30 research outputs found

    Effect of physiological overload on pregnancy in women with mitral regurgitation

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    OBJECTIVES: to evaluate the structural and functional heart abnormalities in women with mitral regurgitation during pregnancy.INTRODUCTION: Women with mitral regurgitation progress well during pregnancy. However, the effects on the heart of the association between pregnancy and mitral regurgitation are not well established.METHODS: This is a case-control, longitudinal prospective study. Echocardiograms were performed in 18 women with mitral regurgitation at the 12th and 36th week of pregnancy and on the 45th day of the puerperium. Twelve age-matched healthy and pregnant women were included as controls and underwent the same evaluation as the study group.RESULTS: Compared with controls, women with mitral regurgitation presented increased left cardiac chambers in all evaluations. Increasing left atrium during pregnancy occurred only in the mitral regurgitation group. At the end of the puerperium, women with mitral regurgitation showed persistent enlargement of the left atrium compared with the beginning of pregnancy (5.0 +/- 1.1 cm vs 4.6 +/- 0.9 cm; p < 0.05). Reduced left ventricular relative wall thickness (0.13 +/- 0.02 vs 0.16 +/- 0.02; p < 0.05) and an increased peak of afterload (278 +/- 55 g/cm(2) vs 207 +/- 28 g/cm(2); p < 0.05) was still observed on the 45th day after delivery in the mitral regurgitation group compared with controls.CONCLUSIONS: Pregnancy causes unfavorable structural alterations in women with mitral regurgitation that are associated with an aggravation of the hemodynamic overload

    Levels of selected persistent organic pollutants in blood from delivering women in seven selected areas of Sao Paulo State, Brazil

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    Persistent organic pollutants (POPS) present in the living environment are thought to have detrimental health effects on the population, with pregnant women and the developing foetus being at highest risk. We report on the levels of selected POPs in maternal blood of 155 delivering women residing in seven regions within the Sao Paulo State, Brazil. The following selected POPs were measured in the maternal whole blood: 12 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) congeners (IUPAC Nos. 99, 101, 118, 138, 153, 156, 163, 170, 180, 183, 187, 194); dichlordiphenyltrichloroethane p,p'-DDT, diphenyldichloroethylene p,p'-DDE and other pesticides such as hexachlorocyclohexanes (alpha-HCH, beta-HCH, gamma-HCH), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), chlordane derivatives cis-chlordane, trans-chlordane. oxy-chlordane, cis-nonachlor and trans-nonachlor. Statistical comparisons between regions were performed only on compounds having concentrations above LOD in 70% of the samples. PCB118 congener was found to be highest in the industrial site (mean 4.97 ng/g lipids); PCB138 congener concentration was highest in the Urban 3 site (mean 4.27 ng/g lipids) and congener PCB153 was highest in the industrial and Urban 3 sites with mean concentration of 7.2 ng/g lipids and 5.89 ng/g lipids respectively. Large differences in levels of p,p'-DDE between regions were observed with the Urban 3 and industrial sites having the highest concentrations of 645 ng/g lipids and 417 ng/g lipids, respectively; beta-HCH was found to be highest in the Rural 1 site; the gamma-HCH in Rural 1 and industrial; the HCB in the Rural 1 and industrial sites and oxy-chlordane and t-NC in the Rural 2 sites. An association between levels of some contaminants and maternal age and parity was also found. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.University of Tromso, NorwayUniversity of Aarhus, DenmarkArctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP), Oslo, NorwayNordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen, DenmarkBrazilian Federal Agency for Graduate Studies (CAPES, Ministry of Education

    Reversal of diabetic-induced myopathy by swimming exercise in pregnant rats:a translational intervention study

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    Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) plus rectus abdominis muscle (RAM) myopathy predicts long-term urinary incontinence (UI). Atrophic and stiff RAM are characteristics of diabetes-induced myopathy (DiM) in pregnant rats. This study aimed to determine whether swimming exercise (SE) has a therapeutic effect in mild hyperglycemic pregnant rats model. We hypothesized that SE training might help to reverse RAM DiM. Mild hyperglycemic pregnant rats model was obtained by a unique subcutaneous injection of 100 mg/kg streptozotocin (diabetic group) or citrate buffer (non-diabetic group) on the first day of life in Wistar female newborns. At 90 days of life, the rats are mated and randomly allocated to remain sedentary or subjected to a SE protocol. The SE protocol started at gestational day 0 and consisted of 60 min/day for 6 days/week in a period of 20 days in a swim tunnel. On day 21, rats were sacrificed, and RAM was collected and studied by picrosirius red, immunohistochemistry, and transmission electron microscopy. The SE protocol increased the fiber area and diameter, and the slow-twitch and fast-twitch fiber area and diameter in the diabetic exercised group, a finding was also seen in control sedentary animals. There was a decreased type I collagen but not type III collagen area and showed a similar type I/type III ratio compared with the control sedentary group. In conclusion, SE during pregnancy reversed the RAM DiM in pregnant rats. These findings may be a potential protocol to consider in patients with RAM damage caused by GDM

    A multidisciplinary program of preparation for childbirth and motherhood: maternal anxiety and perinatal outcomes

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    Background: To study maternal anxiety and perinatal outcomes in pregnant women submitted to a Multidisciplinary Program for Childbirth and Motherhood Preparation (MPCM).Methods: This is a not randomized controlled trial on 67 nulliparous pregnant women divided into two groups according to participation (MPCM Group; n = 38) or not (Control Group; n = 29) in MPCM. the program consisted of 10 meetings (between the 18th and the 38th gestational week) during which educational, physiotherapeutic and interaction activities were developed. Anxiety was quantified at the beginning and at the end of the gestational period by the Trace-State Anxiety Inventory (STAI).Results: Initial maternal anxiety was equivalent between the groups. At the end of the gestational period, it was observed that anxiety levels increased in the Control Group and were maintained in the MPCM Group. A higher occurrence of vaginal deliveries (83.8%) and hospital discharge of three-day-older newborns (81.6%) as a result of MPCM was also significant. Levels of state-anxiety at the end of pregnancy showed a negative correlation with vaginal delivery, gestational age, birth weight and Apgar index at the first minute and positive correlation with the hospital period remaining of the newborns.Conclusion: in the study conditions, MPCM was associated with lower levels of maternal anxiety, a larger number of vaginal deliveries and shorter hospitalization time of newborns. It was not related to adverse perinatal outcomes.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Univ Estadual Paulista, Botucatu Sch Med, Dept Neurol Psychol & Psychiat, Botucatu, SP, BrazilUniv Estadual Paulista, Botucatu Sch Med, Dept Gynecol & Obstet, Botucatu, SP, BrazilUniv Sagrado Coracao, Dept Hlth Sci, Physiotherapy Sch, Bauru, BrazilSão Paulo Fed Univ Unifesp, Dept Hlth Sci, Phys Therapy Program, Santos, BrazilSão Paulo Fed Univ Unifesp, Dept Hlth Sci, Phys Therapy Program, Santos, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Effects of exposure to cigarette smoke prior to pregnancy in diabetic rats

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of cigarette smoke exposure before pregnancy on diabetic rats and their offspring development.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Diabetes was induced by streptozotocin and cigarette smoke exposure was conducted by mainstream smoke generated by a mechanical smoking device and delivered into a chamber. Diabetic female Wistar rats were randomly distributed in four experimental groups (n minimum = 13/group): nondiabetic (ND) and diabetic rats exposed to filtered air (D), diabetic rats exposed to cigarette smoke prior to and into the pregnancy period (DS) and diabetic rats exposed to cigarette smoke prior to pregnancy period (DSPP). At day 21 of pregnancy, rats were killed for maternal biochemical determination and reproductive outcomes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The association of diabetes and cigarette smoke in DSPP group caused altered glycemia at term, reduced number of implantation and live fetuses, decreased litter and maternal weight, increased pre and postimplantation loss rates, reduced triglyceride and VLDL-c concentrations, increased levels of thiol groups and MDA. Besides, these dams presented increased SOD and GSH-Px activities. However, the increased antioxidant status was not sufficient to prevent the lipid peroxidation observed in these animals.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Despite the benefits stemming from smoking interruption during the pregnancy of diabetic rats, such improvement was insufficient to avoid metabolic alterations and provide an adequate intrauterine environment for embryofetal development. Therefore, these results suggest that it is necessary to cease smoking extensive time before planning pregnancy, since stopping smoking only when pregnancy is detected may not contribute effectively to fully adequate embryofetal development.</p

    Preditores Clínicos e Histopatológicos de Tumor Trofoblástico Gestacional pós-Mola Hidatiforme Completa Clinical and Histopathological Predictors of Gestational Trophoblastic Tumor +after Complete Hydatidiform Mole

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    Objetivo: definir os preditores clínicos e histopatológicos mais eficientes da evolução da mola hidatiforme completa (MHC) para tumor trofoblástico gestacional (TTG). Métodos: estudo prospectivo clínico e histopatológico de todas as portadoras de MHC, atendidas entre 1990 e 1998 no Hospital das Clínicas de Botucatu -- UNESP. A avaliação clínica pré-esvaziamento molar classificou a gravidez molar em: MHC de alto risco e MHC de baixo risco. Foram analisados os preditores clínicos para TTG, estabelecidos por Goldstein et al.¹ e por outros autores2--10. A avaliação histopatológica incluiu a determinação do diagnóstico de MHC, segundo os critérios de Szulman e Surti11, e o reconhecimento dos fatores de risco para TTG, de Ayhan et al.8. Os preditores clínicos e histopatológicos foram correlacionados com o desenvolvimento de TTG pós-molar. Resultados: em 65 portadoras de MHC, cistos do ovário maiores que 6 cm e tamanho uterino maior que 16 cm foram os preditores clínicos mais eficientes de TTG. A proliferação trofoblástica, a atipia nuclear, a necrose/hemorragia, a maturação trofoblástica e a relação cito/sinciciotrofoblasto não foram preditores significativos para TTG. A correlação entre preditor clínico e histopatológico para o desenvolvimento de TTG não foi possível porque nenhum parâmetro histopatológico foi significativo. Conclusões: mais estudos são necessários para avaliar possíveis preditores de persistência (TTG) e sua aplicação no contexto clínico das MHC. Enquanto isso, a determinação seriada de hCG sérico permanece o único indicador prognóstico seguro para TTG pós-MHC.<br>Purpose: to determine the most efficient clinical and histopathological predictors of complete hydatidiform mole (CHM) after gestational trophoblastic tumors (GTT). Methods: a prospective clinical and histopathological study was performed on all patients with CHM treated at the University Hospital of Botucatu between 1990 and 1998. Preevacuation clinical evaluation allowed the classification of molar pregnancy into high risk and low risk CHM. The author analyzed the clinical predictors of GTT established by Goldstein et al.¹ and by other authors2--10. The histopathological evaluation included the confirmation of CHM diagnosis based on the criteria by Szulman and Surti11 and the understanding of risk factors for GTT by Ayhan et al.8. The clinical and histopathological predictors were correlated with the postmolar GTT. Results: ovarian cysts larger than 6 cm and uterus size larger than 16 cm were the most efficient clinical predictors of GTT in 65 patients with CHM. Trophoblastic proliferation, nuclear atypia, necrosis/hemorrhage, trophoblastic maturation, and the ratio cytotrophoblast to syncytiotrophoblast were not significant predictors of GTT. The correlation between the clinical and histopathological predictors for the development of GTT was not possible, as no histopathological parameter was significant. Conclusion: additional investigations could evaluate other predictors for persistent disease, and its usefulness in a clinical context. The sequential determination of plasmatic beta-hCG remains the only safe predictor for persistent disease