janur Kuning from the perspective of post-colonialism and it also presents some evidences that Javanese culture is never entirely pure

    Agro-industrial Supply Chain Development with Cluster System Approach: A Systematic Literature Review and Future Research

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    A supply chain is defined as strategic framework which based on network structure, business process and management components. Information and knowledge sharing along with power are focus of relationship mechanism. The purpose of this literature study was to identify factors which influenced in developing of Agro-industrial supply chain with cluster system approach. All this characteristic and possibilities are main areas of interest in cluster concept. The interaction between actors in the supply chain and with other institutions that are mutually synergistic and competing in the proper flow of information within a region transformed through a cluster system approach. The concepts of cluster system indicated efficient instrument to achieve value chain effectiveness and competitive advantages along the supply chain. Through the supply chain and Agro-industrial cluster, collaboration can be definitely increase the competitive advantages of stakeholder which are the key to survive and development of many economic entities and enterprises. Through the cluster system approach, it can identify institutional policies barriers and economic evaluation determinant of the region in the management of Agro-industrial supply chain. The production of high value added of product in the existence of value chain indicated that supply chain management concepts has successfully been implemented within the cluster management system. Keywords cluster system, Agro-industrial, supply chain management, competitive advantages, institutional barrier


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    Agroindustry supply chain management involves several integrated supply chain members from upstream to downstream in a sustainable. The main aspects that need to be considered are performance, added value, risk, improving effectiveness and efficiency in the supply chain management. The purpose of this study was to analyze the supply chain performance, added value, and risk used to effectiveness and efficiency improvement of fruit agroindustry supply chain management. A search for scientific articles published from 2005 to 2020 was conducted. There were 94 scientific articles reviewed into five classifications, i.e. apple supply chain management, supply chain performance, added value, supply chain risk, effectiveness and efficiency. So far, there has been little discussion about increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of supply chain management in the fruit agorindustry and has not been carried out comprehensively. The scientific articles obtained were examined into several analyzes of approaches and methods so that models could be developed to improve effectiveness and efficiency of supply chain management. In the future, a combination of several methods and implementations of information technology can be used to effectiveness and efficiency improvement of fruit agroindustry supply chain management. Keywords: apples, effectiveness, efficiency, improvement, agroindustry supply chai
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