354 research outputs found

    The effect of fructose and maltodextrin vs glucose and maltodextrin formulated sports beverages on mountain-bike race performance : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Sport and Exercise Science at Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand

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    Background: Exogenous carbohydrate improves performance during prolonged high-intensity exercise. When ingested together, fructose and glucose polymers are oxidised at rates 1.5-1.7 higher than isocaloric glucose solutions. As fructose and glucose are transported across the intestine via different mechanisms, the capacity for exogenous-carbohydrate absorption is greater with composite carbohydrate mixtures. Therefore, since the effect of ingesting multi-transportable carbohydrate on field-based performance has to our knowledge not been investigated, we examined their effect on mountain bike race performance. Finishing time was expected to be substantially reduced when multi-transportable carbohydrates were ingested. Method: Ten; male (7) and female (3), mountain bikers aged 32.9 ± 8.7 years, weighing 68.8 ± 9.4 kg and training for at least 8 hours per week and racing regularly participated in a double-blind crossover study. Following a standardised training and diet regimen cyclists completed two Olympic-distance (target winning time of 2h 15m), cross-country mountain bike races during which they ingested either a 11.25% maltodextrin and fructose solution (MF) or an isocaloric, equi-volumetric, isosmotic control solution containing maltodextrin and glucose (MG). Performance times, ratings of perceived exertion, gastrointestinal discomfort and measurements of hydration status were recorded and compared. Data was analysed using appropriate mixed models in SAS. Results: Cyclists were 1.8% (2mins 31s) faster in MF compared to MG (90% confidence interval:±1.8%; 72% likelihood of a substantial benefit) The effect solution composition on the increase in time from the first the final lap (fatigue) was 9.7% (±2.8%) in MF and 10.7% (±2.8%) in MG; which corresponded to a 0.9% reduction (±3.5%; unclear) in the fatigue in MF. Abdominal cramps were reduced by 8.1% in MF relative to MG (±6.6%; likely benefit) and for every 1% change in abdominal cramp rating, lap time increased by 0.14% (±0.10%). There were no clear effects of MF on ratings of perceived exertion and hydration status compared with MG. Conclusion: Cross-country mountain bike race performance was substantially enhanced following ingestion of a maltodextrin and fructose solution. This outcome was related to reduced gastro-intestinal distress supporting the theory that solutions containing multiple-transportable carbohydrates increase the availability of carbohydrate for metabolism. Further investigation with a larger sample size is recommended to establish whether the performance effect is genuinely beneficial or trivial

    Hydrated Double Carbonates - A Raman and Infrared Spectroscopic Study

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    The Raman spectra of selected double carbonates including pirssonite, gaylussite, shortite and quintinite complemented with infrared spectra have been used to characterise the structure of these carbonate minerals. By using a Libowitzky type function hydrogen bond distances for these minerals of 2.669 to 2.766 Å are estimated. The variation in the hydrogen bond distances contributed to the stability of the mineral. The Raman spectrum of pirssonite shows a single band at 1080 cm-1 attributed to the (CO3)2- symmetric stretching mode, in contrast to shortite and quintinite where two bands are observed. Multiple bands are observed for the antisymmetric stretching and bending region for these minerals proving that the carbonate unit is distorted in the structure of pirssonite and gaylussite

    POD Network News: Newsletter August 1988

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    Publications Available And with regard to publications Where are they now? Where would they like to be now? Conferences of Interest Calls for Papers And now to brighten your da

    Aspects of the Social and Spatial Experience of Eastern Box Turtles, Terrapene carolina carolina

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    An investigation of the ways in which eastern box turtles experience their social and spatial environment was conducted using an ethological approach in combination with a phenomenological orientation. The primary question of what the turtles experienced was addressed by determining what they could discriminate. Discrimination between other individuals and between areas of space was investigated. The inquiry was extended to investigate the quality of this experience by assessing the functional significance of the cues and behavior patterns involved in such discriminations. The approach was to observe behavior in relation to its context in a combination of naturalistic, seminaturalistic, and laboratory settings. Discrimination of spatial areas was studied in the field by repeatedly locating turtles through the use of telemetry. Most turtles were found to use only prescribed areas within the larger area of suitable habitat. Difficulties in unobtrusively observing the turtles in the field made it impossible to assess directly the basis of this discrimination

    Creating Carrot Gold Classroom Activities on a Dollar Tree Budget

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    Presenter will Provide

    Becoming a Goddess: Jane Drew and the Celtic Divine Feminine in Susan Cooper\u27s THE DARK IS RISING Series

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    Critical Essay

    The Plights of Teddies and Chirpers

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    Novel Chapter

    The Community of Mullinville, Kansas (1870-1900)

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    In this thesis I have attempted to preserve the heritage of the pioneers for the coming generations of the Mullinville Community . I have closed the main body of the thesis with the year 1900 because I feel that the last forty years are too close to the present to be discussed without prejudice and that the lives of my own family have been too closely connected with the history of the community for me to take an unbiased attitude. I trust that sometime later someone will pick up this history where I have left off and add more to the record of this heritage

    How the value stocks behave in the responsible portfolios?

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    In the existing financial literature, the value investing style has been confessed as one of the investment styles to gain risk-adjusted returns. The aim of value investors has been to seek stocks that the market keeps undervalued in relation to their fundamental values. To evaluate firms’ undervaluation the most useful measures for the investors have been the market-based fundamental ratios in which the firm’s market value has proportioned against the variables such as earnings, book value, and cash flows. However, even though the financial researchers have agreed with the higher returns of value stocks, the reasons behind them have been more un- known. Primarily, the explanations have been searched from the assumptions of modern finance theory and behavioral finance theory. Anyway, the accelerating climate change and prevailing Covid-19 pandemic have increased in- vestors’ concerns of the risks that could harm the society and environment. Therefore, besides the optimal risk-return relationship the investors have started to emphasize irrational factors such as personal values and preferences in their investment behavior. Thus, nowadays even more investors have incorporated environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues to their investment decision process at the risk of leaving behind the average market return which the modern portfolio theory has suggested. However, the purpose of this paper has been to investigate how the returns of value stocks behave in the responsible portfolios. So far, this topic has been somewhat new amongst the financial researchers which is why its financial literature has remained restricted. Also, the re- sults that have already been obtained have varied from each other because of their different methods and approaches. Nevertheless, the results that have been gained in this paper by con- structing the ESG integrated value portfolios from the OMXH companies have pointed out that this blended investment strategy has not been as profitable as pure value and ESG investing strategies between the years 2015-2019. Also, the alphas of the ESG integrated value portfolios have been mostly negative which indicates that they have underperformed the market on aver- age. However, the doubts are that the outcome has been mainly affected by the diminished effect of value premium after the 21st century and by the current macroeconomic situation.Olemassa olevassa rahoituskirjallisuudessa rahoitustieteilijät ovat olleet jokseenkin yksimielisiä arvosijoittamiseen liittyvistä ylituotoista. Arvosijoittamisella viitataan sijoittajan pyrkimykseen etsiä markkinoilta osakkeita, joiden markkina-arvoa pidetään alihinnoiteltuna suhteessa niiden fundamenttiarvoon. Hyödyllisimpinä tunnuslukuina aliarvostuksen havaitsemiseksi on sijoitta- jien keskuudessa toimineet markkinapohjaiset tunnusluvut, joissa yrityksen markkina-arvo suh- teutetaan muuttujiin, kuten tuottoihin, kirja-arvoon tai kassavirtoihin. Vaikka rahoitustieteilijät näkevät arvosijoittamisen keinona ansaita riskikorjattuja tuottoja ovat syyt tuottojen takana jää- neet arvoitukseksi. Pääosin tutkimukset ovat selittäneet korkeampia tuottoja moderniin rahoi- tusteoriaan ja behavioristiseen rahoitusteoriaan liitetyillä oletuksilla. Jatkuvasti kiihtyvä ilmastonmuutos ja vallitseva Covid-19 pandemia ovat viime vuosina lisänneet sijoittajien huolta yhteiskuntaan ja ympäristöön kohdistuvista riskeistä. Sen takia, sijoittajat ovat alkaneet etenevissä määrin painottamaan sijoituskäyttäytymisessään epärationaalisia piirteitä, kuten arvoja ja mieltymyksiä optimaalisen tuoton ja riskin välisen yhteyden tavoittelun sijaan. Siten, nykypäivänä yhä useampi sijoittaja ottaa huomioon yrityksen ympäristö-, yhteiskunta- ja hallintotapavastuun (ESG) periaatteet tehdessään sijoituspäätöksiä silläkin uhalla, että heidän tuottonsa jäävät alle markkinoiden keskimääräisen tuoton. Tätä väitettä tukee moderni portfo- lioteoria, joka uskoo, että vastuullisen sijoittamiseen liitetyt huonommat tuotot ovat seurausta epäoptimaalisesta hajauttamisesta, jota puolestaan heikentää sijoituskohteiden rajallisuus. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää miten arvo-osakkeiden tuotot käyttäytyvät, kun sijoituskohteita suodatetaan arvofaktoreiden lisäksi ESG-faktoreilla. Rahoitustieteilijöiden kes- kuudessa tämä strategia on ollut varsin uusi, jonka haittapuolena voidaan kuitenkin pitää tutki- musten vähäisyyttä, erilaisia lähestymistapoja ja tulosten poikkeavuutta. Siitä huolimatta tulok- set, jotka on saavutettu tässä tutkimuksessa rakentamalla ESG integroidut arvoportfoliot OMXH yhtiöistä, tukevat väitettä, että tämä yhdistelmästrategia ei ole ollut yhtä tuottoisa kuin yksittäi- set arvo- ja ESG-strategiat vuosina 2015–2019. Sen lisäksi, tulokset osoittavat, että strategiaan liitetyt keskimääräiset vuosituotot ovat jääneet markkinoiden keskimääräisiä tuottoja alhaisem- miksi tutkitulla aikavälillä. Tämän tutkielman pääasiallinen uskomus kuitenkin on, että strategian huonoa menestystä kyseisinä vuosina ovat ajaneet arvopreemion 2000-luvun jälkeinen heikke- neminen sekä vallitseva makrotaloudellinen tilanne

    Assessment of personality and vocational interests: redundant versus complementary

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    The value to vocational counselors of using a broad perspective in assessing personality was examined. The overlap between two models of personality was explored. The first model was Holland\u27s (1985a) vocational personality approach, most commonly assessed in terms of vocational interests. The second model was the Big Five factor approach (Digman, 1990), which purports to be a comprehensive model of personality. Particular attention was paid to the Neuroticism factor\u27s role in the overlap between the models and its relationship to issues that come up in vocational counseling. Data were collected from 286 female and 204 male college students, using the 1994 Strong Interest Inventory (Harmon, Hansen, Borgen, & Hammer, 1994) and the Adjective Check List (Gough & Heilbrun, 1983) marker scales developed by John (1990). The psychometrics of John\u27s ACL marker scales for the Big Five factors were examined and it was concluded that the marker scales were an adequate but not optimum measure of the factors. Canonical correlation analysis of the data found the overlap of the two models involved four independent sources of covariation in female participants and three in males. However, the redundancy indices showed that each of the models accounted for less than 10% of the variation in the other model. The Neuroticism factor did not enter into the overlap between the models in the female sample but did in the males. Multiple regression analyses were used to test hypotheses about how the five factors should predict the Holland vocational personality themes. Limited support was found for predicting each of the Holland themes with more than one of the five factors. Prediction improved slightly when the clarity of vocational personalities was controlled. The simple correlations were not significant between the Neuroticism factor and inconsistency or differentiation ofvocational personality. Only the Neuroticism scale\u27s correlation with dissatisfaction with females\u27 college majors was significant. It was concluded that assessment of both vocational interests and personality factors such as neuroticism can deepen the understanding of vocational counselors and their clients. It was also recommended that further research focus on the gender differences in the links between personality and vocational interests